The Wheel Continues To Turn

In which Æros meets with the wayward demi-god, Lykos

"Red Rock Citadel" is a remote outpost of the Silver Sentinels situated in a barren stretch of the Atraxian Desert which serves as headquarters to the Custodes Deorum- A branch of the Vigilia devoted to the divine affairs.

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TIMESTAMP: Hunter's Bounty 9, Glade 122
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With the incident at the northern tree being not even two weeks in the past, the weight of it was as yet still nigh unbearable for Æros. The perception shift from simply being alive to being undead was one fairly massive weight on its own, but then the circumstances under which he'd died and then revived was something else altogether. And while it was nice to have Hilana for support, it hurt not being able to speak much about the reasoning behind his current state to any of his kin.

But then, there was another who'd been there– the amnesiac demi-god that had come back with them. His memories, and perhaps more, had been taken by the tree. In a way, their predicaments mirrored one another; harrowing as either fate was, there was potential to find solidarity in one another. And while part of Æros simply wanted to collapse in on himself and implode, the soul to which he was bound would never allow that (nor would Myshala allow for a peaceful afterlife). So if he had to go forward, why not walk the path alongside the one who's likely lost even more than he had? And if Lykos meant to stay here for a prolonged period of time, he needed to learn the language. While Æros was thoroughly unsure how else a weakened shade could be of any real assistance to the demi-god, he could at least help with that.

The deceased patrician would arrive at Arcem Rubrum Petram in the body of a servus, both because this was the only way he could act independently and frankly, it was markedly unpleasant to try and treat with the living when you yourself had no flesh. The servus was an elf, a moonborn that appeared young, though was actually quite a but older than Æros. His features would be modified with Masquerade in a few ways that would be reminiscent of how Æros used to look, though that only extended to the color of his skin, his eyes and his horns. He was dressed in fairly standard fair for a Solunarian noble, preferring a white silk that would shift to a shimmering gold near the hems, and he wore a bit more jewelry than most.

Æros would find his way from the portal to the selfsame meeting room they'd been initially received in upon their arrival, though this time, there would be both linguistic texts regarding both Vastian and Common alongside refreshments– the ghost had planned ahead, wanting to try and mimic the way he structured his life before. When he got there, however, he was a bit early and it'd appear that he had arrived first. He wasn't particularly bothered, as he found himself fascinated with how different food tasted to each person he'd thus far possessed.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
Last edited by Aeros on Thu Jul 27, 2023 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 585

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Title: Dabu
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The Wheel Continues To Turn
Glade 69th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

Lykos had been given a rather generous boon over the past few days, after spending time learning more about what the magic of his Runes possessed. Nearly all but one had yet to be fully identified, which was the one Rune found resting on the very nape of his neck. Regardless, he wasn't worried about it at the moment, not when he had five more he needed to relearn and master. Truthfully he was getting along quite well in that regard, and the lessons Lia and Lana were giving him on Solunarian culture were progressing fairly well.

Varvaerynism was a rather interesting if not dogmatic way of embracing spirituality, but the wolf wasn't going to bash one Deity's religion when he hardly had his very own to consider. While Lykos had every intention to sort that out, that would remain something further down the line, whereas right now he remained completely fixated on the mastery of his magic once more. Having woken up to dress in the finely woven cotton robes provided to him by the servii, the wolf bid them with the usual appreciative motto spoken in their language.

It had gotten easier to remember at least the simpler terms, but according to the sisters, he needed to prepare for what was to be a banquet on the morrow. This meant he really needed to keep his mind and his tongue sharp, that is, if he wanted to impress his betters while he remained here. Having been sorted with his attire for the day, Lykos left the privacy of his quarters to stroll down toward the meeting room, a book in his hand as he felt determined to do a bit more reading while he requested a hearty breakfast. Lana might not have been the one to actually cook it for him, but even so, the wolf knew she would've likely left something in place for the servants to fix.

The lady was nothing short of thoughtful if not considerate, leading him to arrive in the meeting hall where... That's weird. He didn't recall ever seeing one of the servii here looking like that. The wolf's eyes briefly narrowed when his nose crinkled a couple of times, only for them to relax when he noticed the scent which permeated off the body. "Oh, good morn- I mean, Salve Æros." He gently greeted as he drew closer to the table, a little curious as to what all the books were doing with the food present.

