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The sprawling city of Kalzasi, dubbed the Jewel of Karnor, is a bastion of culture and civilization among the expansive region occupied by the Free Cities of the North. The second largest in population but the first in wealth, Kalzasi is a center for commerce and wondrous opportunities for those who know how to take advantage of them. It is often in the middle of Northlander politics serving as a bridge between the Eastern and Western cities in the region. Denizens of the city of Kalzasi come from all walks of life whether fleeing the turmoils in the South or escaping the hostile conditions to the far East. Regardless of where one comes from, Kalzasi has a place for all who come to call it home.


Population Approx. 2.1 million
Territory Kalzasi proper and surrounding counties.
Prominent Religions The Crystal Maiden, The Rensou Annai
Notable Races Avialae (20%), Orkhan (10%), Human (42%), Other (23%)


The city of Kalzasi has existed since before the Sundering of the World. It was not always referred to as such however. The city’s original name is since lost to history following the cataclysmic events of the Sundering but the heart of its culture remains intact. Originally founded by a clan of Orkhan interested in exploring the depths of the unique dragonshards present in the area, the Orkhan that initially settled there used it as little more than a mining depot. It has always been a dangerous place where accidents were common and precautions were taken to protect against them. Following the events of the Sundering, the landscape was altered profoundly. It became an area that blended with unrecognizable touching upon old and familiar geography. A yawning chasm opened up where the mines had been located, taking much of the settlement with its opening. Horrors crawled out from the depths and those survivors who thought to take refuge in the settlement were faced with nightmarish creatures that defied all imagining.

This series of events lead to the abandoning of both the settlement and the surrounding area. It remained a place actively avoided until the arrival of the Synnekar Avialae. Following the migration away from their homeland of Gel'grandal, the Synnekar had traveled thousands of miles across the lands of the North. While they had been greeted curiously in some cities in the Northlands, most cities turned them away not wanting to be burdened with the influx of thousands of refugees. With nowhere to go and little to lose, the Synnekar followed stories of an abandoned settlement until they arrived at the ruins of Kalzasi. There they encountered a cloistered order of Orkhan monks that had managed to hold out against the horrors that inhabited the ruins. The monks took in the Synnekar refugees as best they could and as repayment, the Synnekar set to aiding them in defending against the terrors that rose up out of the chasm nearby.

It was a daunting task but over the years, the Synnekar both adopted the ways of the Orkhan monks and incorporated them into their own culture. This culminated in a marrying of the two ways of life to create a new one. Things came to a head when a terrible beast was awoken from within the depths of the chasm. The devastation caused by it was legendary. Described as the “Living Calamity” or the “Hunger in the Deep”, this beast rampaged out of the chasm slaughtering all in its path. Once again the Synnekar were forced to flee but they took with them as many of their new Orkhan allies as they could.

Following this catastrophe, the bravest and brightest students of the Orkhan master monks arose to lead their people out of the tragedy. These seven warriors arose to become the founders of what would become the Seven Great Houses. Together they drove back the beast from the depths of the chasm. Driven with purpose, the Synnekar took to rebuilding the area, determined to make the city and its immediate area their home.

So Kalzasi was founded and as it grew, so did the promise of the protection and opportunities it provided.

In the present day it stands as one of the most prosperous of the Free Cities. Rebuilt to honor the Orkhan who took in the Synnekar as refugees, guided by the martial philosophy of the Avialae and defined by its unique and often vibrant culture, Kalzasi is a haven for many. But while it is a jewel of civilization, some wonder if the beast in the deep yet hungers for the destruction it once tried to inflict upon the world.

Climate and Geography

Terrain in Kalzasi ranges from the massive Astralar Mountains that dominate the realm to the east, to the coastline of the great Lake Udori. To the west, the city is touched by fertile plains and eventually the woodlands of the Wildking's Forge beyond that.

The Astralar Mountains themselves tower into the skies cresting over 28,000 feet at their highest point. The mountains consist of a variety of minerals ranging from the curious stone called Ebberite to granite, marble, precious gemstones and others. Home to a variety of mountain born creatures, the Astralar are not a place easily traversed. While there are numerous pathways both known and unknown, the safest and most traversable among them is the Black Road. The pathway is patrolled by the rangers of Kalzasi often enough to be kept in viable condition most of the year.

