Talon [Approved]

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Name: Talon Alexios Novalys
Alias: Daemon Alexios
Race: Synnekar Avialae | Demigod (Empyrean)
Gender: Male
Height: 7 ft. | 214 cm
Weight: 280 lbs. | 122 kg

Birthdate: 13th Day of Frost, Year 95 of the Age of Steel
Birthplace: Palace of the First Wind, City-State of Kalzasi

Profession: Runesmith | Warrior | Deity
Housing: Suite of Rooms, Palace of Spires
Partners: Aoren (Core Bondmate | Spouse)

Titles: The Prince of Dragons, Prince of Kalzasi, The Morninglord
Factions: Order of the Dawnmartyr

Fluencies: Synskrit, Kathalan, Vastian, Common
Conversationals: Vallenor, Silandris, Mythrasi
Ineptitudes: None.
Upon first meeting Talon one of the most defining and obvious things that one will learn about him is his sense of duty. From before he could fly, he was taught to uphold the honor and traditions of his people. Always he must play the part of a leader of men and women alike. The nuances of a royal court have been ingrained in his psyche down to which piece of silverware to use to eat in any given social situation. The whole of Talon’s countenance, his drive, is centered around the notion of duty.

His first and foremost obligation is to the people of Kalzasi. As the son of the Shokaze and the heir to House Novalys, Talon is expected to be a model of character his people can follow. Second to that is his loyalty and duty to his family as the First Son of the House Novalys. The Diamond House of Kalzasi are trained from birth to death to be the pinnacle of what it means to embody the ideals treasured by the Avialae and by extension, Kalzasi. Brave, bold, strong and driven, Talon is all of these things because he has been groomed to believe he cannot be anything else.

Talon is a compassionate man but he can grow to be quite intolerant of anything close to resembling acts of dishonor and cowardice. He has a very stark view of right and wrong. He can be stubborn and headstrong. He will rarely back down from a challenge which has a tendency to see him get into trouble where his temper is concerned.

In spite of these things, Talon is a friendly soul at heart. He delights in stories by a campfire or a hearth. He makes friends easily and he is loyal to a fault. His belief that he must always protect those weaker than himself moves him to place himself in reckless situations often enough. All in all, Talon likes to believe that he is a good man. Many expectations have been placed upon his shoulders as the Shokaze's firstborn son. As of the Frost 120, Talon has become a much more expressive young man. He is more assured of his beliefs and has gained the confidence born from experience facing many trials and hardships. He has ascended to the ranks of demigodhood and while the prospect of divinity unsettled him at first, he has learned to grow into it. His life as the heir presumptive and prince of Kalzasi prepared him well for the realm of learning how to navigate some divine expectations. While he is still learning his own views on the subject of his godly portfolio and what it means to those mortals he is expected to shepherd, he still does his best to live up to the ideals that have been instilled in him all his life.

Talon is a tall and broad shouldered young Avialae at the peak of his physical fitness. His skin is pale but healthy looking owing to his mother and father’s Siltori heritage. On the right side of his face is a runic marking that bears a blue and violet luminescence. These same manner markings can be found across Talon’s torso and up and down his arms. Talon bears a robust musculature owing his weight, definition and bulk to his lifestyle spent as a warrior, as with most Avialae. He bears a few scars from the toll of his exertions, the most obvious being over his left eye and across his left cheek and jaw. Light stubble dusts his well defined jaw and is rarely allowed to grow to a full beard. Talon’s eyes are a stone grey color that give many the impression that he has a cold countenance. The young man’s hair is a deep velvet black kept in a warrior’s cut. The sides of his head remain either shaved or buzzed with the top being pulled back into a ponytail that hangs down past his shoulders.

As with all Avialae, Talon possesses a pair of large wings that extend from his back. Graced with the feather of an eagle, Talon’s wings are a silver color and bear a metallic sheen in the right lighting. In spite of this, they are soft to the touch but are strong enough to knock most fully grown men off their feet if put to more combative use. Talon keeps both himself and his wings meticulously well groomed.

28 Frost 120 | Talon now bears a thin silver scar directly over his heart. It appeared following his initiation into Reaving. It brings with it many questions. He wonders if he wants to find the answers...

53 Frost 120 | Upon awakening to divinity, Talon has gained demigod attributes as described at the Ascendant Tier on the Demigod page of the wiki.

There were no grand parades nor parties on the day of Talon’s birth. For with his entry into the world, there came a blizzard. One of the worst that Kalzasi had seen. The city was brought to a stand-still. The people huddled in their homes. Even the monsters of the Warrens seemed driven into the deeper, warmer, places of the earth with the advent of such a bone deep cold. No, Talon’s birth was a quiet affair as he became the firstborn son of his father’s line. Despite how this might sound, Talon’s father recalls the event with great fondness. The gathering of the family into the bedchamber where his mother lay cradling Talon as a newborn, the curiosity of his sisters as they regarded their baby brother and the quiet warmth the occasion brought are all remembered as a moment of peace. The city had been dealing with a relentless incursion of beasts from the Warrens, a cycle that had taxed the morale and strength of its warriors. The blizzard brought with it, a reprieve from the onslaught. Families were able to spend time with each other, safe in the knowledge that the elements themselves had driven back the incursion.

So began the life of the First Son of House Novalys. When the snows cleared and the spring warmth shone down on the region, Talon grew. As he came into his early childhood, he was given an apprenticeship under one of the high officers of the Sky Guard in order to prepare him for his eventual Warren March.

As Talon came into his own as an adolescent he was challenged, educated and groomed to be his father’s heir. His life was spent being tested from one thing to the next in order to continually prove himself worthy of the mantle he was to one day take up. On the day that he embarked upon his Warren March it was with a group of twelve boys.

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Of the twelve who went down into the Warrens, only seven emerged. Talon was seventeen years old. He had earned his place among his people and though he mourned the loss of friends, he was proud to have proven his strength as an Avialae. Having shown himself to be capable after passing the trial that all Synnekar Avialae must, Talon continued to grow into his own, forever changed by the experience the Warren March imbued him with.

