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The Emblem of Mendicus

Bring me your weary, I shall give them rest.

Bring me your sick, I shall find a cure.

Bring me your injured, I shall mend them.

Those marked with Mendicus are referred to as Mystics. They are the bringers of Healing. They are the pioneers of Medicine. The Healers of Dalquor, where Ioniri makes her home, are the most renowned healers in the world. Their green and gold robes are a symbol to many that suffering is coming to an end and that rest and rejuvenation are soon to follow. Mystics are revered for their willingness to face terrible diseases, bring comfort to the sick and injured, and provide aide to any who require it regardless of creed or origin. The Emblem of Mendicus bestows upon those touched by it, two gifts. These are Rejuvenation and Fortitude.

The mark of Mendicus presents itself as that of the branches of a winding tree representing the Tree of Life that Ioniri takes as her hallmark symbol. As the Mystic calls upon the powers of Mendicus, these branches glow with the grace of her divine gift.

Attracting Divine Attention

The Demigoddess of Healing, Medicine and Motherhood is generous but careful with whom she bestows her blessing upon. In order to attract Ioniri’s attention, one must have a genuine desire to heal, to mend, and to provide aide to those most in need of it. The individual must display themselves to be someone who is wholly devoted to the pursuit of health and wellness for not just a select few but to any whom they come across. To bear the mark of Mendicus is to be entrusted with a sacred charge that is taken very seriously. For once Ioniri bestows her mark upon an individual she fully expects and demands that it be used to help all who are in need of it. A Mystic cannot discriminate in whom they grant the gift of divine healing. As such, those whom Ioniri selects to bear her mark are those who display themselves to be in possession of an impartiality toward medicine. These individuals must be of sound moral character, possessed of an ability to understand that their place is not to judge but to mend.

The Age of Dreams

Ioniri is one of the oldest demigoddesses in all of Ransera. Born to Raella and a Hytori father who has long since joined her mother’s side, the deity is as well known as the stars in the sky among the mortal races. She first appeared in the early days of Ransera’s history ushering an understanding of medicine and the pursuit of health and healing that sparked the creation of many forms of rendering care. Ioniri was there for the collapse of the Rift Gates. She was there to give comfort to those who were afflicted with terrible diseases and sickness the likes of which Ransera had not seen at the time. She was there when the Hytori elves begged her for a solution to restore immortality. Though it grieved her to deny them, she remained a strong advocate for adaptation as opposed to a futile defiance of the turn of fate.

The Age of Sundering

Ioniri remains one of the few deific powers who has remained universally revered across most of the cultures of Ransera. She is a balm wherever she goes, bringing relief from pain and suffering. On the fields of battle, she is the medic kneeling to restore those who have yet to take their final breaths. When plague or sickness devastates an area, she and her healers are among the first to answer the call. This unfaltering willingness to face all threats to the health and wellness of mortals placed her in great peril during the Age of Sundering.

In the aftermath of the collapse of the Godspire, Ioniri immediately set both herself and her faithful to work trying to stem the tide of death and sickness that ravaged the lands. The stories of both her and her discipline's bravery are still spoken of to this day. This willingness to face the tide of pain and devastation was used to lure her and many of her followers into a trap set by the Cult of Mending. They sought to kill the demigoddess and purge her presence from the world as one of the chief threats to their machinations. Ioniri and those of her followers who survived the initial trap were spared from death through the intervention of Theadrin. A Moratallen son of Aedrin, Dragon God of Nature, he came to her side in her hour of need. The demigod rescued her and her faithful, sparing the world from the total loss of her much needed care. Following this event, Raella and Wraedan charged two ancient dragons with guarding the demigoddess but their combined might pales in comparison to the watchful eyes of her stalwart protector, Theadrin.

Age of Steel

The world was nearly dealt a terrible blow following the machinations of the Cult of Mending. The dark cultists made a concerted effort to kill as many Mystics in the world as possible, as they posed one of the most direct threats to their goals. As such, the presence of Mendicus and Mystics in the world has greatly diminished compared to ages past. Still, Ioniri remains a guiding force in the current era as she and her followers work to bring health and healing to those in need of it.

Applying for Mendicus

Any who are interested in bearing the mark of Mendicus may apply in the Support Forum and receive permission from the Staff. The following should be kept in mind:

  • Moratallen and Dratori are automatically eligible for receiving the mark. They do not need a moderated quest if they decide to begin play with the mark. Simply submit a written story detailing how they received a mark. It must be no less than 1,500 words. This mark must be taken at the start of play, prior to achieving 50 posts.

