Seekers of Flowers and Fortune II

Filled with people both proud and poor, the Imperium is a land of ambition, glory and a belief in the power of the mortal spirit.

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Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
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Having one’s formative years removed from them was weird and, in some ways, it made Hector feel sort of purposeless. He knew what he’d been told, and he had the residual knowledge he’d gained from those years that naturally drew him towards paths stemming from botanical roots– but without the memories to go with that knowledge, he didn’t feel the obligation, necessarily, to follow those roads. And here, now, he was used almost entirely as an accessory to Vergil or an interrogator; he either assisted another or was an instrument of pain– in the case of the latter, another more senior Inquisitor would usually be the one asking the questions.

That being the case, it was easy to sway him into something like what Carina was requesting, because though he was relatively content with his day to day now, he still felt almost restless, in a way. While he doubted he’d find something in the Warrens to give him purpose, at least, not right away, it would nevertheless be a welcome change of pace.

“He uses a lot of different things with his Necromancy…but also has an addiction to fancy teas, so finding rare flora down there would be a draw, I think…I’ll admit, though, that I know little about the Warrens, so…it might be you that has to give examples of what he might find,” he’d give a slight, awkward laugh at the end there. It was clear that his complete lack of knowledge on the subject made him uncomfortable.

The latter part of what she said elicited a puzzled expression; his head tilted slightly and his brow would furrow briefly, but then his face would relax; there was no need to think too hard about it since…she just said she’d show him. “Oh? Yeah– in that case, show me,” he tried to conceal his eagerness, but he didn’t do the best job.

When she left, he’d follow her out the store and through the portal. He understood why she wanted a more clandestine space to craft the portal, though it wasn’t necessary; Hector would’ve had her magic use excused because it was, technically, requested by him. Nevertheless, the projection of the apothecary’s blueprints was more than a little novel; he’d blink several times as if trying to adjust to the strange aetheric sight. At first, he had no clue how she’d created this, but following along the lines of some of his other assumptions and what he knew about her, he concluded this had to be some quirk of her Semblance. Or maybe, all Semblers could do this? He had no idea.

Her explanation, however, drew this projection back to her desire to explore the warrens. For Carina, ‘explore’ was less vague than it sounded– she intended to map the place, only using her Sembler’s eyes instead of traditional cartography.

“Oh– that’s…fascinating, actually!” He’d say, not actually sure how to express his interest, but still wanting to make it known.

“With that ability it’d be hard to get lost, yes, but it’ll be even harder with me there, too. I have Animus,” he’d pause, then utilizing Chimerism, he’d lift his hand and morph it into a pigeon’s foot. “...see?” Perhaps unnecessary, but he liked to show people his magic over talking about it when possible. His hand would start to revert after it had reached the other form, this process taking a little less than a minute.

But while he showed her, Hector kept talking. “I…used a random feather I found on the street as a totem and ended up with a pigeon,” he giggled, almost embarrassed. “I don’t regret it, though, because the trait I inherited is their navigation, ah…it’s called ‘magnetoreception,’ I think. Anyways, I don’t know how it’d work in the Warrens, but it’s helped me a lot otherwise.” Prior to doing this, he’d been awful with directions; he considered this gift to be invaluable.

That being said and his hand being normal again, Carina made another portal and both of them passed through it. On the other end was the door to his apartment– Hector wouldn’t have minded simply walking up the stairs, but the unit was on the third and final floor. He did appreciate the minor convenience. He’d pull a key from the front pocket of his pants, the door being secured with a manual lock and minor warding. It was clear from the almost reflexive way that he unlocked and opened the door that he either lived here or frequented this place very often.

“Vergil?” He’d say upon opening the door and starting to cross the threshold, lightly knocking at the same time.

“Welcome home– I’m in the kitchen,” another voice would answer. Also male, but lower than Hector’s.

Gesturing to Carina to follow him, he’d cross the living area and into the kitchen, placing the little parcel of herbs on the counter when he arrived. Vergil was just sitting there, one of his own journals– a thick, leatherbound thing– open alongside a volume that, at glance, appeared to be about artificing? To Hector’s perception, this was new. Looking up from the book, there’d be subtle confusion in his brows accompanied by a slight widening to his eyes, each lasting for only a moment; Vergil had rather muted expressions and was generally a lot less readable than Hector.

“You brought a friend?” The chirurgeon would ask, no clear reaction in his voice; he’d abstain from doing so until Hector clarified.

