
From Ransera Wiki

When the high elves of Sol’Valen reached across the stars, building their Rift Gates and constructing the foundations of the Boundless Empire using the power of Archmagic, they came upon untold realms of weird and wonder. The most curious of which was the one they dubbed the Everwild. A realm of endless wilderness both incredible and terrible that the elves came to believe was the source of the elemental forces that trickled down to the prime material realm. The Hytori stepped into the Everwilds and when they did, it became a nightmare they would soon come to regret.

The expeditions into the Everwilds became plagued with misfortune. The beasts there were untamable. The insects there were deadly beyond imagining. Magic cast in the Everwilds was more raw, more powerful for certain, but the mage was as likely to be consumed by their own power as it was to do as they desired. The elves on those expeditions went mad or became lost until finally, the Gate to the Everwilds was closed entirely.

Or so they thought.

Fast Facts

Height: Varies.

Weight: Varies.

Lifespan: Adult (18 Years), Elder (150 Years), Deathly (200 Years)

Notable Features: Nature-like traits woven into humanoid anatomy. Wild appearance.

Player Restrictions: Cannot begin play as a member of the Fallen Court.

Racial Ability: Glamour: The ability to mold one's anatomy and physiology as well as metabolism to their desires. details are below.

Population: ~10,000,000 in Ransera. Unknown amount in the Everwilds (inaccessible).

The Lost Expedition

Greatest of the ancient elven Rift Gate explorers was Caiwynn Len’Dathros. A woman of great skill and an unwavering spirit of adventure, Caiwynn was not the first to discover the plane of the Everwilds but she was determined to explore even its deepest reaches. When she heard tell of the horrors and the wonders that had been uncovered in the Everwilds, she became all the more determined to go there even with the Council of Princes having outlawed the traversing of that terrible place. Caiwynn brought together her expedition team. She amassed a following of scholars, warriors, explorers, historians and other capable hands and minds in the interest of padding her chances of success. She petitioned the Council of Princes to open the Rift Gate to the Everwilds for her, pleading her case and using her reputation as one of the foremost pioneers of discovery among their people. Her petition was denied and the Rift Gate remained locked.

But a door once opened, is a hard thing to close. Caiwynn took it as a challenge and only redoubled her efforts to find a way to reach the fabled Everwilds. She tried bribery, her effort failed. She tried exerting her influence but that was no more successful. Amid her mounting frustrations, she fell asleep one evening and she dreamed. In that dream she was approached by a man that could only be described as beautiful. Of this man in her dreams, she said only this;

“His eyes carried a secret. Perhaps all of them. He asked questions I did not even know could be asked. He had answers I could scarcely imagine.”

When she awoke, Caiwynn was reinvigorated with purpose. More importantly, she decided to seek out this man with eyes filled with secrets. Her search lead her to the lands of Ecith where she found a temple buried beneath the rubble and ruin of time and wilderness. In that place, she beheld a statue that exuded familiarity to her. She knew then that she had found a shrine to the god that had visited her in her dreams. Bidden to move, Caiwynn prayed before that statue, seeking the guidance and power of the being that had touched her dreams.

He answered. Those who had traveled with her to that buried shrine could say only that the room became filled with dreams so wonderful it pushed them to mania and nightmares so terrible it brought them to madness. But through it all, Caiwynn prayed and reached out to the god she knew would guide her way. When her communion was over, she and all of those who were with her, bore upon their flesh a mark that whispered to them of freedom.

Caiwynn gathered her expedition. Using the power gifted to her by this unknown god, she breached the locked Rift Gate and together, she and her explorers traveled to the Everwilds. They would never be the same.

It is unknown what trials Caiwynn and her fellows faced as they traversed the expanse of the Everwilds. Such records are completely lost to a history none yet live to speak of. What is known is that in her exploration, Caiwynn uncovered something. She awoke something deep within the Everwilds, something that sent a shuddering ripple of power cascading across that endless plane and spearing its way through the Rift Gates and into the mortal realm. When it was over, there stood a people forever changed by the power that had touched them. They were no longer elves, they were no longer entirely mortal. They were something else entirely. They were not the only things changed by the events that transpired. The very realm of the Everwilds had changed with them. From among that rippling transformation arose five preeminent figures of staggering might and power. They claimed dominion over the Everwilds and divided it into five distinct kingdoms. They spoke to their newly changed people and dubbed them the Fae’ethalan.

