Anna Carina Caron

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Name: Anna Carina Caron
Nickname: Carina, Clove
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 118lbs
Birthdate: Frost 55th, 98 AoS
Birthplace: Zaichaer
Profession: Dancer & Thief
Housing: Seeking more permanent housing in Gel'Grandal.
Partners: Very best friends with Imogen.
Titles: n/a
Factions: Railrunners
Fluencies: Common, Synskrit, Kathalan
Conversationals: n/a
Ineptitudes: n/a
A stubborn girl with an iron will, Carina has always fought admirably for her goals. Her persistence is as notable as her cleverness, and her patience is stellar. She has always had a strong work ethic, and she takes pride in what she does and what she is able to do. She loves to seek out new experiences, new people, and learn new things, and has a penchant for keeping secrets.

She frequently suffers from bouts of extreme stress, paranoia, and insomnia, by which she copes most often with cigarettes. While she does not drink, that is her only limit on what intoxicants she may try. Carina tends to find safety in high places, and likes to perch on rooftops when she needs time to herself.

Carina is both petite and visibly strong. She has long, thick black hair that contrasts starkly against her pale skin. Despite her best efforts, she can not even will a freckle into existence, let alone a tan. She possesses dark, expressive eyes and visible dark circles which she attributes to more time spent training than sleeping, but is more a result of her frequent bouts of insomnia. Carina is moving, constantly, whether that be pacing or fidgeting in place, though her intentional movement is gentle and fluid. Her voice is loud and clear when she wants it to be, but she has a thick Zaichaeri accent that can make it somewhat difficult for Kalzasians to understand her if she does not take the time and effort to enunciate her normally quick speech. Her Synskrit is, remarkably, easier to understand. As a fluent speaker of Kathalan, her Zaichaeri accent is more obvious than with her Synskrit.
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Anna Carina Caron was not born into a poor family. They were not particularly notable in Zaichaer, but they had enough. Her father was a banker with the Guild of Coins, and her mother stayed at home with her and her two older brothers. She was provided a decent education, but it was when she turned 8 that her talents began to show. She had always been active and light on her feet, and she was successfully enrolled into the intensive ballet program at the Zaichaer Academy of Ballet. It was there that she truly excelled, both in formal schooling and in dance.

Tragedy struck at the age of 12, when her father suffered a stroke and subsequently passed. It was only then that it was discovered how he had squandered their savings, and her family was forced to move in with her mother's family. On the outside, it seemed that Carina's dreams of becoming a ballerina had departed with her father, but the girl had other ideas. While her family could no longer afford the tuition, young Carina marched into the office of the headmistress, alone, and demanded to be given the chance to work so that she could still attend. Struck by her willfulness, she was granted the chance. Now working as well as attending her lessons, she somehow managed the full extent of her responsibilities with little complaint.

Her work started mundane, of course. For the first year she did little but clean until she was deemed responsible enough to assist with the ticketing counter on show nights. From there, the requests grew both in influence and importance as she was soon entrusted to run mundane letters and messages. It was around the age of 15, a year before graduation, that she had been deemed acceptable to be folded into the Coven. Still attending the ballet academy, the rune of Traversion was inscribed upon the sole of her left foot and she was accompanied by the mage who handled her initiation into Slipspace.

Carina did not graduate as the best dancer in her class, but she did successfully audition for the Pfenning Ballet. Her Railrunner duties, however, call her away from Zaichaer for part of each season, and she is unable to participate in every show the ballet puts on. Officially, she travels between Kalzasi and Zaichaer to foster ties between theater and performers in both cities, and to facilitate fresh blood and new acts to show in Pfenning Theater.

