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Idahlia's Plots

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 10:09 am
by Idalia
human, charm school instructor & socialite

Starting Package - 100xp, 8 lores (SP)
Etiquette (25)
Instrument: Piano (25)
Seduction (25)
Teaching (25)

Website Update 6/16/22 - 50xp, 10 lores (WU)
Cosmetology (15)
Dancing (10)
Politics (10)
Riding (15)

New Player Redemption 2021 - 30xp, 30CNPC xp, 5 lores, 3k gold (22)
Business (10)
Detection (10)
Deception (10)
CNPC - Oliver Rosewood
Navigation (15)
Unarmed Combat (15)

Re: Idahlia's Plots

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:55 am
by Idalia

To be hired eventually:

Raiya Shuvasi
Location Link: House of Vanity
Profession: (What were they hired to be?)
Base Wage: (Base Wage should also be appropriate to skill and profession of the NPC, but must be at or below the Primary Skill Base Wage of the Business Owner )
NPC Skill Level: (The NPC Skill Level is the same as their highest level skill)
Skill Breakout: (Up to 5 skills can be placed here. It is assumed the skills can be used effectively up to the NPC Skill Level unless other skill levels are assigned)

Description: Raiya Shuvasi was chosen as a business partner for a few reasons. As a woman, and therefore considered by Oliver Rosewood to be less likely to draw Idalia Rosewood's wandering eye, Mrs. Shuvasi is a private and trusted confidant of the family. She has been friends with Idalia for years now, and is a shrewd accountant and skilled in the management of large invetments.