Dawnhold Codex

Information about Dawnhold and the territory within its purview.

The Holy Citadel of Light

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The citadel of Dawnhold is reminiscent of the legendary city of Ailos. A gleaming citadel situated at the mouth of a mountainous valley filled with trees that possess white bark and golden leaves, Dawnhold lives up to its namesake. It is situated so that the gates of the citadel face the west and the sun rises in the east serving as a backdrop that illuminates the white stone of the structures. Approaching the gates of Dawnhold will see one greeted by the ranks of the Dawnmartyr Order who watch over the citadel and the valley beyond it. The stones of the citadel remain unblemished no matter the state of the world around them and the interior of the citadel’s structures remains cool no matter the weather. It invites an open and airy feel to it reminiscent of the celestial realm it seems to have been conjured from. Within the citadel and across the lands that are within its purview, light shines brighter, purer and exudes an air of Hope for those in search of it while striking fear in those who would seek to do an injustice near it.

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Talon has enacted Archmagic to accomplish the following:

Illuminarcas, the small settlement has been remade into Dawnhold, the Citadel of Light. It has the following features:

Demigod's Cathedral [Dawnhold] - A demigod’s cathedral is a place made sacred by them. It is the bastion of their godly might and is a realm where they reign in absolute supremacy as the prime deific power in that area. This can be a literal temple or cathedral, a fortress, a forest glade, or any such place the demigod deigns to claim as their own. The demigod infuses this location with a great deal of their time and power causing it to exist partially in the realm of the mundane and within the Aetherium. As a result, this haven for the demigod is subject to their interpretation of what reality in that space should look and act like. While they cannot break the laws of reality, as they are not a greater-ranked deity, they are able to bend them.

Stones of Light - The alabaster stones of Dawnhold have been bathed in the cleansing light of Arcas himself. As such, the grounds, structures, and space that comprises Dawnhold is considered consecrated against the influences considered to be the antithesis of all that Arcas stands for including Undead, Mistspawn, Voidspawn, and even the magic of Nyx cannot be wielded while within Dawnhold.

Incorruptible - As a bastion of Light, Justice and Hope, and thus a place of purity, those who reside within Dawnhold cannot be compelled to act against their true nature. This translates to immunity to the corruption of the Dread Mists while within it and the forbiddance of mind-altering effects that would compel the individual to act against their true selves such as with Mesmeric influence.

Faith of the Justicar - So long as the Fire of Justice burns in one's heart in true faith to Arcas, those who dwell within Dawnhold are empowered with heightened strength, agility, and stamina as though with Dominion as described on the Eminence Emblem page. This manifests at the Acolyte level.

The Temple of Light

The most sacred place across all of Dawnhold is the Temple of Light. It is the residence of the Lightbringer when He chooses to be present at the citadel. The structure of the temple is crystalline in nature with the stones having a lustrous diamond quality to them that enhances the purity of any light that shines upon it, around it, or within it. While never blinding, it can be mesmerizing to look upon. No matter the hour of the day, Light shines within and upon the temple at all times and while within it, no person or thing casts any shadow whatsoever. The Temple of Light is, at all time, guarded over by three Ara spirits. These are the Ara of Justice, the Ara of Hope, and the Ara of Light. Together they ensure that the sanctity of the temple is not violated and that those who enter it do so in good faith. Within the Temple of Light, the Grandmaster of the Dawnmartyr Order and the three Knight-Marshals meet regularly with the Lightbringer to discuss matters of governance and direction for the Order at large.

The Hall of Justice


“I am the fire of the Dawn. I am the light that rebukes the wicked. In the flames of righteous anger, I have been forged. Bring now the morning, for by my fury, I shall usher in the promise of a new day.”

One of the most prominent structures in Dawnhold, the Hall of Justice is the residence of the Warforged Paladins and their Aspirants. Any traveler who seeks to join the ranks of the Dawnmartyrs as a Warforged will inevitably find their way to the Hall of Justice. This structure serves as a barracks, school, and communal hall for the warriors of the Dawnmartyr Order. It is where they gather to learn what it means to be a paladin of the Order of the Dawnmartyr and to uphold the traditions associated with that heavy mantle.

