
From Ransera Wiki

Moritasi of Trickery, Gambling


Vhexur was born off the Isles off Icthar, a place now faded to legend as the floating city was sunk in the last great trade war. His mother was a harlot, and one of the many flings of Vymeshis during his travels through the western isles. As a child Vhexur was like any other. Wild, rambunctious, and with a pension for mischief. His mother raised him well, and despite his surroundings the boy became an adult with a sound moral compass that only slightly skewed south on the odd occasion. He left the isles not long after his 16th birthday, and became one of the most infamous Tradesmen of the Age of Conquest.

For more than a decade Vhexur, know at the time Remus the Gambler, traveled the seas, making trade where possible and simply taking where it wasn't. He was most well known for turning every negotiation into a game of cards, where he would wage his possessions, is boat and even his life. He never lost, and it became became popular to say that "Remus dealt the hand" whenever one lost a lot of money over dice or cards.

Like most demigods Remus' awakening came at a heavy price. His home was lost during the Trade War, and with it his mother's life was taken. Remus awakened to his divinity, and with his new found power he sought out the captains of each of the major trade factions and offered them a deal. Defeat him in a round of dice and he would give them all the wealth and power he had collected in his travels. Perhaps it was the desire for the vast fortunes he had collected over the years, or maybe it was the influence of Remus' own power, but each and every one accepted the bet and lost. By the end of a fortnight the entirety of the Trade Clans was owned by Remus, and in a single night he dismantled the clans and set the Tradesmen adrift. He was at once the first, and the last, Trade King of the Western Sea, and after this act he vanished.

From that day on Remus was known as Vhexur, the God of Trickery who had bested the most cunning minds in the Tradesmen and built and destroyed an empire in a matter of days. He currently travels the world, stopping in from time to time to cause a little mischief before disappearing as the trouble really gets started. To some he is a nuisance, especially those in power or of the nobility. His worship is outright band in the Gelerian Imperium. To those who are down trodden, who fight the world and the chains of society, who look for freedom, Vhexur offers a thread of hope. He favors those who do not fall into line, the outsiders, the unwanted, the undesirable. If he appears it is said he will always offer you a bet, with the stakes being as small as a single copper, or as large as a kingdom.


Though he takes on many forms, most often Vhexur takes the shape of a young man with dark skin, similar to those humans found in Zythura. Comfortable clothing, bangles and jewelry are almost always present, and he is most often found with a pair of dice or cards in his hand. He has been known to be charming, eloquent in his speech, and the definition of the sort of person one's parents would never want them to be with. Sometimes he is older, sometimes he is a different race, but he tends to stay true to the core of who he is. Someone who lives as he wishes, goes where he wants, and does whatever it is he pleases.


Those who have met him say Vhexur is disarming. One would not think he was demigod until they saw his power in action, and he is not one to flaunt his power unnecessarily. Often those who meet him do not realize his true identity until sometime afterwards when the result of their bets or games come to fruition. He is kind to all, quick to laugh, slow to anger, and in general the life of the party wherever he goes. Sometimes he brings he party with him, and some of the largest impromptu festivals in the world are attributed to his actions and influence.


Happenstance is the emblem granted by Vhexur, and grants one abilities in the realms of trickery and gambling. This emblem is one sought after by many of every station, and Vhexur is very selective with who earns his emblem in particular. The reason for this is in potential of the emblem itself. On its surface it grants one a greater edge in games of chance and minor mischief, however, as one grows in their proficiency the emblem allows one to tip the scales of cause and effect and disrupt the balance of the world. This emblem has been used to cause destruction of such magnitude that certain orders actively seek its bearers to remove them for fear of the risk they pose.