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It is unknown exactly when and where the Rune of Kinetics was first introduced into the world. Some believe that it was a result of Semblance users carefully studying the weave of creation all around them and devising a way to manipulate it more directly. There are yet more accounts that it might have been gifted to mortals by a deity. Whatever its origins, it has remained a prominent form of magic that has seen continued use throughout the ages.

Initiation and Threshold Sickness

Like with all disciplines of rune magic, an aspiring kinetic must find a wizard who is both willing and capable of inscribing the Cardinal Rune of Kinetics upon their flesh. The Rune of Kinetics is particularly brutal with its threshold sickness as it subjects the initiate to the force of the Flux around them. Instead of drifting as part of the aether flow in the natural world, instead the initiate feels the weight of the Flux pressing upon their body. The result is either they are able to withstand the force and are thus able to master it or they are crushed by it. This is rarely an immediate event but rather a slow progression over the course of a day or two.


Overstepping with kinetics tends to be a physical manifestation. The backlash of extending one's aether too far into the Flux can result in a backlash of varying degrees of severity. At its most minor, bleeding from the nose, eyes or ears may present, along with bruising in some areas on the body. As overstepping increases, the wizard becomes subject to the forces of the Flux they are attempting to manipulate. Broken bones, snapped or severed limbs, exploding body parts to mages who have been completely pulverized by the very powers they sought to control.

The Aether Flux

The principles of Kinetics operate on the theory of the Aether Flux. The theory posits that existence is wholly and completely nothing more than raw aether given differing levels of form and purity. There is no difference between a cloud in the sky and a human who walks the earth of a dirt road. All things are merely the aether made manifest in different ways. By expanding one’s understanding of and connection to “the Flux”, one can attune to it and with merely an exertion of will, manipulate that which is part of the Flux.

This is likened to causing ripples in the Flux in order to produce the desired movement. Sometimes that ripple turns into a tidal wave, other times it is merely an interruption of the flow in order to redirect the movement. The Flux is in constant motion and the kinetic manipulates that motion in order to manifest the desired effect seen by others in the physical world. Unless they possess the power to perceive aether, the only thing the observer sees is the end result of the wizard’s manipulation.

Powers and Abilities

Aether Sight

Aquired at Novice. The kinetic gains the ability to perceive the aether around them. By opening themselves to this perception they can see the Flux in motion within the world. This enables them to insert their aether into the Flux of that which they intend to move in whatever manner they desire. The Aether Sight imparted by the Rune of Kinetics does not bestow upon the wizard the ability to read into the properties of said aether. They are simply able to perceive the motion of the aether around them.


Acquired at Novice. Iconic among kinetics is the ability to push objects seemingly with a thought. Kinetics know this isn’t entirely true. Pushing is achieved by extending one’s aether into the Flux and creating an outward ripple that cascades against the object the wizard desires to move. This in turn shoves the object in the direction the wizard wants.


Acquired at Novice. The wizard extends their aether into the Flux and redirects the currents around them in order to shift it in an upward motion. This aether when gathered around the intended object causes it to rise out of what would be considered its normal current at that point in time. Objects at rest are easier to lift than objects in motion as they require less of an interruption of their movement through the Flux.


Acquired at Novice. Reaching into the Flux, the wizard redirects the flow of aether in such a way as it now moves toward them. This in turn produces the effects of moving the desired object toward the wizard.

Aether Sense

Acquired at Apprentice. The Flux is in constant motion. The kinetic gains a sense of that motions and can feel the ripples around them with great clarity. As a result they can sense the movements of objects within the Flux.


Acquired at Apprentice. The wizard is able to bring together the Flux in a particular area as to produce a short-lived hardening effect in the aether. The longer the wizard concentrates the longer the effect persists however it dissipates almost immediately upon concentration being dropped.