Eventually he was taken under the wing of a human battlemage by the name of Saris Kore. The man proved to be something of a second father to Talon who, while not lacking in admiration for his own father, often felt distant from him. Saris proved to be more approachable, more willing to let Talon take risks. The two grew close and when Talon was eighteen years of age, he asked Saris to teach him magic. While immensely hesitant at first, Talon remained determined. Until finally, Saris relented and initiated him into the magic of Semblance. Talon’s threshold sickness lasted three days. It would be a year later that Talon was also initiated into the magic of Kinetics. It was following this initiation, one that nearly resulted in Talon’s death, that his father forbade him from pursuing any more runes of magic. Following an explosive argument between himself and his father, Saris made the decision to leave Kalzasi. He and Talon keep in touch to this day.

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In a move of rebelliousness, Talon continued the pursuit of magic against his father’s wishes but, having skirted death with the Cardinal Runes of Magic, opted to learn world magic instead. Though it took much convincing and a considerably amount of time proving he was not displaying just a passing interest, Talon managed to convince the Circle of Spells to allow him to study in their library. He found himself taking to the study of Runeforging and has carefully explored the art over the years.

In the present day, Talon spends a great deal of time aiding the Sky Guard in their duties around the city and the surrounding lands. As an established business owner he makes a point to forge weapons and armor for the guard, occasionally adding an enchantment to some of them provided he has the resources.
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MagicTotal XPProficiency
Runeforging 100/100Master
Semblance 100/100Master
Kinetics 100/100 Master
Reaving 100/100 Master
Traversion 100/100Master
Negation 100/100Master
Elementalism 100/100Master
Scrivening 100/100Master
Masquerade 100/100Master
Alchemy 100/100Master
Non-Magic Total XP Proficiency
Blades (Longsword) 100/100Master
Leadership 100/100Master
Unarmed Combat* 100/100Master
Ranged: Archery 100/100 Master
Business 100/100 Master
Resistance 100/100Master
Meditation 100/100Master
Flying 100/100Master
Negotiation 75/100Expert
Politics 75/100Expert
Tactics 50/100Journeyman
Smithing 50/100 Journeyman
Survival 50/100 Journeyman
Jewelcraft 25/100Apprentice
Sewing 5/100 Novice
Leatherworking 10/100 Novice
*Unarmed Combat: Talon is a practitioner of Orakan, a fighting style adapted from the original teachings of the Orkhan monks at the Temple of Fallen Skies. It is similar to Krav Maga and utilizes the incorporation of an Avialae's wings as both a means of offense and defense.
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Rewarded here. Talon has been given minor protection by the mysterious man Arthel. His Nimbus, while still visible to those who are close, cannot be seen by beings lower than Tier 3 Divinity unless they are actively looking for him. This protection does not hamper his power, but the more he uses his divine abilities the more that can slip out past the protection. The protection will be broken once Talon unlocks his 3rd domain, and all who have the ability to see will know the moment that protection is gone.

Divine Abilities


Divine Nimbus- The Nimbus is the mark of the Divine and even at the lowest rung of demigodhood, these children of the gods still possess one. It appears as one or more glowing points of brilliant light, runes or symbols that float near the demigod’s head. To those with the ability to see magical properties (i.e. Semblance users, other demigods etc.) it is always visible. The demigod can choose to dismiss the nimbus at will, at which point in time it will become invisible to those who cannot see past the mundane world around them. Through the nimbus the individual can instill the following in those around them for a short duration:

Awe. People and creatures behold the demigod with awe and reverence.

Terror. People and creatures behold the demigod with abject terror either running away or cowering in place.

Confidence. Those allied with the demigod find themselves invigorated with purpose. They become highly resistant to mind altering effects while in the presence of the demigod they revere. This only has an effect on those who are loyal to the demigod.

Enshroud. The demigod spreads their aura over a given radius not to exceed 100 ft. in diameter either illuminating the area around them or plunging it into a blanket of darkness.

Divine Awareness (Empyrean)- The demigod is aware of any acts of true faith made in their name or in the invoking of one of their domains. They retain awareness of the individuals involved for up to a full season before this awareness fades.

Emblem [Acolyte | Avowed | Champion | Herald]- Eminence. Talon is capable of bestowing the Emblem of Eminence upon those he deems worthy of his mark.


Cathedral [TBD] - A demigod’s cathedral is a place made sacred by them. It is the bastion of their godly might and is a realm where they reign in absolute supremacy as the prime deific power in that area. This can be a literal temple or cathedral, a fortress, a forest glade, or any such place the demigod deigns to claim as their own. The demigod infuses this location with a great deal of their time and power causing it to exist partially in the realm of the mundane and within the Aetherium. As a result, this haven for the demigod is subject to their interpretation of what reality in that space should look and act like. While they cannot break the laws of reality, as they are not a greater-ranked deity, they are able to bend them.

Divine Form - Having awoken fully to the highest extent of their inherent divinity, the demigod sheds their mortal form and becomes a living embodiment of their ideals. This form is one that inspired awe, fear, terror, reverence or any such collection of emotions among mortals for it cannot be denied that they are anything short of godly. While in their Divine Form, the demigod can ignore the effects of magic cast by anything short of a Master and only Master ranked fighters or warriors could hope to land a blow capable of wounding them in the event of a conflict. Maintaining this form requires that the demigod exist partially in the Aetherium and the mortal realm simultaneously, a feat that is draining even on their strength. As such, the Divine Form can only be maintained for up to a cumulative total of 24 hours. Once the demigod has reached this cumulative total, they must rest for a period of 24 hours before they can adopt this form once more. It is only while in the Divine Form that the demigod is capable of performing feats of Archmagic on a whim. The act of doing so however, is taxing even for them. Performing a feat of Archmagic reduces the amount of time that the demigod can maintain their Divine Form by a quarter meaning they could, at maximum, only perform four feats of Archmagic before needing to rest depending on the feat in question.

