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Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:03 pm
by Aegis

Captain Kynne did not look down from his place on the upper deck of the Duck as the Door opened. He knew some would be arriving, but he had his eyes cast eastward as the Duck sailed quickly with the winds at her back. The Deck was busy and bustling with crew members, performing all the standard duties upon a ship such as this. There were courteous welcomes dispensed, offers of help given, and the occasional complete ignoring of the new arrivals. It was a busy ship, and its crew was varied.

Every person who came through the door would, eventually, find that the Duck had a room waiting for them. These rooms were about the size of a normal single room apartment, and the design within them would be found to match each individual's personal aesthetic on such matters. And they all had a window view of the ocean, and a trunk with their full name upon it for storing their possessions.

The Duck herself was a living maze. She grew and shrunk based on the needs and occupancy of her various areas. People who wished for their bunks to be near to each other would find themselves as neighbors, whereas the opposite would find them moved quite far apart. There were a series of stairwells that would take one from the decks above, to the crew quarters, kitchens, tavern, library, baths, forest, or the lower decks, which were primarily storage. And for those that discovered it, one could use any individual doorway to get to any other door, with just a focused thought.

The Captain, who had been so talkative before, was unusually quiet and reserved when approached now. He was focused, and the majority of information he would give was that they would be arriving at their destination "Soon." The new arrivals were not assigned any duties, but if they wished to learn or to help, they were taught and given a place. But nothing was expected of them.

And on Ash the 25th, a whistle called out from the crow's nest. Land had been sighted. They had arrived. As they drew closer, the entirety of the crew appeared to come up to the deck, a couple hundred people, elongating the ship to dizzying proportions. Huge, rocky cliffs edged the land mass they approached, towering ten times higher than the mainmast. As they drew closer, the spotters and navigators communicated through a series of whistles, to allow for the avoidance of shoals, coral, rocks and the like.

Eventually, the Duck came around a cliff and found herself entering a large, horseshoe shaped bay. The two branches of the horseshoe sloped down to meet in a sandy beach, protected by the cliffs. A ways off from the beach, a tree line, palms and mangroves according to the spotters. The waters were deep, crystal clear, showing off a wide variety of brightly colored fish, plant life and coral below. The Duck entered the bay and dropped anchor. Captain Kynne walked down to the main deck, and over to the rail, calling to the newcomers that had come through the Doors earlier in the season.

"We have arrived."

He was smirking slightly, for he knew that meant different things to each person here.

"Well, let's get on with it."

Suddenly everyone could see objects appear on the distant beach, still a few hundred yards away.

"The Duck has delivered your trunks to the beach."

He turned to look at the group and winked. And everyone would find themselves in the exact same position they were in during said wink. Only now, they were ten yards closer to the beach and no longer upon the deck of the Duck. And gravity was taking hold, some twenty feet over the waters of the bay. Captain Kynne was among the group, shouting to the ship as they all began to fall. "See you in a year!"

And with that, the Duck picked up anchor, and began to leave.

On Ash the 1st, all PCs that responded to the Door presented by the Duck during Searing 122nd will find the Door presented once more. It will remain until midnight if not acted upon. If opened by the PC, it will reveal the deck of the Duck. Once the door is closed, it will not reappear to the PC again, regardless of which side of it they are on.

From Ash 1st to Ash 25th, the PCs may explore and freely thread however they wish while aboard the Duck. Anyone may leave if they wish, but they must do so by their own means. On the 25th, the Duck arrives at the horseshoe shaped bay. There will be an unmoderated open thread, but it is optional. Only the signed up PCs, the NPCs they bring, and Captain Kynne will be involved.

I will state that this will not be a heavily moderated scenario. I will likely perform very little hands on, IC moderation, if any. The direction of this will be dictated entirely by the actions of the PCs. That said, it should be noted that every thread that is completed and reviewed should be submitted into the Tracker, and for every thread completed, something about the area the PCs have arrived in will change.

PCs that did not join in the initial round can join after Ash 25th. However, they do not speak with Captain Kynne, get no explanation from him of what is going on, no time to prepare. They simply receive a Door that drops them over the water where the initial PCs arrived.

(To be added to as people ask questions)

The weather is extremely consistent here through this season. It is warm, mid 70s (Fahrenheit), with light breezes and sunny.

Registry Template

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race, Age, Sex/Gender:[/b] Character's Race, Age, Sex/Gender
[b]Link to Arrival:[/b] Include a link to the thread in which you arrived upon the Duck or at the bay.
[b]Why here?:[/b] Why did your PC decide to come?
[b]PC's Thus Far:[/b] Provide a brief summary of your PC as pertains to the current season change. What are they involved in, what are they doing, what state of mind are they in?
[b]Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer)[/b] What is the favorite flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water of your PC? And of you, the writer?

