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Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:30 am
by Laveriel


True Name: Laveriel d’Revrinti
Alias: Iselya d’Svaris
Race: Siltori
Sex: Female
Age: 154 years old
Height: 165 cm (5 ft 4)
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)

Birthdate: 90th of Ash, 361st Year of the Age of Sundering
Birthplace: Auris

Titles: The Dread Witch, Wrath of Arcas, Wielder of Novuril
Factions: Order of the Dawnmartyr

Profession: Knight-Captain of the Warforged, Order of the Dawnmartyr
Housing: Private Quarters in the Hall of Justice
Partners: None

Fluencies: Common, Silandris
Conversationals: Synskrit
Ineptitudes: Kathalan


As a full-blooded Siltori, it is challenging for Veriel to be unassuming no matter how much she tries. Her midnight-black hair cascades down to her waist, shimmering like stardust when under the moonlight and often decorated with ornaments that she favors. Her eyes are molten silver, possessing a glow that fluctuates with her emotions, accentuating her already otherworldly beauty. The elven woman will often be found clad in long-sleeved dresses, a habit she had developed to hide what is underneath: the lithe body of an experienced fighter, painted with battle scars and elegant markings—runes and witchmarks—decorate her pale, silvery skin, igniting with luminescence when she draws upon her magic.


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Running. A hunter, hunted. That was what her life had come to. There was not a single night that Laveriel could sleep soundly, no town she could enter without fearing that her identity would be found.

Over the course of a decade, Laveriel and members of the Dawnmartyr must have moved a hundred times, changing identities until she could barely keep track of them. They hid their magic, knowing that a group of reavers would get words spreading in no time. No matter where they ran, the Imperium always found them. It did not matter if they hid in populated cities or deserted forests – no place was truly safe. Sometimes they managed to outrun them, other times they didn’t and they would barely get away with their lives. Slowly, their numbers dwindled – some were murdered by the Imperium, others decided to go on their own way.

In the end, Laveriel figured it would be best she goes off alone. She had the highest rank amongst the group and that meant the Imperium would go after her first. No one argued – except for a young sergeant, Laelithar Sol’Ilthuryn. She had saved his life back in Ailos and even now he insisted that it was a debt he could never repay. Despite her refusal, he was as stubborn as her – perhaps even more so – and insisted he would go with her. Laveriel relented in the end and the two set off from their friends. Surprisingly, they got along quickly as they get to know each other and, even though she would never admit it aloud, she was grateful that he decided to accompany her. It made this life easier, having someone who knew her true self when all she did was lie and lie. Together they traveled all over the land, moving whenever anything was suspicious.

It had been three years since they settled in Kalzasi now, the longest time they had stayed anywhere without being found. Iselya was starting to believe perhaps this was it. She had a job she enjoys at a clinic in the city, a home. Perhaps it was time she can finally stop running and build a life for herself. Still, there was no guarantee that it would be safe forever. The Siltori is always on guard, hiding her identity and watching any signs of the Gelerian Imperium around her. All she can do is pray that this peace would last.


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 9:24 am
by Laveriel

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Arcana: Affliction 170/300 Master, Third Order
Arcana: Reaving 100/100 Master
One-handed: Blades 100/100 Master
Unarmed Combat 50/100 Journeyman
Arcana: Meditation 50/100 Journeyman
Dexterity: Acrobatics 50/100 Journeyman
Endurance: Resistance 50/100 Journeyman
Charisma: Leadership 50/100 Journeyman
Arcana: Necromancy 30/100 Apprentice
Mercantilism: Poison 26/100 Apprentice
Arcana: Nyx 25/100 Apprentice
Two-Handed: Polearms 25/100 Apprentice
Ranged: Melee 25/100 Apprentice
Biology: Medicine 25/100 Apprentice
Biology: Surgery 10/100 Novice
Perception: Detection 8/100 Novice
Intelligence: Chemistry 0/100 Novice
Intelligence: Torture 0/100 Novice
Dexterity: Stealth 0/100 Novice
Perception: Investigation 0/100 Novice
Charisma: Interrogation 0/100 Novice
Charisma: Intimidation 0/100 Novice
Endurance: Riding 0/100 Novice
Endurance: Running 0/100 Novice
Endurance: Survival 0/100 Novice
Endurance: Swimming 0/100 Novice
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Racial Ability: Witchborn
The Siltori are touched by the power of the Mistlords. This is reflected both in their physicality and in the fact that emotional upheaval can result in the slightly luminous quality of their eyes turning into a bright glow. Siltori who delve into the personal magics and expose themselves to heightened levels of aether manipulation can sometimes see this glow become an almost fiery luminescence as their aether stirs into motion, radiating from their eyes. This quality results in Siltori having perfect night vision, being able to see even in pitch black environments though this sight is absent of color and is purely grey tones. Additionally, Siltori who take on runes of magic tend to find that their runes manifest in very elaborate patterns over their bodies. Some believe that the more elaborate the patterns, the higher one's potential as a mage.

