Lyra [Approved]

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Lyrielle tu Kovash Elmari

Race: Hytori
Sex: Female
Age: 10,000 +
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A

Birthdate: N/A
Birthplace: Sol'Valen

Titles: Lady of Whispers, King Breaker, General of Shaeoth

Fluencies: Ancient Vallenor, Ancient Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


After she was released from her prison Lyrielle found that she was unable to hold a physical form. She can condense into an elven shape, but she is whispy, ethereal, and unable to truly interact with the world. Because of this, she had been forced to inhabit other bodies. Before Frost of 120 AS this meant she had to inhabit the corpse of the woman who found her prison, but since then she had made anew arrangement with a mercenary known as Naila the Faceless who, in exchange for Lyra's cooperation in finding her sister, lets the ancient elf inhabit her body.

Lyra's Typical Appearance

The corpse she inhabited before meeting Naila was a young woman, somewhere in her mid to late twenty's with long dark hair, more brown than black. She can be described as pretty, with a small nose and an easy smile. With this appearance, Lyra's eyes are golden as they are in her true form, and she typically wears robes or other comfortable clothing typical of scholars or shop keepers in Kalzasi. Lyra has a preference for darker-colored clothing, especially blacks and golds, and wears little jewelry.

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Lyrielle's True Form

Lyrielle resembles most of her Hytori race or those who claim to be of the same kin as her people. When in her true form she appears as a slightly insubstantial version of the ancient elves, with their long ears and golden eyes. Before she was sealed away she was considered beautiful, and even centuries later that beauty remains, though not it is slightly... off. When she smiles it never quite meets her eyes, and her motions while elegant are just the slightest bit threatening. Her voice is rich and full, almost husky when she whispers, and when she moves she leaves tendrils of black smoke in her wake.

Her body is made of ethereal black smoke, constantly forming and dispersing over time as she struggles to keep a corporeal form. She can interact in small ways with the world, but to truly touch the physical she must inhabit a physical body. Her long silver hair flows like water around her, and sometimes when she grins the edges curl off to smoke giving her an unpleasant visage.

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Naila's Appearance

Naila and Lyra share control of their body, with Lyra being the primary holder of influence. In her past, Naila made a name for herself by being an expert at impersonations using Masquerade, and this skill has come in quite handy for their shared goals. When she is not disguising herself Naila looks like a Half Hytori, dark collection and black hair with hazel colored eyes. Typically when Naila is in control she changes some part of her appearance depending on the work they are doing.

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Confident, alluring, vain, and of course prideful. Lyra is the embodiment of power, and she behaves with the confidence of one who knows their own superiority. She views most, if not all non-Hytori with disinterest. She neither likes, nor dislikes the other elven descendant races, but feels that her people of old were clearly superior. The races that have appeared since the days of her shattering Lyra views as primitive, barely more than beasts. That said, however, all of the races seem acceptable when compared to humans.

Lyra purposefully presents herself differently to everyone she meets. She continually looks to poke and prod at a person's psyche, their mindsets and seeks to use them for her own purposes. She is manipulative, but in a subtle way and is not afraid of using underhanded tactics to get what she desires. More than anything though, she promotes those of the mortal races to give in to their baser instincts and desires and often tries to coax those around her into committing acts that are nefarious, rebellious, or outright taboo.


Lyrielle tu Kovash Elmari was born during the age of dreams, during that time when Gods walked among mortals, and magic was as natural as breathing. She was the daughter of a lesser house, closer to a servant than true nobility of the Boundless Empire. From a young age, she took to magic, and especially the Dinor'afiel, the Scribes of the Gods who captured the essence of magic and bound them to writing. It was a good life, for while it lasted. Lyrielle, who then was known as Lana, knew that her life was never truly her own. There was a tradition in those days, that every nobility had a shadow. One who would live with them, learn with them, and one day give up their life for their better. Lana didn't mind this either, for her Efi'nital, her light, was everything to her. Sierra was the daughter of the highest nobility. Lana grew up being called soulless, a doll who waited the day when her life and all she had learned would be passed on to the noble's heir. She had accepted this, but then Lana and Sierra did what was forbidden. They became friends.