Following this event, the history of the Fae’ethalan is a dark one. The five kingdoms went their separate ways and for a time, there was peace among them. They became as intricately tied to their realm as the realm became tied to them. The longer they lived within it, the less concerned they became with the affairs of those mortals living in the prime material realm. While the elders of this new people remembered their origins, they no longer felt beholden to them. So it was, that for many centuries, Ransera faded into memory. Memory legend. Legends became myths. As the five kingdoms developed they began to grow at odds with one another as each one sought dominion over the Everwilds and the right to direct the people they had become. While many dispute exactly what sparked the bitter struggles, these fights continued for millennia until one day.

When the Sundering of the World split open the skies of Ransera, burning them with unstoppable power, the foundations of the Everwilds were struck just as hard. The borders of that realm shook and for the first time in thousands of years, the Fae were reintroduced to a world they had long forgotten. The veil between the worlds was torn asunder and thousands upon thousands of Fae’ethalan found themselves upon the charred and broken soil of Ransera, unable to go home.

This terrible event separated a large number of Fae from the Everwilds resulting in those that ended up in Ransera to become a displaced people with no real home to call their own. As the centuries have passed, some have managed to find their way back to the Everwilds but such an event is few and far between. Without the feats of ancient Sol’Valen, namely the Rift Gates, or perhaps the skill of the rare and powerful Master Transposition mage, those Fae that found themselves in Ransera are there to stay, finding their way in a world that is both familiar but so very different from their homeland.


Fae are a very diverse race with a variety of appearances among their species. Generally speaking, the Fae tend to be humanoid in appearance at least to some degree. This is attributed to the fact that all of the Fae’ethalan can trace their roots back to the Hytori elves that first set foot into the Everwilds and became changed by what they found there. Exactly what it was that changed them so profoundly is unknown, perhaps even to them. There are those that retain the closest resemblance to either Elven or Human lineage. Generally speaking they tend to be slimmer, have sharper features and eyes. One of the most distinctive features of the Ithysris tends to be the appearance of some form of foliage that makes itself evident in their physiology. This might be the appearance of a bark-like texture to portions of their skin, hair that is made of leaves, vines that wrap around and penetrate limbs and other such phenomenon. Common attributes found among other Fae are insectoid aspects, including antennae, insectoid wings that are usually functional, and even multiple sets of eyes.

Fae possess a form of control of their anatomy and physiology. While this is not exactly shapeshifting, as they are incapable of adopting wholly new forms, they are capable of transforming their anatomy to a more related form and controlling their metabolism to a precise degree if the need suits them. For example, given time and rest, a Fae can go from a male presenting gender to that of a female presenting gender. Even so, the Fae will retain physiological traits that mark them as them. For instance, a Fae who possesses leaves for hair will retain such a trait across the transition. They are capable of changing their skin color and complexion but a Fae who possesses bark-like textures on their body cannot remove them. They can, however, change the type of bark that those areas present as (i.e. willow, oak, ash etc.). A Fae with horn-like branches growing from their skull can change the shape of those branches and perhaps even make them grow leaves but they will remain no matter how they manipulate their bodies. This ability to manipulate their own forms in this way is referred to as the Glamour.

The more extensive the change a Fae attempt to undergo, the more exhausting it is. They require rest after more profound changes (i.e. going from male to female etc.) and must maintain a healthy level of nutrition just like any other race. Wounds suffered by a Fae will remain until allowed to properly heal though most notably, Fae have an increased level of regeneration than other races. This is balanced with the amount of control they exert over their metabolic state. Due to this unique facet of their biology, the Fae do not require sustenance as often as other races and can persist off of far less for much longer periods of time. This is not a sustainable way of living however, as eventually the body will need to replenish its stores of nutrients in full.


The Fae tend to be as varied in their psychology as that of Humans or Elves. They believe in the preservation of nature, and in balance, and seem psychologically geared to protect nature far more than other races. While other humanoid races may reel in shock and horror at seeing a person needlessly harmed or killed, the Fae react similarly to witnessing such things among plants and other wildlife. However, that is not to say that the Fae are innately more kind or enlightened than other races. Fae are often haughty, cold and reserved, and too often judgmental. While this is assumed to be a cultural thing, it has been noted that even among Fae born and raised in non-Fae communities, these behaviors continue.