Mortal Seeming - Upon reaching the Empyrean stage, the demigod has stepped into the realm of being more god than mortal. As a result, the mortal form that they were born with becomes a mask that hides their true divinity until such time as they choose to reveal it. While in their Mortal Seeming, the demigod can choose to ignore the effects of magic the rank of Journeyman or lower. They become immune to all non-magical diseases and poisons and are effectively immortal. They can, however, still perish due to violence or tragedy. While in their Mortal Seeming, all other mortal limitations still apply to them. They still feel hunger though they will not die of starvation or thirst, they still require rest, and outside of possessing magic themselves, only display exceptional godlike qualities in those areas that are part of their divine portfolio. While demigods are certainly capable of feats of strength, endurance and stamina far above that of the average mortal they are not invincible.

Archmagic - As a fully realized demigod, the individual is now inherently capable of performing feats of Archmagic. They are only capable of doing so while in their Divine Form and while impressive in their might, even they have their limits. A fully realized demigod is only capable of performing up to four feats of Archmagic every so often depending on the extent of the feat itself. As a rule, performing a feat of Archmagic must generally be tied to one of the domains in the demigod’s portfolio. Thus, a demigod of storms, wind and water would not suddenly find themselves able to resurrect the dead as matters of life, death and resurrection are not part of their divine portfolio.

Holy Realm - The demigod is afforded a small realm within the Land of Nod itself, the realm of dreams and gods. This realm is a reflection of the demigod’s personality, their ideals, and the lens through which they embody their divine portfolio in the mortal realm. They have complete dominion over this realm and outside of greater gods, any who enter them become subject to the whims of the demigod who rules over it. In order to step from the mortal realm into their holy realm, the demigod must be able to access their Divine Form that enables them to step across the barriers between planes of existence. Once in their holy realm, the demigod is able to step from that place to any location where their followers might be. For instance, if a demigod only had followers spread across the Kingdom of Atinaw, the demigod can go to any location where those followers can be found but they would not be able to travel to the Gelerian Imperium as they possess no followers in that place.


Divine Portfolio (Justice)- The first of Talon's divine portfolio, he presides over the domain of Justice. His philosophy and approach to interpreting the domain is still growing as he grows into his newfound divinity but an overview can be found on his Emblem page.


Divine Portfolio (Light) - The second of Talon's divine portfolio, he presides over the domain of Light. His philosophy and approach to interpreting the domain is still growing as he grows into his divinity. An overview can be found on his Emblem page.


Divine Portfolio (Hope) - The third and final of Talon's divine portfolio, he presides over the domain of Hope. His philosophy and approach to interpreting the domain is still growing as he grows into his divinity. An overview can be found on his Emblem page.
Divine Knowledge

The details of what Talon has learned on his path as a demigod are listed here.
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Skill Lores
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Non-Skill Lores

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Year 122 of the Age of Steel

??? - a union of souls pt. i
??? - a union of souls pt. ii
??? - a union of souls pt. iii
??? - a union of souls pt. iv
Glade 2 - old stories
Glade 5 - the face of my jailer
Glade 30 - truth
Glade 92 - the matchmaker
Searing 2 - a dream alone
Searing 14 - making a match
Searing 21 - the prince and the knight
Searing 23 - brittle
Searing 23 - [AF]in a stone bed we lay
Searing 34 - hope restored
Searing 44 - When mercy fails
Searing 48 - a champion born
Searing 52 - imperial life
Searing 53 - whispered one
Searing 54 - [AF]Steamy Situations
Searing 56 - mathias
Searing 56 - a long night ahead
Searing 61 - divine imperative

Past Life
hope for the hopeless

Year 112 of the Age of Steel
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Year 113 of the Age of Steel
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Year 114 of the Age of Steel
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Year 115 of the Age of Steel
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Year 119 of the Age of Steel

Year 120 of the Age of Steel
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Year 121 of the Age of Steel

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Noble Starting Package, Combatant Variant
1 Signet Ring (House Novalys), worn on his left hand most of the time.
1 Steel Shield
1 Set of Skyforged Raiment (See Artifacts), equipped.
1 Claymore of Regeneration (See Artifacts), equipped.
2 Enchanted Ring (See Artifacts), equipped.
2 Circlet of Warding (See Artifacts), equipped.
2 Earrings of Tongues (See Artifacts), equipped.

1 Featherlight Bag (See Artifacts) that contains:
1 Waterskin
1 Traveler's Kit which contains:
Bedroll (1), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Torch (x5), Tarp (1), 1 Set of Toiletries, 10 days of rations, 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife), Flint & Steel
3 Jovmandr's Elixir
1 Restoration Balm
1 Alchemist's Fire
1 Spellwright's Ink (Greater)
1 Fountain Jug (See Artifacts)

400 sq. ft. suite of rooms in the Palace of the First Wind, home of the Greater House Novalys.


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Name: Aoren
Dragon Name: Auravacis the Hellbreaker
DoB: 65th of Frost, 88th Year of the Age of Steel
True DoB: Age of Clockwork
Chosen Race: Kathar Avialae
True Race: Elder Red Dragon
Height: 7 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 350 lbs.

NPC Type: Companion NPC
Relation to Talon: Core Bonded. Spouse.

Emblem: Eminence | Acolyte
Defiance | Acolyte

Skills: CS
Blades (Longsword) | 100 | Master
Reaving | 100 | Master
Elementalism | 100 | Master
Masquerade | 100 | Master
Unarmed Combat | 100 | Master
Nyx | 100 | Master
Traversion | 75 | Expert
Shortbow | 75 | Expert
Flight | 75 | Expert
Survival | 75 | Expert
Leadership | 75 | Expert
Hunting | 45 | Apprentice
Gunslinging | 25 | Apprentice

Personality: Aoren is a warrior at heart. He was delivered to the Imperial Knighthood as a boy and spent the whole of his childhood training to become a knight. It was only due to the skirmishes with Atinaw that his fate was altered from such a life. His experiences have left him with a somewhat jaded outlook on the world. He believes that most people, at the end of the day, are only in it for themselves. Which is perfectly fine by him. With his skills as a combatant, Aoren has carved a life for himself as a mercenary for hire when not spending time with his friend and trainee, Talon. He can be brash, headstrong, and rather blunt at times, perhaps due to his stilted emotional upbringing. Still, he is an honorable man who believes in keeping true to promises made in a world that is often far harsher than he believes it should be. As the husband and Core Bondmate to the Demigod of Justice, Hope and Light, Aoren fosters those ideals very close to his heart. He demonstrates himself to be a figure that can stand against the tide of forces that seek to destroy those things, using his skill as a warrior, leader, and dragon to defend all that he has come to love.