“Yeah, uh…this is the one I told you about, um…back in Ash. I told you I met her when I got you that pesticyte–” as he said this, he pointed to visible dragonshard that Vergil was, coincidentally, wearing on his wrist. “...remember?”

Vergil would just nod; still, he bore no discernable reaction.

“So-...I found her again and she needs help with something, and I want to, but we’d need your help and, um…” Hector cut off, not actually sure how he wanted to explain this request.

“...and?” At this point, Vergil’s brow rose asymmetrically, and he almost looked amused, but at the same time, it was more of an ‘oh, here we go again’ sort of expression.

Hector, clearly a bit nervous, would look to Carina, hoping she’d interject with what she wanted to do. In his mind, he thought she’d do a far better job explaining her intent than he would.
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Aidolon Speech
"Kathalan Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"
word count: 1217
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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From here.

Hector's animus was a rune that she had definitely recognized on him. A pigeon was an interesting choice, as was his apparent first totem acquisition, but magnetoreception was fascinating. She'd have to remember that. Hopefully it came in handy in the Warrens, but there was no telling. Traversion was fucked down there, but they were still able to teleport within the same deep. How a pigeon's magnetoreception would interact with it... she would have to ask Hector if they made it down there. It felt useful to know, and one's brain worked differently from a compass. She followed Hector into the apartment and lingered close by him.

Carina recognized Vergil's Zaichaeri accent, matching with Hector's. Standing in the kitchen, she expected Hector to make a much stronger plea than he ended up with — his aura felt nervous, and he was clearly nervous without magic. But Carina had no fear — she had stared down bigger, scarier men to get what she wanted. It was how it was in her line of work. Given that this Vergil was not particularly menacing in the face, either, was a boon. He didn't seem angry, just amused.

"I've been planning a small venture into the Warrens, but need protection and transportation. Travel is all but halted to Kalzasi for myriad reasons, and I am not yet able to make a portal there myself..." She paused to let her initial request sink in, but before allowing Vergil the chance to respond, she continued. "I'm in search of dragonshards," She gestured to her featherlight bag, within which she had rented the tools required to harvest them, a service that had popped up in particular because of the bounty for lumicite, "and in particular, to map the Warrens... I showed Hector what I meant, but I'm particularly skilled at Semblance and memorizing the auras of locations." She stopped, as if she was done explaining, and then remembered to throw in something that was in it for Vergil as well.

"Some of Kalzasi's rarest teas are sourced from mushrooms and herbs growing in the first and second deeps, and many medicinal plants and mosses..." Her eyes darted to the book, but it was on artificing, and she knew not the first thing about artificing to sweeten the pot there. "I was told you are a healer, and I figure that it can be useful to source your own herbs, especially ones that are so difficult to come across here in Gel'Grandal... without great expense. I can see that you're strong and capable yourself, I don't think we'd have too much issue as long as we are prepared. I'd preferably like to enter through the Yawning Chasm in Kalzasi, and when we're close enough, I could portal us there from anywhere in Karnor if you don't know the exact location..."

She was rambling, which was rare, but it was also rare that she had reason to earnestly explain a request. Vergil had very little to gain from this venture, but he also had nothing to gain from her, yet. As such, she realized that being exceedingly cryptic would get her nowhere.

She offered a hand to Vergil. "My name is Carina, and if you wish, I can show you what I showed Hector." If he agreed, she'd show him the same — the apothecary's with all of the details.
word count: 587
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Genuinely, Vergil hadn't the faintest idea what to expect in terms of what sort of assistance Hector’s friend required. Because Hector was predictably unpredictable, Vergil wasn't surprised at this turn of events, at least, not really, but that didn't mean he would be able to guess what the young woman he'd escorted into their apartment wanted. So when she said that she desired to find both ferryment and protection for a plot in the Warrens of all places, the man's brow would raise in the faintest hint of bewilderment. Part of him wanted to laugh, but he remained remarkably placid. He'd let her continue to say her piece without interruption.

When she offered him her hand as a means to demonstrate the claimed quirk to her Semblance, his eyes would narrow slightly, giving a look of discernment. That pause was short, though, and wordlessly, he'd lift one of his own hands from the text he'd been reading to meet with hers. His hand dwarfed hers and he had to be remarkably dainty lest he break it, but he was used to that– many of his patients were in far more fragile states of health.

