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The Emblem of Eminence

"Be a Light in dark places."

Those marked with Eminence are referred to as Justicars. Defenders of Justice. Bringers of Light. Heralds of Hope. The Dawnmartyr Order was once considered to be synonymous with the ideals of a Justicar, despite few of them ever bearing the mark of Eminence. Relentless in their pursuit of tyranny and holding accountable those who exploited the innocent, Justicars were once mythical figures who gave the cruel and merciless pause for thought. Their ability to face down the tyranny of those who would oppose Justice was rooted in the three gifts that Arcas bestowed upon his followers through the umbrella of Eminence. These were Dominion, Celerity and Luminary.

Attracting Divine Attention

The Demigod of Justice, Hope and Light is selective with whom he bestows his mark upon. It is not enough to desire Justice. One must be an individual who relentlessly pursues it. In the defense of Justice, there can be no idle bystanders. It is a fragile thing that can quite easily be discarded by those with power who use said power to dominate, oppress and exploit those without power. It is imperative that those who can act, do so. The pursuit of Justice is neverending and a heavy burden. The nature of mortals is thus that such a sacred virtue will become eroded over time. In the matter of Hope, one cannot be blind to the suffering of others. To bring hope is to give it to others not flippantly but wisely. Compassion is the cornerstone of Hope, for with it one can form a bridge of understanding between the self and others. Through this bridge, one can come to understand what it is that another hopes for. Through the lens of Eminence, Hope is that which delivers another from despair, suffering, darkness, and cruelty. A Justicar is one who does not preach, but acts. They do not pontificate, they teach through example and by their example, they become a living inspiration to others. Finally, to be a bringer of Light, one must stand firm against evil. Being a light means being intolerant of cruelty, the imposition of suffering upon others, and standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

The Age of Wonders

During the Age of Wonders, Justicars were those who fought directly beside Arcas in his war against the dark demigod Shaeoth. These Warriors of Light brought with them an incredible resiliency that allowed them to face off against the horrors created by Illixidor the Betrayer and the mad mage's legions. With the power of Eminence to push them forward, these individuals ensured that thousands flocked to the side of the armies of light in order to defeat the dark powers hellbent on conquering the world. Stories of their heroism and bravery lived on, even after the death of Arcas.

The Age of Sundering

The mark of Eminence returned to the world at the height of the conflict between the Cult of Mending and the Dawnmartyr Order. The appearance of this divine gift signaled the return of the Demigod of Justice, Hope and Light. It is the gift that enabled them to turn the tide against such a terrible and terrifying foe. With it they were able to banish the evil that had gripped the many regions of Ransera, guiding people out of the sorrow that so clutched at the hearts of many in the Age of Sundering. The mark was lost once more in the final conflict against the Cult of Mending as the demigod gave his life to banish evil from the lands once more.

The Age of Steel

On the 53rd of Frost, 120 Steel, the Demigod of Justice, Hope and Light returned to the world. Reborn, he has awoken to his divinity once more. After 120 years absent from the world, any who might yet live following the War of Souls will see mark of Eminence return to them. Additionally, every Dawnmartyr in hiding will receive a vision in their dreams upon first going to sleep following this day. A warrior fighting against a terrible beast of flesh, fire and shadow. This warrior is at first consumed by the shadows only to break free in an aura of light. Hope has returned to the world. But where there is light...so too is there darkness.

Applying for Eminence

Those interested in bearing the mark of Eminence must apply in the Support Forum and receive permission from the Staff. The following should be kept in mind:

  • Anyone playing a Dawnmartyr who survived the War of Souls and the Siege of Ailos (most likely an elf or other long lived race) is automatically approved to carry the mark of Eminence at the level of Acolyte. They must provide a written story detailing how they received the mark. It must be no less than 1,500 words.
  • The current incarnation of the Demigod of Justice, Hope and Light is presently only in fledgling stages of divinity. As such, he is not yet capable of traversing across the veil, through the Land of Nod and thus able to be anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. With that in mind, acquiring the mark of Eminence requires that interested parties actively seek him out. He possesses a limited divine awareness of things performed either in his name or invoked through the domain of Justice or Light. This range is a 500 km (~311 miles) radius. Feats performed outside of this radius remain outside of his awareness unless invoked by an individual already in possession of his Emblem.
  • Interested players can submit a Support Forum application requesting a moderated quest wherein they are granted the Emblem. Provided the act takes place within the above radius, the demigod will be able to come to them and bestow his mark.

