The Vasta's Bounties [Æros]

In which Hilana takes Æros out of the city for a few hours.

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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Hilana Chenzira
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For a creature of the desert, Hilana certainly enjoyed the water. She knew on the way back that she might like it a little less, because she might feel the chill of the air far more with wet clothes and hair. But that was why she had layers backed for when she was finished, now, wasn't it? She came up regularly for air, and she was checking on Æros and Hayima'el each time, too. She was able to use them as a guidepost as well, because the botanist was moving downstream a bit in pursuit of the glowing curly kelp, but she was not very far from her initial gathering point. There was always the rule of sustainable harvest; so that she could be sure that there would be more here the next time that she came back.

The second bag joined the first on the shore, and Hilana dove back under. The light of the dragonshard on her neck helped, and it was fascinating in a way to see the fact that these giant crocodiles were not particularly bothered by her, nor were they interested in her. She didn't dare try to touch any of them, though some part of her wanted to; but there was no need to tax Æros' aether more than necessary by riling up one of the great reptiles. It didn't matter how much she may have wanted to; there was no need to do it. But with so much of her focus on the water-dwelling crocodiles, Hilana completely missed the fact that had it not been for Æros, she and Hayima'el might have been a great snack for a wyvern that was on the hunt. As it was, she only saw the tail of it in the distance when she surfaced with a third bag full. "Did you send it away?" Hilana pointed at it, calling out to the starborn-Fae hybrid, her eyes wide as she tread water.

Before much longer, the Vastiana had brought in five sacks - three of the kelp that lit up in the dark, one of waterweed, and one of hydrilla. Her white shirt and purple skirt clung to her body, and the halter showed everything through the wet fabric. Oddly enough, her braids looked something much thicker, as if her long, onyx hair had started absorbing water. "Mission successful," the girl was thrilled. "We've got three sacks of lunarglow, one of waterweed, and one of hydrilla," Hilana indicated each one as she laid them down by Hayima'el. She would let them dry on the sands for the moment as she dealt with her tools, wiping down and drying off the shears before placing them and the special gloves, which were still apparently quite dry despite being submerged for however long she had been down there.

She wasn't very concerned about her wet garments at the moment; considering the Fae's partner was one of her friends; but Hilana also knew that they both seemed to prefer men. Therefore, she wasn't worried about anything showing as she pressed on her scalp to force more water out, and squeezed her braids. She could would grab a towel from a saddlebag and start to dry herself off before stripping down and redressing herself, the tiny short skirt and wet halter replaced with one of her longer skirts, this one in bright greens and blues, and a dry halter top. She put a traveling cloak on, which was perhaps funny - that alone was more clothing than Æros had ever seen her in as she put her sandals back on and repacked the camel. "All set?" she beamed brightly at him, climbing back on her piebald bull, and they could start their way back.

word count: 647
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Hilana's endeavors proceeded apace; each time she rose out of the water and came ashore, she brought with her a bag of one plant or another. By eye alone, Æros didn't recognize the plants for exactly what they were, but he did find the bioluminescent reed to be quite pretty. While he still kept himself open to all of the Symphonies in the vicinity, his gaze fell on the luminite pendant she wore as it faded into the water's depths each time she resubmerged.

His job was actually far less active than hers in a variety of ways. Perhaps for a lesser mage it'd be more strenuous to weave the requisite æther into all of the crocodiles in the vicinity as well as something greater like the wyvern, but Æros did not find it taxing at all. Animals were far simpler to manipulate and motivate than people, and he spent most of his time practicing his Craft on them. So aside from the brief tension caused by the great beast's sudden arrival, the experience was a peaceful one for the star-touched half-blood.

When Hilana exited the river for the final time, she almost appeared as more water than woman. The first words out of her mouth were in regards to the wyvern who'd just begun to depart. "Yes, it thought to make the three of us into food," he chuckled a bit. "No worries, there. I convinced the beast we were…less than appealing."

Æros' reply came as his friend began the process of drying off both herself and her tools. He did find her behavior somewhat novel in comparison to most of the womenfolk he'd interacted with in the past; they were all so…modest. Even after he'd tell them his eyes lingered far longer, and almost exclusively, on men. Such modesty, however, was more often than not impractical and, certainly, it would be out here or anywhere else in the Atraxian sands. As such, he found her level of comfort in his presence to be endearing over anything else.

"Full glad am I that the Vasta proved bountiful for you. I imagine your haul will last for a bit, no?" To him, at least, it looked like a lot– but he ultimately was not sure in what quantities the flora acquired was used.

Regardless, the two chatted idly as she loaded everything and herself back onto the camel and, once done and Hayima'el was once again standing, the odd-looking duo were off once more into the night to make their return.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 556

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Lore: 11 lores woven of river reeds
Points: 10 mundane exp
Injuries/Ailments: no :>
sacks of: 3x lunarglow, 1x water weed, 1x hydrilla


Lore: 11 starlit lores
Points: 10 mundane exp
Injuries/Ailments: kein !
Loot: None

Notes: no feeding the river predators !
word count: 88
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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