The Great Lake Udori is easily 200 miles across at its widest point. It serves as the port of entry by sea to Kalzasi. Ships sail along the currents of the Batilad River passing through ports of several cities along the way before ultimately coming to Kalzasi. Courtesy of the lake, the city sees a fair amount of fog and rain toward the end of the summer months. While the lake and river do not freeze over during winter, cold winds are common in the cooler seasons.

The fields to the west of the city are fertile enough to provide farmland used to sustain the city. Due to the importance, they pose to the city, the fields are largely safe from most predators. The roads between farm villages are kept in functioning order and are patrolled regularly. For much of its western and southwestern border, the city is flanked by the indomitable Wildking’s Forge. The vast woodland is home to wildlife that are both common throughout the world and some creatures that are unique only to its deeper untamed places.

The weather in Kalzasi is fairly consistent with the city seeing all four seasons. Summers are typically warm but sweltering heat is rare. Fall sees a drop in temperature and the region typically experiences an early frost. Winters are long and dangerous with snowfall being common. Travel into and out of the area by land often becomes ill-advised. Spring sees a return to warmer temperatures and an upturn inactivity.


The City-State of Kalzasi is a monarchy wherein the sovereign holds chief executive power in overseeing the laws of the city and its territories. The Shokaze, the sovereign, serves as the Head of Government and Head of State. The legislative power of the city is held by the Elder Council. The council is comprised of two bodies. There is the permanent body of the council that is formed by the Heads of the Seven Great Houses. Then there are the appointed seats on the council. The number of appointed seats fluctuates according to whom the permanent body votes on. These seats are nominated by the Shokaze and are affirmed by a majority vote of the Seven. Once affirmed to their position, each appointed member of the council serves for a term of three years.

The Elder Council is the only body of authority in Kalzasi with the power to pass legislation. This legislation must be signed into law by the Shokaze or the sovereign can veto the legislation and force the council to deliberate on the matter more thoroughly.

The veto power of the Shokaze can be overturned if the Elder Council reaches a unanimous decision. Additionally, any legislation passed by unanimous vote does not require the Shokaze's signature into law. The one insurmountable power in the Shokaze’s possession is the ability to dismiss the entire Elder Council if they feel it is in the best interest of the city. The caveat to this however is that the Shokaze themselves must then step down from their position as well. This tool has been used sparingly in the history of Kalzasi as its implementation has led to a power vacuum in every instance. The nobles and influential of the city tend to be cutthroat when the opportunity to rise above their current station presents itself. Generally speaking, the government of Kalzasi tends to be fairly stable. Politics can be fierce but the mechanisms of the city-state's institutions tend to move forward rather smoothly.

The third element of Kalzasi's government is that of the judiciary. The nobility of Kalzasi do not have the authority to change laws or interpret them on a whim. The interpretation and rendering of judgement upon Kalzasi's citizenry is the purview of the Courts of Kalzasi. The Sky Guard and Kalzasi's military enforce the law with the goal of deescalating situations. Criminals are brought before the Court where judgement is rendered appropriately.

Justice and Laws

The common folk in Kalzasi can expect to be held to a set of laws that are endlessly debated and interpreted by the counselors of Kalzasi’s many legal scholars. While the laws themselves are clearly written with the expectation that they will be enforced, every citizen has a right to due process under the law. That is, so long as their infraction upon the law is overseen by Kalzasi’s official law enforcement, the Sky Guard. According to the Kalzasern Psyche, a crime is interpreted as an assault on the community, one’s business, or Kalzasi at large. More personal disputes are left to internal avenues of resolution unless those involved elect to bring the matter before the courts for arbitration and judgement. Action upon crimes is typically strict and firm when dealing with those infractions that impede upon the community. In most instances the offenders are levied with a fine that is commensurate with the level of the crime. More serious infractions can result in detainment. Death sentences are exceedingly rare as Kalzaserns have rather creative ways to ensure that criminals warranting such a fate eek out a miserable existence while still remaining useful to the community.