The Tenant of Justice

Arcas can typically be described as a deity who promotes adherence to a civilizations benevolent laws. These include customs, traditions, doctrines and policies that promote opportunities to achieve prosperity based on individual merit. From a societal standpoint, Arcas takes issue with forms of active oppression based on notions of tyranny, despotism, and cruelty. Every culture has different norms and understandings of what Justice is to them based on their societal norms. However, Arcas principles stem from a cornerstone of compassion, fairness and mercy where mercy is due.

Arcas teaches that Justice is something that must be actively pursued. It is not something that is idle and in order to protect those vulnerable to exploitation, it must be relentlessly defended.

Interestingly, Arcas does not teach that Justice is blind. He encourages an understanding of context. An able bodied man who seeks to work and contribute to society but who is denied the opportunity and is thus driven to a life of stealing to feed his family, that is a symptom of a much greater problem. Arcas demands that his followers be critical thinkers who boldly challenge circumstances brought before them. The world is not black and white but Arcas is rather uncompromising when it comes to bringing undeserved harm to others.

When it comes to just punishment there is a difference between Vengeance and Retribution. Retribution is a consequence. Retribution certainly includes elements of deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation, but it also ensures that the guilty will be punished, the innocent protected, and societal balance restored after being disrupted by crime. Vengeance is destructive and erodes the foundations of Justice because it promotes a cycle of pain that compounds suffering and destroys those touched by it. There is a fine line between the two and he cautions those who seek either in their pursuit of Justice. In the end, Justice is meant to heal a wrong not perpetuate it.

The Gift of Justice: Dominion

Dominion must be actively used. It is not a passive ability. The gift of Dominion allowed for the Justicars to stand as stalwart defenders against those who would have opposed the causes of Justice, Hope and Light. It enables the marked to reinforce their physical prowess with divine fury, turning them into a righteous avenger that remained indomitable against those who would assail them. Dominion is, of all the gifts bestowed by Arcas, one that must be carefully wielded. It is easy to lose oneself to the divine fury that compels one to rise against injustice and evil wherever one sees it. The mark of Eminence pushes its bearers to seek out such things. However, the power of Dominion is one that must be tempered with the wisdom of recognizing when it is prudent to act.

Justicars who use Dominion frequently must be cautious. The ability is tied to their perceptions of what can constitute as an injustice. Arcas teaches that one be judicious in the use of the gift but he allows a great deal of autonomy in deciding when it is and is not appropriate to use it. Under the right circumstances, a Justicar's emotional state could trigger the use of Dominion, awakening the divine fury that one feels when faced with injustice. It can be a powerful anger that, if not tempered with wisdom, can drive one to become a terrifying avenger that leaves a trail of destruction in their wake. Arcas is a passionate deity that, while cautioning restraint, demands that his followers be wholly committed to the principles of their faith. A Justicar must always be mindful both of themselves and others when it comes to judging their own actions and those around them.

For these reasons, Justicars tend to be very headstrong individuals which can be both beneficial for keeping themselves in check and a detriment due to a tendency to be stubborn. Additionally, the use of Dominion is not without backlash. Being instilled with divine fury takes a toll upon the body that, while protecting them physically and allowing them to push further, go harder, and be stronger, will eventually recoup the cost of such a gift. This effect is called Burnout, push too far for too long and the recoil will manifest as a literal burning of the body. It is a reminder that mortals are playing with a divinely gifted fury that burns with a tireless ferocity. If abused, it can scorch them just as much as it protects them.

The Tenant of Hope

Locked. The Tenant of Hope and its corresponding power of Celerity will be unlocked upon the demigod's ascension to Tier III.

The Tenant of Light

Long ago in the Age of Wonders, when demigod heroes walked the world in far greater numbers than they do in the present era, a terrible conflict broke out between the Dragon Goddess Ysadrin and the Mistlord Yggrakas. Ysadrin was injured terribly but before Yggrakas could deal the killing blow, she was saved through the intervention of Arcas. The young demigod drove Yggrakas back into the mists of the Aetherium and stood guard over Ysadrin as she recovered her strength. As thanks for saving her life, she gifted him a sliver of her divine realm and dubbed him the Lord of the Dawn, granting Arcas his dominion over the domain of Light. Ysadrin maintains that Sunlight plays a role primarily as a force of nature that is tied more to agricultural pursuits. Arcas, in his capacity as the Dawnlord, and owing to his dominion over the realms of Justice and Hope, manifests Light as both an elemental force and a philosophical approach to living one’s life.

The Light is fundamentally benevolent, according to Arcas. His views on the matter can be summarised with three key concepts: Compassion, Courage and Tenacity. The three concepts are meant to be equal to each other and practiced carefully with due consideration to each situation one of his faithful encounter.