Admittedly it did smell a little good, enough to prompt a gurgling growl of hunger from his gut. It still wouldn't taste the same as Lana's cooking though, of that he could already tell from the blend of spices on some of the dishes. "What's all of this then?" He inquired with an intrigued gaze cast at the specter, though, it was hard really figure out what he really was when he possessed someone's body. He couldn't help but wonder about that, and if he might still yet find a way of creating an artificial one for the ghost to attain.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 620
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Whence it was that Lykos arrived, Æros would take note of the man’s initial confusion regarding his appearance, and though his lips parted to clarify, he’d end up not saying anything. He didn’t need to; Lykos’ body language relaxed in recognition, then the wayward demi-god greeted him by name– and with simple Vastian; endearing.

The deceased patrician would smile, something warm and cordial, and genuine enough to reach his eyes. “Salve, Lykos– or do you prefer your title, Lord of Frost? With the divinity I’ve met, it varies.” For both of their benefit, he’d switch to Common.

To the man’s query, “it’s not uncommon to meet friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family– anyone, really– and there be the presence of lavish food. At least, for the upper castes. It’s something of a custom, something of an excuse to indulge. I, for one, am not one to shirk it.” He’d reply, and though he’d come across with a mostly positive disposition, if Lykos was perceptive, he’d notice the shaky foundation thereof. Æros wanted to push forward, not dwell on his suffering– yet at the same time, his death touched every facet of his newfound existence.

After he said that, he'd pick up the carafe of wine before him and pour some of it into a glass. In life, he wasn't actually the world's biggest fan of this particular vintage despite how popular it was, but he'd noticed that it certainly smelled more appetizing to him in this form. And upon tasting it...yes, he actually liked it, which was a markedly strange experience because it did, ostensibly, taste the same only his perception was, instead, positive. The novelty of that would reflect in the slight widening of his eyes and raise of his brow.

“The rest? I believe you– or was it Hilana who said it?” He thought aloud. “Nevertheless, I was under the impression you’ve the desire to work on your Vastian, and I need speaking practice with Common. Otherwise, there’s a lot we could speak of– about?” At points, he’d sound unsure, though it wouldn’t be obvious whether that was because he was unsure about what he was saying or how he was saying it.

“On my end, I wonder…have you learned much about yourself in the past week? I recall something about you having many runes.” When speaking to other mages, it was certainly common for Æros to poke them about their magic. “...and if you’ve questions of me, you have, hm…free reign to ask.”
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 540

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Title: Dabu
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The Wheel Continues To Turn
Glade 69th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

The wolf couldn't help but smile a little wryly, if not warmly, to the specter before he sat down. "Lykos is fine, but thank you." He admitted with a hint of appreciation, understanding the desire to be formal where it seemed to count. Truth be told the wolf had not quite fathomed the extent of being the Lord of Frost just yet, so he felt a little odd to claim the title so boldly when he hardly had the experience to show for it. From the sound of it though, part of Solunarium culture was expressing fondness for one another through food. Though lavishly throwing minor feasts or banquets went above his head, Lykos wasn't going to turn down the chance at filling his belly when the day just got started for him.

"I guess there's nothing one with a bit of indulgence." He reasoned out of sentiment after having felt starved upon their arrival here, not forgetting the internal pain in his gut until he consumed ungodly amounts of food in Tertium. There were still certain times of the day when he might experience such small pains again, but Hilana had been a blessing when it came to tiding over the residual hunger that wracked his appetite. There was a diversion to the tone that Aeros possessed though, a moment where he might've languished about the fact when he'd express such sentiments.

"Well, I appreciate the food regardless." He expressed when he reached for some of the dates within one of the bowls, taking a few of them as he situated the book he held onto the table before him. Aeros sipped wine that gave off interesting aromas, a blend of herbs and spices that made it zesty with a hint of pepper. Lykos wasn't terribly thrilled or indulgent when it came to wine, mostly because it took the edge of his mind, and he liked to be razor-sharp when it came to his thoughts.

Lykos raised his eyebrows at the afterthought Aeros shared aloud, leading him to grin softly a bit as he chuckled in turn. "I would like to learn more Vastian, yes, and if I can help you hone your Common a bit in the process? All the better." He admitted with another brief chuckle, a little tickled about the idea of helping someone who helped him in turn. Lana and Lia were ones that he'd take longer to help in turn, what with how frequently they looked out for him. All the same, he was an Alpha determined to repay their favors in turn.