There are two courts in Kalzasi.

The Common Court

Comprised of eleven judges and their support staff, the Common Court oversees the vast majority of petty crimes, misdemeanors, and general disputes across the city. Breach of contracts, petty theft, disruptions of the peace, adoption, and settlements that need arbitration by one of the judges, pass through the Common Court on a regular basis. Generally speaking, most infractions or rulings on the law are handled at the Common Court as most circumstances rarely need more lengthy attention. For the most part, the general citizenry’s legal issues are all handled at the Common Court level. The Common Court does not see cases involving those individuals considered nobility or of particularly affluent or influential status. In most instances matters brought to the Common Court do not require a session of the full court. Most issues are handled by the judges independently.

The High Court

Comprised of three judges and their support staff, the High Court deals mostly with more sensitive cases. Issues concerning the nobility, inheritance, murder trials, treason, and the like are all adjudicated by the High Court. Generally speaking, if it is a more high profile case, it will be handled by the High Court. Additionally, the High Court has the authority to overturn a decision made by the Common Court by means of appeals.

The officials of Kalzasi’s legal system would like to believe that all infractions of the law are handled by due process for its citizens. The reality is that handling of the law boils down to where one has infringed upon it within Kalzasi’s territory. Technically speaking, the Sky Guard and the courts of Kalzasi have jurisdiction over the entire breadth of the city’s territory. However, that jurisdiction is severely limited in several areas. The Sky Guard and the courts see most matters that occur in the Commons and the Low City. The Sky Guard has limited authority in the Cloudhaven District and most matters in Adira’s Promenade are handled internally behind closed doors. The Midden is ruled by those ruthless or strong enough to enforce their will upon the Underdark of the city.

  • Intentional murder is punishable by indefinite servitude in the deepest levels of the Warren Mines or conscription to the Dead Legion.
  • Slavery is outlawed in all territories beholden to Kalzasi authority. Slaves will be freed without compensation to slavers as soon as they enter Kalzasi’s jurisdiction.
  • In the instance of war with foreign states, all eligible citizens between the ages of sixteen and thirty shall be drafted into the Sky Guard for mandatory service.
  • Rape is punishable by indefinite servitude in the Warren Mines or conscription to the Dead Legion.
  • Thieves shall face imprisonment within Mistreach Keep or a fine commensurate with the value of what has been stolen.
  • Smugglers, racketeers, harassers, abusers, and trespassers shall receive a sentence of hard labor or a fine appropriate to the severity of their crime.
  • Children born in or under the age of six years are granted automatic citizenship in Kalzasi, so long as they are documented in the Office of Registry and Citizenship.
  • Adults and children six years of age or older must apply for citizenship through the Office of Registry and Citizenship. Full rights and status will be granted only when a patron from the Lesser or Greater Houses of Kalzasi has been found.
  • All citizens of Kalzasi are guaranteed religious freedom so long as their practices do not bring harm to the community.
  • All citizens and visitors to Kalzasi are subject to Kalzasi law, regardless of prior knowledge of the law.


The fighting force of Kalzasi is kept in remarkable ready shape due to the frequency of incursions from creatures that crawl out of the Warrens at the heart of the city and in the surrounding countryside. These and a multitude of other factors make the forces of Kalzasi a rival to Zaichaer, a fact that is not lost on the city that claims hegemony over the Northlands.

The Sky Guard

When the Synnekar Avialae first migrated to the region of Karnor and found no city at the time willing to take them in, they were forced to find their own home. As nearly all of them were expertly trained combatants it was not especially difficult for them to protect themselves from the dangers that were posed by Karnor’s wilderness. But a society comprised entirely of warriors was one that would quickly fail, a fact that was not lost on the leaders of the migrant group at the time. In time, when the Synnekar Avialae found the remnants of the old mining settlement originally built by the Orkhan so long ago, they were ill-equipped to rebuild on their own. Upon encountering the cloistered order of Orkhan monks, many Avialae at the time chose to put aside the ways of merely a warrior in favor of a more enlightened life. Those who had served as priests found new avenues of knowledge that they quickly clung to. Those who had served as soldiers found that their inner turmoil could be pacified through the meditative nature of the monks and what they had to teach.