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:45 am
by Norani
Name: Norani
Race, Age, Sex/Gender:
Link to Arrival: A New Adventure, Together
Why here?: Because Norani stands by Yeva and Yeva must help those in need.
PC's Thus Far: Norani is currently on her Ochuv'nai, traveling to discover herself. She's still hurting from the pain of learning her family lied to her about a friend taken by the Unknown.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) Norani has never had soda or sparkling water, but I would imagine something very sweet and fruity. Personally, I like strawberry and strawberry kiwi best.

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:12 am
by Carina
Name: Carina
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Human, 21, Female
Link to Arrival: forget-me-not
Why here?: Had nothing else going on!
PC's Thus Far: Trying not to let the fact that she has been displaced from home and family and coven for a season now bother her. Or at least, let it show that it's bothering her.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) Vernor's ginger ale for the writer. I bet Carina drinks plain carbonated water. Maybe with grapefruit flavoring.

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:15 pm
by Yeva

Name: Yeva
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Hytori, 20s, Female
Link to Arrival: To be written.
Why here?: Yeva's path in life is to help and guide others. She felt the suffering of the Duck and wished to help Kynne and the crew despite her misgivings.
PC's Thus Far: Yeva has been in Ecith for awhile, long enough to become fluent in the Ork language. She has taken a path to discover more about herself and her faith. She is changing, growing more confident and self assured as a woman each and every day. She's here with her best friend, Norani, aiding her friend traverse a complicated series of emotions and heartbreak.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) Yeva misses and longs for a Zaicherita and spicy whiskey, nevermind soda. I'm not much of a drinker of either, but I like a classic Coke or Pepsi. If I'm feeling crazy, a good ol' Big Red.

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 7:13 pm
by Imogen
Name: Imogen Ward
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Orkhan, 25, F
Link to Arrival: forget-me-not
Why here?: She was asked to come.
PC's Thus Far: Imogen had just left Ecith and returned to Karnor, finding that her home of twenty years was destroyed, and has been trying to track down friends and family since.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) For me, orange cream soda. Imogen would prefer a birch beer.

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 7:42 pm
by Destyn
Name: Destynrael
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Fae'ethalan, 21, Male
Link to Arrival:
Why here?: Kinship with the Duck and a sense of purpose.
PC's Thus Far: Destyn is hopeful about finding new purpose and new connection with the natural world away from 'Civilisation'. He has a lifeline back to his friends in Kalzasi in the form of an Amulet of Wandering, but is prepared to invest himself in the mission and meet new people and other lifeforms.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) PC: Just crisp water from springs. Not carbonated- natural bubbles only please. Writer: Magnus (Medium Spritz)

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:29 am
by Kaiko Marina


Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Rathari,17,female

Link to Arrival:viewtopic.php?t=3653

Why here?: the opportunity to get a great story and maybe a song first hand. Also meet interesting people.

PC's Thus Far: only news is her uncle's death and excitement about the voyage 

Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) Kaiko's not picky but her favorite Soda would be root beer. My favorite would be ginger ale

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:50 pm
by Aardwalden
Name: Aardwalden
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Stoneborn Gnome, 551 Years Old, Male
Link to Arrival: He Who Walks the Ocean Floor
Why here?: Gnomish curiosity. A magic door appeared to him, and he knows he would obsess if he missed the opportunity to traverse its bounds.
PC's Thus Far: Aardwalden is a few weeks into his Runeforging business opening within the Solunarium. He's fairly content and proud to have such hardworking students operating his store, even to the point he's confident they could handle basic commissions without him. He's a bit mentally exhausted and sometimes cold due to age, but his curiosity is going to get the better of him generally.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) Rootbeer for myself. As for Aardwalden, uhh, if he had taste buds he'd probably be a Mountain Dew kinda guy.

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:02 am
by Avamande
Name: Avamande
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Hytori, 24, nonbinary
Link to Arrival: All the Wrong Places
Why here?: A burning desire to figure out what this ship is.
PC's Thus Far: With the war against Zaichaer ended, or at least on pause, they find themselves free of the state of constant work and anxiety that had plagued them for nearly a year.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) Avamande prefers fresh spring water, I'm a filthy heathen who cannot survive a day without Dr. Pepper

Re: Expedition of the Duck Registry and Overview

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 5:01 pm
by Kayleigh
Name: Kayleigh
Race, Age, Sex/Gender: Human, 25, Female
Link to Arrival: To be written...
Why here?: She is a seeker of knowledge, so, why not?
PC's Thus Far: Kay is apparently going the nomadic seeker route, going from refugee in the Imperium to exploring her own path.
Favorite Flavor of Soda or Sparkling Water (PC and Writer) I quite soda but the good ol Dr. Pepper was the choice of the day for me. Kay has no idea what either of those are, but I get the feeling she'd like strawberry or even kiwi flavors.