World Origin

From Ransera Wiki

The Beginning

It began with a breath.

Aemaed. He Who Was All.

In the vastness of the Void, the neverending darkness, Aemaed beheld all that would be. For indeed, he was all that would be. Content with the Void, Aemaed slumbered in the darkness and dreamed.

In his dreams he beheld the World. The infinite planes, the stars and realms within them, and he was vexed. For this did not need to be. He Who Was All was all that ever needed to be.

Angered, Aemaed divested himself of these dreams, shoving them from his consciousness. This moment brought with it an explosion of great wonder and a moment of searing and terrible pain.

And thus were born Eiron and Cuvyr.

Eiron, who represented perfect order, stasis and light.

Cuvyr, who represented chaos, change and darkness.

Aemaed awoke from his dreaming to behold Order and Chaos and was not pleased. He demanded that both of them return to him. For Aemaed was All and he would not be denied. Eiron and Cuvyr refused and in that moment, Aemaed unleashed his fury. He Who Was All attacked them.

This war ultimately lead to the destruction of Aemaed, Eiron and Cuvyr and from the destruction He Who Was All mixed with Order and Chaos to birth the Aetherium.

In the aftermath of the conflict from the neverending potential of the Aetherium arose the Aldir.

The First Ones.

Together they witnessed the vast and eternal potential of the Aetherium and for a moment there was harmony. But soon there grew a desire for more. With infinite potential in perfect harmony what was there to be done? Among the Aldir, stepped forth Eikaen.

Eikaen, who shone the brightest of the Aldir, proposed the creation of a new realm separate from the Aetherium but connected to it. A realm where Order and Chaos, Light and Darkness could compete and thus draw out the finest points of the infinite potential. Some agreed with Eikaen, many did not.

Eikaen and those who followed him became known as the Endir. Together they created Acillon, the material plane of existence and to help them spread their will and further their work, they made the Dragons.