The Tenant of Healing

Above all, Ioniri demands one thing of those whom she marks: heal those in need of it. Where there is a need for the gift of Mendicus, she compels her followers to use it when it is wise to do so. One cannot discriminate when giving the gift of healing. That is not to say that Ioniri is blind to the circumstances her Mystics are placed in. Self-defense requires that one protect themselves and others but if possible, a Mystic should always refrain from killing where it makes sense to do so. Beyond that, it is not the place of a Mystic to judge and if in healing an individual, sparing them from death or disease that individual might be allowed to bring harm to others, it is the duty of the Mystic to ensure that individual is brought to justice.

The Gift of Healing: Rejuvenation

Rejuvenation must be actively used. It is not a passive ability. The gift of Rejuvenation is what most Mystics are known for. It is the gift of divine healing through which the Mystic channels Ioniri’s primary domain. By channeling their heartfelt and unwavering faith, the Mystic is able to mend that which is broken. Through this ability, the Mystic is capable of mending broken bones, repairing torn flesh, restoring muscles and overall returning functionality to that which would otherwise be rendered useless by disease or injury. However, the gift of Rejuvenation must be wielded carefully. A Mystic who does not carefully balance their skills and what is bestowed upon them through the gift of Mendicus, can cause more harm than help. Using Rejuvenation is often best paired with a working knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and basic medicine. The knowledge of how a body functions combined with knowledge of the ailment one is presented makes the task of knowing how to focus the powers of Rejuvenation far easier than blindly unleashing their powers in a cascade.

With that in mind, while knowledge of these things certainly boosts the Mystic’s confidence in their ability to repair that which is damage, the lack of it does not prevent them from doing so. Rejuvenation requires only that one fully and completely believe that they can heal and the Emblem, coupled with their faith, will do the rest.

The Tenant of Medicine

Medicine is both a science and an art. The study of the mortal body, whether Human or otherwise, is the driving force behind all that Ioniri does and stands for. In all that they do, Ioniri encourages her followers to be relentless pursuers of advancing medicine. Her faithful are warriors of a different sort. They are the physicians dedicated to studying diseases and providing cures. They are the surgeons who work tirelessly to repair the body when it is damage, whether that be through mundane tools, necromancy or by combining her gift of Mendicus. Her disciples are the apothecaries who provide balms and tinctures to help carry a community through troubled times or the alchemists who work to purify water sources for villages burdened with tainted waters. Ioniri’s faithful are some of the most practiced and knowledgeable medical practitioners in the world, blending science and magic to bring health and wellness to the world wherever they go.

The Gift of Medicine: Fortitude

Fortitude is both a passive and active ability. The gift of Fortitude is a less renowned power provided to those who bear the mark of Mendicus. Only fools discount its potency. The first boon provided by Fortitude is that of health and wellness to the Mystic themselves. Fortitude ensures that Ioniri’s Mystics are some of the healthiest specimens of their race. Their bodies become resistant to disease. They can go longer without rest, food and even water. While this is not an infallible gift, it is one that greatly prepares them to do the work expected of all who bear the mark of the demigoddess. Secondly, the gift of Fortitude allows the Mystic to purify a body of infection. With a touch, the Mystic can clean a wound of poisons, gross infection, and at the most advanced stages even magical corruption. It is this second, quieter power, that makes those who bear Mendicus such effective healers. With a touch they can purge that which is causing a patient to be feverish, they can banish the venom of a deadly bite, or even poisons manufactured by even the most skilled poisoncrafter. As it is said, Rejuvenation is what allows a Mystic to restore but it is Fortitude that enables a Mystic to truly heal.

Faith of the Mystic

Faith is intrinsic to the mark of Mendicus. Knowledge grants power but it is an unshakable belief in one’s ability to actually render healing and care to those in their charge that allows the gift of Mendicus to perform its miracles. Ioniri requires that those whom she grants her mark, to use it to purge sickness, disease and illness wherever they encounter it. But being a Mystic is more than just seeking out the nearest injured person. It requires the study of sickness and disease, to uncover the root causes and to seek to diminish their impact to mortal lives, if not eradicate them. Ioniri demands that her followers eradicate the presence of those who work for the god Rhythival, the Dragon God of Poison, Pestilence and Plague.

Acolyte | The Acolytes of Ioniri are often those who are just beginning in their journey to become steadfast healers in their communities. These are those people who, while they might be lacking in knowledge, have a genuine desire to do good in their community by alleviating the pain of others. Ioniri is careful in whom she approaches to offer her mark, for she will always give the aspirant a choice. She is forthright and honest with her expectations of her followers in a way that endears her to many in ways many other gods do not.

