Legendary Artifacts

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Name Grimscythe
Category Divine Relic
Origins Age of Dreams(?)
Status Unknown
Other Name(s) Ebonscythe, Wraedan's Hook

Description: Fixed upon a bone white shaft that is covered in runic markings, the ebony blade of the Grimscythe is a manifestation of Death Incarnate. No matter how comfortable one is with the concept of death, to gaze upon the Grimscythe is to become unsettled. Stare long enough into the ebon blade and one might see the spectre of Death Himself staring back.

Mythology: Legends say that this ebony scythe was created from one of Wraedan’s ribs and carries with it both the blessings and burdens of the Dragon God of Death. The wielder of Grimscythe is functionally immortal while in possession of the scythe. The scythe will only be wielded by one whom it deems worthy. All others will sapped of their vitality for as long as they hold it until the scythe strips them of all life, leaving nothing behind but dust. One whom is deemed worthy of wielding the scythe will be granted a vision of the exact place, time and manner of their eventual death, stripping any and all who wield it of the illusion of being invincible. Death himself will one day come to collect the soul of whosoever wields Grimscythe but until that day, the carrier of this artifact will hold immense power. The exact powers of Grimscythe are unknown. Different wielders have manifested a variety of abilities. As a result, it is suspected that the scythe chooses what powers to allow its wielder to use. Exactly how and why this is done is unknown.

Heartstone of Kaitos


Name Heartstone of Kaitos
Category Primordial Artifact
Origins Age of Clockwork
Status Lost
Other Name(s) Archmage's Jewel, Amulet of First Magic

Description: An opaque vanta black stone devoid of radiance or shine to the mundane eye. To the observer it might seem as appealing as a lump of coal. However, to gaze upon this jewel with more than merely the mundane eye reveals a storm of aetheric power that, if not carefully filtered, can be blinding in its radiance. An entire borealis of colors swirls within this stone when observed with a magical eye.

Mythology: The Heartstone of Kaitos Diraegon, Archwizard of the Clockwork Empire, Grand Artificer and Emperor. Recovered from the mysterious place known only as “Home”, the Heartstone is a dragonshard of indescribable power that enables its user to perform feats of Archmagic innately. With this stone, Archmage Kaitos was able to build the Godspire and upon channeling its power, he brought about the Sundering of the World. Beyond that, its powers are a complete unknown.



Name Alah'Fin, Light's End
Category Cursed Divine Relic
Origins Age of Wonders
Status Lost
Other Name(s) Dawnslayer

Description: Scorch marks obscure an otherwise pristine silver blade that might once have been inscribed with elegant elven script. The script along the blade has been defaced. The sword appears perpetually as though it has been burned by a terrible inferno. Ash and soot follow the sword, leaving a trail of smoke wherever it is swung when it is not sheathed. No amount of cleaning will rid the sword of this scorched quality but the blade remains lethally sharp at all times. At the very tip of the sword there is a blood red stain.

Mythology: The sword that killed Arcas. It is a dark and terrible blade that was forged using the ancient powers of legendary runesmiths. It was then imbued with a piece of Shaeoth’s divinity, enabling the sword to harness the powers of Shadow, Fear and Vengeance. Darklings, those marked by Shaeoth, who wield the sword find that their powers are increased sevenfold while carrying this sword. The blade carries with it a terrible price, it is driven to achieve a single purpose: to kill Arcas. Legends state that Arcas has been reborn several times and while the two have never crossed paths since that first slaying, it still pushes its wielder to complete that quest. In the absence of the demigod, the sword pushes the wielder to eradicate any trace of the Prince of Dragons, including the slaughter of those who follow him. Legends state that the final purpose for this sword was not just to kill Arcas, but to rip the soul from his body and enslave him to the will of Shaeoth. That purpose was interrupted through the intervention of Eikaen, the Dragon King. The sword will only accept one whom it deems worthy. Any who try to wield it that are deemed unworthy will be burned by the sword, the heat will continue to escalate until the attempted user ignites in flames. The burning will cease as soon as the sword is dropped.



Name Novuril, Dawnbringer
Category Divine Relic
Origins Age of Wonders
Status Lost
Other Name(s) The Sword of Dawn, Hope's Edge, The Dawnblade

Description: A polished blade with edges that seem made of platinum, lined with eberrite and gilded with gold. The hilt of the sword almost appears to take the shape of a rising sun that is emitting a single pillar of light into the skies. Along the blade are inscribed several celestial runes that resonate with divine power at a mere glance. In the hilt and pommel of the sword are two golden gemstones that do not seem to be made from any earthly material.

