
From Ransera Wiki
The Godspire

“It was the greatest monument to both our arrogance and our ingenuity. A testament to our splendor and our folly.”

The Godspire.

Built in the darkest days of the Clockwork Age as the empire of Kaitos Diraegon was falling around him, the Godspire was a marvel of science and magic. It stands as the greatest achievement of power ever constructed by mortal hands and a lesson in the cost of power used wrongfully.

Many are the stories surrounding the construction of the Godspire. From black rituals that have been lost to the annals of history, to a wonder that wove together a lost world magic and the ingenuities of science now forgotten, scholars devoted to the study of the Clockwork Empire have spent years debating its origins. There are those who cite divine intervention in its construction but few agree with this theory. Ultimately, it is agreed across the spectrum that the Godspire was the result of research undertaken by an exceptionally powerful and desperate madman whose methods are now known only to Time.

On the shores of the Nametaker’s Tides, when the terrible netherstorm of Dread Mists calms, the remnants of this spire can be seen on the horizon. A broken ruin that remains as the last edifice of the ancient empire’s lost glory. To date, only three explorers have ever returned from expeditions to the ruins of Daegos Kaitel and the Godspire. Each one of them had a differing account of what awaited them there.

The first, said they glimpsed the Old World, living and breathing as though the Sundering had never been.

The second, said it is a hellscape that gives even Malgar, Dragon God of Suffering, pause for thought.

The third, spoke of a paradise filled with wonders so unimaginable they were impossible to describe.

All three explorers and their expeditions were considered raving lunatics at the time of the presentation of their findings. All three mounted expeditions to return to the ruins and were never heard from again. Rather than try to debate the validity of each theory individually, scholars tend to be of the mindset that all three findings are true. It is well known that the Dread Mists warp and distort the world around them. There is no more powerful manifestation of them than the netherstorm at the heart of the Nametaker’s Tides where both Daegos Kaitel and the Godspire once stood.

No matter the stories surrounding it, the device responsible for bringing about the Sundering of the World remains an object of intense fascination...for better or worse.