Acquired at Apprentice. The concept of joining one’s aether to the aether of another object is not unique to kinetics. However, this joining for the kinetic is minor in comparison and produces what can be equated to a magnetic effect. This is the technique that many kinetics have used to maintain perfect balance while walking across a tight rope or what has enabled them to walk upright on a wall. This technique requires continual focus. An interruption of that focus immediately sees the wizard’s own aether Flux separate from that which they were Seeming with.


Acquired at Journeyman. The wizard punches a hole in the Flux using their aether. This can have differing effects depending on what the wizard does from there. If they expand the hole it can cause the affected object to explode. If they allow the vacuum in the Flux created by the hole to fill in, it can cause an implosion. Explosions and implosions are equal to the size of the hole the wizard punches into the Flux. The bigger the hole, the more taxing it is on the wizard’s strength. All hole created in such manner will immediately fill in once the wizard drops concentration.


Acquired at Expert. The wizard accelerates the flow of the Flux. This can be used to produce a variety of effects such as increasing their own speed of movement, to causing heightened levels of friction resulting in fire starting.


Acquired at Expert. The wizard decelerates the flow of the Flux. This can be used to slow an object’s movement to completely holding an object in place. More advanced uses can produce cryo effects.


Acquired at Master. The ability to send precise and focused ripples flowing outward from the body across the Flux. The result is dependant upon the wizard’s intent. This can see a massive sonic boom sent cascading outward from the wizard or it can be a truly devastating explosion of telekinetic force sent barreling out from the wizard in all directions as opposed to just one. Of course, more subtle variations have equally subtle but powerful results.


Acquired at Master. Possessing such a refined grasp on the ability to manipulate through the Flux, the wizard is able to reshape physical objects like a sculptor molds clay. Granted, sculpting objects into anything other than basic shapes would require the wizard have the prerequisite knowledge of how to build such objects. Possessing the ability to reshape a hunk of metal into a suit of armor does not mean one possesses the knowledge of how to do so. Calling on the full mastery of the Flux and recognizing that it is just as much within all things as it surrounds them, the wizard can propel their powers of kinetics to new and untold heights.

Tier Progression

Novice (1-24)

Beginning kinetics have a difficult time manipulating the Aether Flux. While they are capable of sensing and perceiving it all around them, it can easily be overwhelming at times. They are limited to moving and manipulating objects that are up to two hundred and fifty pounds, total. Even so, they can only do so in short durations spanning a handful of minutes before becoming overly taxed.

Apprentice (25-49)

With a greater sense of the Aether Flux in and around them, the wizard is able to manipulate it on a more refined albeit still basic level. They gain the ability to compress the Flux to a variety of effects as well as the power to join the flow of their aether to that or other objects for a short time through Seeming. The apprentice can now manipulate up to twelve hundred and fifty pounds in terms of mass. They can do so with greater ease and for a longer period of time than would a novice. Prolonged manipulation still taxes their strength before long however.

Journeyman (50-74)

Coming into their own at greater degree as a kinetic, the wizard gains the power of Splintering. An ability that can be used to devastating or subtle effect depending on the wizard’s intent, the power to splinter objects is an effective tool when used creatively. The journeyman kinetic is capable of manipulating up to two thousand, five hundred pounds at any given time. They are capable of much longer periods of the use of their powers before tiring.

Expert (75-99)

A powerful manipulator of the Flux, the expert kinetic is capable of truly incredible feats. They have obtained such a finite control of the flow of aether that they can accelerate or decelerate the Flux of objects to desired effect. They are now able to manipulate up to five thousand pounds and are capable of using their powers without rest for extended periods of time.

Master (100)

The master kinetic can either be wondrous or fear inducing depending on what they put their mind to. They are now capable of producing remote vibrations across the Flux to a variety of effects. Their control over the manipulation of objects within the flow of aether in the world is to such a level that they can reshape physical objects according to their vision, provided they have the knowledge of how to do so. A master is capable of manipulating up to ten thousand pounds.