After the war between Zaichaer and Kalzasi began, Carina's sights were drawn towards Gel'Grandal, and the Gelerian Imperium at large. On orders from her superiors, she travelled to Gel'Grandal in Searing 122. While there, Zaichaer was destroyed. With no interest in returning to Zaichaer, Carina has chosen to seek her fortunes in the Imperium.
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SkillSkill Level
Blades: Daggers6/100
Instrumentals: Piano5/100

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
Starting Package (Human)+110- Acrobatics 10
- Bodybuilding 10
- Business 10
- Dancing 25
- Etiquette 10
- Instrumentals 5
- Logistics 5
- Negotiation 10
- Traversion 25
Character Creation Bonus+15- Spycraft 10
- Acrobatics 5
Gods of the Theater+8- Blades: Dagger 6
- Traversion 2
Pas de Deux+8--1418
Tea and Cigarettes+10--15926
The Slave of Duty+10--16936
Pas de Trois+10--17946
Website Update 6/16/22+50- Scrivening 25
- Semblance 25
Cash Out--- Gunslinging 2522921
I Armed Myself Against Justice+10- Traversion 1023921
forget-me-not+10- Semblance 1024921
NaNoWriMo+15- Traversion 1525421
Marks and Targets+10- Semblance 1026421
Please, Give Generously+10- Traversion 1027421
Dissonance+10- Semblance 1028421
Cash Out--- Stealth 212840
Wild Goose Chase+10- Semblance 102940
Mod Post EXP+16- Semblance 10
- Traversion 6
Seekers of Flowers and Fortune+10- Semblance 103200
Seekers of Flowers and Fortune II+10- Semblance 103300
Think of These Thoughts as Limitless Light+10- 5 Semblance
- 5 Stealth
Crash and Grab+10--35010mexp
The Distance+5--35515mexp
not that kinda dance+8--36318mexp, 5 exp
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Starting Package*
1 Set of Clothing (shirt, pants, cloak, shoes, undergarments)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel

- 2 Steel Daggers
- Imperial Double-shot Rifle
- 40 Caster Shells (Lesser)
3 Minor Dragonshard Caster Shells - Abjinurium
50 Minor Dragonshard Caster Shells - Pyrolyth
100 Minor Dragonshard Caster Shells - Aetherite
400 Lesser Dragonshard Caster Shells - Aetherite
1 Pair Dancing Shoes (Pointe)
1 Pair Dancing Shoes
3 Pairs Stockings

Magical Items
1 Cloak of Concealment
The wearer of this cloak can speak its command word and draw up its hood. While active, the magic of this cloak works to lightly conceal the wearer to avoid obvious notice. This concealment is not perfect and is best used in conjunction with a conscious effort to be stealthy. This effect will last for up to 1 hr. before the cloak needs to recharge for 1 hr.
1 Lumicite Necklace

from Ransera Birthday Gift:
Featherlight Bag
Journey Books (With Scrivening duplication)
Minor Lorestone Spellwright's Ink x2
Average Lorestone Spellwright's Ink x2
Minor Dreamstone Spellwright's Ink x2
Pair of Minor Aetherite Earrings
1 Minor Aqualyth Dragonshard
1 Average Aqualyth Dragonshard
Coat made from Cloth of Comfort with 4 Minor Aetherite Sleeve buttons
Runeforged Pair of Rings - Rings of the Malignant Star
Enchanted Key - The Aldor Key

In her office of her Transcriptionist Services business.

+500--Starting Package500.00 GP
---25.20- Dancing Shoes (Pointe)
- Dancing Shoes
- 3 Pairs Stockings
- 2 Steel Daggers
474.80 GP
+1000--Website Update 6/16/221474.80 GP
---350Common Seasonal Expenses Ash, Frost 1211124.80 GP
---1100- Imperial Double-Shot Rifle
- 40 Caster Shells (Lesser)
24.80 GP
+1000--NaNo1024.80 GP
---100- Average Lumicite, fashioned into a necklace924.80 GP
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Searing 124
1 - not that kinda dance
2 - Collect Call for Imogen! [Imogen]

Searing 123
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Glade 123
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Frost 122
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Ash 122
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Searing 122

Frost 121
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Ash 121
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Last edited by Carina on Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:30 pm, edited 46 times in total. word count: 384
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Traversion - Ghostwalking
Railrunners are trained in areas that are warded against teleportation magic. They are introduced to the properties of abjinurium as well as various forms of Negation shielding. Through this exposure, each Railrunner is taught how to assess the structural foundation of anti-escape wards put in place around them. They achieve this by channeling their aether into opening a pathway into the Slipspace within their own bodies and align the flow of their aether to that portal. This creates a situation where the witch themselves becomes a portal to the exclusion of all else, an act which pulls the witch into the Slipspace, allowing them to escape and then reappear in a place either some ways away or nearby but outside the boundaries of the warded area.

