Courting the Enemy [Aurin, Reiner]

High City of the Northlands

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Stefan Dornkirk
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65 Glade 123

Stefan handed off another sheaf of documents to Deinerin from where he stood facing the man from behind his desk in the Windworks, explaining two places he'd made changes that would need to be added to any copies. They were finishing up for the evening, officially, though both knew they would likely each spend more time on business that needed seeing to after their dinners. Two more folders went onto the pile and one went back onto his desk for additional revisions after a brief conversation about it. There were always more things that needed reading, needed doing, but between himself, his family and the counsel things had begun to run smoothly. It could be honestly said that anyone who had a grievance or a need was addressed in a timely manner depending on the time frame of their complaint. The machines of government, such as they were on the Islands and the areas they held sway over, were settling into a well oiled efficiency.

When the last issue of the work day was addressed he nodded, listened to the overview of what would be needed tomorrow, and thanked his man. He always tried to thank the people who worked for him, and it was usually returned in kind. Taking the moment while Deinerin stepped out to put away the finished work to tidy his desk he walked over to the coat rack just in time to have his manservant reappear and take the coat he'd been reaching for. Deinerin didn't snatch the garment, of course, but he did give Stefan a look that was half exasperated reprove, half wounded pride. Stefan turned his back to let the man help him into the coat, then back around to face him so his cravat and hair could be fussed at. It was something to be grateful for that Delia wasn't one to fuss, else he'd never have gotten away with putting on his own trousers. While he was being groomed he asked,

"Dinner is set in the small dining room?" Then nodded at the affirmative answer. He asked what would be served only to be interrupted by a messenger boy poking his head in to inform the two men that the guests had arrived. Deinerin informed him that liver pâté and chicken cutlets would be served with an array of 'Glade' vegetables. Almost all of the vegetables that were eaten now were 'Glade' vegetables, which just meant that they were small and tender. It wasn't a bad thing, they were being produced in large enough quantities to feed everyone, they just weren't being allowed the time it took to fully mature before they were required to feed everyone.

The small dining room had been furnished for hosting clients what seemed like a lifetime ago, but it was still fashionable enough to entertain any level of guest. Stefan walked in just as Reiner and Mr. Kavafis were being shown in the door on the opposite side of the rectangular room. The table was only meant to seat about six and only three places were currently set, but crossing the room still required several long strides before he could hold his hand out to the redheaded man.

"Mr. Kavafis," He greeted, "Welcome to the Windworks." The last, and only, time they had met previously he had been welcomed into the man's place of management so he felt comfortable doing the same. After shaking hands he turned a greeting smile on his cousin, and clapped him on the shoulder. "Please, sit and we'll eat."
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Dornkirk had been along so Aurin wasn't kept waiting. There was definitely something there between the young Dornkirk and Kämpfer. He supposed he could look more deeply into it later if they did manage to have drinks, and see if there were pressure points to be exploited. Safety was always an illusion, but he wouldn't even have that until he was back in Kalzasi. He had to keep his options open. Dornkirk didn't even seem fully aware of what was going on, but Kämpfer was the sort to make himself indispensible and then take what he wanted from a person. Aurin should know—he could smell his own.

He dusted himself off futilely the moment before they crossed the threshold into Stefan Dornkirk's dining room. His smile to Reiner Dornkirk was rueful, but at least he was clean and in clean clothes. They were going to have to be Dornkirk the Elder and Dornkirk the Younger in his mind now. Dornkirk the Middle had apparently gone down with the proverbial ship, but between necromancers and apotheoses, who even knew anymore?

"Mister— Ah, Minister Dornkirk," he corrected with an apologetic smile as they shook hands. His elevation had taken place after they had met. "I must apologize: I didn't know I would see you or I would have brought you the Blue Star eighteen-year." Even after all this time, he knew the preferred drinks of the man and his deceased brother—Gelerian schnapps. It paid to pay attention to the details. That's where demons lie.

"But it's a pleasure to see you still alive and..." He made a general gesture. "Thriving despite all odds. Private Dornkirk and Lieutenant Kämpfer gave me the unofficial tour and it's impressive what your people have managed."
word count: 303
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner caught up to Aurin, moments after parting from Kuno.

"Sorry about that..." He offered with a wan smile, but no sooner had his perfunctory apology been uttered, than the door before them opened and they were ushered into a dining room Reiner hadn't seen before. With Stefan making directly for the guest, the private took a moment to peruse the unfamiliar surroundings with curious hazel eyes, which ultimately fell on the Minister.

"Evening, cousin." He said, with a friendly smile that was on the cusp of easy after all this time. It just wasn't quite there yet, though the stiffness in his shoulders naturally softened at the touch from the taller man. He waited a moment for Aurin to take a seat, before he claimed another- certain to choose whichever he felt would be less preferable to the minister. He tugged down his shirt, and unfolded the cloth napkin to place it over his lap.