When most people think of a Dawnmartyr, they think first of the Warforged. The Paladins of the Dawn, these warriors are the frontline fighters of the Order. Rigorously trained in feats of physical prowess, melee combat and strategy, the Warforged made up the bulk of the Dawnmartyr Order. These warriors are unrelenting in their pursuit of justice and their refusal to back down in the face of what they believed to be acts of atrocity or terror. To exchange blows with a Warforged Dawnmartyr is to go toe to toe with a warrior that has few equals. The Warforged are characterized by their rigid adherence to military discipline and focus. It was not without reason that the upper ranks of the Order were comprised primarily of Warforged Dawnmartyrs in days of old. As is often the case, the Warforged are the first to answer the call to assist those in need. It is extremely common to see Warforged guarding caravans, helping with rescue missions, and pushing to assist communities to be able to stand on their own two feet. Frequently, Warforged Dawnmartyrs are called upon by community leaders around Kalzasi to come train local militia in order to better enable them to protect themselves.

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Requirements to becoming a Warforged Paladin at the rank of Knight.
Reaving: Must be initiated in and demonstrate full competency. | 50 XP (Journeyman)
Longsword | Greatsword | Greataxe | Warhammer or other melee weapon: 50 XP (Journeyman)
Shield: Must be able to wield a regular shield (not magically conjured): 50 XP (Journeyman)
Riding: Must have 5 lores in Horseback and 5 lores in Gryphonback | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Tactics: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in group tactical combat | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Survival: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in basic survival skills | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Leadership: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in leadership under duress | 25 XP (Apprentice)

Arena of the Chosen


The training grounds for the Warforged Paladins is referred to as the Arena of the Chosen. It is where the many seasoned knights gather to train their aspirants in the ways of martial combat that is expected of the paladin order. There are various spaces for the knights and aspirants to utilize with the arena and equipment is supplied to suit their needs. The arena is outfitted with various Lightforged Crystals that assist warriors in their training.

Lightforged Crystal Constructs

The Lightforge Crystals are an extension of the Divine of Light’s ability to manipulate and bend light into take illusory shape. As such, the crystals are capable of constructing and projecting into the arena various opponents that warriors can interact with. These lightforged constructs will behave much like their real-life counterparts and while they are non-lethal, they are an effective tool in training warriors in how to deal with real-life threats and scenarios. Additionally, tapping into one of the Lightforged Crystals can allow them to alter the landscape of the arena to suit various training scenarios. As all of Dawnhold is a space controlled by the Divine of Light’s will, he has allowed the crystals to influence the landscape of the arena in that limited space.

Sentinel’s Rest

“I am the vision of the Dawn. I am the light that quests for what the shadows seek to hide. No evil shall escape me, for there is no road I cannot travel. Follow me into the unknown. Where there is darkness, I shall light the way.”

The Pathfinders of the Dawnmartyr Order are perhaps the group that is shrouded most in mystery. While the paladins are the most recognizable and the wizards are the most prone to proselytizing the teachings of the Order, the Pathfinders are the seekers, the guardians in the dark that ensure the survival of the Light. They are the only members of the Dawnmartyr Order who are actively permitted to use the Rune of Nyx while within the purview of Dawnhold due to the rigorous mental training and discipline they undergo to resist its influence.

Often viewed as the dark side of an otherwise beacon of light, the Pathfinders of the Order are the members trained in spycraft and advanced scouting. They are the trackers of the Order and in some cases, serve as assassins dispatched to deal with threats before they can grow out of control. These are the warriors that toe the line between the light and dark and in many cases are often misunderstood. The Order of the Dawnmartyr views them as invaluable but they were not always as warmly received as other sects of the Order in older times. However, the Dawnmartyrs are not blind to the tactics of both their enemies and those who seek to bring harm to those that call upon them. Sometimes the more effective approach to dealing with a threat is to ensure that threat never manifests at all. Pathfinders are hunters, survivalists, and sometimes serve as agents employed to undermine plots that threaten what the Order views as its imperative to protect those in their charge. Pathfinders are by far the members of the Order most well versed in the ways of the world. It is common for Pathfinders to study various cultures, histories and habits of the places that they visit in order to better ingrain themselves in their environments.