Over time, the Orkhan helped the Synnekar Avialae find a new identity away from their despotic homeland of Gel'grandal. This was eventually repaid when the Avialae aided the Orkhan in defending what was left of their city. As civilization was rebuilt and the need for all of their people to take up arms diminished, the Sky Guard was formed as a means of honoring the teachings first instilled in the Avialae by the monks. Initiated by one of their strongest students, Joris Novalys, lead the formation of the Sky Guard and to this day, House Novalys remains at the forefront of Kalzasi’s warriors.

The Sky Guard is based out of Mistreach Keep located at the geographical center of Kalzasi in the Commons District. It overlooks the yawning chasm that serves as the primary entrance into the Warrens. Though they patrol the chasm without pause at every hour of every day, the Sky Guard is not always successful in preventing all of the monstrosities that creep up from the depths from getting loose into the city. Additionally, the Sky Guard maintains the watchtowers throughout each district of the city as well as man garrisons in some of the larger townships in Kalzasi’s prefectures.

The Dead Legion

Following the formation of the Sky Guard and in the aftermath of the first few expeditions into the Warrens, it became clear that unspeakable dangers lurked in the deeps. Not wanting to constantly lose its finest warriors to the horrors found there, the leaders of Kalzasi instituted the formation of the Dead Legion. In the centuries since, it has ascended to a place of curious reverence in the culture of the city. Criminals who commit particularly heinous crimes are “consigned to serve in the Dead Legion”. The length of their service is determined on a case by case basis but is usually a decade if not longer. The Legionnaires hold no rank, no status in society, no rights or privileges. Their sole purpose is to be sent into the deeper reaches of the Warrens and to be pitted against the monstrosities that dwell there. This is most often a suicide mission. Each conscripted Legionnaire wears a collar that if need be, can incapacitate them if they get out of line and fail to obey the orders of the Sky Guards placed in charge of them. Sky Guards are only permitted to execute Legionnaires in the most extreme circumstances.

For as many low-lives as there are in the Legion, there are those who willfully consign themselves to the Legion. Whether this is because they want to test themselves against the creatures of the deep, because they feel they’ve lost their way, or because they simply see no other way of contributing to society, they are never turned away. These individuals do not typically wear the collars of their conscripted counterparts as their service is voluntary. They are, however, branded with the mark of the Legion. Legionnaires are not paid but they are fed, clothed, and given comfortable albeit basic housing by the Sky Guard. Because of the curious service that the Legionnaire’s provide, volunteers are viewed with a sad or melancholy reverence. While the conscripted are never allowed to wander away from Mistreach Keep when not in the Warrens, volunteers are free to come and go as they please on the condition that they must always answer a summons when issued.

Volunteers serve until the conclusion of their contracted service. Failure to honor the terms of their service will result in the voluntary status being converted to conscript. When roaming the city, those bearing the brand of the Dead Legion as a volunteer are often given tokens of thanks. Drinks in taverns are often paid for by observers. Meals are often gifted to them and rarely will a volunteer go without somewhere to lay their head to rest. These things are done in recognition of the fact that it is certain that the volunteer has essentially signed their own death warrant. This, coupled with choosing to keep the city and its territories safe from the monsters below is what the people are honoring. Volunteers serve a minimum of one year in the Legion. Most do not last to the conclusion of their service.

Among the conscripted, there have only ever been three conscripts to successfully see their sentence to completion. Two of them went on to become Sky Guards who then continued serving alongside the Legion. The third left Kalzasi for parts unknown.

To serve in or alongside the Dead Legion is to lead a grim life. It is not boastful. It is not prideful. Both the Legionnaires and the Sky Guards who fight alongside them are marked by the things they see and experience in a dark brotherhood.