Time in those days passed unnoticed. Lana and Sierra learned together, and while Lana went down the track fo the Dinor'afiel, Sierra found a different path. The path of the Leh'anafel, the Singers. For a long, long time it seemed as if their days together would never end, and Lana was happy. Yet as all things must the time came for the end. Lana at this time had earned many names, enough that those who knew her were truly saddened to see her sacrificed, but this was the way of the Hytori. Lana had accepted it and was content, yet Sierra was not. During the course of the Archmagic ritual that would have the two halves become whole something went wrong. As the swirling energies swept through them Lana was thrust into the Aetherium, where her mind and body experienced the vastness of reality that spread too far for mortals to comprehend. It was beautiful, it was amazing, and it seared her very soul. When the ritual completed there were none left. Lana found herself changed, her body able to shift and change from corporeal to ethereal. And Sierra? She was gone.

The ritual in part had worked, but it was not Lana who had been sacrificed, but instead Sierra. For this crime, Lana and her bloodline were stricken from the hall of records. Her names were taken from her, and she was given a new name. Lyrielle, grieved for the loss of her friend, and furious at the treatment of the nobility, vowed an oath of vengeance. Over the years the effects of the ritual took their toll, and where once she was a woman with purpose, Lyrielle found her mind beginning to fray, and with it her grasp of who and what she was. This lasted for centuries until Lyrielle became more a leged, a phantom that haunted the dreams of bad children, a whisper of madness in the darkness that brought upheaval wherever she went. Eventually, she was all but forgotten, and she barely remembered herself.

This was how Shaeoth found her. When he found Lyrielle she was more a force of nature than a thinking creature, but he was able to pull her mind together just enough to claim an oath. He marked her, and with that brand Lyrielle found her mind beginning to reform. She arose from the depths of Sol'valen, her power greater than when she last appeared, and she started her dance once more. She wove whispers into the minds of the populace, turned brother against brother, and fed on the discord that her actions sowed in the once-mighty empire. Where Shaeoth directed she went. She laid low kings and queens, became the ever-present shadow that wove into the hearts and minds of Shaeoth's enemies and allies. She turned the loyal into enraptured, the cowardly into fearless soldiers, and the bravest soul she took great pleasure in twisting until they fell into the depths of depravity.

Lyrielle was there on that fateful day when Light and Darkness fought. She was the black mist that blanketed the ground of the battlefield, and she bore witness to the death of Arcas and the hope he represented. In that last moment however the armies of Shaeoth were struck down, and Lyrielle and the rest were captured. Eikaen took her in his palm and shattered her soul, scattering the pieces across Ransera and sealing what remained inside of a prison that she should never have been able to escape.

In Ash of the year 120, her freedom came at last. She has since made her home in Kalzasi, and seeks a way to restore herself to her formal whole state. What that will entail is yet to be seen.

Last edited by Lyra on Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:22 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 1720
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SkillSkill LevelProficiencyLore Count
Acrobatics 20/100 Novice 03
Acting 20/100 Novice 02
Business 25/100 Apprentice 28
Deception 00/100 Novice 01
Dancing 50/100 Journeyman 21
Drawing 50/100 Journeyman 22
Negotiation 30/100 Apprentice 35
Persuasion 30/100 Apprentice 39
SkillSkill LevelProficiencyLore Count
Alchemy 100/100 Master 46
Artificing 100/100 Master 67
Entropy 15/100 Novice 13
Mesmer 100/100 Master 49
Necromancy 100/100 Master 84
Nyx 25/100 Apprentice 84
Runeforging 100/100 Master 45
Scrivening 208/300 Master, Second Order 65
Vitalis 100/100 Master 45
Skill Ledger
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Lores, Quirks and Abilities