"Oh? Well, Lana and Lia have helped me identify nearly all but one. Seems I was, or am, a mage of high caliber." He admitted with another hearty chuckle, if only to hide the underlying anxiety he found in that sentence. "I've learned that I can use Elementalism, Semblance, Kinetics, and even Negation." He admitted with a glance down at his left forearm, remembering the dates he actually grabbed earlier before engaging in conversation. "Not sure how familiar I am with Nyx, but Lana was able to identify that one as well." He expressed with one of the fruits popped into his mouth, curious as to what sort of question he should ask Aeros first.

"Hm, I wonder..." He began with gentle chews in between his pondering. After he finished and swallowed the date, he looked to Aeros curiously before finally asking his first question. "You mentioned something about the 'Winter Court' if I'm not mistaken? What is that exactly?" The inquiry followed with another date popped into his mouth, as the wolf looked down to open the book before him and turn to one of the pages he'd left off of. He still paid Aeros mind of course, nodding when it came to listening to what the ma- er specter had to say.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:37 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 737
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Having been raised in one of the upper castes of a society that did so adore more than a bit of indulgence, Æros carried with him many a vice in that regard. The north, from what he'd managed to glean about it from both Arvælyn and Finn, was…quite a bit different in that regard, but the deceased patrician still felt like Lykos would appreciate it nonetheless; the wayward demi-god had been a notably voracious fellow thus far.

"In that case, I'll forsake my title as well; Æros alone is fine." Something about the idea of being mired in formalities after being stripped of nigh everything only exhausted him.

"And do enjoy yourself– it's something of an exploration for me, at this point, since…the tastes of each person I possess vary…sometimes subtly, sometimes strongly," he'd continue. There was an almost delicate nature to the way he was speaking, as if his casual attitude were something of a front or façade.

And when Lykos would speak, he'd pick away at trying different things. He seemed relieved that this servus had a sweet tooth; this was something he himself had in life.

"My overall understanding of Common isn't the biggest hurdle, it's just…I learned it through books and books alone; I've, admittedly, ah…barely spent time speaking it. What I need is…practice." He'd say on the subject of linguistic exchange; he sounded almost embarrassed. His accent was quite heavy, so he hoped his speech was...easy enough to decipher.

"But your Vastian…that's completely new. How much has Hilana shown you?" Given the circumstances, he didn't want to give the other redundant information.

Æros listened with some intrigue about what the other had learned about his magic. He did seem to have a lot– befitting of a demi-god's constitution, that. Were he himself divine, Æros would certainly desire to push himself to his limits in that regard. That was the most heartbreaking part, really, about existing in this fashion. The spectre no longer had an intrinsic reason to exist; everything was tied to others. Previously, he was motivated by his arcane pursuits, but now? And without the rune that had very nearly eclipsed his Mesmer in terms of his favor? He was grasping at straws to, internally, try and justify caring about his continued existence.

"I'm familiar with many of those, but…I have Mesmer, Masquerade, Elementalism and Reaving; I…had Semblance, but, touching the monolith…" he trailed off, this clearly upset him.

Æros would look away, blink a few times, and then look back to his companion with that faux placidity he bore prior. Æros was, subtly, using his aforementioned Mesmer to weave his own emotions, dismissing his sadness actively. Even for a master, though, this was hard because the source of his despair was something he couldn't simply dismiss, and as such, it kept creeping back in.

"Now…Nyx, I don't know much about that other than vague descriptions of what Hilana's learnt. What can you do with that? And maybe I could look at the one rune you've not figured out?" He'd pivoted the subject.

But of the wolf's question, "...oh, that. In life, I was half Fae-ethalan– a race of elves touched by the magic of the Everwilds. There's four primary Fae Courts and one is Winter, from which my father hails. I never met him. He and my mother had a brief tryst when he found himself wandering onto Solunarian sands, and then he was…ejected. Gone." Æros looked conflicted.

"All these years I wondered why he'd never come back at any point, only to find out yesterday that even if he'd wanted to…he couldn't– and banished by my own kin, at that," it would appear this vexed him deeply.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 758

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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The Wheel Continues To Turn
Glade 69th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

Lykos could only grin softly when his spectral companion dropped the call for social graces, fancy titles were nice to have and all, but the wolf still wanted to feel at least personable with those he treated with. Perhaps that was another principle behind the sort of faith he'd like to build eventually, that is, if he ever started to influence others in such a manner that required such a concept.