Compassion is the underlying foundation of the Dawnlord’s philosophy. Every living soul is deserving of the opportunity to receive compassion where it is due. Where there is cruelty, bring kindness and charity. Where there is hate, bring patience and a willingness to defeat it with love. Where the darkness of pain and suffering dwell, stand as a beacon of light willing to banish that darkness.

Courage is required to face the many dark and terrible evils that exist in the world. Where there is Light, so too is there Darkness. It is a necessary balance but that does not negate the necessity of the Light. People must be courageous in the face of evil. Allow the Light to bring comfort and to inspire. Be brave, for the sad truth is that there is often far greater evil in the world than good.

Tenacity is the unwillingness to back down in the face of terrible darkness and a refusal to submit to the forces of evil. As emissaries of the Light, Arcas faithful must remain tenacious. Remain vigilant and understand that the world requires a balance. There will be times when, despite all odds, it seems that evil is undefeatable. Keep the faith. Wisely pursue means of overcoming these obstacles and do not give up hope. For as long as there remains even a single light shining, evil will never truly reign supreme.

The Gift of Light: Dawnfire

A silver-white fire that brings with it either the warmth and benevolence of a Justicar’s faith or the burning fury of their fight against the forces of evil. Dawnfire is one of the most difficult powers for a bearer of Eminence to master. Wielders of this holy fire must tread a careful line between zealous fanaticism and heartfelt belief in the Light’s philosophy.

Dawnfire must be actively used. It is not a passive ability. The fire naturally has the power to bring light and warmth whenever it is conjured; however it can only bring injury to that which the Justicar views as a true servant of the forces of Darkness and Evil. In that manner, Arcas teaches that one must be wise in their use of it as a weapon. Once unleashed, the fire burns with all the heat and intensity of a raging inferno bent on scorching away the presence of evil in its path. Dawnfire has the power to shed light in even magical darkness, a testament to its refusal to be smothered by the evil in the world. This quality is again tied to the Justicar’s faith and belief in the Light as a force for good and their own faith in their ability to wield it. If their faith waivers, the Light will dim.

Burnout is the consequence of pushing oneself too far with the power of Dawnfire. If one allows oneself to become blinded by the very Light that they seek to bring to the world, one runs the risk of bringing suffering as opposed to true good. It is imperative that wielders of Dawnfire be mindful of themselves and the actions of those around them, for if abused, the fire of the Light can burn them just as much as it burns the servants of evil. Arcas opposes the idea of tyranny and thus punishes those who use this gift to become tyrannical themselves.

Faith of the Justicar

Faith is integral to the gift of Eminence. To wield the powers gifted by Arcas requires that one wholeheartedly believe in the tenants of Justice, Hope and Light. However, Arcas does not abide by blind faith. He requires that his followers be critical thinkers who act with as much mercy and compassion as they do unrelenting fortitude. For these reasons, the followers of the demigod have always been small in number but unshakable belief in the demigod they honor. In ages past, Arcas shared a largely personable relationship with his followers. Reverence for him stemmed largely from knowing him on an interpersonal level as one would a friend or confidante.

Acolyte | The Acolytes of Arcas are people who are, in most circumstances, those who have a wholesome belief in the good that true Justice can bring to those around them. They are typically fierce and outspoken in their advocation for fairness, freedom from oppression, and are people who are uncompromising in their morals. They are people who readily stand up for those who will not or cannot stand up for themselves, regardless of the peril they might place themselves in for doing so. Acolytes have draw the attention of the demigod, they have been noticed for their potential to be true defenders of Light, Justice and Hope. As such they have been granted the mark of Eminence and are thus able to perform the following:

Dominion. An acolyte is able to shore up their own physical resiliency. Their endurance as well as physical toughness is reinforced by divine fortitude. The shift in physical strength and endurance is enough to give even an unskilled acolyte an edge in conflict. A blow that might have knocked them unconscious will instead only leave them dazed. A person whose physical stamina might allow them to naturally run 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) before growing winded will find that they can push themselves twice the distance before suffering the same effects. A person who could naturally lift 23 kg (50 lbs.) will find that they can now lift and move 45 kg (100 lbs) with the same level of ease. Acolytes of Eminence can safely channel Dominion for up to 10 minutes before suffering the effects of Burnout.

Celerity. Locked until Arcas reclaims the domain of Hope.