Rejuvenation. An acolyte is able to mend very simple injuries. They are able to repair bruising, sprains, strains, most body aches, and are even able to close most flesh wounds. The repair of broken bones or damaged organs is beyond them. For example, while they might be able to mend a lacerated eye, they are incapable of restoring its vision. Following setting broken bones where there has been skin breakthrough, they could in theory mend the skin but should be prudent in deciding whether it is wise to do so. Acolytes must balance their ability to mend with the circumstances where it might be wiser to use more conventional methods of healing.

Fortitude. An acolyte is immune to such things as the common cold, seasonal allergies, and very minor illnesses. They remain susceptible to more serious infections and diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, etc. The Mytic may perhaps enjoy a more expedient recovery but in the case of very debilitating illness and disease, careful and restful recovery is still necessary. Just as the acolyte is themselves immune to such minor things, they can cure other of these ailments. A Mystic is capable of banishing the influence of Category 1 Dread Mists.

Avowed | The Avowed are those who have been twice marked by Ioniri. They have become steadfast supporters of the demigoddesses ideals. These are the dedicated physicians, nurses, the alchemists and even necromancers who have devoted themselves to the ways of a healer. These people are those who have become staples of medical support in their communities. They are those who commit themselves to researching various methods of combating disease, injury and illness in all of its forms, going out of their way to be pillars of health and wellness support for those around them.

Rejuvenation. The avowed will find that they are able to mend broken bones. They are capable of treating more complex ailments such as compartment syndrome. Though they cannot rid a patient of it, they are able to restore joints damaged by arthritis for a time. They are able to restore torn ligaments and muscle tissue, easily being able to handle deeper lacerations. They are able to stabilize patients who may have experienced damage to major organs, thus preventing the loss of life or function. Fully restoring damaged major organs still requires additionally medical intervention such as the work of a surgeon or a necromancer, however such efforts are greatly enhanced and aided by the work of an avowed of Ioniri, almost guaranteeing success.

Fortitude. The avowed becomes immune to such things as influenza, tuberculosis, most parasites wither and are destroyed upon trying to take root in their bodies. While they cannot render this immunity upon others without the normal means of inoculation to diseases, they are capable of banishing these same things when faced with them in a single patient. With a touch they can eradicate ringworm and most common fungal infections. They can rid someone of a fever with a gentle brush, clear pneumonia from the lungs, and halt the course of sepsis in its tracks. Mystics should be cautious however, such exertions will tire them and they are limited in the amount of care they can render in a single day. Without proper rest and recovery, the bearer of Mendicus risks becoming infected with that which they seek to cure.

Champion | A Champion of Ioniri is truly an inspiring figure wherever they go. These individuals are pioneers in their field. They are often the chief surgeon of a hospital or the premier research of a particular area of medical study. These high priests and priestesses of Ioniri are bastions of healing, warriors of medicine, and a people utterly committed to defending the welfare of those around them.

Rejuvenation. Truly the wonders of Mendicus become awe inspiring when wielded by the hands of a champion. These Mystics are capable of dealing with most long-term chronic illnesses such as cancer, dementia, scoliosis, and even congenital defects. With a touch they can completely mend broken bones. So powerful are these healers that they can repair even some of the most grievously damaged organs bringing them back to full functionality. They can restore vision to the blind, grant hearing to the deaf, and even cure paralysis.

Fortitude. So powerful are the champions of Ioniri that they can banish even sickness caused by magic sources. With a touch they can purge the presence of most Dread Mists corruption lingering in a patient. They are able to break all but the most dreadful of curses afflicting a victim caused by mages, whether they be from the powers of Affliction, Mesmer or otherwise. They can cure diseases such as cholera, plague, malaria and are not only able to halt sepsis but can even reverse it. Again, caution must be used by the champion level Mystic. Without rest they can expose themselves to that which they would otherwise normally be protected from.

Herald | The Herald of Ioniri is her Voice, her Hand, and her greatest mortal disciple. The Herald of the Demigoddess is a force of wisdom, a fount of medical knowledge and a patron to all that which brings health, healing and wellness into the world. Throughout history, this individual is often one who travels from region to region, bringing healing and medicine to the furthest corners wherever it is needed most.

Rejuvenation. There is little that cannot be achieved by the Herald of Ioniri when it comes to healing. With a touch, they can snatch even the most grievously ill or injured back from the embrace of death. So powerful is their healing that they can even go so far as restoring youth and vitality to the old and decrepit.

Fortitude. The Herald of Ioniri is immune to all poison, plague and pestilence. They are capable of curing any disease they come across.