Trade and Commerce

Situated on the shores of the great lake Udori, the city of Kalzasi is in an advantageous position to serve as the bridge between the western and eastern cities of the north. Any and all trade whether by water, air or land, passes through Kalzasi’s ports between the west and east. The city maintains one of the only viable land routes through the colossal and dangerous Astralar Mountains, known as the Black Road. While Kalzasi does not boast a peerless mastery of the sea, it does possess a sizeable fleet of merchant vessels that dock in the city regularly. Goods from these sea vessels are off loaded onto either land based or air based transportation to be ferried to the eastern cities or onward to settlements further north.

Imports to Kalzasi include wine, exotic spices, dyes, and various precious metals and ore.

Exports from Kalzasi include dragonshards, gemstones, weaponry, wood, stone, and a multitude of other things.

Education and Technology

The Synnekar Avialae and the Orkhan monks who founded the city of Kalzasi in the aftermath of its many calamities were not an uneducated lot. Indeed, following the reclaiming of the area for settlement, an entire sect of the migrants took up the responsibility of preserving knowledge and culture. With the Greater House Zatrian serving as patron to the city’s educational institutions, literacy and general knowledge among citizens is fairly high. Children are guaranteed schooling until the age of twelve, after which it is up to individual families whether or not they want to pursue education further or begin instructing their children in a trade. The nobility is able to afford much more extensive tutoring at the Academy of Kalzasi where various colleges have formed to specialize in certain areas of study.

Kalzasi is not far behind such scientific and philosophical powerhouses as with the likes of Zaichaer, which undeniably leads the Northlands in science and engineering. However, given the proximity of the cities and Kalzasi’s strong trade relations, scholars from the two cities regularly trade knowledge and ideas. Couple this with the reality that many of the Free Cities of the North still retain portions of Pre-Sundering knowledge and Kalzasi is well situated in terms of scientific progress.

Technology has allowed for indoor plumbing. Clockwork and steam-powered engineering is not an uncommon occurrence. Advanced metallurgy and knowledge of the basic periodic elements is accessible to more learned minds.

Magic and the Arcane

Magic is vital to the survival of Kalzasi. Despite this, the number of practitioners in the city amount to roughly only 1% of the population. Stewardship of the forces of magic in Kalzasi is given primarily to the Greater House Briathos who work closely with the Circle of Spells. Several of the eldest members are wizards of the Circle itself.

Kalzasi wizards have a penchant for being creative in their approach to magic. The creatures that often spew forth from the Warrens cannot always be fought with conventional weaponry or even some of the most common magical practices. As a result, Kalzasi wizards have a strong tendency to think outside the box. This leads to both innovative approaches to magical ingenuity and also dangerous experimentation. Most of the wizards in Kalzasi are the battlemages of the Sky Guard and as such, their focus is on war magic. Only a small number of mages in the city are devoted to studying other forms of magic.

The city maintains various magical defenses with the walls and gates of Mistreach Keep being enchanted to contain and ward off the creatures of the deeps. The Skyharbour itself as well as the skyships that dock there are magical objects that Kalzasi invests in. The sale and production of magical items or potions is also overseen mostly by House Briathos and those under its banner.

Religion and Spirituality

While Kalzasi does not have a mandated state religion, it does have a patron that is widely honored in most public ceremonies. The Dragon Goddess Naori in her incarnation as the Lady of the Pale Grove is given the highest amount of reverence in Kalzasern culture. She is the epitome of freedom and expression and her influence is seen at all levels of Kalzasi. For as structured as Kalzasi might seem, there is an element of Chaos and appreciation for the Unknown threaded across the whole of society. Other gods include Eikaen, who is revered as the patron of warriors and the giver of Light, Velar and Vicis as the keepers of Time and Fate, Keela and Lyren are given reverence by the city’s scholar’s and inventors, and even the likes of Drimera, Vymeshis, and Myshala receive reverence in some form.

Overall, Kalzasi is a place where its citizens are largely left to their own devices in terms of worship. The only instances where the authorities would intervene is when those practices bring harm to the city or the people at large.


