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Wage / Job(s) and Companion NPC XP Requests

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:06 pm
by Paragon

Herein players can submit their requests to receive wages for the completion or partial completion of prerequisite job threads for the appropriate season. Please bear the following things in mind when requesting for wages:
  • Wages are only awarded seasonally. You will be granted wages for the season prior to the current one in which you were actively playing.
  • If you did not complete the required amount of job threads to receive full wages, you will receive partial wages.
  • If you completed no job related threads, you will receive no wages.
  • If you were not active during the whole season of play, you do not have to deduct living expenses.
Players may also utilize this space to request the assignment of their chosen profession. Please provide the following information when making job requests:
  • Profession Title: (This should be taken from the Profession Tab on the Price List)
  • Base Wage: (Please bear in mind the wage ranges listed on the Price List. Request your base wage here.)
  • Primary Profession Skill: (i.e. smithing, business, necromancy, etc.)
  • Level of Mastery: (i.e. Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, etc.)
  • Location of Employment: (Where is your character going to physically work?)
  • Contributing Factors: (What are some explanations or justifications for requesting the amount that you are listing?)

Code: Select all

[list][*] [b]Profession Title:[/b] (This should be taken from the Profession Tab on the Price List.)
[*][b]Base Wage:[/b] (Please bear in mind the wage ranges listed on the Price List. Request your base wage here.)
[*] [b]Primary Profession Skill:[/b] (i.e. smithing, business, necromancy, etc.)
[*] [b]Level of Mastery:[/b] (i.e. Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, etc.)
[*] [b]Location of Employment:[/b] (Where is your character going to physically work?)
[*] [b]Contributing Factors:[/b] (What are some explanations or justifications for requesting the amount that you are listing?)[/list]
Please be advised of the following information pertaining to Job Threads.

Non-Business Owner Job Threads
Players with only a single skill contributing to their wage earning are required to complete 2 Job Threads per season in order to be awarded full wages for that season. Completion of only 1 Job Thread will result in half-wages being awarded.

Multiple Professions and Job Threads
Just as in real life, it is possible to work more than one profession in Ransera. However, players are limited in working only 2 professions at any given time outside of becoming a business owner. The addition of a secondary profession does not receive multipliers to their wages. Only the primary profession receives multipliers. The total job threads required to sustain 2 professions is 2. At least one of which must be devoted to the secondary profession.

Business Owner Job Threads
Players who own and operate a business must complete a minimum of 3 Job Thread per season in order to be awarded full wages. Completion of less than that will see wages awarded in thirds minus any manner of bonus that would normally be applied to the wage earnings.

Warning: Business Owners who routinely fail to meet the minimum required job thread count may find their business declared a failing business by a moderator. Seasons where a player is not active in-character will not be counted against the player.

Moderator's Note: Players who utilize collaboration threads to meet the requirements for job threads will NOT be penalized if those threads are incomplete due to writing partners going inactive and abandoning the thread.

Important: The Price List
LifestyleCostEarning Threshold
Squalor 5 gp/season None
Poor 50 gp/season None
Common 175 gp/season None
Good 350 gp/season 2,000 gp/season
Luxurious 3,000 gp/season 9,000 gp/season
Exquisite 20% of Income 12,000 gp/season
Royal35% of Income Special Permission

Code: Select all

Name: (Character name goes here)
Character Secrets Link: (Link to your character secrets thread)
Profession(s): (What is your profession?)
Season and Year: What Season and Year are these earnings for?
GP Per Day: (What are your assigned earnings per day? Your initial wage must have been  approved by a mod! Then, apply your skill bonuses, loyalty and consistency bonus as per the Price List.)
Job Thread Link(s): (Provide links to your job threads. They must be completed! They do not have to have been reviewed. See Moderator's Note for collaboration threads.)
Companion NPC Seasonal XP

Companion NPCs may gain an additional 150 XP per season, per NPC. Each thread they are relevant within or important to, the player can request 10 XP for them and allocate that XP as they wish.

Code: Select all

NPC Name: [name here!]
Character Secrets: [link to character secrets]
Season and Year: (Season NPC's threads occurred)
Relevant Threads: [insert links to relevant threads]

Re: Wage / Job(s) and Companion NPC XP Requests

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:10 pm
by Rune
(Pending, Do Not Approve)

Name: Torin Kilvin
Character Secrets Link:
Profession(s): Runesmithing, Semblance, Blacksmithing
Season and Year: Searing, 123
Job Thread Link(s):
The Consultation
Clockwork Collaborations
The Fear that Binds Us

Business: Kilvin's Forge

Primary Profession | Runeforger (Master) | World Mage 50 cp/day
Apprentice - 50 x 1.5 = 75 cp/day
Journeyman - 75 x 2 = 150 cp/day
Expert - 150 x 2.5 = 375 cp/day
Master - 375 x 3 = 1,125 cp/day
Total: 102,375

Secondary Profession | Semblance (Master) | Personal Mage 50 gp/day
Apprentice - 50 cp/day
Journeyman - 50 x 1.5 = 75 cp/day
Expert - 75 x 2 = 150 cp/day
Master - 150 x 2.5 = 375 cp/day
Total: 34,125

Tertiary Profession | Blacksmith (Expert) | Blacksmith 25 cp/day
Apprentice - 25 cp/day
Journeyman - 25 x 1.5 = 37.5 cp/day
Expert - 37.5 x 2 = 75 cp/day
Total: 6,825

Total Base Wages: 143,325
Sales Bonus: x 20% = 28,665
Ingenuity Bonus: x 5% = 7,166
Loyalty Bonus: x 5% = 7,166
Total: 186,322

NPC Employees:
Timon (Clerk, Journeyman): x 45% = 83,845
Renault (Personal Mage, Journeyman): x45%= 83,844

PC Employee:
Aurin (Personal Mage, Expert) x60% = 111,793
Sivan (Alchemy, Expert): x60% = 111,793

Total: 577,596 cp

Business: x 10% = 57,760

NPC Wages:
Timon: 25 x 91 =2,275
Renault: 50 x 91 = 4,550

PC Wages:
Sivan:50 x 91 = 4,550
Aurin:50 x 91 = 4,550

Total Expenses: 73,685

Earnings: 577,596
Expenses: 73,685
Final: 503,911

Translated to GP: 504 gp