Appearance: Aoren is a handsome man and he has no compunction about using his looks to his advantage in a situation. Whether it be his smile or the intimidating presence of his physique, the Kathar Avialae knows where he stands in most social situations. Possessing dark brown hair and hazel eyes, Aoren has been known to try and use his personal charisma to defuse tension where appropriate, in more ways than one. He has a broad physique from a life spent being a combatant, with just as many scars upon that body to tell the tale. A barrel chest, muscular arms, and powerful legs, all aid him in projecting an air of confidence. From his back are two dark feathered raven wings that he takes pride in keeping clean whenever possible.

History: Following the events of Frost 121, Aoren was taken back into captivity into the Gelerian Imperium. There, he was tortured and subjected to horrible afflictions in the empire's efforts to coerce and break his husband, Talon. It was a harrowing experience that thoroughly traumatized Aoren all over again. It would only be months later that he was rescued following the intervention of the young Demigod of Rebellion and a coordinated effort by several others that saw him freed...but Talon still imprisoned. Upon returning to Kalzasi, he was marked with the Emblem of Defiance and through it, was forced to reconcile with the trauma of his past unlocking memories that had been hidden even from him. This revelation unveiled the truth that he was, in fact, an elder red dragon that had been imprisoned, tortured and brainwashed into serving the Imperium for centuries in their efforts to expand, control and manipulate the world to suit their whims. This experience caused a severe cognitive dissonance in Aoren, prompting him to nearly fall apart but through the strength of the Core Bond he possesses with Talon, the effects of the Emblem of Defiance and the support of his friends, he has come to terms with the truth of his nature. While he is still dealing with the fallout of everything that has come to pass in the past few years, Aoren has grown stronger and more confident in himself and his true nature. With Talon returned to freedom, he has become an even more ferocious protector of his husband and bondmate, committing himself to living as an example of the ideals his partner holds dear.

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D.o.B.: 75 Searing 103
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 175 lbs.

NPC Type: Companion NPC
Relation to Talon: Squire

Skills: CS

Stealth | 50 | Journeyman
Semblance | 50 | Journeyman
Acrobatics | 50 | Journeyman
Blades (Daggers) | 50 | Journeyman
Spycraft | 30 | Apprentice
Unarmed Combat | 30 | Apprentice
Gunslinging | 30 | Apprentice
Survival | 30 | Apprentice
Traversion | 25 | Apprentice
Scrivening | 25 | Apprentice

Personality: Mathias is a young man who is finding his bravery. After living a life simply trying to survive from one day to the next, it is hard for him to leave that mindset behind. As a result of this, he has a tendency to face most frightening situations with sarcasm, humor, and cynicism. Beneath all of that however, is a young man who desperately wants something more out of life. He does not want to spend the rest of his life just surviving. He wants to live for something. He wants to be something. He is ever reminded of his mother’s last days. A woman who had spent her life working in factories and mining until it broke her and left her a withered husk. It is because of this that he is often very driven when presented with the opportunity to better himself, to prove himself. As a result, he can prove rather tenacious once he manages to wrap his head around something.

Appearance: Prior to becoming Talon’s squire, he was a thin and lanky young man who was more bones than anything else. As he has spent time with Talon, training his mind, body and spirit, Mathias has grown into his frame. While he is still on the leaner side of athletic, he possesses a toned and strong physique from the many hours he has now spent sparring against a literal god. His hair is a reddish brown and typically kept long while being allowed to flow rather loosely. He has adopted a slightly modified version of his Master’s warrior cut. His face is leaner than one might expect for a young man of his age but years of lacking full meals and just managing to get by long ago robbed him of any youthful fat.

Bio: Mathias is a young man who has spent the whole of his life never knowing whether he would live to see the next sunrise. Born in the slums of Gel’Grandal on the Northside. His mother was a miner and factory worker. His father was a man he never knew. According to his mother, she only ever spent a single night with the man. She had been invited to a party of some wealthy man and she had caught his eye. After that, the two never saw each other again. As far as he knows, his father doesn’t even know he exists. Mathias pretends that does not bother him. He has managed to scrape by just fine without him. His mother died after getting an infection in her lungs following a bad collapse in one of the mines she worked in. The ensuing pneumonia was what claimed her. Prior to her death however, she imparted to him the only gift she could that might ensure his survival. She initiated him into Semblance. He was eight years old. Following her death, he was recruited by a street gang and began his life as a thief. Life as a thief was not without its challenges. During his time in Trashtown, he found himself under the umbrella of at least three different gangs, each of them having absorbed one after the other. He always managed to avoid getting culled because of his particular skills, just barely edging by. That was until one fateful day when he lost his day’s earnings and came face to face with none other than Talon.

While he does not know what Talon sees in him, he is glad to have been found by the Demigod of Justice, Light and Hope. Mathias has quickly become fiercely loyal. He is still getting used to the idea of being a squire to a living god but with each passing day, he is proving to be well suited for the role. In the months since he first bumped into Talon, he has proven himself to be resourceful, stalwart and although there are things that have scared him, he has done his best to rise above his fears. He does not know what the future holds but he is slowly learning that there is more to life than simply surviving.

