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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=2445
Character Secrets:

"human", delinquent & public adversary

Skill Skill Level Skill Tree Proficiency
Appraisal 5/100 Perception Novice
Bookbinding 5/100 Mercantilism Novice
Deception 25/100 Charisma Apprentice
Detection 15/100 Perception Novice
Drawing 15/100 Artistry Novice
Forgery 25/100 Craft Apprentice
Gambling 10/100 Perception Novice
Law 10/100 Intelligence Novice
Pickpocketing 10/100 Dexterity Novice
Printmaking 5/100 Mercantilism Novice
Spycraft 10/100 Intellligence Novice
Stealth 25/100 Dexterity Apprentice
Unarmed Combat 15/100 Combat Novice

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Last edited by Keres on Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:23 pm, edited 45 times in total. word count: 173
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=2445
Character Secrets:

"human", delinquent & public adversary

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Keres, or "Krowe" as he more well known by, is a self proclaimed mutt of unknown origin, although he knows his mother to be Fae'ethalan. Of his father, he is begrudgingly ignorant, unable to decipher the truth from lies, hidden within the few scraps of information his mother has released. He claims to hate her nonetheless, and would rather use his neutral appearance to his boon, pretending to be fully human in exchange of distancing himself further from her. It suits him well enough, allowing him to blend into prejudiced society, and he has lived largely as a street rat for portions of his youth. Neglected on and off throughout his life, he embraces a life of crime and skullduggery, scraping by in whatever means he can.

By the age of five, Keres was identified as being more perceptive than other children. He noticed small details around him, and tried to replicate them in little drawings here and there. In his childhood, he enjoyed riddles and games of chance. His mother, not an overly maternal woman by nature, had a parenting style that focused largely on independence, often showing Keres once or twice before he was expected to understand whatever he had asked her in the first place. She did not like repeating herself, and had a mercurial temper that could be roused with very little reason. Either as a result, or in spite of this, Keres took these lessons and liked to try and prove himself by challenging his mother to games. First they were riddles. Then, she taught him cards and how to count for quick rounds of dice. And in his childhood bravado, he always accepted when she baited him into putting his favorite things on the line.

Toys, mostly, but more often than naught, he offered her small trinkets. A cool rock, a coin he found on the side of the road, a pan of crusted watercolors, a favorite button. Sometimes she would sneer, or mock the suggestion, but Keres learned that she liked money best. It didn't really matter, though. No matter what he offered, she always accepted.

And she always won.

If she was in a good mood, she would ignore his wager. If she was in a very good mood, she might grant rare praise, but if she had a couple glasses of wine and the stars aligned, she would pull him close and kiss his face, whispering secrets into his ear, tucking him into bed as the young boy drifted off into Nod. She was cruel and beautiful, dismissive and observant. She raised him boldly, without apprehensions to his age and in turn, he sought her approval with desperation. His mother was, and continues to be, a complete mystery to Keres.

He does not know what she does, but when she comes around, it's always with an air of secrecy. Sometimes brimming with wealth and finery, other times with grievous wounds and thorns in her hair. Always at night, and never without motive. Most of Keres' childhood, despite having a mother, was spent alone and surviving by his own means. She would make an appearance, sometimes dropping off a bit of coin for him to ration, or a new gift, and then be gone again for seasons on end. And when the money dried up, he was left to care for the estate in her absence, taking to streets to provide for himself.

This barrier of unknown between them, her inability or unwillingness to open up and provide affection, eventually seeded a resentment in his heart. He vows a hate for his mother, but the validity of that proclamation is unknown.

Last edited by Keres on Wed May 24, 2023 6:05 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 712
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=2445
Character Secrets:

knowledge & common sense



Appraisal (5)
Famous Imperial Artists (SP)
Identifying Art Movements (SP)
Identifying Stationery (SP)
Identifying Paper Weight and Type (SP)
How to Identify the Typewriter Used for Printed Documentation (22')

Business Management (1)
Use Creativity to Locate Inexpensive Suppliers

Deception (3)
Acquiring Copies of City Permits (SP)
Acquiring Copies of Legal Stationery (SP)
Flattery Helps Relax A Nervous Target

Drawing (4)
Use Simple Shapes to Break Down Complex Forms (SP)
Always Keep Your Sketchbook Handy (SP)
Cold Press Paper is Better Suited for Wet Medium(s)
Your Subject is Just as Important as Skill


Forgery (11)
How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Forgery
The 3 Types of Forged Signatures: Simple Spurious, Freehand, & Tracing
Commonly Forged Documents Within the Imperium
Office of Imperial Revenue Signatures
How to Replicate Cold Press Paper
How Different Paper Types Can React to Ink
How to Age Documentation
Steps to Duplicating a Signature (22')
The 16 Types of Construction Permits (22')
Information Found on Imperial Aviation Permits (22')
Common Pitfalls of Forged Documentation & How to Avoid Doing Them (22')


Law (5)
The Imperial Penalty for Forging and Falsifying Documents
Imperial Export Permits
Imperial Import Permits
Imperial Tax Exemption Permit
Current Imperial Bureaucrats of Grandal City Hall




Unarmed Combat: Boxing (3)
Boxer's Stance (CS)
Jab - Turn your Shoulder Down as if Pouring Out a Pitcher of Water (CS)
Jab - Fully Extend your Front Arm (CS)

Last edited by Keres on Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:21 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 327
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
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Character Secrets:

abilities & such

To be added later.

word count: 60
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=2445
Character Secrets:

Personal Possessions

Starting Gear
1 Set of Clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils
Flint & Steel

Item | Total
+500gp (SP) | 500
+1000gp (Website Update 6/16/22) | 1500gp
+3000gp (Ransera Birthday 2022) | 4500gp

1 basic 20x20 single room safe house

Last edited by Keres on Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 109
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=2445
Character Secrets:


Ransera Birthday 2022 | CNPC Gift: 30 XP

Last edited by Keres on Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:20 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 62
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1753
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?t=2445
Character Secrets:

the story so far

Paper Cut | 20 Searing 122 | Reviewed
Count Me In | 28 Searing 122 | In-Progress
[Redacted] | 32 Searing 122 | Placeholder
Devil in the Details | Searing 122 | In-Progress
Please Give Generously | 84 Searing 122 | Reviewed
Last But Not Least | Searing 122 | Placeholder
Hesitations | ? 122 | In-Progress

word count: 103
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