Harlequin's Affliction
While her brush with the dark powers at play was not as intimate as others, Laveriel has still suffered some touch of the sinister forces through the poison she absorbed. Invoking this dark power comes at the cost of Laveriel's more noble inhibitions. To use this power is to invite a stronger desire to embrace her darker urges. But…is that such a bad thing? After all, any who suffer her wrath must be deserving of such retribution…right? (link here)

Re: Iselya

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 7:51 pm
by Laveriel


Rune Location: The first marking she had ever received was the Cardinal Rune of Reaving. It traveled down her back, following her spine. The first stroke of her rune was made by the blade of her first pact weapon, Iratallin. It was after that she realized the mark had taken the shape of a beautiful sword, as if drawn in silvery ink. Intricate patterns extended from its hilt, decorating her shoulders and upper arms.

Rune Location: At a swift glance, the rune resembled a small flower that no one could ever quite name on the back of her neck. Some say it resembled a blooming carnation, others a wilting rose. Anyone whose gaze settled on it for too long would slowly be drowned by a sense of dread and a distinct feeling that something was wrong. To shield people from the discomfort, Veriel let her dark hair down to hide the mark most of the time. Only on a battlefield would the Siltori bear the mark proudly, letting the fear settle in the hearts of her enemies.

Rune Location: TBA


Description: Twice marked by Arcas, Veriel now serves as an Avowed. The first mark she received was during the beginning of the Graveplague for risking her life to save her comrades, buying time for her fellow dawnmartyrs to escape an unsurvivable situation. Arcas came to her through Andrus, a higher-ranked knight in her order. Her second mark did not come directly from the Lord of Light. Instead, as far as she could tell, it bloomed on her chest as the Master, an unknown entity, gave her the Sword of Dawn.


Description: A polished blade with edges that seem made of platinum, lined with eberrite and gilded with gold. The hilt of the sword almost appears to take the shape of a rising sun that is emitting a single pillar of light into the skies. Along the blade are inscribed several celestial runes that resonate with divine power at a mere glance. In the hilt and pommel of the sword are two golden gemstones that do not seem to be made from any earthly material. (link here)

Re: Iselya

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:05 am
by Laveriel
Quirk Motif: Cursemonger


Despite the sinister reputation of Affliction, Veriel has always been fascinated by the magic since she first learned of it. Still, it was not until she became a Dawnmartyr that she decided that it could be useful for her. While most of her comrades shied away from its dark potential, Veriel seized it. The knight dominantly utilizes the magic in combat, where every second counts, her afflictions are typically instantaneous and destructive. Other than making her weapons more deadly, the siltori likes to get creative in designing debilitating effects. This leads Veriel to push the limits of affliction to make it well-suited for war.

Apprentice - Curse-Eater
Veriel’s early days as an afflictionist were spent eroding and collecting hexes rather than inflicting them. She wanted to accustom her own body to be able to hold as many curses at once before suffering an irreversible curserot. She likes having a collection of various curses. Whenever the elf finds a unique condition, she wants to be able to always use it. So every time she takes on a new malady, Veriel always keeps a small bit - like a sample - of it to store in her morbus domicillius to be reused over and over again.

Journeyman - Warcaster
Over years of practice, the siltori’s unique way of wielding the magic had been deeply ingrained in her aether. Afflictionists are known to be deadly when they have copious amounts of time to prepare, but as a warrior on a battlefield sometimes Veriel does not have such luxury. She had suffered through countless curserots before she perfected a balance between speed and safety. The simplest jinxes would take her a split of a second to create, even in the middle of combat. A hex might take a few seconds. The more intricate the affliction, the longer it would take to create - but it will still be significantly faster than other afflictionists at the same level. Any curserot she might suffer will be collected into her morbus domicillius per usual. (This doesn’t apply to Master level curses - Veriel will need just as much time as any afflictionist does to create one.)

Expert - Contagion
Sometimes evil can only be fought by evil. That was her mindset when Veriel first concocted the ability during the heights of the War of Souls. No one but her closest confidants and the highest-ranking Dawnmartyrs know of this, much less witness it. Its sole purpose is to be able to curse people en masse. The first affliction will be placed traditionally, but once inside it would be able to infect others. In order to do this, threads are attached to an affliction she is created, allowing it to spread to anyone who comes into physical contact with the afflicted. The new victim will be afflicted with the same curse and will also have threads, which makes the individual contagious. The curse will be passed on and on, creating an interconnected web among the populace. At Master level, the contagion will evolve with her skill. The threads can now extend to a certain radius without physical contact.