Fae -- like Elves -- often believe themselves to be superior to other races, and are often detached from the suffering and gripes of other mortals, especially considering they do not need to eat as often, do not commonly suffer disease to the same degree, and so do not genuinely suffer from poverty or such similar things. Their empathy is therefore less tuned than other races, ignorant of the pain of others.

But, this is also not to say that Fae are inherently psychopathic or antisocial in nature. While they do carry a level of reserved distance, they are known for their nurturing behaviors to those they care for. If a Fae does empathize with someone -- often resulting from an emotional connection to them -- they tend to treat them with more care and dignity than most non-Fae can possibly imagine, devoting hours of their day to ensuring the mental and physical well-being of those in their close inner circle.


The Fae are divided into the Five Courts or the Five Kingdoms with some of these sects being at bitter odds with one another. While the source of these disputes has long since faded into memory that perhaps only their eldest now remember, the Fae still find reasons to be at odds with one another when faced with one from a rival Court. From a societal standpoint, there is very little in the way of widespread leadership among the Fae as they tend to be rather community oriented people. Each of the Courts does have a ruler however, this Archfae is the undisputed master of the realm and regardless of whether a Fae is within the Everwilds or walking the lands of Ransera, every Fae is beholden to one of them.

The Court of Summer

Considered the friendliest of the Fae Courts, the Summer Fae are the most civilized with regard to what most mortals would consider civilization. They are generally those Fae that appear most similarly to the mortal races and tend to be devoted to preserving the balance of nature and society in a more scholarly and philosophical approach. They are by far the most diplomatic of the Fae with a vested interest in getting to know and explore the world of Ransera since the Fae were reintroduced to it following the Sundering. They are at bitter odds with the Winter Fae, though it is not exactly clear why. The belief is that this stems less from the obvious seasonal difference and more to do with some far flung slight. The Summer Fae are ruled by the Verdant King and he is a figure who evokes as much joy and reverence among them as he does fear and uneasiness.

Being raised among the Summer Fae has a high chance of yielding a very extroverted individual. The Summer Fae are known to be vibrant, exuberant, filled with a zest and zeal for pursuing one’s wildest dreams to the furthest heights that can be achieved. They are taught to be outspoken and are well known to have competitive streaks in them leaving them to hold some of greatest rivalries among their people. Their penchant for competition is so strong that it is common for Summer Fae to turn a game or a contest out a the simplest of challenges. In terms of families, Summer Fae parents are rather critical of their children in many regards. The expectation is that there is nothing that can be wasted, no minute can be spent being idle when there are always opportunities to better oneself and squandered potential is an absolute anathema. Summer Fae are the most widespread of the Fae across Ransera but they tend to gravitate toward more temperate or warmer climates.

The Court of Fall

The Fae of the Court of Fall are considered to be the most introspective of the Fae. They are the most likely to wander the many kingdoms of Ransera in search of some great inspiration. They are possessed of a certain melancholy that is reflective of the season by which they take their patronage. Conversely, the Court of Fall is the most widely known for its tendency to indulge in extravagant celebrations during the great harvest season. Poets, artists, and innovators are common among the Court of Fall and these Fae tend to be intensely curious about strange and unusual occurrences in the environment around them. The Fall Fae are ruled by the Crone, who is said to be the wisest of the Archfae. The Court of Fall tends to be at odds with the Court of Spring, often believing them to be flippant and ill-prepared to adapt to the world around them.

The Fall Fae are the most migrant of the Fae’ethalan. They tend to form communities that travel as caravans, troubadours or just a small family unit that is always on the move. They follow their inspirations and lean toward being a heavily spiritual people, finding meaning in most everything they do. While pausing to reflect on the omen presented by a wisp of cloud might be absurd to some, to the Fall Fae, it could be a sign of a good harvest or a coming plague. The penchant for many of them to be skilled fortunetellers is not lost on those who encounter them. Being raised as a Fall Fae means that one is ushered into a much warmer and loving environment than most other Fae. Because of their tendency to be rather introspective, Fall Fae have a knack for reading people and their needs leading them to be rather nurturing for those they care about. They are a people known to wear their hearts on their sleeves making them rather easy to befriend in most places.