Lore Cash out: 41 from Reima + 30 Given = 71


Unarmed Combat
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Book Binding
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Jacun the Alchemist
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  1. Age of Steel: The world is dead
  2. Age of Steel: Magic is lesser
  3. Age of Steal: Mages are like children playing
  4. Archmagic: Split into magic disciplines?
  5. Aetheric Paint: Similar to Spellwrights Ink, but can be used on other surfaces
  6. House Zatrian: Patron of the Academy of Kalzasi
  7. The Monument: A thing of many voices
  8. Personal: Why do I want my pieces?
  9. Personal: Do I want to be Lyrielle?
  10. Personal: You can choose to be what you desire
  11. Midden: Hidden Entrance
  12. Midden: A place where the lowlifes thrive
  13. Odison: Cursed with a mysterious power
  14. Odison: Linked to Lyra somehow
  15. Odison: A walking contradiction
  16. Odison: No memory before his first awakening
  17. Odison: Is in fact a magical weapon
  18. Odison: A connection with Myshala
  19. Self: Shards can take on a life of their own


Free Lore
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To Be Sorted
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Ethereal Body
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Slime Body
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Author of Souls
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First Revelation: Fractured yet Whole
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Second Revelation: Soul Manifestation
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Motif: ???
Rune Location: Below her naval







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Motif: The Lady Whisper
Rune Location: Back of her neck



Lyra's abilities with Mesmer are tied closely to her ethereal form. When she took on her ethereal form she gave up the ability to receive any other runes of magic, but Mesmer was so tied to her being, to her soul, that it became a part of who she is. This quirk allows her to give an effect to the ethereal smoke that she can generate as a part of her true form. If her normal use of Mesmer is like a finely honed blade used to make precise cuts on her intended target, this ability is more like a wide net that is meant to capture those in its vicinity. She can give her smoke a singular, indiscriminate effect that affects all who are in contact with her essence. Once the effect is given Lyra does not hold direct control of it anymore, but simply supplies the aether it needs to be sustained. The effect ends when she stops feeding aether, and the smoke dissipates.


At this stage of her development, Lyra is able to slip in 'whispers' into a person, much like how she slips a piece of herself into corpses. These whispers are subtle things, existing at the edge of awareness where they whisper and tempt a person based on the effect Lyra placed in them. These can be simple things like a whisper of paranoia about a specific person, a sense of overconfidence, or even lingering paranoia. These effects last only for a day before they must be reapplied.


In addition to subtle whispers, Lyra can now create a more pronounced effect. The whispers she creates can be louder now, and even take on a person's own inner voice or the voice of someone else. Small messages can be wrapped into the sensations. Words of warning wrapped in feelings of unease or fear, a voice which speaks of how strong a person is as their ego and confidence is boosted. The effects only last for a single day before they need to be reapplied.


At the master level, Lyra can create lingering whispers that can stay with a person for days, if not weeks. These whispers can be given specific triggers, activating when certain conditions are met or when Lyra herself awakens them. The voices woven in are able to adapt somewhat to a person's own inner monologue, responding to specific changes in the environment and a person's actions so long as it is within the range of effects that was given it. For instance, if a whisper meant to instill fear is used, when one enters a dark place the whispers may warn of danger just out of sight, but when they step into the light the whispers may instead say the man holding the door wants the person dead.


The whispers now can carry both minor auditory and visual hallucinations. This can be in the form of hearing the sounds of footsteps when there isn't anyone there or noticing the flicker of motion out of the corner of one's eye. These effects are tied to the intent given to the Whisper and can build on and complement the other whispers Lyra has placed within a person. None of what this Whisper makes a person see or hear is real.

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Motif: ???
Rune Location: Chest between her collar bones
Lyra was twice marked by Obtenebration when the Eclipse Event occurred, thus her 2 marks translated to an apprentice level ability in the Rune of Nyx







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Motif: Sage
Rune Location: Above her naval


Due to a combination of her understanding of the rune of Vitalis and her unique constitution, Lyra's flesh and blood is heavily infused with her pure essence. Her blood is black as tar, similar to her liquid form, and every part of her body is suffused with her aether which she can freely control. This gives her a more granular level of control over all of her skills which work on her blood and her body, letting her resist the influence of other Vitalis mages fully as it is not possible for anyone to have more control of her physical form than she does. The control she has over her blood is so fine that she can even form pictographs and glyphs with them, as well as adjust the viscosity making it thick as her liquid form if she so chooses.