This is not a passive ability. Veriel has to fuel every transmission and its threads. Every new person afflicted will drain Veriel’s aether just as if she had personally weaved it into said individual. Conventionally, the spread will be indiscriminate - infecting friend and foe alike. Should Veriel want to pick and choose who gets infected during the contagion, she has to practically be in a meditative state to manage the web of curses. If she was interrupted, the connection would fade and the spread would stop, but those who are already infected will suffer through the affliction.

Master - TBA

Master - TBA

Master - The Grudge (Reward)
This quirk is an upgraded variant of the Threading ability and is a minor curse in and of itself. The initial threading creates a minor, nearly imperceptible to all but the best Semblers or Afflictionists curse that draws on a tiny portion of the ambient aether in a being that often goes unused and unnoticed. This tiny drain empowers the Binding Thread, bridging a lasting connection between the cursed individual and Laveriel that will remain until Laveriel severs it, it is discovered and cleaved by a being of equal power to Laveriel's affliction, or the individual is rendered entirely devoid of aether which is often death. This connection allows Laveriel to affect the cursed individual at her leisure, from a distance.

This weak, mild connection can span the entire world and across dimensions, however, the ability to send more curses along it does have an active range. If Laveriel and the bound target are outside of the range, any curses sent on the connection will fail and the aether will be lost. A successful curse sent across this connection will not cost any more aether than the curse would normally require.

At Mastery, she can maintain 4 bonds with a range of approximately a large city. At Master of Third Order, 6 bonds and a range of a country. At Master of Second Order, 8 bonds and a range of a continent. At Grandmaster, 12 bonds and the known world and can transcend dimensions.

Re: Iselya

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:09 pm
by Laveriel
Quirk Motif: The Dread Witch


Throughout her life as a Dawnmartyr, the use of Reaving and Affliction for Veriel were inseparable. Despite people’s apprehension of a magic most considered morbid, the Siltori wielded hexes and jinxes with prowess to serve the Order. More than a few people had told her that someone who fights for light and hope shouldn’t wield such vile powers. Veriel had learned to pay them no mind. Her people’s way of life had taught her that darkness is not always wicked. All that mattered was that it allowed her to become stronger and help those in need. The two magics weaved together in harmony was what set her apart from her peers and slowly allowed her to rise through the ranks. Consequently, they were inexplicably tied to each other.

Amongst the knights of the Dawnmartyr, Veriel has never been the most exceptional swordsman. It was through her unique style of combining the two magics that she made a name for herself, hailed as the Dread Witch by allies and enemies alike. A single cut from one of her pact weapons is enough to infect her opponent with an affliction. Even the simplest curses are enough to give her the upper hand in the heat of battle and that is something the Siltori became very good at exploiting. After all, a basic jinx that stuns for a few seconds is a death sentence when facing a reaver’s dancing blades.

Apprentice - Cursed Marks
The moment Veriel learned about varnishing, she starts applying afflictions on each of her weapons religiously. Her aether soon recognized this particular habit and now every pact weapon she summons is passively varnished with two jinxes she uses most. Stronger afflictions still need her to actively apply it. If she wanted a weapon without affliction, Veriel will need to spend aether to erode it. All cursed weapons sport sinister-looking etchings that upon prolonged use seemed to bleed out black blood. With every curse she invokes, eerie markings will emerge all over the Siltori’s body. Those who gazed upon it will always be left with an ominous feeling. These attributes are the reason people first started calling her the Dread Witch.

Journeyman - Blade of the Diseased
As a Reaver, pact weapons have always been an extension of her soul. The idea came to her when she learned about creating totems to deposit a piece of their soul. While most Afflictionist will use dragonshards to house their curses, Veriel uses her pact weapons to help bear the brunt of the curserot. The Siltori will choose a single weapon from her collection to serve as her Morbus Domicillius. Simpler afflictions usually won’t cause any problems, but housing stronger will weaken said weapon. Should Veriel wields it in battle, it will break more easily. If it did break in the middle of use, she will suffer both the aftereffects of a shattered pact along with the afflictions that were housed there.

