Presidium Exploration {Dakkur}

High City of the Northlands

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ 35th of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ☬
Company: Himself | Thoughts: Time to look around | Mood: Calm, Alert

Dreyfus learned from Victor that the Presidium had been destroyed during the initial blast from the cataclysm. He also knew that there was valuable information within the vaults of the Presidium that could prove useful should the time come. Now that the danger of abominations and mistspawn seemed to be over, he decided to investigate the Presidium and see what all had survived and could be used.

Vaulting from building to building, using kinetic pushes to easily clear distances Dreyfus found himself landing on a nearby building, looking over the courtyard, or what was left of it, of the magnificent building. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." he pondered to himself as he gazed up at the ruined castle fortress. What was once a magnificent symbol of the strength and power of Zaichaer was now nothing less of a shell of its former self.

The vampyre couldn't help but scoff at the sight as he knew Zaichaer would never be the same as it was before. As he stood there, he noticed the ashened remains that littered the ground around the building. "Poor bastards never saw it coming." he mused, jumping down from where he was perched, using another kinetic push to soften his landing. Though it was quiet of monstrosities, he wasn't about to let his guard down so easily, aware through the aether flux of any motions.

The Anarchists were still a real threat still and he knew better than to allow himself to relax. Venturing forward he drew his blades ready to kill anything that could still be lurking around.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 352

Dakkur Doelish
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For close to two years now, perhaps, Dakkur had found his life in Zaichaer to be... lacking; lacking being the word to describe the city however could be one of the more generous terms he could use for it. Resources were limited. Security was a luxury. Power even was a lot more narrow although for the normies it would probably be life just as usual, harder, but life as usual. That being said however the current climate of Zaichaer made for one of few rare opportunities which Dakkur would regret not taking advantage of. One such opportunity he had invested on over the seasons seemed to be for naught until recently. Very recently actually. For quite a while now while there had been attempts both from Dakkur and those he had observed, the heart of Zaichaer remained hard to approach and it did not seem like it would change.


Boom! Splat! Swish! Whip! Pow! Some God of Justice came down for some long awaited elimination of the abominations and mistspawns which had infested the city since the so called cataclysm. No idea how Dakkur himself missed that bit but with all the absurd accounts of it, perhaps it was just some sort of a mass hallucination which he was not within to experience himself? In any event, it was strange to hear the residents of Zaichaer speaking of it the way they did, after all they all eschewed if not hated, the arcane; unlike Dakkur who grew up with it back home in Zeraphesh, some sort of powered up otherworldly entity like a God of Justice may as well be some sort of spirit he was unfamiliar with that was finally brought down to fix the mess in Zaichaer by some summoner who believed enough was enough. Would be nice to meet someone like that if they actually did exist. Dakkur could swap some notes on the subject of summoning so he could do something similar.

Not that his own summons were any less good or useful as it was his own which had him know about this particular new attempt on the Presidium so why would be need to learn from some other summoner while he himself could very well raid the Presidium for information on summoning? While publicly the arcane was a no-no in Zaichaer they would still need to have the means and knowledge to control it. Perhaps that was wishful thinking on his part but that was enough to convince him. As he watched the vampyre easily making his way deeper and deeper into the heart of the city without any issues, thinking that going in through the top was indeed a novel idea he wondered why no one else thought of or attempte- oh wait the way he was moving was not natural at all so there had to be something helping him. Pfft. No way Dakkur could accomplish that.

"Poor bastards never saw it coming."

Hearing that declaration, Dakkur did hope that it was directed to any other entities the man expected but did not find which meant there were no more dangers lurking about. As he watched the man draw his blades to venture deeper, it was obvious this was the chance he needed- either the other man was going to clear things out for him or die to whatever danger the summoners would be able to take note for a future expedition himself. "Follow him in" he told his summon who obviously was not too keen on the idea because it needed a little more convincing which Dakkur too did not know how with a "I don't know, roll after him. Maybe he'd think him disturbing the place is also messing with the clutter. Yeah roll. Just don't get caught" That was easier said than done of course but not taking no for an answer "I'm quite sure the next full moon isn't too far off so you'll be back. Just get to it. You had the cushy job for nearly a season now, now you actually get to do some work!" How hard could it be to just sit and watch a place anyway? Besides the boredom anyway which is why Dakkur deliberately used an earth spirit which is known for their laz- stoicness.

Nevertheless that was enough of that and with no desire to waste any more time Dakkur grabbed at his weapons and tools and started to head over to the Presidium, looking back through his summon every so often to see the progress the man has made in his venture until he could observe the attempt himself.
word count: 777
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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:57 pm
Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ 35th of Searing, Year 123, A.o.S ☬
Company: Himself | Thoughts: Time to look around | Mood: Calm, Alert

He was about to venture into the presidium but could feel the disturbance in the flux behind him, something moving at a slow pace behind him. His aether sense could identify it was indeed alive and was following him, but because it wasn't hostile so he would let it be for now. His main concern was trying to salvage any important information that could remain within the ruins. Entering the building he was assaulted with the stench of stale air and death, rotted corpses, and the like.

He wasn't sure what to expect at this point but he knew that the important file would be one of two places, on the upper levels and deep beneath the building within the archives room. Looking up as he found himself standing in the middle of the foyer, he could see the sky above. That made looking for the documents easier, as he now simply had to just go down into the archives of the building. Having been exposed to the raw aether of the Aetherium, he could smell the aether of the area, feeling the vibrations of it as he walked passed small pockets of magically charged areas.

The first obstacle to get in his way was a large metal door. It was thick, very much so to the point that he sensed the flux around to see how thick it was. It was a solid metal door for one, and it seemed he was going to have to go about it one of two ways. He opted to go with the easier option, slicing the palms of his hands and pouring a concentrated stream of flaming blood upon the door. He also ramped up its acidicness to allow it to quickly melt through the material. Once enough of the metal had been turned into a molten mess on the floor, he stepped through it and onward deeper towards the vaulted archives.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 393

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