The Private would let the two older men exchange their pleasantries. He took note that Aurin knew enough about the Dornkirks to broach a Gelerian schnapps. Reiner had yet to acquire the taste, but not for lack of trying since finding out it had been a favorite spirit of the late First Minister. He hoped that, if this night tended toward Gelerian schnapps, it would be at the end of the night. It always went down smoother after wine, he found.

With all the salutations out of the way, he piped up.

"I expect you've already gotten a memo to this effect, but Aurin here saved one of our men and got him to the Schiller for treatment. That was how I stumbled across him and ended up introducing him to the Captain-Seeker, when the Gambit arrived to transport me back here."
word count: 316
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Stefan Dornkirk
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That something had changed in Stefan since Reiner had met him was subtle but still very much there. The way he held his body was different; if not softer, certainly more flexible. The rigidity was missing, replaced by a comfort in himself that gave him an air of confidence without the stiffness of their first few encounters.

For Aurin he would not be so different from the once they had met, any greater sense of ease could be attributed to their surroundings being home territory rather than foreign. He offered his hand in the Zaichaeri fashion, for a quick, firm single shake, as they moved to take their seats.

As soon as they were all in their places a serving man entered and served a dark red wine that would have been inappropriate for the time of year if Frost hadn't been refusing to loosen it's grip on the world. The drink was served hot and the scent of spices rose with steam from the glasses. Stefan gave a hint of a smile at the suggested gift,

"I'm afraid I might be forced to turn anything that well fermented over to the medics to use as an antiseptic." It was a bit of a morbid joke, drawing attention to the idea of lacking in supplies. There was plenty of medical grade alcohol to tend to the wounded being produced in stills, but Stefan felt the reference tugging at his memories of his brother, so the morbidity of the humor felt right.

"At least they let us keep the wine." Here to paused to take a sip, then turned to Reiner,

"How did the inspection go? The Schiller is keeping up?" He wouldn't expect a real report but he wanted to acknowledge the work his cousin had been doing for them. He tried to do the same with all the working men and women, military and otherwise, and his mind was keen enough to recall, at least generally, the jobs that most of those living on the Islands did. His brows rose when he was told of Mister Kavafis' engagement in the outing.

"I had not heard yet, no, there were several important memos from the Order that came right at end of day." Turning back to the foreigner he said, "Zaichaer thanks you for your assistance."

Here the serving man returned with the first course of pâté served with crackers and a few cheeses so the conversation paused, when the man was gone he continued,

"May I ask what has brought you to our State at this time? We don't expect many visitors." It was an understatement and clearly implied that, due to the deadly danger of the city, any reasoning to going there without great need was confusing.
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Aurin left pride of place to the host and his cousin, but given there were only three of them dining, it needn't be too formal even as servants began to lay out wine and an amouse-bouche as the fancy liked to call appetizers. He didn't wait long to take a sip or sample a bit, though he didn't go to town like he was starving.

The redhead smirked at the humor; he could appreciate gallows humor. His attention turned to Schönling for his report. The Captain-Seeker had already sent his to the Minister, but, of course, Aurin didn't know that.

"Oh, Zaichaer is welcome," he replied with a smile. "Wasn't my first trip since the sky tore open, and soldiers have helped me out of a tight spot a time or two." As for the more probing question, he shrugged and stuck to his story, which wasn't false even if it wasn't the entirety of it. He did elaborate a bit more for the elder Dornkirk, though. "When we met, I was already managing the finances of the Golden Peacock Theater. Before that, I was managing the cabaret next door. Both jobs have kept me busy, but they also position me to hear a lot of things. What I hear sometimes helps me make business decisions. I have a reputation in Kalzasi as a man who can acquire information and things. The theater took in some Zaichaeri artists, and I've tried to help them find the means to support themselves. Nobody wants to be a refugee if they can help it. Anyway, people have asked me to come back and find things for them—heirlooms, important documents, and the like. That is what brings me back. It's not entirely altruistic. I have been paid, or I have thought it wise to be owed favors against a time I might need one."

Aurin shrugged.

"I'm not a hero. If van Heune and his partner hadn't severely wounded the mutant, I..." He frowned slightly. "Well, they had. His partner didn't make it, but I was able to finish it off and get him to Schiller. And report where his partner's body was hidden so they could retrieve it before..." He didn't need to describe what might happen to a corpse left out to the Mists that still occasionally swept through—definitely not before supper.

