Come All Ye Faithful {Æros}

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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☠ 47th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠

It's believed that if you keep the faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude if you're grateful, you'll soon see the founding twin gods as they open up new doors. Devotion is something well rewarded, and those that adhere to the tenets and hold steadfast in their faith will reap the fruit of their labor. In the Solunarium many find comfort in the religion of the realm, and yet some have fallen away, but look to return.

Feeling somewhat depressed, ashamed, and unworthy of his place in this new society he had been thrown into, Laebirius went to the Temple of Varvara to find comfort. His father would always try and instill the way of religion in Lae since his arrival, but his mother's free thinking always seemed to undo any work his father had done. Given the current state of things, however, Laebirius felt it was time to seek out the place his father knew as his happy place.

Entering the hallowed halls he looked around, eyes falling to those in deep reflection, some in prayer, and almost everyone offering something of value to the goddess. He plopped himself into a seat and looked around, not sure what to make of things. He knew he needed comfort, a need to find strength, but lost as to go about obtaining it.

His head hung low as he contemplated what he had been doing wrong, trying to find where he was messing up at. Looking up, he eyed the clerics and acolytes abound, looking to see if maybe the answer lay with them. One of the clerics met his gaze and smiled. When he had finished tending to the alter he came to stand beside Laebirius.

Is there something I can help you with child? he inquired, his voice soothing and warm, tinged with concern. Lae shook his head no at first, then he couldn't help but look to the statue of the Varvara as he spoke.

"My father tells me he always finds strength in the power of these gods, but as a kid, I never truly had a need to believe in them, being raised abroad. Maybe all that I have come to experience up till now is because of my lack of faith?" he pondered, scratching the side of his skull nervously. He was so out of his element it was making him a little nervous.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
Last edited by Læbirius on Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 471
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The reasons for coming to Mother Midnight’s temple varied heavily; whether one came because they felt lost, because one was seeking penance, because they were devout and their visits had become ingrained in their schedules, because they were seeking simple solace, to make sacrifice, on and on. For Æros, it was a combination of things; he sought solace, and he oft found it in these hallowed halls. He sought penance, too, for the disrespect he mistakenly displayed to his Goddess in a rash fit of emotion. Today, though, was a bit more simple; he sought a quiet place within which he could meditate.

And though this was the case, he was a nosy fellow, all the same. For the most part, the temple was quiet, so when others did speak, even hushed, he would listen for no reason other than simple curiosity. And as he was sat there, he’d go through cycles of using meditation to attempt to block out the rest of the world, to channel his own aether, to strengthen himself, body and soul…and cycles where he’d just sit quietly and listen. During the latter, he overheard two men speak, and upon opening gilded eyes, he looked ‘round and saw a figure he’d recognized, though he’d only seen the stranger once.

The other had been seen on the day the dragons had made their triumphant return, and from what Æros remembered, he was a curious sort. And Æros, too, had troubles with his faith in the not so distant past. Perhaps he could help the other?

He had been sitting quietly not far from the most ornate altar within the temple, and now he stood, moving to approach the other man. Æros was dressed simply for his standards, a white, unenchanted tunic, though he did bare the ample amounts of jewelry he was always so very fond of.

To Læbirius, “...I’m sorry, I can’t help but to have overheard. I remember you– the day the city split, no?” His common was not the greatest in terms of pronunciation, but his actual syntax was fluid.

Æros paused, “...I was disillusioned with my own faith, once; maybe you’d find it helpful to speak about it to somebody who’s both lived here long and also had troubles with it?”

Realizing he didn’t recall the other man’s name, “...but before that, I don’t recall if I ever learned your name.”
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 514

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

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☠ 47th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠

The cleric touched Læbirius's shoulder and flashed a convincing smile. "Then maybe it's time you come to be a believer once again." he began rubbing Læbirius's back as a way to make him feel at ease. That was when a new figure approached, a face he recognized from the celebration of the queen of this realm. He was surprised to see him here of all places, but then again if it was a surprise for anyone to be here it was Læbirius.

The one was a heaven send, finally a native willing to aid him in understanding the way things worked around this place. He stood to acknowledge the celestial-looking elf, keeping it as respectful sd possible. "Ahh yes, I remember you from the celebration, when the dragons returned." he noted, rising from his bow as he gave the elf a smile. "Phozenzia Len’Nagarath Læbirius, I don't think I got yours as well."

He was relieved to know there were others who struggled just like he was, and even if this one hadn't been lost now, he had been in that space before. Looking to the statue of the dual gods he couldn't help but feel out of place here, and wondered if this was the right path to explore. "So tell me, how was your faith disillusioned as you say? I have always found solace in the gods of Karnor, in the dragon gods, so switching to a whole new pantheon that is......well extremely encouraged to worship, is a bit odd for me."

