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Why the Wind Blows III

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:48 pm
by Norani

Ash 32, 110 - 3 years after the end of the war, age 8

"And so, he leapt from the mountain, swinging Kryclok Draxich as rolling thunderhead of a thousand impossible colors bore down on Drathera mountain, where the green dragons were giving refuge to the many Ecithians that were fleeing. Raxon's great blade caught the blast that we would later call the Sundering, and the god put all of his strength, all of the strength of our people, into that swing. He cut through it, sending the shockwaves askew, carving deep scars in this realm for which we care. That swing, in a moment crafted by the All-Seer, inspired by the Bard herself, saved our people, but at great cost. Mighty Raxen was near to death, lying in a divine sleep for many years. Wise Galetira was rendered blind by the Sundering, falling into a deep void of depression and isolation. For a while, Syren was helping to rebuild and help our people heal, just as she cared for her two closest friends in the world. And eventually, Raxen woke and Galetira could smile again."

Aido smiled brightly at the several children sitting around him next to Lake Nora. Each of them had been listening with wide eyes and rapt attention, eating roasted nuts from the great tree that many called home.

"So, what have you learned from that ending passage?"

Norani burst out loudly, proudly, "That you need to be as strong as Raxen to protect everyone."

Aido smiled softly at his daughter, "That is one lesson to be taken from this tale, yes. But is that the most helpful lesson in this, Fidget Finch?"

A few of the children giggled at the nickname her father used and Norani's cheeks and ear tips darkened and warmed, "Yes, because if you're stronger than everything, and everyone is safe, it will all work out."

Pappa Aido smiled, "Thank you, Norani. Anyone else have a different perspective?"

A shy hand raised, a soft voice ringing out, "Friendship."

"Could you say some more on that, Juno?"

"Um... Raxen's strength was the desire to protect friends. Not just Galetira and Syren, but all of them. And when Galetira fell into her sadness, it was Syren who stayed by her side, bringing her and Raxen both back from the darkness. Friendship is the real strength of us Orkhan."

Aido was beaming, a pleasant surprise adorning his face, "That is very well thought out Juno." He paused, as he looked to the skies over the lake, seeing a distant speck, a bird perhaps. His smile dropped a bit, "Well, on that note, you kids go have some fun. It's a beautiful day. Think about these lessons today, and next time we'll discuss the tale of Chieftain Boraba and Wind Singer."

Aido stood up from the rock he had been astride and started up the path back to the tree, and many of the children did the same, scattering into the winds like a disturbed nest of dragonflies. Aside from two. Juno was turned, looking out over the lake at the dark speck that Aido had seen. "Did you see his face? He looked upset."

Norani was busy trying to count the reeds that were swaying in a light breeze, "He seemed happy to me. Especially when you spoke up." She looked over at Juno, "You're always so smart," beaming and smiling at her friend, "I wish I was smart like you." Juno smiled timidly at the compliment, catching her friend's gaze and holding it for a long moment or two, before looking back out at the slightly larger speck that seemed to be approaching. She couldn't quite make it out.

"You are smart too, Norani. You are just too busy with your own little things."

Norani cocked her head, unsure. Juno smiled, giggling as she spoke, "How many reeds are there in the wind?"

Norani's eyes grew wide and she flushed deep green. "One hundred and two before I lost track."

The two looked at each other for a long moment before both burst into laughter, falling into the mud around them, clutching at their sides.

Sometime later...