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The Plot to Raid Terra Nimbus

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:15 pm
by Rickter
The Plot to Raid Terra Nimbus II
(Continued from here)

"Only tidbits of the guy's life prior to meeting us. He's a Traversion mage to boot, and takes his studies at the Circle of Spells, but I'm sure you could tell that from his robes yesterday." Hannah responded with a fold of her arms, once she finally situated herself in the chair between Rickter and Telion.

"Anyone in Kalzasi could tell a black robe when they see one." The wolf mused gently as he started to take his next lodestone, contemplating the basis in design for this one since it'd require Kinetics to be used in turn.

"Yeah, well, it's actually pretty bland in comparison to what I hoped to find. Only dirt on him was a bit of forgery work a while back, but right now, he's just another guy in the market for information." She added as Telion looked from Hannah to Rickter, rather curious about this Ivar character the two were on about.

"Who is he?"

"His name is Ivar Shipper, and he came to us yesterday because he caught wind of our little search for Illumite." He reflected with another expectant look at Hannah, the rogue rolling her eyes at him before her lips curved into another playful grin. "Since he's coming along for the expedition, I've given him a bit of insight on how to best prepare. Whatever shards he wants to help gather for himself, that's perfectly fine by me, since I won't turn down an extra hand for this venture."

"You don't want Hannah or Patrick to go with you?" She inquired with a thoughtful look to their roguish packmate, while Rickter started to score the third lodestone with several circles overlapping one another for the base design.

"Patrick is already coming for the trip, and Hannah needs to stay here, so that she can help you out while we're gone." He reasoned with a warm smile cast to her briefly. "I remember where the Stone Crown Hot Springs is, so I can use Traversion to portal us there as a starting point." He explained with confidence as he kept inspecting the lodestone, curious as to what else he needed to incorporate for the Pictography of this one in particular.

"Look at you having shit all figured out." Hannah sardonically complimented as she watched him work, Telion on the other hand had more inquiries about the trip.

"So if you're heading to the peaks, then why are the lodestones here necessary?" The fact his greater Illumite shard rested near a couple of them wasn't lost on her either, leading Rickter to look up from his work and press his lips into a bit of a smolder when he thought for a second.

"Well... The higher peaks are bound to have average-quality clusters of shards if we reach them. The quality we're looking for needs to be a bit more exceptional, therefore, I've devised a way where the guys and I can reach the underside of Terra Nimbus." Telion's eyes widened as she looked at him, uncertain he was serious until he actually glanced at her again and chuckled. "What?"

"Terra Nimbus? Really?!" He could tell by her tone that Telion wasn't thrilled about the idea.

"It's... Alright, it's outrageous I know, but look here for a bit." He raised a finger from his left hand before resting the lodestone down, pointing at the other two that had already been inscribed with pictographs before he elaborated. "I've already laid out the groundwork for protections against the dangers we'll find up there. These lodestones are going to be imbued with a combination of Negation magic and Illumite aether, so that elements such as cold and shadow do not affect us within a certain radius. In the meantime, there'll be extra layers of aether ready to be actively released, in the event we have to deal with any local wildlife while we're up in the air."

"In the air!?!"

"Wow, now I really feel like I'm missing out here." Hannah mused with her chin resting on one of her hands, entertained by all this as she watched Telion about ready to argue with him.

"How exactly are you planning to accomplish this, Rickter?!"

"I'm actually working on that right now," he quickly responded with the lodestone in his right hand held up for a second, "antigravity lodestones that'll be positioned at two points of the peaks. Where we begin our ascension to Terra Nimbus, and where we plant the other when we find the dragonshard clusters. I'll have the aether net positioned to where any dragonshards that fall are caught without plummeting down." She looked at him as though he were mad, probably insane even, before she sighed and gave him that same loving stare she often did.

"You do realize there are easier and safer ways of doing this?" The wolf looked away for a moment to pretend consideration, nodding in turn with a small grin before his beloved shook her head. "Alright, well, better finish your work. I want you to get some proper sleep before you go on this trip."

"Soon as I'm done etching the pictographs, I'll only have to charge them with the magic. And then I swear, I'll go and rest before we're off for the trip."

"Well this has been an amusing conversation," Hannah remarked with a rise from her chair, "I will leave you both to it then. Got a couple of rambunctious boys to help rise and shine."

"Thank you." Telion started with another soft grin at Hannah, watching her leave the room before she turned her attention back to Rickter. "You really don't mind me staying to watch?"

"I absolutely don't mind you staying to watch. Might help keep me sharp while I work on this." He mused with another grin cast at her, before resuming his work on the third lodestone in hand. The question remained what else he needed to incorporate with the gravity well, since really he only needed the lodestone to generate a constant lift using Kinetics. He suppose that a bit more Negation work weaved into the makeup wouldn't hurt, as the gravity well could also keep the aether of any fallen shards dormant while they floated down.

Looking back at the base design of his prior lodestones, the wolf held the third with consideration in his gaze, before he started to score another set of lines that would serve as the channels for aether. The pictographs were similar by design, but instead, he would have to remember to charge them toward Illumite signatures themselves. This meant the antigravity wards would have to be charged and tasked not to cancel out his other lodestones in turn. A minor inconvenience but one he'd emphasize nonetheless. Once the base template for the third stone was finished, he placed it down and picked up the final lodestone he had made.

It was a process of rinse and repeat since he needed to only copy the same design patterns as the third. Yet Rickter was still slow and intricate with how he carved them, not wanting anything to be amiss when the time finally came for these lodestones to be placed. Once he finished it and placed the lodestone down, he stretched his upper back and shoulders a bit, tilting his head from side to side so that his neck would pop a few times. "You've really come a long way you know." Telion then complimented him with a proud smile, leading the wolf to look at her curiously before reaching for the two Negation lodestones.

"I remember the first lessons Lyra and I gave when you were only learning Scrivening." The reminisce of those days led him to smile at her in turn, while he focused his gaze back on the stones he held in each hand.

"Yeah, simpler times back then." Yet if Rickter were told he'd be planning wild and insane stunts like flying up to a mountain back then, he would've outright glared and denied such a thing in disbelief. Funny how magic had really changed his perspective on things, since he used to be utterly afraid of heights at the time. The wolf focused on channeling his aether into the lodestones he held, his Negation rune flaring up as the ice stones he held lit up with aetheric power. It wouldn't be long before he instilled enough aether within each of them to power them up and give them the proper tasks necessary for the job.

And once they were done, he moved on to the Kinetic lodestones next.

"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"

Re: The Plot to Raid Terra Nimbus

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:27 pm
by Chronicle

Points: 8 (Can be used for Scrivening)
Loot: 4 Scrivened Ice Elemental Lodestones
Injuries: None