Dawnfire. An Acolyte of Eminence is capable of conjuring Dawnfire large enough to equal the average campfire. It can shed bright light for up to 30 ft. in diameter and dim light for 30 ft. beyond that. Magical darkness imposed by up to Apprentice level magic or another Acolyte level Emblem mark, is driven back by the light of Dawnfire though it is not dispelled. Should the dawnfire go out, the darkness will return as normal. Dawnfire can be used to bless an object (as though with Enmesh in Elementalism or Varnish in Reaving) and thus coat an object with its flames. These blessed flames can be maintained for up to one minute by an Acolyte before they dissipate. When used offensively, dawnfire wielded by an Acolyte can be considered equal to the magical fire used by an Apprentice level Elementalist.

Avowed | The Avowed of Arcas are those who have been twice marked by him. They have grown in their relationship with the demigod to become beacons of Light, Hope and Justice in their communities. These individuals are trusted to weigh in on matters of dispute in order to resolve conflicts with fairness. These faithful, while few in number, are regarded as true protectors of their communities who are intolerant of acts of tyranny, cruelty, evil and suffering wherever they go. They are able to perform the following when channeling the gift of Eminence:

Dominion. The physical resiliency and strength of the individual grows to such a degree that an individual could, if met with great physical force, stand unmoved by the impact. Their body becomes resistant to being wounded. A Justicar need never fear being bruised by glancing blows or being harmed by mere shrapnel. They are not immune from fatigue, wounding or direct assault but they enjoy the privilege of not having to be concerned about being harmed by acts that ordinary people might be injured by. Whereas a normal human might suffer a sprained or even broken ankle after dropping from a height of 3 meters (10 ft.), a Justicar need not be concerned about such things. They could fall from twice that height and suffer no serious ill effects. The Avowed of Arcas can push themselves further and endure more far above that of the average person of their race. They are not infallible however and must be careful not to push themselves so far it could be considered reckless. It is easy, when one can perform such incredible feats, to forget ones own mortality and it is that trap that often sees many Avowed take on far more than they alone can hope to overcome. Avowed of Eminence can safely channel the powers of Dominion for up to 20 minutes before suffering the effects of Burnout.

Celerity. Locked until Arcas reclaims the domain of Hope.

Dawnfire. An Avowed of Eminence is capable of conjuring Dawnfire large enough to equal a large bonfire. It can shed bright light for up to 60 ft. in diameter and dim light for 30 ft. beyond that. Magical darkness imposed by up to Journeyman level magic or another Avowed level Emblem mark, is driven back by the light of Dawnfire though it is not dispelled. Should the dawnfire go out, the darkness will return as normal. As before, dawnfire can be used to bless an object with its flames. These blessed flames can be maintained for up to two minutes by an Avowed before they dissipate. When used offensively, dawnfire wielded by an Avowed can be considered equal to the magical fire used by a Journeyman level Elementalist.

Champion | A Champion of Eminence is considered a Priest or Priestess of Arcas. They are the epitome of upholding his ideals. These faithful firmly believe in the causes of Justice, Light and Hope, working tirelessly to bring it to every corner of the world they travel to. They are a people who have little tolerance for senseless cruelty and often work to overthrow oppression and tyranny where they go.

Dominion. Physical resiliency and strength of an individual channeling Dominion is advanced to a degree where the person could be hit with the force of large boulder launched from a catapult and be dazed but unharmed. Ordinary steel becomes ineffective against a Champion channeling Dominion, only something magical could hope to pierce their skin. A Champion can fall from a height of 9 meters (30 ft.) and while channeling Dominion, be unharmed. Their natural strength becomes tripled. A person who could naturally lift 23 kg. ( 50 lbs.) could easily lift 90 kg. (200 lbs.) and feel no strain. Champions of Eminence can safely channel Dominion continuously for up to 30 minutes before needing to rest or suffer Burnout.

Celerity. Locked until Arcas reclaims the domain of Hope.

Dawnfire. A Champion of Eminence is capable of conjuring Dawnfire large enough to be considered a blazing inferno. It can shed bright light for up to 90 ft. in diameter and dim light for 30 ft. beyond that. Magical darkness imposed by up to Expert level magic or another Champion level Emblem mark, is driven back by the light of Dawnfire. Darkness put in place by lesser magic or forces is completely dispelled. Additionally, dawnfire will illuminate the outline of objects that have been concealed from view through magical means (such as made invisible) though it will not dispel said magic. As before, dawnfire can be used to bless an object with its flames. These blessed flames can be maintained for up to five minutes by a Champion before they dissipate. When used offensively, dawnfire wielded by a Champion can be considered equal to the magical fire used by an Expert level Elementalist.

Herald | Locked until Arcas reaches Tier III demigodhood.