The Court of Winter

Considered the most beautiful of the Fae, the Court of Winter is known for its austere grace and majesty. They are by far the most prideful of the Fae, with a firm belief in the superiority of their race as a whole, a belief that extends even unto the other Fae Courts. In terms of appearance, it is highly common for these Fae to appear elf-like among the broader populace but this is not a universal truth. They are often the most detached when it comes to the common person’s struggles and tend to adopt a very “survival of the fittest” mentality in their approach to life. The Winter Fae tend to keep to far northern climates that reflect their preferences for the colder regions of the world that they have been thrust into. One thing that makes the Winter Fae stand out from their cousins is their stunning lack of intolerance for chaotic forces in the world. They are a people committed to a cold and precise order overall. They are ruled by the Lady of Ice and Air, who is said to be the most beautiful and the most merciful of all the Archfae rulers.

Being raised among the Winter Fae, one is taught to believe that they are the pinnacle of what a mortal can be, indeed many Winter Fae do not see themselves as mortal at all. They are inducted into the reasoning that the Sundering was brought about due to a failure on the part of the Fae’ethalan to take the helm of mortal’s errant society. The Winter Fae tend to be the most militant, the most prejudiced but also possess the most loyalty if the ice around their hearts can be thawed. Generally speaking, when they form communities they tend to be a well organized and structured place in whatever city they settle into. The Winter Fae are those who are most willing and ready to establish a home for themselves in one of the cities of the many nations of Ransera.

The Court of Spring

The most whimsical of the Fae Courts, they are a loose conglomeration of Fae clans that are far more concerned with the natural world than they are in trying to understand the other races of Ransera. The Spring Court is the group of Fae that is most likely to go out of their way to viciously defend a particular wildland. These are the Fae that most closely resonate with their environment and possess an uncanny intuition when it comes to discerning the needs of a particular biome. They are the guardians of forests, glades, and even oases found across the world or wherever it is they have chosen to take up residence. The Court of Spring is ruled by the Old One, a being rumored to have never been one of the ancient elves but is something that came from before.

Being raised in the Court of Spring means being raised to be a survivalist, an individual who lives not just off of the land but with it. The young Fae of the Court of Spring are taught to eschew most civilized societies in favor of the open world. That does not make them incapable of coming to grips with a more structured civilization but it is a place where most Spring Fae would find they feel unwelcome simply due to their upbringing. Families among the Spring Fae tend to be closely knit, with parents encouraging their children to remain with the family until such time as they start their own. Multiple generations of a single family are commonly found in very close proximity to each other. When it comes to establishing communities, the Spring Fae most commonly defer to the wisdom of their elders, opting for smaller village sized groupings.

The final court of the Fae’ethalan is one that is spoken of only in whispers. The Fallen Court. It is universally feared and even hated by the Courts of Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. These are those that are considered the truly “dark” Fae. The ones who embraced the eldritch powers found in the deep and twisted places of the Everwilds, allowing themselves to be warped by their influence. They are a monstrous people who beheld the devastation brought about by the Sundering and not only reveled in it, but seek to replicate it. They are ruled by the Queen of Dust and Ashes and among the Archfae, she is said to be the most powerful and the most feared.

Reproduction, Aging, Death

Fae reproduce in much the same way as humans or elves do. They are not a people who abide by the concepts of marriage but life-long partnerships do form among their people at large. Generally speaking, Fae children are raised and taught by their parents and depending on their culture that is what determines the kind of upbringing that they receive. As a result of this, Fae are as varied as they come in terms of their overall mentality.

At the age of 18 is when Fae are considered physically and sexually mature. Most Fae spend their lives pursuing their chosen interests based on their personal backgrounds, meaning there is no unifying thought on what drives a particular Fae.

When a Fae reaches old age, they typically settle down in an environment that most closely suits their preferences. The death of a Fae is an interesting thing as when they die, they turn to dust, leading many to believe that their souls return to the Everwilds where they are reborn. As returning physically to the Everwilds is difficult for the Fae on Ransera, this is not something that they can currently confirm.

The Fae are capable of pairing with other races. In such cases the child that is born from that union is a combination of the parents heritage resulting in a half-Fae.


Valasren is the most widespread language of the Fae’ethalan. It is said to be an evolution of ancient Vallenor, possessing a musical quality to it that is reminiscent of elven languages. Of note, there are those that believe that when spoken, Valasren is capable of being understood by plants something that is thought to be true given it is common for Fae to “sing” to the wildlife around them. The response is often the flora around them, over time, grows to suit the whims and mindset of the Fae responsible.

Names in Valasren lean toward sounding Elvish, similar to that of the Hytori in terms of vocalization.