This is the method by which the Railrunner turns their body into a living portal through which objects and other magic phase through. This is how the Railrunner is able to pass through wards and barriers as though they are a phantom. While they are in this state they are incapable of using other magic and must devote their energy and concentration to maintaining the portal that their body has been turned into. While they are in this state, objects directed at them or that which they interact with phase through them, allowing them to pass through things both physical and aethereal provided that which they are passing through is of equal or lesser power than themselves.

Apprentice - Blueprint
Carina may memorize the aura of structures she viewed with Semblance. The longer she views the structure and the more detail she gleans, the more detail she may memorize of the structure. She may then reconstruct the aura of any memorized structure at will and project the aura to be visible to others with Semblance. She may manipulate or "zoom in" onto this aura as well, though it does not show more detail than she would have originally known, it may make details clearer for other viewers.

Note: Spellwright's Ink made from a Lorestone & Scrivening would allow her to make a map that actually projects the aura into visible space.
Journeyman - All Eyes On Me

Carina can instinctively tell when someone or something is focused on her, whether visually, auditorily, or through Semblance. She can trace this line of focus back to its source, as well as notice when they lose focus on her. It usually takes the form of goosebumps or some other uncomfortable sensation that grows in intensity the longer she is focused on, usually prompting her to try to get them to lose their attention on her as quickly as possible.

Expert - Network

Carina can create and extend "nodes" with a variety of tools, such as scrivening, negation anchors, objects runeforged for this purpose, or even subtly manipulating the auras of objects or people to extend the range of these nodes. She has to be involved in the creation of the node no matter what way it was created. Runeforged or Remembered artifacts cannot be turned into nodes after the fact as it requires her quirk to be fully infused into the artifact in question. Future quirks may loosen this restriction. Nodes have a maximum radius of 15 meters, and when 2 nodes are placed within that 15 meter radius they're linked, unless designed not to link automatically.

Carina can ping nodes in the network and receive information from other nodes in the network. This quirk requires Carina to be in physical contact with one of her nodes in order to ping the network. This ping is a magical affect which can be detected by various methods, some of which could trace the source back to the origin node of the ping. The level of detail the network can provide is limited by physical distance of the node from the source of the ping. Within 3 nodes, or a maximum of 45 meters, Carina can discern a high level of detail without direct visual with the object's aura, however, this can also result in a rush of information as at its basic level this quirk will not filter the information. Outside of this 45 meter radius the level of details diminish greatly, and after 6 nodes (or 90 meters) the information is too vague to glean anything of use. This limitation can be mitigated by physically moving between nodes in the network to move the search radius between pings.

Created nodes can be used as positional anchors to teleport to via Traversion, and in the case of physical items scrivened or runeforged to be used as nodes, they can be found, destroyed, or manipulated by others.

If the nodes are created with Lorestone/Mnemnosyte and properly prepared via scrivening or runeforging, these can also store a history of auras and information. These are limited to a range of 15 meters, the same as the radius, unless crafted specifically to interface with each other, which will extend the range of recording up to 45 meters.
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Rings of the Malignant Star
This pair of rings – one, made of gold and designed to look like a sun, and the other, made of silver and designed to look like a moon – are created to bind two people together. At the center of each is a mnemnosyte, with a smaller, secondary mnemnosyte and two aetherites set around it. Invoking the power of the ring requires only an exertion of the wearer's willpower and concentration.

Once attuned, the rings cannot be used by anyone else unless the attunement is wiped from them. The rings will produce the listed effects until such time as the last charge is expended, at which time it will go inert. It takes a total of 2 hours for a single charge to be regained.

Total Charges: 10
Attunement: Yes

Shapeshift (At-will) - The Ring of the Malignant Star always morphs to fit the form of the wearer.

Share Personal Aura (At-will) - The wearer of one Ring of the Malignant Star may share their own aura to and receive the aura of the person wearing the other ring.

Beacon (1 Charge) - A small beam of light points in the direction of the other ring, changing as their position changes. This lasts 1 hour until it fades, unless it is dismissed earlier.

