
From Ransera Wiki


Aliases The Dragon King, Highfather, Lord of Light
Portfolio Light, Order, Creation
Race Dragon God
Status Alive
Dragonflight Platinum, Silver
Symbol A blazing silver sun.
Art JeduwinArt

Brightest of the Endir. The Lord of Light. Eikaen was the first of the Endir. It was him who served as chief architect of all Ransera. It was his vision that guided the efforts and powers of the others who joined him in his work. He is responsible for providing the framework necessary for Acillon, the Material Plane, to exist. Eikaen is the force that prevents the plane of Acillon from crumbling and being swept up into the Aetherium. He is the cornerstone that ensures the many powers of the Endir work in harmony to support the material plane as opposed to eroding it. Eikaen serves as the bridge between the Aetherium and the mortal plane, thus allowing the Aetherium’s eternal potential to shine down upon all that was, is and ever will be. This allows mortals to follow their own potential as opposed to relying solely on the intervention of gods to give it to them. To aide him in this endeavor he created the platinum and silver dragons.


Eikaen is viewed universally as a benevolent deity. He is the patron of those who act for causes of justice and heroism. Across the ages he has been known to bestow favor upon those who display themselves to be possessed of honor, courage and self-sacrifice. He is a patron of kings, sovereigns and those who rule wisely. But though he is universally revered, in truth he seldom interacts with mortals directly. He is known to be a quiet observer of mortal lives, urging them to find their own potential and master it for the betterment of themselves and others.

In the rare instance that he does choose to interact with a mortal directly, it is an unforgettable experience. However grand or humble his appearance, there is no mistaking Eikaen for anything but the King of Gods that he is. Among all the Endir and even the Aldir, he is acknowledged as He Who Shines Brightest. He displays ancient and deep rooted wisdom with a love for mortals and their endeavors that shines through to even the darkest of places. As the Dragon God of Light, Eikaen is represented as the Sun in most cultures. It is commonly professed that Eikaen is the Light of the Aetherium that shines down upon all of creation allowing it to exist at all.

As the God of Order, Eikaen expects the universe to exist in balance. Destruction ushers in Creation. Life ushers in Death. Order is balanced by Chaos. These things are necessary for mortals and the mortal realms to exist. Above all things, Eikaen has an unshakable love for mortals and a desire to see them exist in perpetuity. While there are events that sadden him, anger him and even appall him, he understands and encourages the finding of one's own path.


Be a Light that Guides. Eikaen is not the antithesis of Darkness. He is the revelation of a way forward. Be a guide in dark places so that others might see the way forward and choose to walk such roads beside you. The Light is absent of any moral alignment for Eikaen. It is a cosmic force that awakens one to many avenues of potential nothing more and certainly nothing less. Sunlight brings with it the precious daylight needed for plants to thrive and thus the Wildking's many creations flourish and in turn mortals can feed and prosper from their growth. A candle can bring comfort or the illumination needed to find answers in a tome in dark places. Whether those answers are to help or harm, that is for a mortal to decide but the Dragon King would hope that what mortals are lead to are for purer intentions.

Creation is never ending. If one must destroy, let it be to build something better than what came before. Seek always the way toward the improvement of self and others. Eikaen marvels at the ingenuity of mortals almost as much as Keela and while he is not the inventor, he is a believer in building on what came before. Create with purpose. Create to achieve something memorable and lasting. Eikaen does not mandate that all creations be good and just but he encourages it with the understanding that mortals create things in order to destroy just as much as they create things to flourish.

For all things a place. For all things a season. Everyone and everything has their place in the world. One must find theirs and perfect it. Eikaen's is not a rigid hierarchy. The universe has a structure to it but that structure must shift and change so that it may persist. Eikaen's views on the subject of order centers around the ordering of oneself. Find one's own place, follow the Light toward what one believes is their truest purpose, build toward that and work toward putting everything in place. For better or worse is ultimately in the hands of the individual but again, the Dragon King hopes that mortals would work toward benevolent ends over malevolent ones.

Notable Religious Factions

Chantry of Light

The Chantry of Light is one of the oldest and most well known religious orders in the world. Stretching back to the Age of Wonders, it was established as a monastic order that then grew to become a dominant religion across Ransera. It professes the holiness of Eikaen and has been filled with zealots with both good and selfish intentions.

Order of the Dawnmartyr

Following the Sundering of the World the Order of the Dawnmartyr established itself as a force dedicated to the cause of rebuilding Ransera. Many are the stories across the Age of Sundering and even into the current Age of Steel of the Dawnmartyr's heroism. They built the City of Ailos, a place that became a refuge for those fleeing the horrors of the Sundering. The Dawnmartyr are considered a defunct organization following the destruction of Ailos at the hands of the Gelerian Imperium. Its members, those that have not been hunted by the Imperium, are scattered and in hiding.


Eikaen is not recorded as having many demigod children. The Dragon King seldom confirms or refutes the claims of those who have boasted as much. Many of those claims are viewed with great skepticism by historians. Only one of the various figures throughout history is widely confirmed to have actually been a child of Eikaen. This, due to the Dragon King's actions in response to his death.


A hero of the Age of Dreams, Arcas was said to have been a champion of Light, Justice and Hope. His selflessness and dedication to acting as a guardian of mortals across all the races earned him reverence and respect. His exact powers are lost to history but accounts of his deeds display him showing many of the attributes associated with a Draedan Highborn. He is believed to have been a Paragon. Arcas was killed by the draedan known as Shaeoth. Following his death, the sun did not rise the next morning and it seemed as though all light was gone from the world. This is attributed to the belief that Eikaen so mourned the passing of his son that he, himself could see no light in the world. The Order of the Dawnmartyr was founded centuries later in his honor.