Immediately, he'd be clued into exactly what she meant. The blueprint she showed him was an extremely precise replica, every detail of the building laid bare before him. At first, he'd thought the idea of going on a cartography mission in the Warrens to be remarkably silly, but with a magicked gift like this, perhaps it was less so…still ludicrous for most in terms of danger, but at the very least, the information gleaned would be accurate. All the same, she was asking for quite the favor.

When he let go of her hand, his lips would flatten in the same moment he'd sigh, exhaled through his nose. Golden eyes would shift from Carina to Hector.

"And I suppose you agreed to this because it piques your personal interest then, hm?" Vergil angled the question at Hector; he knew well that the elf was not an altruistic actor– nigh to all of his motivations took root from selfish seeds.

Hector would smile, but in an almost dishonest way– as if he'd been caught doing something wrong. "Yes, I-..." he'd start, the words he wanted jumbling up in his head. "She's right; there's plenty to find in those barely explored depths– and I know you abhor violence," the latter line delivered as if he were poking fun, "...but listen: what use is strength if you don't use it? I think we're quite capable and while simple greed has its draw, I'll admit that for me it's…yeah, it's a bit of curiosity and thrill seeking, but still."

Vergil could tell from the look Hector's eyes that he'd be unlikely to let this go, or, at the very least, sorely disappointed should he decline. He also knew that there was a balance to be struck with the elf– should he continuously deny his more chaotic tendencies, eventually, he'll break and slink off on his own to sate them. Frankly, Vergil would rather be present in those moments than not.

"I suppose we can…but we can't spend ages down there, we've lives here. Regardless of what you two get up to, though, I do expect some time dedicated to finding the aforementioned rare flora," the larger man would relent.

To this, Hector appeared delighted, and he'd look from his partner to Carina. "We'll have to ask for time off, but as I said, I don't expect trouble there."

Looking to Carina as well, Vergil would ask: "Have you gone far into the Warrens before yourself?"
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Aidolon Speech
"Kathalan Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"
word count: 741
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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Carina nodded. She could see the connection between Vergil and Hector was more than just friend or even mentor, but she did not comment on it. As Vergil explained his caveats — such as ensuring they spend some time finding the rare flora she had mentioned — Carina watched him. Vergil's aura was blocked from her, which was unusual but she could see that the source of the block was a warding pendant around his neck. But she inspected Hector's aura, and when her inner gaze shifted to that of his Summoning rune, she realized how familiar it was. She couldn't remember if she had noticed this before, as their first meeting was nearly a year prior, but he, too, had been a member of Covens of Zaichaer. It was a logical leap that Vergil too had been a part of the Covens.

"I have, in fact. Often on a sort of scouting role. I was - am? - a Railrunner, and I'm rather adept at Semblance..." Carina paused. "I've escorted, along with a Sunsinger, a member of the Kindred coven as she collected particular herbs in the first deep, though I'm not too familiar with Kalzasi's entrance in particular, which is why I'd like to start there." Carina was relieved at this fortuitous turn of events. Vhexur or Vicis alike surely smiled on her today.

"I have no plans to spend too long in the deeps. It would be safer to go little by little, of course. The Warrens are massive and I could not hope to explore even the first deep with any detail in even a season." Even though she was not quite looking for dragonshards in particular, a large part of her hoped to discover something as yet unknown about the Warrens. She was not quite an academic at heart, and the strictures of the Circle of Spells were unappealing to her, but she needed to scratch at secrets, much like one needed to scratch at scabs or bug bites. It itched her brain when she realized there was something she didn't quite know, or when there was the possibility...

"As far as I've been aware, one can traverse somewhat normally within the same level of the Warrens. You cannot traverse between levels, or outside in — or vice versa — but you can within the same level. It may be smart to make camp in one spot if we plan on staying for multiple days, or even switching off and portaling to the entrance near Kalzasi and returning where we left off the day before, if you'd prefer those creature comforts. At least, I've managed to use my rune with some normality within it, and did much the same in Zaichaer."
word count: 469
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When the two initially entered, Vergil had been learning over the texts in front of him, and now when Carina had started to explain her previous ventures within the Warrens, he'd actually sat up properly. For a human, he was taller than average, and certainly more broad. And while his muted expressions might come across as cold, he made little attempt to be imposing– the postural shift was more a natural result of his focus shifting. Having agreed to an endeavor like this, he'd take it seriously.