Hitch (1 Charge) - The ring instinctively knows when it has been removed, and will teleport back onto the finger of the attuned wearer if there is at least 1 charge. If there are no charges, it will teleport back onto the finger as soon as there is a charge. (Region-wide)

Share Observed Aura (2 Charges) - The wearer of one ring may share auras they are actively observing with the wearer of the other ring. This does not grant the ability to observe an aura, only to share an aura that they are capable of observing.

Save Aura or Location (3 Charges) - The ring may store, record, retrieve, or replay an aura or location saved onto it, like a snapshot. To save it, the aura or location must have been shared within five minutes of activating this ability. It may store up to five locations or auras. This ability may also be used to remove stored information.

Spatial Mapping (5 Charges) - The wearer of one ring may share or determine their location or the location of the matching ring. Both wearers will instinctively know where the other wearer is regardless of who activated this ability, with a range of Expert level Traversion. (Continent-wide)

The Aldor Key
Attunement: Yes.
Acquired: Support Forum
Enchantment: ???
Specialty: Locks and Doors
Charges: 5
Note to Wielder: You must notify your local moderator every time you use the key.
Moderator’s Note: See Character Secret entry.

This enigmatic key is etched with a strange amalgamation of clockwork and mystical patterns. A lightweight brass key, it showed up one day on Carina’s nightstand with a letter attached. The letter simply read “Where there is no door, make one.”. Examination of the key with semblance reveals that it is a magical artifact. In order to use it, it requires that the individual carry it on their person for a minimum of 72 hours but if they should go 24 hours without carrying the key, the attunement is lost and must be regained before use. The key will produce the listed effects until all of its charges are expended, at which point in time it will go dormant. They key will only recharge if/when the wielder performs one of the following acts:
  • Stroke of Luck: The wielder must embark upon an errand where the odds are unclear and it’s anyone’s guess whether there will be success or not. The more daring the risk, the more charges will be restored.
  • Something Gained: The uncovering of a secret or something the wielder was otherwise not supposed to know such that they would gain leverage, great insight, or even be placed at great risk or peril simply for the act of knowing the secret.
  • Something Borrowed: An act of theft but not merely your garden variety thievery, no. The wielder must obtain something of value. Whether they keep it or not is irrelevant, the act of theft is what matters. The bolder the act, the better returns on charges.

The key has the power to perform the following functions.

Unlock (1 Charge+) – Where there is a lock, there is a way of opening it. The Aldor Key finds that way. Whether by inserting the key into the physical lock or holding it up against that which is locked, the key will open it with a simple rotation of the wrist. This does not dispel any associated alarms, traps or triggers connected to the opening of said lock. The more complex the lock, the more charges expended to open it. The Aldor Key possesses the power to unlock magical doors but its power in that regard is not foolproof. At most, it can unlock enchanted doors up to the Journeyman level. Beyond that, it is up to the wielder to use their ingenuity. Simple (1), Intermediate (2), Advanced (3).

Door (1 Charge+) – If you cannot find a door, make one. This power requires a bit of artistic flare on the part of the user. Whether by using chalk, paint, charcoal or any other medium, if the user draws a door upon a surface and creates a keyhole within which to insert the Aldor Key, the powers of the key will make the door real and usable. The powers of the key are such that if one were standing in front of a mountain and created the door, it would open up to the opposite side of the mountain. As before, the creation of this door does not dispel any associated traps, triggers, or dangers connected to the spaces wherein the door is made. Curiously, this power of the key bypasses all enchantments associated with the concepts of keeping something in or keeping something out, regardless of the potency of that enchantment. The caveat to that is that the more powerful the enchantment, the more charges expended. Again, this does not dispel any associated traps, triggers, or alarms. It merely creates an entry and/or exit point. Simple (1), Intermediate (2), Advanced (3), Magical (+2 Charges regardless of mastery).

Dimension Door (5 Charges) – The Aldor Key possess the power to cross the planar divides but the act of doing so is costly and random. It requires the wielder draw a door and insert the key into it. Upon invoking the power to cross dimensional lines, the Aldor Key will open a door to a random plane of existence. Good luck!

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