Age: 58
Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 167 lbs

NPC Type: Personal
Relation to Talon: Surrogate Father, Teacher

Storytelling (Master)
Kinetics (Expert)
Semblance (Expert)
Scrivening (Journeyman)
Survival (Journeyman)
Unarmed Combat (Journeyman)
Polearms (Quarterstaff) (Apprentice)
Navigation (Apprentice)

Biographical Information: Saris Kore has been many things across his life on Ransera. Born in Kalzasi under the banner of House Briathos, his mother and father were both researchers for the Antiquities Society. At a young age he took a fascination to the lost and inexplicable mysteries that were to be found in the deep places of the earth. The story of the Sundering, though terrible, enamored him. He devoured every bit of knowledge concerning the old world that he could get his hands on. This served him well as he grew older and was eventually welcomed into the Circle of Spells gradually being initiated into magic and going on to become a battlemage for the city. It was as he was entering his late middle-years that he became a father figure for Talon. He took the boy under his proverbial wing and taught him history, told him stories and eventually initiated him into magic. Saris treated Talon like a son and though they parted, the two still keep in touch to the present day.
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Located in the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, the Skyforge is one of Kalzasi’s most renowned and respected smithy’s and enchanting shops. It sees a regular amount of business from mages in search of a variety of services whether it is the forging of magical staves, wands or even clothing or simply refining dragonshards found in the Warrens. The Slayer’s Keep frequently utilizes the shop to reinforce weaponry, armor and even outfit its hunters with accessories suited to fighting some of the monsters in the Warrens or in the Wildking’s Forge. The Skyforge is heavily outfitted with structural enchantments both to prevent theft, carefully siphon off any residual aether from crafting, and in the event of a catastrophe the building is designed to implode rather than explode.

Main Floor

The main floor of the Skyforge is where the bulk of the shop’s business take’s place. Walking through the great doors of the shop, one is immediately treated to the sight of a central line of columns forming a line up to the main desk of the establishment. In front of every other column is a mannequin. Some of these mannequins are outfitted with armor or clothing that is of a highly enchanted nature, possessing no shortage of jewelry and even weapons showcasing the skill of the craftsman responsible for their creation. To the right of the central aisle is a wall upon which are arrayed various shelves and holders displaying what, at first glance, would appear to be ordinary tools purchasable by the average blacksmith, explorer or adventurer. From pickaxes, to hammers, to an assortment of smithing tools and even farming tools, all of these items have been methodically reinforced well above what their appearance would lead one to believe. It is not uncommon to see a crate of these tools being boxed up and shipped to the farms of House Senue or to the mines operated by Novalys Mining Co.

Along the wall to the left of the entrance is where the decidedly arcane items are kept. There are display cases with an assortment of jeweled necklaces, rings, bracelets and more. There are racks that carefully hold various staves, cabinets inside of which are wands, and even shelves carrying various bottles of magical ink. There are spaces on the wall with racks devoted to carrying swords, shields, bows, and even quivers, all of which are enchanted to one degree or another.

At the rear of the main floor is an enclosed counter space behind which there is an open archway leading down to the lower levels of the shop. To the right of the counter is another room that serves as the private office of the Skyforge's owner.

One of the most widely known uses of the Skyforge is the space it provides to arcane crafters devoted to the studies of either Alchemy, Artificing or Runeforging. These spaces are available to rent for a fee by any who desire to utilize them. While the individual must provide their own materials, each of the spaces is outfitted with equipment, magical wards and protection to allow for elaborate experimentation and crafting.

Lower Level One

Accessed via the staircase that is behind the main desk of the main floor, the lower level is the enchanter’s workshop. At the rear of the space is the aether forge, the magical device responsible for enable the workers of the shop to imbue items with permanent enchantments. At each corner of the space is a different workbench. Each workbench is fashioned from a slab of greater aetherite and has chiseled into its surface various glyphs responsible for regulating and assisting the enchanter with their work. There are two off-rooms within which are stored various components stockpiled for later or immediate use. Visitors are only allowed in this area if escorted by an employee of the shop.

Lower Level Two

Referred to as The Vault, this area is behind a reinforced door that is heavily warded against intrusion. It is accessible only by the owner of the shop through a combination of Scrivening and Negation. Within the Vault are kept the most powerful items forged by the owner of the Skyforge. Exactly what is contained within it is not openly discussed. Items from the Vault are offered to select patrons on a case-by-case basis provided something exists within it that is suited for the individual.

 ! Message from: Paragon
Note: Magical laboratories are of the Elaborate quality. Users can assume that all basic tools necessary for crafting are readily available. Laboratories rented with materials provided by the Skyforge do not include Rare or Exotic components. The inclusion of such materials increases cost to include the price of the exotic or rare material. Following this payment, the user can assume that the Skyforge acquired and provided the material to be used in the rented lab space. Dragonshards provided do not go above Average grade and will only be of the Common variety. Higher grades and rarer types increase cost on a case by case basis. Please discuss with Talon. Any damage to the laboratories must be repaid by the user, in full.

Item or ServicePriceNotes
Enchanted Item See Price List Magic Items Tab
Lab Rental 10 gp/day No materials provided. User provides.
Lab Rental 20 gp/day Novice level materials provided.
Lab Rental 50 gp/day Apprentice level materials provided.
Lab Rental 100 gp/day Journeyman level materials provided. Min. 5 day rental. Projects requiring more exotic materials will increase price.
Repair Services (Mundane) 5 gp flat rate Applies to up to 5 items.
Repair Services (Mundane to Enchanted) 15 gp flat rate Items receive Apprentice level structural reinforcement. +20% for every level above Apprentice.
Repair Services (Magical Item Repair) Commission Cost negotiated on a case by case basis.
Reforging Services CommissionReforging magical items to increase their capabilities. Case by case.
Custom Item CommissionAn enchanted item custom made for the individual. Case by case.


Name: Talon Alexios Novalys
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Profession: Runeforger, Owner of the Skyforge
Character Sheet:

Details: Upon first meeting Talon one of the most defining and obvious things that one will learn about him is his sense of duty. From before he could fly, he was taught to uphold the honor and traditions of his people. Always he must play the part of a leader of men and women alike. The nuances of a royal court have been ingrained in his psyche down to which piece of silverware to use to eat in any given social situation. The whole of Talon’s countenance, his drive, is centered around the notion of duty.

His first and foremost obligation is to the people of Kalzasi. As the son of the Shokaze and the heir to House Novalys, Talon is expected to be a model of character his people can follow. Second to that is his loyalty and duty to his family as the First Son of the House Novalys. The Diamond House of Kalzasi are trained from birth to death to be the pinnacle of what it means to embody the ideals treasured by the Avialae and by extension, Kalzasi. Brave, bold, strong and driven, Talon is all of these things because he has been groomed to believe he cannot be anything else.