Kalzasi is not what anyone would call a sleepy or peaceful city. The Low City is rife with brawls that regularly spill out onto the streets. The people congregate in ramshackle markets that are little more than carts brought together in one area or another. Foot traffic flows in and out of the inner city. In the Commons, life is continually bustling. Shops open, merchants peddle their wares, the Sky Guard patrol the streets, and all manner of curiosities traverse the avenues as people from all across the Northlands pass through Kalzasi’s streets. The quietest and most peaceful places in the city are found in Adira’s Promenade where the wealthy play their games of power and prestige. High above in the Cloudhaven District where only those with the gift of flight or have the means of flying, the vastly wealthy and powerful Great Houses stand far above the masses watching the city from on high.

Kalzasi is a city where opportunity is abound for those who seek it. It is a city where at any given moment, terrible monsters can spew out of the yawning chasm at the geographical center. The people live freely, they live passionately, they live with pride and with as much dignity as any of them can muster in their sometimes brief journey in this world.

The Common Man

Those born and raised in Kalzasi are afforded a basic education until the age of twelve. This encompasses reading, writing, mathematics and a rudimentary understanding of common sciences. For most, they end up taking up whatever trade or practice is taught to them by their parents. As a result, family ties are quite strong among the commoners of Kalzasi with a focus on being mindful of one’s community prevalent in most areas. Kalzaserns are a strong-willed people who are encouraged to be forward thinkers and fearless in the pursuit of their passions. This is tempered with a strong sense of duty and adherence to the precepts of honor and service before self.

The Seven Great Houses

The Seven. The High Houses of Kalzasi. The Great Clans.

Regardless of how one refers to them, the Seven Great Houses of Kalzasi are the seven most powerful clans that rule in supremacy over the city-state and its territories. To a one, each of them is ruled and controlled by a family of Synnekar Avialae as their race are the ones who restored the city and molded it into the place that it is in the present day.

Competition between the Seven Houses is muted. The Great Houses are comfortable in their positions, possessing vast wealth and power within their areas of expertise. This arrangement has been an amicable one that has served them well for centuries. Each of the Houses maintains such a strong chokehold on their chosen areas of responsibility that deviation from such tradition is nigh impossible. For example, while officially the Ministry of Agriculture is an arm of the central government, it happens to be staffed and run primarily by members of House Senue. Such a custom is echoed in Kalzasi’s military which is comprised primarily of warriors from House Novalys or House Dahshida. While things overlap from time to time, these traditions hold true almost universally in every aspect of Kalzasi society.

The Lesser Houses

The lesser houses of Kalzasi owe fealty to the Great Houses with each of them paying tribute to the higher clans. It is among the lesser houses that most of the overlapping between areas of expertise and responsibility occurs. While the Great Houses concern themselves primarily with their chosen areas of expertise, the lesser houses are well known and expected to be far more diverse in their contributions to the clan they owe fealty to. There are lesser houses that wield considerably more power and sway than others, with some rivaling even the Great Houses in renown and influence. If a lesser house grows too ambitious however, it is not uncommon for the Greater Houses to find ways to knock them down a few pegs.


Nearly everything in Kalzasi accomplished by the common man is done through association with a guild pertaining to their respective interests. These guilds then forward pertinent information or taxes to the respective ministry that oversees their specialty which in turn reports to either a Lesser or Greater House directly. It is a complex system of bureaucracy that gives many foreign officials headaches. Nevertheless, it works. Practically every business in Kalzasi from a mercenary, to a baker, to a miner or even a seamstress, belongs to an associated guild. So long as members pay their dues, the guilds (usually) act in the interest of its members going so far as to even represent them in legal matters if the need arises.

Some guilds are so influential and prominent as to be considered an arm of the government by proxy. The Kalzasern authorities are often found deferring to these guild's judgment in most matters they oversee. While few in number, the Guildmasters of these organizations hold enough prominence to be granted a seat on the Elder Council.

For the well-versed in Kalzasi customs and traditions, it is known that approaching a guild associated with one’s goals is a far quicker route to success than approaching the central government or nobility outright.


Useful Links
Kalzasi's Codex The forum codex for Kalzasi.
The Nobility of Kalzasi More information about Kalzasern nobility.
Avialae More information on the history of Kalazasi.