He eye remained on the statue as he posed his question.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
Last edited by Læbirius on Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 357
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Æros nodded to the cleric, a soft smile on an otherwise placid expression. They’d passed one another many times in this hallowed place, though the senator, generally, was not the most talkative. The cleric, if one looked closely, had subtle notes of surprise in his face when Æro’s had approached– a brief widening of the eye, a slight brow raise– though this would’ve been hard to catch.

When the other man acknowledged that he did, indeed, recognize the half-fæ, his smile widened slightly, briefly reaching his eyes in turn. His appearance, and the passive sway of his Mesmer’s quirks always resulted in him leaving an impression on others, but still, it felt nice to be reminded of that, vain as he was. “I am Endymion Len’Sælyan Æros.”

With his introduction, he wove Melodies into the æther of the other’s Symphony with ease; his Concerto would plant subtle seeds of reverence in Læbirius. Due to his quirks and the gentle nature of the cast, the other man would be unable to detect this and find himself naturally charmed by Æros; this effect would also slowly build over time. He barely even did this with intent; Mesmer was as much a part of him as the stars that floated gently over his skin.

Those with political connections, or any access to gossip, really, might recognize his name as one of Solunarium’s senators, and one whose house pledged fealty to the draconic dynasty right away; early adopters, they were. House Sælyan was an old family; an odd one, because though the house’s head had held a seat on Solunarium’s senate for quite a long time, most of its members were known for their masterful artistry and strange tastes. Æros being granted this position was quite surprising to most, too.

“It…for me, I felt lost,” as he began, he would gesture back towards the bench he’d been sitting on. It was in semi-sequestered area, though not far from the primary altar, and one could still see the statue that adorned those sacred spillways from that vantage point.

As he continued, he walked in that direction, assuming the other would follow him. “I’d spent my entire youth pushing against my mother for the sake of it; she’s…a bitter, spiteful woman, and I…spent so much time fighting her I never formed an identity for myself. And so because of that, I found myself living only for indulgence and little else; religion just…didn’t matter to me, painful as that is to admit.” And really, it was. His family had gone through great lengths for the quality of his education, to shape him into somebody competent and in return, he'd ran away. But much like tempering metal, raising children is a delicate thing; a poor technique can cause brittleness and a heavy hand will shatter the product.

“I imagine your circumstances are different, but you seem lost, too,” his voice was woven with notes of empathy; that’s what had compelled him to approach.

In the past, he’d been rather closed off; he was trying to open himself up more to others– the weird part was that he found it cathartic to have abruptly mentioned his past to a stranger despite absolutely refusing to with those actually ‘close’ to him.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 668

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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☠ 47th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠

"Lost doesn't even begin to explain how I feel. Out of place, like I don't belong here. My father wants me to assimilate as quickly as possible, but It's harder than he makes it sound. He would be essentially asking me to erase who I am." he began, running a hand across his head as he explained. He wasn't sure if it was going to piss him off, as he had come to realize many got pissy about the religion here.

His eyes finally fell onto the star-skinned male, a sense of awe washing over Lae as looked upon him. He couldn't place it but the feeling felt strange, but right nonetheless. He found himself compelled to open up to him, as he felt at ease around this man, following him as the other ventured over to a bench, the statue still in view. As in awe of Aeros as he was, he found focusing on the statue was more calming for him it seems. The statue of the dual gods spoke to him in some way.

"How has your faith aided you? Have they spoken to you, or reached out after hearing your prayers? Just what kind of gods are they that they call for such a level of worship it dances on the fridges of obsession?" he inquired, soon realizing that his words could have come off harsh and offensive in such a holy place. And if they were real, the last thing he wanted to do was to offend them in their own temple. He turned his attention back to Aeros, waking to see how he would respond.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
word count: 349
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- - -
Tumultuous as Æros’ adolescence had been, he empathized with having conflicting viewpoints to one’s parents all too well. “It’s not quite the same since I was born here, but when I was younger, I hated the path that my mother wanted for me. It felt antithetical to who I was, too, at the time. As much as it might feel wrong now, though, the best advice I can give you is to find a compromise, provided your kin genuinely wants the best for you.”

His relationship with his mother was an odd one. She always held some resentment for him as he was a constant reminder of his father, a brief tryst that was meant to be nothing; his father had not deigned to return to Solunarium since Æros’ conception. And irrational as it might be, she nevertheless took out that bitterness on her child. And because Æros could detect such resentment through her actions and words, he naturally opposed everything she wanted for him, resulting in him following a winding path that led only down.

“Ironically, I am following the path she wanted for me now, though the hand that guided me was not hers,” he’d shake his head, wanting to shift his focus off of himself.

Before he could add on, Læbirius continued, questioning him about the nature of the Twins. Had Æros not put so much effort into containing his emotions, he might have been insulted at the tone of the other’s queries. However, he kept himself level, merely raising his brow as he considered his answer.