"Anyway, I was at the right place at the right time and I did the right thing. Don't need a medal. Your medics patched me up and lent me some clothes that don't have bloody holes in them, so..."
word count: 450
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner’s eyes lit up at the arrival of mulled wine. It was a Frost treat he’d enjoyed since he was a boy, when his father would let him sip the much less cultivated variety that had been available to their class of people. What it lacked in quality vintage it made up for in more than enough sugar to mask the detriments of the grape. The offering here wasn’t so sweet, but it still felt the same upon his tongue and gave him a nostalgic sort of relish as he indulged. He lowered the cup and glanced up,

“The Schiller is in good shape. They’ve updated the layout which took getting used to, but I think it’s more efficient and necessary given the damage taken during the big breach. The tour was pretty uneventful, visiting dignitaries not withstanding…” He added with a broad gesture to Aurin.

Reiner turned his attention to the ginger as Stefan did, and he considered the response posed.

“Well, regardless of the payment, it’s commendable that you came to do the work yourself rather than delegating the dangerous work.” It was worth noting, he thought, though he wasn’t sure whether the reasoning was altogether altruistic.

Reiner pursed his lips as the first dish appeared. He remembered the first time he’d been served pâté. He loved it, until he’d made the mistake of asking of what it was composed. Once it had been explained, he couldn’t help but feel like a Mistborn monster when he ate it. Still, the infantryman would soldier through his distaste and try to remember that first innocent exploit when he’d been able to enjoy the dish in blissful ignorance.

“Mm…” He hummed into his first bite, eyes darting from Stefan to Aurin and back.
word count: 318
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Stefan Dornkirk
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The minister sipped his wine as he listened to the explanation, which sounded almost like a report to his ears, so used to them was he now. Part of him was still sometimes confused at the unstable upward mobility that seemed to go hand in hand with the unstable government and unregulated use of magic in other places. His father had moved from poverty to riches by learning a trade, sticking with it and excelling at it. Kavafis appeared to have been something like a bouncer, and then suddenly turned into a financial manager, and also appeared to be an information broker and smuggler on the side. Loyalty to one's employer, and the employer's loyalty to their workers, was one of the cornerstones of Zaichaeri society, each side balancing the other. If an employer was known not to take care of their workers, they would quickly find themselves out of business, if a worker gained a reputation for shifting jobs too often, he would find all doors closed to him.

These thoughts swirled in the background, as similar thoughts; consideration of what made Zaichaer, what made it great, and how to make it greater, were omnipresent for Stefan now. To Kavafis he nodded at first, a small frown tilting the corners of his mouth at the idea of the man removing possibly valuable things from the city, even if it was on behalf of the rightful owners and thus not technically looting. If he had been forced out he would have wanted the same though, so he did not comment.

When the flow of words dammed he cleared his throat and said,

"You seem to be well connected, in Kalzasi, perhaps you could carry offers from my contingent to some independent businessmen when you return? You would be paid, of course, for services rendered." The idea of doing business with Kalzasi was abhorrent, but the notion of taking business from them, of channeling the efforts of their people into Zaichaer was pleasant. Between the stockpiles and the frenzy to grow food in the early days after the 34th the State, ironically, was faring better than many other nations in terms of being able to fully feed its people. So long as he could trade with private individuals and not feed the Kalzasern army, he was more than happy to see that poor folk got to eat while Zaichaer got supplies of metal and other essentials it would need to rebuild.

Once Kavafis finished the more local side of his report, Reiner gave his earning a proud sort of nod from Stefan that was partly for the recovering of the forward base and partly because of the confident manner in which his cousin gave it.

"I'm glad to hear it. E..." He'd been about to explain to his cousin that Eitan was getting along with his new kind of wards, working with the specimens of aether-eating mist spawn that they had managed to capture, but the man at the table with them had openly admitted that he was a spy. Not being tied to any specific government did not make him less so, it did, however, suggest an opportunity.

Clearing his throat again to cover the conversational misstep he gave Reiner a brief smile to reassure the younger man that Stefan's awkward halt had not been his fault before turning back to their guest.

"Additionally, if your other business is accepting new clients, it would be good to know more of what is happening in the world. Between the wars and the natural disasters, few places remain stable enough for normal correspondence."

The next course of food arrived and their glasses were refilled, while the servants were moving around the minister said,

"I've been told that you aren't native to the city you reside in, and you seem quite mobile, even in these times. Having a communications liaison could prove valuable to all sides."

If Kavafis was even half what he appeared to be, he would understand perfectly.
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While Aurin availed himself of Dornkirk's hospitality, he didn't avail himself too much. The affluent liked to feel generous, but not like the targets of opportunists. Of course, they were mostly opportunists themselves, but that was an unkind truth they didn't appreciate. He smiled for Schönling's grudging compliment, and Dornkirk's estimation of his connections.