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Requirements to becoming a Pathfinder Seeker at the rank of Knight.
Reaving: Must be initiated in and demonstrate full competency. | 50 XP (Journeyman)
Daggers | Rapier | Bastard Sword | Shortsword or other melee weapons: 50 XP (Journeyman)
Ranged: Archery or Gunslinging with either pistols, rifle or sniper rifle: 25 XP (Apprentice)
Riding: Must have 5 lores in Horseback and 5 lores in Gryphonback | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Spycraft: Must have at least 10 lores in espionage related activities | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Survival: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in basic survival skills | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Stealth: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in concealment under duress | 25 XP (Apprentice)

The Crucible

The Pathfinders are the only sect of the Dawnmartyr Order that is permitted to actively train with the Rune of Nyx within the hallowed grounds of Dawnhold. Deep within their stronghold of Sentinel’s Rest is a place that has been allowed to foster the training and understanding of the Dark Mark. Since the ascension of Shaeoth and the revelation that the Dark One is Arcas elder brother, the Pathfinders have sought to better understand the line between Justice and Vengeance. Arcas himself has come to understand that this line can blur as Justice evolves into Retribution, a cousin to Vengeance and a hybrid of his and his elder brother’s domains. In some ways, the Pathfinders have come to see themselves as Arcas attempt to build a relationship with his divine brother among mortals and bring balance to them. To that end, the Crucible is a place where the powers of Nyx are allowed to exist within Dawnhold. It is a dark mirror of the material world, where the Void casts its shadow just as the Light shines above and all around it in other places. Be warned all ye who would tread within the Crucible, for truly the Void is staring back at all who enter it.

The Silver Tower

“I am the illumination of the Dawn. I am the light that banishes the shadow of ignorance and fear. Where there is terror, I shall bring peace. Where there are lies, I shall speak truth. Speak now your mysteries, for by my will, there will be an answer.”

While every Dawnmartyr is a mage, none in the Order wield the arcane quite like the Spellforged Magepriests. These individuals are the Clerics of the Order of the Dawnmartyr for they are trained in matters of warfare, arcane and ecclesiastical. The magepriests of the Order are those who are most likely to perform missionary work in the name of their patron deity. They are also the sect of the Order that is charged with preserving, interpreting and proselytizing the Will of the Lightbringer.

These knights focus primarily on unlocking the mysteries brought about in the wake of the Sundering. Through their efforts, they brought new understanding of the forces of magic and aether in the new era in the wake of that calamity. Of all the Dawnmartyrs, the Spellforged are the ones most known for their near-unbreakable force of will. To wield magic in the Age of Sundering was to invite the threat of madness and an inability to control their powers on a level not seen in millennia. While this threat diminished over time as the influence of the Dread Mists were reduced and the veil slowly healed, the Spellforged retained this hallmark trait. Often the Spellforged are called upon to assist in dealing with rampant magical forces, to combat otherworldly threats, and routinely serve as advisors in scholarly matters. They are known to be shrewd diplomats and able negotiators. When roused to use their powers, they are either an inspiring or terrifying sight to behold as among the ranks of their Order, none can match them in their arcane prowess.

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Requirements to becoming a Spellforged Magepriest at the rank of Knight.
Reaving: Must be initiated in and demonstrate full competency. | 50 XP (Journeyman)
Magic: This can be another form of Personal Magic or a World Magic | 50 XP (Journeyman)
Magic: This can be another form of Personal Magic or a World Magic | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Riding: Must have 5 lores in Horseback and 5 lores in Gryphonback | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Leadership, Persuasion or Diplomacy: Must have at least 10 lores in social persuasion related activities | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Psychology: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in basic psychological studies | 25 XP (Apprentice)
Philosophy: Must have a minimum of 10 lores in religious philosophy related to Arcas | 25 XP (Apprentice)

The Athenaeum of Light

Contained within the Silver Tower is a library that details much of the Order of the Dawnmartyr’s history. As they were besieged by the Imperium for several years in Ailos, much of what was precious to them was evacuated over the course of that time. While more has been lost than can ever truly be recovered, the survivors of the Order have done all they can to preserve what they managed to take with them. In this library is many sacred texts, research unique to the Order, and history associated with it that might not be found any place else. New volumes are constantly being added to the library. Additionally, the Athenaeum is in a unique position that stands between the material realm and the Holy Realm of Light. As such, various spirits dedicated to the spheres of Justice, Light, Hope, Truth, Courage and other more virtuous ideals frequently visit the library and converse with its students. The Athenaeum is considered a sacred place of wisdom, knowledge and spiritual reflection that all knights and aspirants are encouraged to visit.