"Well, I appreciate it." He chuckled with a sense of regard to the expression, not one to ignore indulgence when it came to food at least. Lykos did find it intriguing though, to hear that the sense of taste changed based on the individual's perceptions. So in a roundabout way, Aeros was living vicariously through whoever he might possess.

"Huh, that must get pretty confusing at times." The wolf figured as there sounded like there might've been more to the concept, or at least, something underlying the tone that Aeros held when he spoke it. For the time being, Lykos felt it most enjoyable to break into the dates first and foremost. They did make a hearty breakfast or brunch when he started his day, but, he would also be keen to try some of the roasted lamb soon as well. Something about protein just couldn't be ignored by his appetite.

"Well," he started softly in between chews, "I've not had much struggle understanding you so far." He complimented with a hearty swallow of the fruit, before his lips tucked into another warm grin to the individual Aeros possessed. "Your articulation is poignant I will agree, but you take consideration with the words you express is all." At least, that was the observation the wolf had made on the specter. When complimented on the novelty of his Vastian though, that merited a bit of astonishment, only because Lykos didn't realize he had just picked up on the few basic words already.

"Oh. Thanks. Lana's been teaching me tidbits here and there, some about Solunarian culture, some about Varvaerynism even." He remarked with a thoughtful glance upward, recollecting everything he could on the subjects shared in the days spent researching together. His eyes didn't linger in that direction though, as they quickly returned to Aeros while he maintained the same cordial smile. "Most of it's been covering magic though, but they're keeping me well informed so far. Before too long, I hope to at least be able to understand much of Vastian."

If only barely speak it, to say the least, but that would come when he had more practice with the locals. Lykos felt sure there was more to it than that of course, since he was likely going to be meeting some very influential figures in the days to come. When he expressed the Runes that they had uncovered so far, the wolf listened in turn once Aeros shared his bit on the magics he was familiar with. It was interesting to him at the very least, having such diversity with Runes like the wolf did. From the sound of it, Aeros seemed to rely more on perceptive Runes than others, but the mention of Elementalism and Reaving was not lost on the wolf either.

"I'm sorry. Clearly, it brings up bad memories." He noted the trail off from Semblance, of course, and wondered about the monolith itself and the toll it accosted them all. Lana lost Elementalism until she got it back, Aeros lost Semblance before he wound up... well, in his condition. If Lykos really were there from the start, then, he could only wonder what was his price to pay. What Runes might he have had before they were taken from him? "I honestly don't know. Yet." The wolf admitted in regard to the question about Nyx, this led him to look down at the black mark on his outer forearm in turn.

"Something about it feels... dark and wrong. That it shouldn't be used without consideration." He ruminated on that for a moment before he shifted his gaze back to his companion, giving a wry smile in turn before he raised an eyebrow at the offer made in turn. "Well sure, I'd be intrigued to learn what you can tell about it." He regarded with a bit more of a warmer smile again, quick to raise his left hand to the back reaches of his neck in response. "From what I know, the Rune in question rests somewhere back here."

He used a couple of digits just to tug the cloth of his shirt down, which then revealed the Rune in question should Aeros have decided to investigate. "Lana's been keen on tracing out the shape of each Rune, so that I at least know what their designs are like. But so far, this is the only one we've yet to identify." After the investigation part, Lykos received the answer he desired on behalf of the Winter Court. According to what he just learned, the Fae were an interesting race connected to the four seasons. From what he gathered anyhow. And Aeros' biological belonged to one of them.

"I see." There was no ignoring the conflict present in his companion's features. "Well... There had to be a reason for it, no? Maybe the answer doesn't lie here... Maybe it lies within the Winter Court?" Lykos hadn't the faintest idea how one would find such a place, but, if he had any means of helping out then he certainly wouldn't mind giving it a try. At least if not for the sake of his friend anyway.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1034
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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- - -
- - -

When Lykos voiced his appreciation, Æros would smile. "For that I am glad," he'd say.

