Emblem Template

From Ransera Wiki

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"I am a fancy relevant quote."

Give an introduction about the Emblem. This is also where the Title of the Emblem bearers should be introduced.

Attracting Divine Attention

What does it take to grab the demigod's attention? Take a moment to explore the potential history behind the Emblem and given examples of when and where it has been used and to what effect. Give a little bit of context so that players know what to strive for.

Applying for Emblem

Those interested in bearing the mark of <NAME> must apply in the Support Forum and receive permission from the Staff. The following should be kept in mind:

  • Is there anyone who is automatically approved to have the Emblem? They must submit a request to the Support Forum. It should include a solo-story of no less than 1,500 words explaining how they received it and what was involved in getting it.
  • Are there any limitations on range? Tier I Demigods only have a Divine Awareness of up to 150 km (~94 miles) radius. Tier II Demigods only have a Divine Awareness of 500 km (~310 miles) radius. Tier III Demigods are aware of the invocation of their domains globally. All Demigods are aware of the invocation of their domains by those who already bear their Emblems.
  • Interested players can submit a Support Forum application requesting a moderated quest wherein they are granted the Emblem. Provided the act takes place within the above radius, the demigod will be able to come to them and bestow their mark.

The Tenant of Portfolio Domain

The demigod's philosophy and approach to their teachings on the relevant domains they preside over should go here. What is the cornerstone of their beliefs when interpreting this domain? What expectations do they have of their followers when judging whether they are upholding it or failing in it?

The Gift of Domain: Power Name

Describe the power that is bestowed upon the Emblem bearer that spawns from the related divine domain. Is it an active ability or a passive ability? How does it function? How should users interpret it? What is the consequence of its use? What are the benefits?

Faith of the <Title of Mark Bearer>

Place a description of what faith is like for the follower. What is expected of them? What mentality do they typically have? How do they interact with the deity and the world at large?

Acolyte | Description of the tier and its relationship to the Demigod.

Power 1. Description.

Power 2. Description.

Power 3. Description.

Avowed | Description of the tier and its relationship to the Demigod.

Power 1. Description.

Power 2. Description.

Power 3. Description.

Champion | Description of the tier and its relationship to the Demigod.

Power 1. Description.

Power 2. Description.

Power 3. Description.

Herald | Description of the tier and its relationship to the Demigod.

Power 1. Description.

Power 2. Description.

Power 3. Description.