The Repository

Below the Silver Tower is located the Repository, a vault that has been reinforced with every conceivable enchantment that the Order of the Dawnmartyr is capable of rendering. Within it are some of the most prized treasures of the Order, including a few holy relics with some even whispering that the bodies of Arcas previous incarnations are stored within it. Whatever the truth of what rests within the Repository, these are some of the Order’s most sacred artifacts and as such, they are guarded by its most powerful magic and some of the most stalwart spirits they can conjure to protect them. Anyone entering the Repository must either have the direct blessing of the Lightbringer or the Knight-Marshal of the Spellforged.

The Aviary

The Dawnmartyr Order was known for training and riding with gryphons during the height of their Order’s strength in the Age of Sundering and during the early days of the Age of Steel. With the establishment of Dawnhold, a place where they can grow and rebuild, the Aviary is a place where the gryphons have been allowed to settle and be cultivated. While not every member of the Dawnmartyrs has a gryphon of their own, every member is expected to be able to ride and care for one as they must all be able to answer the call when it comes. All knights and aspirants actively train with, care for, and learn about gryphons at the Aviary with its keepers working diligently to make sure that the animals are cared for and respected appropriately.

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The Town of Light’s Reach


Population: 1,000
Founded: Frost 120
Government: Military Theocracy
Leader: Knight-Commander Erin Len’Sereniel

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The town of Light's Reach is separate from the Citadel but falls within Dawnhold's purview and is the settlement that many of the Order's members and families have made their home. As such, it is not under the special divine effects that are listed in the main post detailing Dawnhold.

Not every person associated with the Order of the Dawnmartyr live within the citadel proper. Just beyond the citadel, in the valley that it stands guard over, is a small settlement that has been named Light’s Reach. This settlement is comprised primarily of the families of the Dawnmartyrs, travelers who have decided to settle under the direct protection of the Order, and even refugees that had nowhere else to go following the tumultuous times that have befallen the Northlands of Karnor. The settlement before the Lightbringer’s intervention had begun to become a beacon of hope to those in search of a place to call home, Light’s Reach is now doubly so and exists directly under divine protection. Light’s Reach is constructed of the same stonework as the citadel and is technically simply an extension of its architecture. While the town itself does not have quite the same divine properties as the citadel proper, it is only a short distance from the safety offered by the full garrison of the knighthood. Many of the full-knights and senior or retired knights live in Light’s Reach with their families, only returning to the Citadel to either perform their training, teach, or attend to their other duties.

Government and Laws

Light’s Reach is a semi-autonomous township within the purview of Kalzasi’s sovereign territory. It is allowed to exist as a protectorate of the city and is chiefly administered as a vassal township under the banner of House Novalys due to its association with Talon Novalys. In his capacity as Daizoku of House Novalys and thus the Great House to whom the township and Citadel pledge their fealty to, the Daizoku of House Novalys affords the township the ability to govern itself under the direction of the Order of the Dawnmartyr that rules in his name. As a result, the township of Light’s Reach is under a military theocracy wherein the rulers of the town and citadel are overseen by the Knights of the Dawnmartyr Order.

In terms of actual laws, because they are pledged to House Novalys, the township abides by many of the community laws found in Kalzasi. The biggest and most noticeable difference is in regard to religious practices. The Knights of the Dawnmartyr proselytize, preach, and worship Talon in his capacity as the Demigod of Light, Justice and Hope as their patron deity. The active worship and proliferation of teachings and practices that are antithetical to the Lightbringer are viewed as heresy and are grounds for intervention where found in lands considered sacred to the Order.

Commerce Square

Light’s Reach is a comparatively small settlement and does not offer the sort of wondrous amount of commercial variety that Kalzasi offers. Located only about an hour away from the city itself, the citizens of Light’s Reach engage in mostly simple trade with only a handful of specialty shops. Most other things are retrieved from Kalzasi proper as the Spellforged mages of the Citadel maintain either a portal or can send a group on gryphonback to enter Kalzasi’s markets. Outside of the commonly available dragonshard, magic items are not typically sold in the commerce square of Light’s Reach. Such things are handled by either petitioning the Spellforged magepriests directly or traveling to Kalzasi.

Blacksmith - A local blacksmithing shop that provides the basic needs of the town.
Hope’s Hearth - A humble inn for the weary traveler looking for a place to stay.
The General Shoppe - A general merchant that provides a variety of basic goods.
Mercy’s Breath - A clinic for the sick and injured run by a kind devotee of Ioniri.
Kreasy Tailor’s - A clothier for the locals that provides simple but comfortable clothing.
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