When Carina spoke of the Covens, he'd nod. "Sounds about right. I am–...was?...of Grymalka, and Hector, Kindred. I've worked with sundry materials said to have come from the Warrens but…in the past, I was a healer and healer only; going down there wasn't something I pursued. And-..." He almost chuckled, but it turned into a nostalgic sigh and, for a moment, somebody perceptive might detect genuine sadness. "...and back then, the Kindred were protective over Hector; his magic has always been potent but he was as like to hurt himself as he was to accomplish his goal." Being an only child, the elf's parents very much coveted him.

Listening to what Vergil said was a weird experience for Hector because, while his companion was talking about him directly, none of his words registered as familiar. The covens were all foreign concepts to him at this point, his only knowledge of them being what the other man had told him in the past few months. His parents? Extended family? Friends? Strangers. And then there were the Menders…but Vergil wouldn't invoke their name here.

Hector would simply nod along as if in agreement to what Vergil was saying, trying to hide the fact that he had no idea what the man was talking about. The elf's cluelessness evoked a sadness in the other vampyre that he found difficult to describe and would not express. Neither man would intentionally express these things, though Vergil hid his unease far better than Hector.

But the elf would, at least, add: "We worked with a Sunsinger in Frost– wrangled a blasphemously large hydra in service of a strange sorceress."

Carina, however, would continue, stating that, at least for now, she wouldn't ask overmuch of their time.

"Alright, we'll inquire and see how much time we can get, then Hector will coordinate with you," Vergil responded.
- - -

Aidolon Speech
"Kathalan Tongue/Speech"
"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Mythrasi Tongue/Speech"
word count: 514
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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There was something that Carina registered almost immediately as Vergil spoke was, Hector still unwarded, held no recognition for his words, nor hers. She could watch emotions fleck across Vergil's face, even though she couldn't see his aura — but she beheld Hector's in the corner of her eye, and there was very little that shifted in regards to his words or hers. He did not hold emotion to the Kindred, Grymalka, any of the Covens. It didn't show on his face, either. The idea that he held Semblance and was hiding his reaction flecked across her mind, but it made no sense, as nothing else of his aura felt hidden or modified. Surely the bloody rune would have been hidden before Semblance.

Carina's expression didn't change, but she funneled more aether through her rune and began to dig through Hector's aura in detail. A person's aura was... complicated, and finding memories and history was significantly more difficult than finding the impression of every person who had walked on a pavestone in the last three hours, for instance. She was skilled at Semblance, that part wasn't a lie, and so she was able to begin sifting through the part of his aura that resembled his memories much like one would flip through a filing cabinet. His aura was chaotic and she couldn't see them as they existed — it was more like a smattering of impressions over time. People, places, feelings. Things that he had imprinted on. Even those were unclear, as if Hector himself could hardly remember them.

Even during this, Carina maintained a friendly expression and was able to multi-task enough to listen to Vergil as he spoke. A small emotion passed over Carina's visage when he mentioned working with a Sunsinger the previous Frost. Perhaps it had been Imogen? They had been separated for some time since Frost because of various reasons, the Imperium being largely unfriendly to Orkhan one of them.

While she couldn't quite feel Vergil's aura in front of her, she could feel his aura through Hector's memories of him, and those were myriad and bountiful. Everything she could find, however, was after the summer prior. She knew Hector had been in Zaichaer; they had spoken about it. She recognized his accent, so different from the Imperials. He had been a member of a coven, confirmed in front of her by Vergil. And now she had practically laid Hector bare in her haphazard searching of his aura, she had felt glimpses of pain and love that he had felt, and her wild internal speculation that they had met Imogen was correct, because she could sense when someone else had been sufficiently around Imogen for it to make a difference.

Carina blinked. His history stopped abruptly, as if it had never existed. There was a trace aura, far more powerful than anything Carina had encountered herself, but she could not place it or its origins. It was entirely unfamiliar.

Carina glanced at Hector and smiled. "You can find me at 113 Allen Street, off of the main road on Wintergarten Circle. There's a sign, Transcriptionist Services. Just knock if it's locked, or you can leave a letter if I'm out."

She said nothing of her discovery, feeling quite like she had just dug too deep into something she shouldn't have. It was not meant for her to know, though she felt satisfied with the secret she had uncovered.
word count: 597
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10 EXP, can be used for magic

10 EXP, can be used for magic
word count: 16
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