Expert - TBA

Master - TBA

Master - TBA

Re: Iselya

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:59 pm
by Laveriel

Starter Package (Combatant)
1 Set of Clothing
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils
Flint & Steel
1 Set of Armor
1 Katana

1 Bastard Sword
1 Assassin's Dagger
1 Embroidered Silk Dress
1 Fur-Lined Cloak
1 Silver Headpiece
1 Necromancer's Tools Set
5 Glass Jars (Pint)
10 Average Pesticytes
2 Greater Pesticytes
5 Average Illumites
1 Greater Illumite

Private Quarters in the Hall of Justice at Dawnhold

0 gp+300 gp Starting Package300 gp
300 gp-35 gp Bastard Sword265 gp
265 gp-4 gp Assassin's Dagger261 gp
261 gp-8 gp Silk Dress253 gp
253 gp-4 gp Silver Headpiece249 gp
249 gp+1000 gp Website Update 6/16/221249 gp
1249 gp-100 gp Necromancer's Tools1149 gp
1149 gp-5 gp Fur-Lined Cloak1144 gp
1144 gp-30 gp Pint Jars (5)1114 gp
1114 gp+3000 gp Ransera 2022 Birthday4114 gp
4144 gp+10 290 gp Ash 122 Wages14 404 gp
14 404 gp-30 gp Pesticyte/Uncommon Average Dragonshards (10)14 374 gp
14 374 gp-1000 gp Pesticyte/Uncommon Greater Dragonshards (2)13 374 gp
13 374 gp-500 gp Illumite/Uncommon Greater Dragonshards (1)12 874 gp
12 874 gp-15 gp Illumite/Uncommon Average Dragonshards (5)12 359 gp

Re: Iselya

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:17 am
by Laveriel

22nd of Ash, Year 383 of the Age of Sundering - A Light in the Dark
43rd of Frost, Year 384 of the Age of Sundering - Birth of a Soulwielder
77th of Glade, Year 386 of the Age of Sundering - Unconquerable Soul
68th of Glade, Year 390 of the Age of Sundering - The Dawn Will Come I, II, III
89th of Glade, Year 390 of the Age of Sundering - Not to Die, but to Be Reborn
23rd of Frost, Year 391 of the Age of Sundering - Night to Remember I, II
25th of Frost, Year 391 of the Age of Sundering - When in Doubt, Go to the Library
74th of Frost, Year 104 of the Age of Steel - Nothing with Certainty
45th of Glade, Year 105 of the Age of Steel - Darkness Falls
66th of Searing, Year 107 of the Age of Steel - Pay in Blood I
41st of Glade, Year 117 of the Age of Steel - No Prey
19th of Glade, Year 118 of the Age of Steel - Safe Haven

2nd of Searing, Year 122 - A Road Less Traveled
37th of Searing, Year 122 - Call to Action
52nd of Searing, Year 122 - Imperial Life
56th of Searing, Year 122 - A Long Night Ahead
62nd of Searing, Year 122 - O Duskbringer, O Dawnwalker
10th of Ash, Year 122 - The Shape of Justice
48th of Ash, Year 122 - Dead Rising
70th of Ash, Year 122 - Wave of Darkness
85th of Ash, Year 122 - Enter the Dragon

3rd of Glade, Year 123 - Hope's Legacy
7th of Glade, Year 123 - Old Friends
89th of Glade, Year 123 - A Southern Sunrise, The Loneliness of Dusk
1st of Searing, Year 123 - The Coronation of a King, Dark Diplomacy, A Sky Asunder
24th of Searing, Year 123 - The New Girl I, II, III
31st of Searing, Year 123 - Maleficence
56th of Ash, Year 123 - Troublemaker
85th of Ash, Year 123 - The Eyes and Ears
11th of Frost, Year 123 - Let Not Light See My Black and Deep Desires

9th of Glade, Year 124 - Justice is Blind

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Re: Iselya

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 2:18 am
by Laveriel


Alias: Rivalron
True Name: Laelithar Sol’Ilthuryn
Race: Hytori-Siltori
Sex: Male
Age: 66 years old
Height: 192 cm (6 ft 3)

Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Relation to PC: Companion, Friend
NPC Type: Personal

Description: Laelithar was a bastard son born to the youngest daughter of the Sol’Ilthuryn house, born from a Siltori father. Despite her family’s insistence, his other refused to get rid of the boy and that was the start of Laelithar’s life . He was picked on by his cousins, reminded every day by older family members that he was a stain in their bloodline. After decades, Laelithar finally had enough and decided to leave Sol’Valen. After traveling by himself for a few years, the halfblood ended up joining the Dawnmartyrs as a Pathfinder. He proved to be a deadly assassin and a charming spy.

After the fall of Ailos, Laelithar found himself indebted to Laveriel. She had come in the way a sword meant for him. That was a sacrifice he could never repay. He was the one who carried her out that day, swearing that he would protect her. And when their group separated, there was no doubt in his mind that he was going to follow the Siltori.

Over the years of their time together, Laelithar acted as the rational one of the pair. He was calculating when Laveriel was rash – stopping her from making terrible decisions more than a few times. Courtesy of his training as a spy, the man would notice anything off faster than she would and got them out before a fight could even break out. One might even argue he had already repaid his debt, but even after all these years he still stayed by her side.

Ranged Weapons100Master
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