
From Ransera Wiki


To begin with, there are three tiers of fluency that a PC must go through in order to learn a language: Inept, Conversational, Fluent.

There are two primary ways to learn a language. One method is by living in a locale listed as one of the primary sites of the language. Each season, so long as you have actively RPed in that area for a majority of the season, you may select one language to advance in fluency. So, after one season with no knowledge on a language, you may advance to Inept. So long as you continue to actively write in this location, and for the majority of the next season, you will advance to Conversational and so on. This can be done before a season is finished, so long as your PC will spend most of that season in the area. As a hard rule, memory seasons do not count for this.

The second way is more direct and hands-on, and it is by learning languages in-thread and advancing your linguistics. If you wish to do it this way, simply write threads learning the language. To advance to Inept, you'll need 10 lores of that language, which may look something like: Linguistics (Vilandroc): Common Idioms. The same applies for Conversational and Fluent, requiring 10 additional lores. Each tier of Linguistics reduces this requirement by 1 lore for all languages, beginning at 15 XP. Thus, Novices require 9 lores for each tier, Apprentices 8, etc. until Master which only requires 5, making language learning much quicker for linguistic masters.

Once you have acquired sufficient lores to advance in fluency (whether by one tier or multiple) and they have been reviewed, you may simply change your tier in your CS yourself. This is the best way to learn languages primarily located in areas you do not live in, as well as dead or lost languages.

As a note, all language lores are considered Linguistics skill lores.


Language Races Locations
All races, primarily Humans Worldwide.
Dratori Dalquia, Southeast Free Cities
Moratallen Moratallen Towns and Communities
Hytori, Fae, Siltori, Dratori Sol'Valen, Auris, Dalquia, Scholarly communities
Orkhan, Human Ecith, Free Cities
Gnomes Dagrun
Lysanrin Cathena
Neptori The Five Neptori Nations
Hytori Sol'Valen
Humans Atinaw
Siltori Auris
Avialae (Kathar), Humans Gelerian Imperium
Avialae (Synnekar), Humans Kalzasi
Citizens of Solunarium (Mostly Humans and Elves) The Atraxian Expanse
Dwarves Dwarven Holds, Dwarven Communities