"Knowledge is valuable," he said by way of agreement. He didn't say it was power as he didn't want to be seen by any power players anywhere as a threat. Aurin just wanted to survive—and thrive a bit where he could find space for himself and his people. One might have pointed out that he could retire to Torin's valley in the Astralar Mountains, but he needed the excitement and bustle of big cities as much as he needed to feel secure. Perhaps he contradicted himself; well, he contained multitudes.

"I would be happy to play courier for you, Minister." Technically, Kalzasi was no longer at war with Zaichaer. It was more complicated than that, but it always was. If Aurin was sloppy enough to get caught, well, he would get out of it. After all, he wasn't privy to state secrets. "I have contacts in various cities of Karnor, and next season, I plan to visit one in Solunarium. They made noises about aligning with one side or the other of the recent conflict, but if anything was formalized, I haven't heard about it." Perhaps the man would be interested in aligning with a powerful southron nation, even if they were eager for the power that magic could supply.

Against Kalzasi, that would be fighting fire with fire.

This sort of connection could help him keep the covens safe, as well. It was winning all around.
word count: 303
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions.
I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner's eyebrows shot up at Stefan's halted thought, but his cousin was savvy enough to cue him that he hadn't erred to cause the pause. He smiled faintly and nodded, taking another sip of the warm wine. He'd made enough of a showing with the pâté, and was much happier to focus his attentions on the drink and the discourse that passed between the two other men at the table.

Stefan's move seemed bold, though Reiner wouldn't broadcast that opinion upon his pale but pinkening visage. He supposed his cousin knew better and as long as he was cautious or calculating in how he exploited the resource of Aurin Kavafis it could be well worth the risk. Stefan, he was certain, had a better read on people than Reiner himself. He could likely glean things from phrasing or facial tics that were completely lost on the infantry private.

Aurin seemed amenable to the possibility of working with the minister and elaborated upon his connections in Karnor and beyond, though he'd never heard of the other place he referenced. He'd never had much cause to focus on the world beyond this corner of the continent. There was the Imperium, of course, looming large to the West, but that was a different matter. They were culturally aligned enough with Zaichaer that they might have all been one realm if it weren't for the distance separating the two technocratic nations. There were a few distinctions, of course, some of which the young Dornkirk found distasteful in their sister realm, but they were worth his attention regardless. What they lacked in ethical fortitude, they made up for in power. One could not but be impressed at their capacity for conquest. There was time when he'd aspired for Zaichaer to learn from them in that, but now their immediate concerns of survival far superseded any such remote pipedreams of domination in the North of Ailizane.
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While he remained quiet, Reiner seemed to be paying attention, perhaps learning something useful from the conversation. Stefan could hope anyway, that it wasn't wholly boring to the young soldier. At least he seemed to be enjoying the food and wine.

Nodded to Kavafis, pleased that the man was amenable to his request, however far that willingness extended it would still prove useful.

"We'll have to set up regular meetings every month or so. I'm sure we can work out a schedule that will work for you. I'll have you added to the list of notable foreigners who are allowed to come to the Islands." The payment, in either cash or information in return would have to be worked out as well, but Stefan felt that that part of the transaction would be better handled by Eitan, who was a master of spycraft and would be better able to ascertain both the usefulness of what Kavafis brought to them, and what could be given away without harm. He rather missed his brother's more subtle abilities but this was an opportunity that had dropped into their laps and likely wouldn't remain there very long without a little coaxing, so Stefan did his best.

"But tell me, Master Kavafis, is there anything that Zaichaer can do for you?" This was opening the door to the idea that more might be on offer than the obvious payments of money or information that would be part of the deal. Getting an informant who felt beholden, or at least friendly, toward you was always better than having one whose only connection was a transaction.

A moment later Deinerin entered, calling attention to himself with a minor cough into his white-gloved hand he slipped a note to Stefan before excusing himself to allow the server to enter to refill their wine and offer a second helping of the chicken, creamed potatoes and vegetables, should anyone wish for more. Stefan declined with a brief gesture (his mind briefly flashing to the next time either Delia or Eitan might have their eyes on his form as motivation to remain trim) then opened the note. Raising a brow he looked over the paper at Kavafis and said,

"Well, it seems I am not the only one interested in renewing an acquaintance with you." Leaning over to hand the redhead the note he ate the last bite on his plate and turned to his cousin, giving the foreigner a moment to read.

"I hope you enjoyed the pate, I believe Deinerin had it made especially for you after he noticed how much you liked it the last time."

The note read:
It has come to my attention that you are entertaining a guest from Kalzasi, one Aurin Kavafis. If my information is correct I would be obliged if you would extend to him my invitation for his company at any time before he departs our skies.

Valencia Grey
word count: 504
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