The level of control she has over her own body allows Lyra to apply pictographs of world magics to her flesh itself. With this ability, she has gained the ability to perform acts of alchemy inside her body. If she ingests a substance (especially refined materials and reagents) she can extract the properties she wants and infuse that property with her blood. She can also expel properties she does not want through bloodletting. The effects stay in her blood for just an hour before her body naturally flushes it out.

Requirement: Must have Master Alchemy skills to use this quirk.

Lyra has worked seasons on perfecting the art of her Soul Space, and through the use of Vitalis, she is now able to craft a soul space within her own body, with her soul acting as the core which holds it together. Through the soul space, she can perform other works of Artificing so long as she has a core that is already inscribed with the right pictographs. She can also draw other souls into her soul space through physical contact. Once contact is broken a person is ejected from the soul space.

Requirement: Must have Master Artificing skills to use this quirk.

After years of study Lyra's mastery of Necromancy allows her to perform many great feats. There is a synergy between Necromancy and Vitalis, making them very compatible with one another. Lyra has taken advantage of this and uses vitalis to perform necromancy on herself. This allows her to manipulate the flesh of corpses like she does living tissue, and she can produce ichor inside of her body following the same timeline to create it as is expected of the world magic. She can even give her blood properties of Soul Wine, letting those who drink it leave the shackles of their body behind for a short time.

The most important benefit is the effects the addition of necromancy pictographs has on the Innervate technique on her own body. Small wounds can instantly be healed without thought, and other wounds close at a visible rate.

Requirement: Must have Master Necromancy skills to use this quirk.

Using her understanding of Runeforging, Lyra has turned herself into the ultimate tool for forging. Carving pictographs on her flesh (through the use of Vicissitude) Lyra can use her hands, nails, and other body parts as stand-ins for other traditional runeforging tools such as a Chisel and Tongs. She also uses the pictographs to protect herself from the damaging effects of raw aether, letting her manipulate viserite and other unstable materials more safely.

Requirement: Must have Master Runeforging skills to use this quirk.

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Semblance (Through Aura Glass)

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Last edited by Lyra on Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:00 pm, edited 103 times in total. word count: 7292
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Food/Cooking Supplies

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Traveling Gear

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Unique Items

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Soul Gems

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Personal Ledger

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Package +500g -- 500g
Cashout +1,598g 70s -- 2,098g 70s
Acupuncture Needle (12) -- -10gp 2,088g 70s
Tatoo Ink (black) -- -1gp 2,087g 70s
Spellwrights Ink (black) -- -100gp 1998g 70s
Condensed Aether x 3 -- -2 sp 1998g 68s
Shambler Corpse -- -10 gp 1988g 68s
Aetherite Shards (Average) -- -200 gp 1788g 68s
Condensed Aether x 3 -- -2 sp 1788g 66s
2 lesser aetherite shards -- -20 gp 1758g 66s
Black and Gold Dress -- -10 gp 1748g 66s
Lytirisyte Dragonshard (Average) -- -100 gp 1648g 66s
Pyrolyth Dragonshard (Average) -- -85 gp 1563g 66s
Investment Account Deposit -- -1000 gp 563g 66s
Net Seasonal Wages after Expenses +7691, 53 sp -- 8,255 gp, 19 sp
Investment Deposit -- -4000 4,255 gp, 19 sp
Simple Account Deposit -- -3000 gp 1,255 gp, 19 sp
Thread -- -200 gp 1,055 gp, 19 sp
Thread -- -200 gp 855 gp, 19 sp
Nano Award +1500 gp -- 2,355 gp, 19 sp
Common Gemstones x 5 -- -5 2,350 gp, 19 sp
Lesser Aetherite Shard -- -10 2,340 gp, 19 sp
Greater Aetherite and Lytirisyte shard -- -1850 gp 490 gp, 19 sp
Frost 120, Net Wages after Expenses +45,537 gp, 1 sp --- 46,027 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Investment Account -- -5000 gp 41,027 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Simple Account -- -7000 gp 34,027 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Investment Account -- -2,500 gp 31,527 gp, 20 sp
Glade 121 AS, Net Wages after Expenses +49,986 -- 81,513 gp, 20 sp
Searing 121 AS, Net Wages after Expenses +176,761 -- 258,274 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Investment Account -- -36,500 221,774 gp, 20 sp
Greater Pyrolyth Shard -- -850 gp 220,924 gp, 20 sp
Greater Lytirisyte Shard -- -1000 gp 219,924 gp, 20 sp
Greater Frostylythe Shard -- -1250 gp 218,674 gp, 20 sp
Ash 121 AS, Net Wages after Expenses +80,463 gp -- 299,137 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Investment Account -- -49,000 gp 250,137 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Investment Account -- -150,000 gp 100,137 gp, 20 sp
Deposit into Simple Account -- -90,000 gp 10,137 gp, 20 sp
Site Update 1000 gp -- 11,137 gp, 20 sp
45,537, 1 sp
Simple Account Ledger
Interest Rate: 1% per Season
DateItemizationDepositWithdrawalRunning Total
Ash 120 AS Initial Deposited +3000 gp -- 3,000 gp
Frost 120 AS Interest +30 gp -- 3,030gp
Frost 120 AS Deposite from Wages +7000 gp -- 10,030gp
Glade 121 AS Interest +100 gp -- 10,130gp, 30 sp
Searing 121 AS Interest +100 gp -- 10,230gp, 30 sp
Ash 121 AS Interest +100 gp -- 10,330gp, 30 sp
Frost 121 AS Deposited from Wages +90,000 gp -- 100,330gp, 30 sp
Frost 121 AS Interest +1004 gp -- 101,334gp
Glade 122 AS Interest +1014 gp -- 102,348gp