“Bearing in mind that the fires of my devotion were only renewed recently, I will tell you what I can. A few months ago, I did interact directly with the Midnight Mother. I was…in a terrible place mentally, and I, shamefully, botched that interaction; forgive me, but I don’t want to give…too many details beyond that. It was at that moment that I thought, ‘What am I doing with my life? In this moment, what have I done? What was the point of holding onto petty anger?’

“And now that I’ve seen Deus Aværys, I’m confident that They, again, freely walk among us. To me, simply knowing that They’re very much alive and present is galvanizing. But it’s the depth of my and other faithful’s dedication you find curious, though, no?

“Everyone’s faith is unique, but for me, I admire Them, what They stand for, what They’ve built. I adore Aværys’ hunger, his ambition, endlessly striving to better himself– Varvara, She brings elements of order, structure, and control. I want those traits for myself, I want to help the nation they’ve built flourish; it’s…really that simple. I had no reason to live before, but through Them do I find purpose.”
Æros spoke with genuine passion, his veneration for the Twins plain in his words and underscored by his magic. While he spoke, he would instill brief trills of that self-same devotion unto Læbirius, allowing him to feel, if only briefly, exactly how Æros felt towards his gods.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 631

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Facination couldnt quite describe what Læ was feeling at the moment. To have met the very gods you venerate would truly be life changing, more so that they didnt kill you for outright offending them. He wondered, if given the chance, what he would have done if face to face with a god. Æros upbringing seemed to resonate with the half elf. There were similarities in how he was raised that coincided with what Læ was experiencing with his own father now.

It was a constant clash of Maelor trying to fit him into a box that Læ wasnt comfortable in or believe in. Religion as a whole wasnt something he believed in, but it was something he had seen for himself that pulled the masses together or tore them asunder in most cases. As he contemplated everything that the mesmorizing elf had told him, he felt it, he was given a sliver of what Æros felt in that moment. He didnt realize it, but he was crying, tearing escaping from his eyes as they ran down his sun blessed skin. It was a feeling he couldnt quite describe, but it felt warm, and welcoming, empowering, and uplifting in a way.

He found himself speechless. Lost in the feeling, he looked up to the statue of the divine twins and wondered, if they appeared right now before him, would they instill in him this same feeling, or would it be something else. He let out a sigh and wiped the tears from his face. "Forgive me, I didnt mean to allow my composure to be undone in such a way. Granted I thank you for allowing me to experience a fraction of what you felt. I've come to learn that a lot can be gleemed through mesmer as I felt the tiniest sliver of mesmoric aether before being overwhelmed." he noted, giving the elf a polite bow.

"Thats another thing I've come to learn while here, Mesmor is part of a daily life here, where normally I would see my mother use it ease her clients while she treated them, or my foster father use it to instill fear in his bounties. With so many practicioners you would think I could find someone to help teach me how to use the magic better." he chuckled rubbing the rune on the back of the hand it was inscribed on.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"

[Out of Darkness]

word count: 481
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- - -
The weaving of aether through his Mesmer was nigh as constant as air through Æros’ lungs. He viewed it as an extension of himself, and while there were limitations because of how widespread it was and how often people were warded against it, he used it as much on himself as he did others. But also, because of that, he was not accustomed to others having such profound reactions to what he considered to be only a gentle tuning of the other’s Symphony.

The Fæ-born patrician blinked in surprise, hearing the echos of the other man’s emotions crescendo in his Symphony. When Læbirius spoke, Æros’ expression would shift to a warm, encouraging sort of smile as he wove notes of calm into the both of them. “Oh, you are fine– there is no finer place for moments of the heart than here,” he assured.

As Læbirius continued, commenting about magic, Æros thought for a moment. “For many of us, it is, yes. A lot of families in Solunarium have runes that they’re particularly fond of, but there are some Crafts one may consider more ubiquitous than others. The most common Craft, I think, is Semblance, but Mesmer is probably a close second. My own family covets Mesmer and Masquerade, but many of us carry Semblance because it is so useful. Myself, I have all three.” After saying this, he considered, for a moment, Læbirius’ stated interest in finding a pædagogus for his own Mesmer.

“If you seek mastery of it, you’ll find no shortage of masters here– and some who’ve pushed beyond traditional mastery, even. My mother taught me much when I was young, before our relationship well and truly broke, but more recently I’ve learned a lot from my uncle– the head of my house. Perhaps I can relay some of his teachings to you sometime?” The question, floated as a suggestion, was an offer he was happy to make good upon. If nothing else brought him joy, it was magic.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 445

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Points: 10, non-magical
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: None


Points: 10, non-magical
Injuries/Ailments: n/a
Loot: None

Notes: clearing out older threads so I can better focus on present content. This was a cute first meeting, though, so please reach out to me if you'd like to start something new. :)
word count: 100
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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