Name: Sylas
Race: Human
Profession: Head Guard
NPC Skill Level: Expert

Sylas is a friendly enough man. He is quick to engage with a customer should they approach him with a question but he maintains an air of professionalism due his position. He is most often found standing directly beside the main doors to the Skyforge. A veteran of the Slayer’s Keep, he retired from the life of a Hunter in order to take up a job that was less likely to see him killed so that he could be there for his wife and daughters. While it is not common for the man to have to showcase his prowess within the Skyforge, he is nevertheless a capable guardsman and takes his job seriously. Sylas has a soft spot for Velkan, the newest employee at the Skyforge and the owner’s apprentice. As a father of only daughters, he adopts a fatherly approach when dealing with the young man.

Longsword | Expert
Leadership | Expert
Detection | Expert
Survival | Journeyman
Tactics | Journeyman
Investigation | Journeyman


Name: Pyrra
Race: Dwarf
Profession: Head Clerk
NPC Skill Level: Expert

Pyrra is the main clerk of the Skyforge and is the primary individual that customers interact with when the owner is unavailable. She is a diligent woman with a knack for making a convincing argument as to how or why a particular item is worth an individual’s time. More than one customer has found themselves buying something completely unrelated to their initial visit. Pyrra has a detailed memory of every item on display and can list its enchantments or the lack thereof down to the most trivial detail. Keeping in mind the personal disposition and philosophies of the owner, Pyrra is always willing to make a reasonable deal for the items at the Skyforge. These deals are not always in the form of money but an agreement of services or an exchanging of equally valuable goods. While at the end of the day cold hard coin is preferred, she has been known to draft contracts on the spot that, in the end, ensure proper exchanges take place.

Business | Expert
Mathematics | Expert
Appraisal | Expert
Politics | Journeyman
Etiquette | Journeyman
Leadership | Journeyman


Name: Velkan
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Profession: Talon's Apprentice
NPC Skill Level: Journeyman

Third son of House Kaz, youngest child of Hythor Kaz. Velkan is the newest face at the Skyforge. Having recently completed and recovered from his Warren March, Velkan came to the shop with a desire to build and design items that can protect people. He has seen firsthand the kind of threats that exist in the Deep Reaches. His family have been vassals of House Novalys for generations and while they are not the largest or most glorious family, they have served the people of Kalzasi primarily in the Sky Guard. There is a long line of Sky Guard officers and even Skyriders that stem from House Kaz. Velkan is the first Avialae from the family to choose not to serve in the Guard in several generations. He is new to runeforging but takes learning the craft very seriously. As an individual, he is a tad excitable and displays a youthful need to prove himself.

Runeforging | Journeyman
Smithing | Journeyman
Longsword | Journeyman
Leadership | Apprentice
Detection | Apprentice
Business | Apprentice


Race: Zhal Moratallen
Profession: Runesmith [Master]
Bio: A member of a nearby clan of Moratallen, Ahsara has lived in the vicinity of the Astralar Mountains most of her life. A distinguished Savant of the Circle of Spells, she is a member of the Order of the White Robes. Married to an Avialae officer of the Sky Guard, she did not take up the path to becoming a mage until the attempted coup performed by Jacien Novalys thirty years ago. Following the near death of her husband after one of his blades shattered while fighting along Savien Novalys, she made the decision to get into crafting herself. When her sons were born shortly after, as Avialae themselves, she understood that one day, they would embark upon the Warren March. To that end, she began the work of studying the Warrens and upon discerning its weird and strange nature, she turned to magic. She joined the Circle of Spells, completing her Trial of Judgement and going on to become an arcane mineral researcher specialized in the materials found in the Warrens. As a mage, she has garnered her skills to supplement her crafting. As a crafter, she has established herself as one of the leaders at the Circle when it comes to enchanting and mineral research. Following her son’s enrollment into the Sky Guard and upon finding out that Talon was a primary supplier of reinforced armaments to them, she presented herself to him and made her case for employment. Impressed with her knowledge and ability to manage a workshop, and with more of his political duties expanding, Talon hired her to be the overseer of the Skyforge. She runs a well oiled shop, utilizing her experience as a leader in the Circle to facilitate the daily management of a magical workspace.

Runeforging | Master
Blacksmithing | Expert
Leadership | Expert
Negation | Expert
Semblance | Expert
Business | Expert


Race: Orkhan
Profession: Alchemist [Expert]
Bio: Born and raised in one of Kalzasi’s outlying townships, the Orkhan man comes from a background of herbalists and healers. For a time, he studied under the Healers of House Ahtivin taking up an apprenticeship to become a medicinal alchemist at first. His mind however, became fascinated with some of the more volatile aspects of alchemy outside of purely healing. This eventually led him to depart the work of House Ahtivin in favor of pursuing a career at the Circle of Spells where he eventually became a member of the Red Robes. Upon coming to the Skyforge, he greatly expanded on the facility’s ability to provide potions that produce a variety of effects beyond simply liquified dragonshard essence. He is now the chief reason why its selection of potions offer the multitude of properties that they do. When he is not working directly with the potions that are being made, he is collaborating with either Ashara, Talon or Velkan to devise various methods of developing new materials to implement at the forge.

Alchemy | Expert
Scrivening | Expert
Herbalism | Journeyman
Medicine | Journeyman
Chemistry | Journeyman
Semblance | Journeyman


Race: Dwarf
Profession: Clothier [Expert]
Bio: Hailing originally from the Hold of Orr’Kharzan, Jamiele grew up among the Dwarves of the Hold States but traveled to the Free Cities as an adolescent. She arrived in Antiris with her family and upon seeing the wilds of the Northlands of Karnor, she fell in love. Her family became entrenched in the trade of silks and fabrics, the unique properties of some of the silks available in Karnor fascinating her parents. This soon led them to travel to Kalzasi and upon beholding the vibrant fashions along with the mystical aspects of the city, they opted to stay. From the time she was a girl up into her adulthood, Jamiele has been a worker of silks and other fabrics. She has become particularly good at efficiently outfitting the large Avialae that populate Kalzasi and is a sought after tailor by both Avialae and Moratallen alike. She was originally patroned by House Veyl but in recent years came under the umbrella of House Novalys. She routinely consults Maudna as the two of them work hand in hand to compliment the latest fashion trends in both Kalzasi and neighboring cities.