And to what he said about the sensory variance, the ghost chuckled, though somewhat awkwardly. "Confusing, yes…I've tasted things I liked in life only to be disgusted, which…can't say I'm a fan of. This one, at least, has fairly good taste," he remarked about the body he was borrowing. "...and lest you wonder, I do try to be ethical about the skin I wear, morbid as the concept is. Some people, naturally, find the idea repellent while others find themselves more curious and so on…and I 'borrow' only those amenable to the concept."

It was true that people held a wide array of responses to the idea. Æros was lucky that he lived in a house that fostered curiosity towards the magical and strange, because he imagined that at least had some impact into why he had a reasonable amount of willing hosts. Of course, even if he didn't, the servii ultimately wouldn't be able to decline.

"I am glad to hear that I am…clear enough, at least…but yes, part of the reason I speak slowly is that I like to be, ah…precise with my words where I can. Speaking Common is like…dusting off an old skill. I know it, but…I have neglected it." In Solunarium, he had little reason to ever actually speak Common in his day to day; reading it was far more frequent.

As Æros listened to Lykos speak on what Hilana had taught him, hed continue to peck away at a variety of different foods, clearly trying to decipher what was actually good to this particular body.

As for his response, "...happy to hear she's keeping you abreast of what you need to know to live here," he sounded genuine. "Is there anything you've learned thus far that you've taken particular interest in or have further questions about? Hilana's knowledge is sound, but another perspective never hurts." The ghost’s tone was more curious than anything else.

And onto runes, when Lykos apologized, Æros just sighed. "No, it's…fine. You haven't said anything wrong. The rune I lost was just…particularly sentimental."

There was a pause, but he'd go on. "Following the Void, I was presented with a truly…preposterous scenario to decide my fate and such a thing involved the one who…gave me that rune. I…I don't want to go into details, but suffice it to say, neither he nor I still draw breath. I wasn't even given the chance to see what became of his soul in the end. I only know that since I've returned in this fashion, he's no longer around." He felt the chest of the body he piloted tighten, his throat dry…and yet, speaking about this to somebody who he didn't know well was oddly cathartic.

When Æros was presented with the unknown rune on the nape of the man's neck, he pondered for a moment, recalling the array of runes the other man had stated he had as well as the full list of runes he'd been taught were in circulation among the world's modern mages. For a moment, he paused. "Have you considered Reaving? I just got the rune myself about a month back and I notice that yours seems carved into the skin, much like the initiation process I went through. I'd show you, but, ah…the bodies I possess do not wear my runes as I did in life." The spirit knew that all Reaving initiates were granted the rune in the same fashion, and while it was possible to carve another rune into flesh like that, his recent acquisition of Reaving caused the idea to spring to the forefront of his mind.

And then regarding his father's banishment, Æros drew in a breath, his eyes darting off to the side in thought. He'd sigh, shaking his head. "I'm sure there was a reason for it, I just…I fear bringing it up to my uncle. He's done…so much for me that it's something I worry about agitating him if I broach. And yet, at the same time, my father's lack of presence has sowed so much discord between my mother and I and I just…really wish I knew him." About this, there was almost as much conflict in both his voice and countenance as there had been when he spoke of the deceased individual who'd given him Semblance.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 882

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Title: Dabu
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The Wheel Continues To Turn
Glade 69th, 123rd Year, A.o.S.

Lykos pondered the relativity to his own enhanced senses, and if that might in a sense build more common ground between him and Aeros. Not that it was the same situation, to say the least, but initially, it had been nearly daunting to process his heightened sense of hearing and smell. Initially, those first few moments spent awakened he had to double take so much of it, just so that his thoughts collectively beheld every sensation he experienced after opening his eyes. "I know it's not the same... but when I awoke, the first to overwhelm me was the scents. Along with, well, everything else that occurred." He admitted with a faint smile given to the specter.

"Learning that I'm a Rathari, it helped me realize how connected I am to the animal I take after. I can hear things whispered in the next room if I were to concentrate, and then discover that I could read people just by smelling them from a distance." Lykos shared with a minor aversion to his gaze, chuckling to himself when he realized more about himself.

"I suppose I can see better in the dark too, but take all that as you will, and then learn that these are just natural traits a wolf may possess. Clearly not the same as what you're experiencing but... an alarming thing to adjust to all the same." He mused with a friendlier grin given to his companion across the table. He remained patient as the specter continued the conversation, the articulation for Common words not lost on the lupine demigod as he glanced back into the blook tome he rested on the table.