Mythology: Forged and gifted to Arcas by the demigod of swords himself, Novuril was made from the scales of a mighty platinum dragon and imbued with the Dragon Prince’s celestial divinity. It is said that a single swing of this sword spells doom for all who champion unjust and evil causes. It carries with it numerous powers tied to the domains of Justice, Hope and Light as well as being imbued with gifts from the demigod Raxen who presides over Courage, Swords and Truth. Novuril was wielded by Arcas for most of his adult life. As he grew into his powers as a demigod, so too did its power grow with him. However, before the final battle between himself and Shaeoth, the Prince of Dragons entrusted the sword to one of his greatest champions. For what purpose is unknown but he did not carry it with him into the fight against Shaeoth. Some say that had he been wielding it, he would have won. The sword has cropped up periodically since that time. It has always been wielded by a soul who is pure of heart and devoted to causes of good and justice. The sword ultimately ended up in the hands of the Order of the Dawnmartyr and became a relic entrusted to their greatest knights. Following the Siege of Ailos and the defeat of the Order, its whereabouts are unknown.

The Mortal Pigments

The Mortal Pigments.jpg

Name The Mortal Pigments
Category Divine Relic
Origins Age of Clockwork
Status Unknown
Other Name(s) Keela's Paints, The Imagined Colors

Description: Contained with a humble wooden box reinforced with dull bronze plates are four jars of seemingly innocuous paints. They are the three primary colors of Red, Blue, Yellow and then a jar of White. There is a single brush within the box.

Mythology: Gifted to an artist in the Age of Clockwork by the Dragon Goddess Keela, these paints never run out and can be used by any who come across them. When used with a brush or tool other than the brush within the box, the paints are ordinary and plain with no other effect except that the colors will never dull with time. However, when something is painted using the brush that comes with the box, any mundane item painted by the artist can be brought into the real world as though it were the actual item. The item possesses no magical properties once removed from the painting and will function normally. Stories circulate that artists have used these paints to create entire structures that remain picturesque and as vibrant or unsettling as when the artist originally painted it and brought it into the real world. The paint cannot create life. Thus, a garden painted by an artist using these paints, while being an incredibly beautiful and seemingly life-like rendition, will remain on its canvas. However, an artist who paints a cottage or perhaps a wagon, can then bring those objects into the real world as though they have been built through ordinary means.

Nox Infinitum

Dark Book.jpg

Name Nox Infinitum, Book of Eternal Darkness
Category Cursed Divine Relic
Origins Age of Dreams(?)
Status Unknown
Other Name(s) The Book of Madness, Book of the Damned, The Black Book

Description: A leatherbound book that is black in color with grey and fraying edges. It appears worn, scorched and thoroughly abused with time. In spite of this, the symbol upon the cover is still visible. A sprawling sigil of a spiraling and writhing formless mass contained within a faded circle. The pages are yellowed with age and are stained with what appears to be either black ink or perhaps blood.

Mythology: Penned within the pages of the Nox Infinitum is every evil, every wicked deed, every act of malice, madness and deranged atrocity committed across the cosmos. It is said that this book of absolute evil was written by none other than Malgar, the Dragon God of Suffering. If one is either brave or insane enough to open the cover and peruse its pages, one will be treated to the darkest of secrets known to both mortals and gods alike. Knowledge taken from this evil tome carries with it a price. Exactly what price that is? It depends entirely on what one is seeking. The true names of powerful demons can be found inside. The secret to unlocking the most wicked of arcane rituals are kept within its pages. Every twisted and dark piece of knowledge known to the cosmos can be found within. Those very pages can be torn from the book but doing so extracts a toll from the one who does the tearing and the page will make its way back to the book in time. The Black Book cannot be permanently destroyed by any means. It can be burned. It will return. It can be sundered. It will be remade. The book will inevitably corrupt any who come into possession of it, even if only for a short time.

Syren's Instruments


Name Syren's Instruments
Category Divine Artifacts
Origins Age of Wonders
Status Varies
Other Name(s) The Masterwork Instruments, The Bardic Tools

Description: They come in many forms but each of them is a masterpiece of musical craftsmanship. Whether it is a lute, a lyre, a flute, a violin or otherwise, the many instruments of Syren are all magnificent if simplistic in their aesthetics. Each one of them was crafted by the hands of the demigoddess with the utmost care. She made them neither ostentatious nor overly bland in their appearance, giving all of them a well-made look. These instruments have all been gifted to mortal singers, bards, and storytellers across the ages as signs of the goddesses’ pleasure with their work.

Mythology: Syren’s Instruments are as old as the goddess herself, though it is not clear which one she made first. As the patron of music across the world of Ransera, she has spent ages crafting instruments to match the many musical sounds that mortals make. The instruments do not suddenly grant the wielder mastery over the music capable of being produced by them, rather they enhance what the musical artist is already capable of doing. A beginner will find that lessons on how to understand the use of said instrument flow easier, accelerating their education on how to play it. A master is capable of producing music with one of these instruments that is enough to bring scores of people to tears, joy, or misery as they capture the truest essence of what their music can emote. The use of one of these instruments in an orchestra will ensure that all like instruments will play in perfect harmony.