Tailoring | Expert
Leatherworking | Expert
Drawing | Journeyman
Shoemaking | Journeyman
Business | Journeyman
Teaching | Journeyman


Race: Gnome
Profession: Jeweler [Expert]
Bio: Maudna is, eccentric, to put it mildly. She is an individual who has an obsession with creating beautiful pieces of jeweled art. She is one of the keenest inspectors of minerals, gems, and crystals implementing them to a variety of effects across the many pieces that she crafts on a day to day basis. Each jewel she picks up has within it the capacity to become something beautiful in her eyes. From the lowliest piece of quartz to the most rare form of dragonshard crystal, all of it can be used according to her. She makes good on her word as the pieces that she fashions are worn regularly by the nobility and wealthy of not just Kalzasi but in cities such as Shemashk and Zeraphesh as well. When it comes to producing a piece of jewelry that will bear the weight of an enchantment, she is notoriously picky about which gems and crystals can be used, accepting only the most spectacular of specimens to be worked at the runeforge. Additionally, she will insert herself into the designing of the piece from start to finish, being an individual who is utterly uncompromising when it comes to fashioning the piece. She can be a handful to work with at times but there is no questioning the quality of her work.

Jewelcrafting | Expert
Appraisal | Expert
Semblance | Journeyman
Drawing | Journeyman
Business | Journeyman
Glassblowing | Journeyman


Race: Awoken
Profession: Scrivener [Expert]
Bio: A curiosity in his own right, Writer’s origins are largely kept to himself. As an Awoken he is accustomed to being an outsider but upon coming to Kalzasi, a city that sees frightening and curious things almost regularly, he found that he had come to a place he could call home. According to him, he spent several years in the employment of a historian before becoming fascinated with the work of Scrivening. Pictography and its many applications is a complete wonder to him and prompted him to find a name for himself, styling himself simply as Writer. He eventually found his way into the Circle of Spells, adopting the Red Robes where he has remained an individual who pushes and explores the applications of Scrivening in as creative a way as he can manage. Originally he was simply an observer of the works that happened within the Skyforge, until Talon approached him after noticing him in the shop routinely. He offered a permanent employment, which Writer accepted. He has become the resident expert on pictography and is utilized in many of the projects that unfold around the shop. From the refinement of works at the workbenches of Runeforging to simply assessing the status of pictograph wards that help balance the accumulation of aether, he is kept busy and thus happy.

Scrivening | Expert
Semblance | Expert
Bookbinding | Journeyman
Printmaking | Journeyman
Negation | Journeyman
Writing | Journeyman


Race: Synnekar Avialae
Profession: Blacksmith [Journey]
Bio: One of a pair, Horace and his twin brother Hayden came to the Skyforge seeking work following an accident where Horace lost one of his legs. He had spent time as an apprentice to the blacksmiths that work for the Sky Guard but worked primarily as a soldier himself. Distraught at the loss of his leg but determined not to lose himself to a pit of despair, Horace came to the Skyforge initially seeking the help of Sylas whom he had known previously. It turned into an opportunity as Talon was required to devote more time to his duties as a noble and took him under his wing to teach him the ways of a blacksmith at a more advanced stage. Horace took the work happily, having found a purpose that allowed him to stay busy and still contribute to the Guard he had come to love even if it just meant supplying armaments and armor. He is wholly devoted to his work and takes pride in managing the forges around the Skyforge complex. When the need arises, he assists Sylas and the other guards around the complex in the event of a disturbance.

Smithing | Journeyman
Longsword | Journeyman
Unarmed (Orakan) | Journeyman
Detection | Apprentice
Business | Apprentice
Clockwork | Apprentice


Race: Synnekar Avialae
Profession: Gadgeteer [Journey]
Bio: One of a pair, Hayden and his twin brother Horace came to the Skyforge seeking work following an accident where Horace lost one of his legs. While he could have continued his work among the Sky Guard battlemages, Hayden chose to leave so that he could remain close to his brother. Following the accident he became particularly interested in the work of creating reinforced prosthetics involving gadgeteering and artificing. While he is not a master of such trades, he had proven himself quite capable in both fields, displaying an ingenuity and focused approach that ultimately led to him building the prosthetic that his brother now wears. He has taken a particular interest in devising prosthetic wings so that those Avialae who have lost them to either tragedy or birth defect can enjoy flight alongside their brethren. While he has seen limited success, there are those outside of the Skyforge who have become interested in his work making the workshop one of a few focal points of artificing and prosthetic flight research.

Clockwork | Journeyman
Artificing | Journeyman
Gadgeteering | Journeyman
Engineering | Apprentice
Drawing | Apprentice
Physics | Apprentice


Race: Synnekar Avialae
Profession: Guard [Journeyman]
Bio: An imposing figure standing at a staggering 8 ft. tall, Khyris is the son of an Ecithian Lion Rathari and an Avialae, he spends a considerable amount of time in the Skyforge in his Lycan form. The appearance of a towering winged lion humanoid serves as a strong deterrent to those who sometimes wish to cause trouble when utilizing one of the Skyforge labs or perusing wares. He is not an unfriendly face but takes his role as one of the guardians of the lab very seriously. His family only recently immigrated to Kalzasi but he has proven himself a capable watcher, utilizing skills both mundane and arcane to assist Sylas and the other guards in keeping order and safety across the workshops. He has a particular distaste for Zaichaeri and Imperial related topics and while he will mostly remain polite, he is quick to either change the topic with regard to those matters or simply excuse himself from the conversation. He is especially watchful of any Reconciliators that make the decision to visit the complex, insisting that he keep a close eye on them personally.

Greatsword | Journeyman
Reaving | Journeyman
Detection | Journeyman
Negation | Apprentice
Survival | Apprentice
Investigation | Apprentice


Race: Half-Ork
Profession: Shop Apprentice
Bio: A young man who was found half-dead on the streets of the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, he was taken in by the Rien, Talon’s younger brother. Upon being nursed back to health and in cooperating with the Sky Guard, they attempted to find not just his attackers but also his family. Cai himself has no memory prior to the attack he suffered but upon coming back to full health, he expressed a great deal of interest in the wonders found at the Skyforge. When he was well enough, he was taken under the wing of Pyrra to become her assistant around the shop. He is attentive to customers' needs and is very enthusiastic about learning about the various artifacts and services Skyforge provides and helping customers find what they need most. As he has nowhere else to go, when the shop closes up for the night he lives with Pyrra who has become something of a mother figure for him. He is most knowledgeable about the administrative needs of the shop and generally helps customers with placing commission orders.