"Common as a universal language is rather complicated as is. Honestly, in my experience, it's been second nature in comparison, though that's probably only because it was probably prominent where I come from." Wherever that was for him exactly. It wasn't lost on him that Synskrit seemed to be the natural tongue to speak for him, even if he remembered not the origins of where he learned it. "It's like a muscle. You practice and refine the process, and then it becomes easier to speak." He encouraged in turn before he flipped to the last page he'd left off from.

The wolf had been vividly interested in this particular tome, and not just because it covered Negation, but it very much relayed information in a way that intrigued Lykos. The wolf had his own thoughts and applications to the magic, but the translations Lia had given him were a different language on their own. The art their father worked into his wards had intrigued him greatly, and it had led Lykos to even reevaluate some of the practices he took to more naturally. Of course, this was all in part of trying to find a means of cleansing Athalia, and hopefully learning to use Negation magic to a greater degree.

Much of what he was bordering on started to draw heavily on theory, but Lykos expected to be pushing the boundaries regardless. He just needed to give himself time to heal, and then perhaps by then he'd be fully prepared for the task ahead. At the inquiry of there being if Aeros could answer and provide him more insight on, the lupine demigod paused and raised his eyes once more, a thoughtful glance cast to the ceiling as he pondered for a moment as a result.

"Hm... I suppose, what more can you tell me about the Founders of Solu?" He then posed with his gaze curiously on Aeros. Admittedly he'd only heard a fair amount from the sisters yet, enough to know that he'd be likely interacting with them in due time if he continued to linger here. To him though that was fine, as his esteemed packmates would be there to guide him in the long run. Regardless, Lykos felt genuinely curious about what another's perspective on the subject was, especially where Varvaerynism remained involved that is.

At the reveal of his final rune, the lupine demigod pondered the suggested name of the rune. "Hm. I'll have to ponder that in our next trial run, Lana's already helped me rule out Animus. Honestly, the fact they've already identified five out of six runes is pretty astounding. They've allowed me to quickly realize my grasp of magic." The wolf prided with a warm smile on his expression, resuming the survey of the tome before him as he reached for a date. Lykos rather enjoyed their tangy sweetness. He could understand the sentiment Aeros had in regard to his lost rune, even with the absence of the rest in his current condition.

"Best to shift your focus on the path before then." Undoubtedly, from what Lykos understood of the little he'd picked up, Aeros had the hurdle to overcome to regain his former self. The wolf pondered how much tracking he'd be able to do, if only to find the one the specter needed to enact his vengeance toward. In a way the wolf wanted to help him face this hurdle, though, Lykos was not without his own challenges either. Almost frustrating in a way, but in his condition, what choice did the demigod have before regaining his strength?

He paid attention to the concerns his companion had, and regarded that with a bit of thought before he found an answer. "It may open old wounds, but your uncle might understand your plight. It sounds like he cares enough to consider his nephew's feelings." He reasoned from what little he gathered of the man, admittedly a bit piqued by the bond these two shared. Lykos wasn't entirely sure why, but by suggesting what the specter needed to hear, he felt it might nudge Aeros in the right direction.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1068
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Location: Solunarium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3625
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- - -
- - -
Æros didn’t have that much experience with Rathari, given the rarity of anything that wasn’t either human or elf in Solunarium.

“Different though our experiences may be, the comparison is not…entirely wrong. It’s…a significant sort of, ah…sensory adjustment for the both of us.” He wasn’t quite sure how to phrase what he meant.

He appreciated the other’s attempts to empathize with him, and that Lykos was offering him pieces of his own experiences, but at the same time, the comparison made him yearn for the flesh that was once his all the more.

“My perception was…stronger, in some ways, as Fæ-ethalan, too. I saw better in the dark and had an additional sort, ah…extrasensory perception that I seem to lack, now. It’s strange…to live and breathe in a body that isn’t yours. But I guess…” he grit his teeth, “...I guess I can’t really complain, can I? I brought death upon myself; arguably, I shouldn’t even be here.”

With that, though, he’d stop himself abruptly, blinking, then smile something embarrassed. “I’m…sorry. I don’t mean to be so…morbid,” and the possessed man would sigh, shaking his head.

When Lykos commented about practice with speaking, Æros nodded. “You’re right, there’s just…so little reason to use it here, and ah…I tend to fall into the self-defeating cycle of avoiding things I’m not good at,” he’d laugh, somewhat bashful. “Makes it hard to improve.”

