ϟ Kemri Len'Mahes Barakael ϟ
ϟ Details
Race: Mixed Race
- Re’hyaen Elf {Sunborn Mother}
- Mortallen {Vishan Father}
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Height: 7' 1"
Weight: 250lbs
Birthdate: 40th of Searing, Year 101, A.o.S
Birthplace: Luxium, Solunarium
Profession: Gladiator
Housing: 1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq. ft.) complete with a hearth (or heat source equivalent), bunk, chest, chair, small table and rug within the compound of Lady Gamal Val’Basetri Aya in the Luxium of Solunarium
- Populus Equestris
- Elemental Wave Gladiator Troupe
- The Enemies of the Realm, Competitors in the Arena
Partners ???
Sexuality: Bisexual Polyamorous
Fluent: Tallenese, Vastian
Conversational: Vallenor
ϟ Appearance
Barakael sports curly styled hair of dark brown color. His eyes radiate with a golden amber hue of the pupil{his Sunborn mother} where his iris is a bright blood red{his Vishan father}, which gives him an intense and piercing gaze and takes the breath of those who look into them, which is complimented only by his intoxicating smile. His face is symmetrically perfect with a strong jawline and proportioned facial features. Barakael is a well built muscular tank and has spent most of his young adult life keeping in shape due to his profession.
He has very broad shoulders with an equally large and well toned chest. His core is strong as he sports an eight pack, and he has equally strong arms, legs, and buttocks. He has a tall stature, standing at around 7'1", a height he has inherited from his Mortallen Father. He has a rich sunkissed skin tone inherited from his Vishan father and inherited his sunborn motherability to evenly tan which looks almost ethereal when in the right lighting. His complexion even yet his skin is far from flawless, as scars dot the landscape of his body from his profession and his magics of choice, the most prominent being a large scar he has that goes from the nape of his neck and stops right above his tailbone. Though the scar isn't too noticeable it does stand out once someone lays eyes on his back.
Rune Magics
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ϟ Personality
- Things I Like:
Dancing| Magic| Going Beyond His Limits| His Ambitions| Facing Strong Foes| Felines{Mostly Lions} - What Pisses Me Off:
Threats to what is his| Sour Things| Being Made a Fool of| - My Virtues:
Loyal| Determined| Passionate| Obvservant| Charismatic| Ambitious - My Detriments:
Arrogant| Reckless| Spiteful| Bloodthirsty
Barakael is an upright warrior with a strong character. Striving to live a warrior's life like his mother, he is always in search of ways to improve himself. When met with acts of kindness he feels obligated to return any kindness given to him and will work hard to repay their feelings in kind. His temper becomes more controlled in later games, making him cool headed and focused, while still having loyalty to his lord and honor. He has a strong sense of honor, and despises those who use deceit as a means of achieving their goals. Normally calm and benign, he stands with an air of admirable dignity and has respectful manners. He is a man who also has a fondness for literary studies, as well as marital to be a well rounded individual. He holds an indomitable loyalty to the realm and serving the crown and being pleasing in the eyes of the founding twins is his first and foremost goal in life. He will not abandon the Solunarium and treasures each and every soul within the realm as if they are his family. He possesses an unforeseen bravery and determination even when he's faced with overwhelming odds, passionate in all aspects of his life in regards to the realm as a whole. If we delve a little further, Barakael has several personality traits that make him unique from others.
- Bravery:
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Insatiable:► Show Spoiler
Personable:► Show Spoiler
ϟ History
- Barakael is the love child of a noblewoman and her gladiator lover. Born to Lady Kemri Val'Mahes Minrathi, she saw no reason to keep the child and immediately sent Barakael to be raised by his father. His father at the time was a gladiator within the arena of the Luxium., and worked among a group of gladiators sponsored by a senator. The woman who sponsored these warriors of entertainment welcomed the babe with open arms seeing him as one of her own children as she had done with many of the bastard children born from her gladiators. He grew up watching his father train and fight, day in and day out, fascinated by the art of being a warrior of fortune and the adrenaline of the arena.
Like his father, he was devoted to the Varværyn faith having an interest in the The Cursus Aureus devoting himself to perpetuating the majesty and will of Deus Aværys. Though extremely estranged from his mother, he was loved by the new family around him as he helped the gladiators in their day-to-day activities and training. It was small things here and there at first but as he matured and got older he began to take part in the practices of the fortune warriors, much to both Aya and his father's delight. When he was old enough his father gifted him with the rune of elementalism as a way to connect him to his Mortallen roots. The initiation was an ordeal even Barakael couldn't imagine, but with his father by his side he persevered through it, and came out an Elementalist.
At the age of 18 Barakael and his father trained from the time the sun rose to when it fell beneath the sands once again, the son wanted to catch up to his father and the parent wanted to see his progeny smash through his limits and surpass him. Barakael would attend every fight his pater participated in, praying to the founding twins that he win, in glory of them and their supremacy. it was in these blood-soaked glory filled moments that Barakael yearned to be in the arena, claiming fame and fortune as his father did. He was skilled with hammer and bludgeons alike so he felt he could win a match or two, but his father insisted he take more time to hone his craft and train. The Vishan in Barakael however felt otherwise, holding a burning passion to be in the ring and fighting for glory like his father.
As much as he enjoyed practicing his magic and combative talents with his father, and watching him in the arena, there was always the danger of his father losing a match, and dying. That fear came true in his 22nd year, his father was going up against another famed gladiator within the arena circuit. He had dedicated the match to the founders and to his son. However, Barakael believes the divine twins had other plans for him. His father lost that day, and even in his final moments, his father held a smile on his face as he died in sacrifice to the gods. It was in that moment that Barakael knew he had to join the ranks of the gladiators. He knew he had to bring glory to his father's legacy.
He pleaded with Aya to allow him to participate in the bloodsports, and at first, she denied him. But even she couldn't stand firm in her resolve for long. She would agree to allow him into the gladiatorial ring, but he would have to show her he was ready. What better way to test your skill than with an initiation in Reaving? The two warriors clashed in a fight for both Barakael's pride and his life. With his skill with his trusty hammer, he withstood the trial of the initiation, seeing the phantom of his father in place of Aya during their fight. When the dust of their bout cleared, he had proven himself worthy and successfully emerged a reaver. Now in his 23 year, he readies himself to enter the life of the gladiator and live up to the legacy his father left behind, for glory and far more beyond.