Business | Apprentice
Mathematics | Apprentice
Appraisal | Apprentice
Drawing | Novice
Writing | Novice
Leadership | Novice


Race: Human
Profession: Shop Apprentice
Bio: A young man with a strong build who typically has some manner of soot or evidence of having been in close proximity to a forge somewhere on his body, Huei is a quiet one but no less friendly when approached. His father and Horace worked closely together before the latter lost his leg in a fight with a terrible beast. When the time came for Huei to seek work, he approached Horace who made the request that the young man be hired. After an interview with Ashara and after being assessed by Pyrra and Horace himself, Huei was taken on as a shope apprentice. Spending most of his time bouncing between assisting Horace and Hayden, Huei serves as an attendant for the armor and artificed items around the shop. When customers have a need to find one of those particular items they typically converse with him. He has a working knowledge of most of the armor and artificed items that are in stock and available. He tends to be somewhat reserved but warms up to the other apprentices in the shop, often spending time with them after the work day. He is lined up to take on the work of becoming one of the resident blacksmiths upon completing his apprenticeship.

Smithing | Apprentice
Clockwork | Apprentice
Appraisal | Apprentice
Business | Novice
Woodworking | Novice


Race: Human
Profession: Shop Apprentice
Bio: A somewhat nervous young man who has dreams of becoming an accomplished wizard in his own right. He is spends a large part of his day working with Writer and Syrroth, learning the ways of both Scrivening and Alchemy in the hopes that one day he can join the Circle of Spells. He is well versed in the selection of potions that are available in the Skyforge shop and if something is not immediately available he will assist customers in discerning the type of potion they need before taking the order to Syrroth. He helps Writer in collecting materials for Scrivening or with observing for places that seem to need reinforcement around the shop in sorting through excess ambient aether. He can come across as perpetually flustered and excitable but when it comes right down to it, he is a hard worker. He has a particular liking for Zhenya and alongside the other apprentices of the shop, spends time with her outside of working hours.

Scrivening | Apprentice
Alchemy | Apprentice
Semblance | Apprentice
Business | Novice
Drawing | Novice


Race: Half-Dratori
Profession: Shop Apprentice
Bio: A daughter of House Zatrian and one of Talon’s cousins by blood, Zhenya has displayed herself to be a capable and diligent student. She is a strong willed young woman who is determined to become a successful sorceress under the tutelage of one of the city’s finest magical workshops. She has taken a keen interest in the work of weaving magic into textiles and thus works closely with Jamiele, which often sees her working alongside Maudna as well. When not assisting directly with a task, she is in as many places in the shop as she can be doing her best to learn from some of the finest arcane craftsmen in Kalzasi. Though she does not often get the opportunity to work with Talon directly, as he rarely has time to teach outside of his direct apprentice Velkan, she does her best to be attentive to lessons he gives when she is able. As a result, she is viewed as something of the leader among the shop’s apprentices because her desire to learn as much as possible has seen her float between the varying departments making her particularly versatile and able to assist across the spectrum of Skyforge’s services.

Tailoring | Apprentice
Jewelcrafting | Apprentice
Semblance | Apprentice
Business | Novice
Leadership | Novice

Title of Shop/Business - Skyforge
Business Type - Goods and Services
Items Sold -
-Melee Weaponry
-Metal Armor
-Blacksmithing Tools
-Hammers and Mallets
-Jewelry and Gemcutting
-Repair Services
-Enchanting Services

Base Income - World Mage- 15 gp/day.
Skill Bonus - Expert Runeforging (Calculated at 112.5 gp/day. Round up to nearest whole number is 113 gp/day)
Sales Bonus - +20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5% for the use of runeforging to make higher quality materials from their base components. Full bonus awarded for being the only enchanting and magical items shop in Kalzasi.

Weapons and Armor made at the Skyforge are all melted down into their basic aetheric state using the aether forge. Each item is then reforged and using both aesthetic and structural improvements are fashioned back into the original state with enhanced pathways. Furthermore, jewelry made at the Skyforge are all either given a basic aesthetic enhancement or provided a small enchantment upon request. Gems worked by the Skyforge shine brighter. Tools are sturdier. Repairs, while taking longer, are required less often after visiting the Skyforge.

Total Income - 113 gp/day

Assets - This is a list of all structures and items that are either sold or used in the foundation/operation of the business including their costs. Employee cost is also included here.

Smithy (Elaborate) 2,000 gp
Shop (Elaborate)- 2,000 gp
Magical Laboratory(Elaborate)(Runeforging)- 3,500 gp
+25% in Raw Materials and General Items- 1,875 gp

Debts - 9,375 gp 3% SIR (282 gp)
Glade 120: 8,375 gp owed to the Greater House of Novalys. Handled by the Republic Bank.
Ash 120: Total debt paid in full.

Update Frost 120:
Magical Laboratory (Elaborate)(Alchemy)- 3,500 gp
Magical Laboratory (Elaborate)(Runeforging)- 3,500 gp
Magical Laboratory (Elaborate)(Artificing)- 3,500 gp
Storage (Elaborate) (The Vault)- 1,000 gp

Sales Bonus- Business owners receive an additional 20% to their wages simply for being a business owner.
Negative Modifier- Areas saturated with a particular business model or profession may incur a negative penalty. Additionally, specializing in a manner of business that is extremely niche with a very select audience may also incur a penalty.
Creativity Bonus- Businesses that display exceptional levels of creativity or ingenuity may be awarded a bonus of up to a 5% increase to wage earnings.
Last edited by Talon on Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:51 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 4789
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Xuè yá, Claymore of Regeneration
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The Skyforged Raiment

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Circlet of Warding

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Ring of Lightning

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Ring of Ice

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Fountain Jug

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Featherlight Bag

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Earring of Tongues

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