After asking if Lykos had any particular paths he wanted to explore regarding Solunarium’s customs and culture, to hear that the other’s first query was about the Founders made the spectre smile.

“I could tell you a lot, but I’m not sure how long you’d be willing to sit and listen for,” he started with a light chuckle. “Aværys, ever hungry, ever ambitious, thrives on the pursuit of power– Varvara, holding dominion over domination, is not far off, but her approach is far more subtle. He is bold, nigh blinding in his brilliance, while she is of the shadows, giving him direction, motivation, strategy.

“They were born Re’Hyæan elves, ascended to divinity in a moment of monumental sacrifice. The old king of Vastium had bid to kill an entire generation of elven offspring, believing there were too many of us. In defiance, our Founders sacrificed themselves, pledging Their blood– and that of all of the elves that had been killed– to any divine who might aid Them. In doing so, instead of aid, They were given apotheosis Themselves.

“With their fledgling divinity, they usurped the throne, overtaking old Vastium and proclaiming it Solunarium. During the over five hundred years of Their reign, we expanded greatly– Aværys and Varvara helming a vast empire that spread ‘cross the realm. Eventually, however, did one of their offspring overstep, being slain by Arcas. In a moment of rage from Them both, they sought revenge on Arcas– and with Him being aided by Raxen, the Founders failed.

“Thus marked our ‘modern era’ when They lay imprisoned, presumed dead, within Mount Kaladon. But that, too, has come to an end– they are free, the modern Arcas ending the imprisonment enacted by his predecessor. Fascinating, no? I…look forward to seeing more of Them.

“While they were gone, our nation…sort of stagnated. We did not expand as we once did, we became rather…insular. I think there’s a balance we can strike in the future; one where we avoid the mistakes of the past that earned the ire of Arcas and Raxen whilst not wallowing in isolation.”
Æros paused, then sighed, sort of a laugh– almost embarrassed.

“But I’ve talked enough on that; I hope I spoke clearly enough and that I didn’t bore you,” he’d add with a soft smile.

Passively, Æros had started to pick away at more of the food, appearing to prefer sweeter things; baked goods and fruits. For a moment, he would ruminate on the subject of runes, it being bittersweet to him.

“I…yes. I spoke at length with a Necromancer amongst my kin, asking her all she knew about the nature of ghosts, and…it would be in my best interest to live again,” he’d bite his lip, looking unsure for a moment. “Magic– I, ah…dead like this, my connection to it was hindered. Honestly, while I was alive, exploring my magical Crafts was one of my main reasons for living. Losing a rune and then being informed that I cannot bind with any others ‘lest I again draw breath, it…I’m trying to use that as motivation to press forward, but it…feels almost hopeless.”

It was clear as day this was upsetting to him, but in a flash, his demeanor would shift, neutralizing again; in this body, he could, at least, crutch on his Mesmer to not completely crumble.

“Sorry– erm, before I died, I recently acquired both Reaving and Elementalism a few months apart. Perhaps it would be good for me to spend time learning those while I figure out how to find the creature that tricked me? And that book before you– it’s about Negation, so I assume that’s your current focus? They’re different runes altogether, but would you consider pushing your own magic alongside mine? I feel like companionship would help keep my spirits, so to speak,” he laughed, if awkwardly, “higher.”

“With six runes, you’re a potent mage…and divine. For me, it’d be an honor.” He spoke with a smile, something genuine, creasing his eyes.

As the conversation moved to his father and uncle, he’d fidget a little, this subject being less depressing and more…uncomfortable, anxiety inducing.

“I…should. When…when the matters of my career are settled and existence regains some sort of normalcy, I…will. Because you’re right– my uncle does care. He’s advocated for me far more than I’ve ever deserved.” He almost sounded guilty, as if he hadn’t quite acknowledged the degree to which the older elf had been vouching for him much before.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 1142

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Posts: 355
Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:19 pm
Location: Gel'Grandel, Gelerian Imperium
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3187
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Points: 10, mundane
Loot: None


Points: 5 possession, 5 mundane
Loot: None

Notes: this conversation was really fun to write!
I'm closing out older content but I do want to write with these two again in the future :)
word count: 88
"And as you lay down your grace to me,
the skies begin to bleach red,
and the stars begin to fall,
I feel myself changing,
as my world starts dividing–"
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