Investment Account Ledger
Interest Rate: 8% per 2 Seasons

DateItemizationDepositWithdrawalRunning Total
Ash 120 AS Initial Deposited 1,000 gp -- 1,000 gp
Ash 120 AS Deposite from wages 4,000 gp -- 5,000 gp
Frost 120 AS Deposite from wages 7,500 gp -- 12,500 gp
Glade 121 AS Interest 1,000 gp -- 13,500 gp
Searing 121 AS Deposited from wages 36,500 gp -- 50,000 gp
Ash 121 AS Deposited from wages 49,000 gp -- 99,000 gp
Ash 121 AS Interest 1,980 -- 100,980 gp
Frost 121 AS Deposited from wages 150,000 -- 250,980 gp
Glade 122 AS Interest 20,079 -- 271,059 gp

Ale'Epherium Business Loan
Interest Rate: 5%
Seasonal Interest: 490 gp

ThreadDebtPaidRunning Total
Total Business Loan 16,313 gp -- 16,313 gp
Payment for Ash 120 AS -- 490 (interest payment) 16,313 gp
Payment for Frost 120 AS -- 490 (interest payment) 16,313 gp
Payment for Glade 121 AS -- 490 (interest payment) 16,313 gp
Payment for Searing 121 AS -- 16,313 0 GP (Paid Off)

Black Scales Business Loan
Interest Rate: 5%
Seasonal Interest: 750 gp

ThreadDebtPaidRunning Total
Total Business Loan 15,000 gp -- 15,000 gp

Business Plan:
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Zaichaer Mansion Loan
Interest Rate: 4%
Seasonal Interest: 2,256 gp

DescriptionDebtPaidRunning Total
Total Zaichaer Mansion Loan 56,400 gp -- 56,400 gp
Mansion Floorplan:
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Last edited by Lyra on Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:15 am, edited 50 times in total. word count: 4403
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NPC List

Naila Hesfall


Name: Naila Hesfall
Race: Half Hytori
Age: 63
Height: 5'7

Occupation: Mercenary for Hire
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Though shorter than typical Hytori, Naila's thin frame and long legs give the illusion of greater height, or at least she pretends it does. She often wears practical clothes, preferring pants and tunics over typical dresses or robes. Her hair is often done up in one style or another, and only on rare occasions does she let it flow freely. Though her style tends to be simple and pragmatic Naila does have a love of accessories and ornamentation. Specifically, she enjoys hair ornaments which she can then turn into useful tools of her trade.

On the outside, she is personable, quick to smile, and quicker to laugh, while on the inside she rarely finds true enjoyment in any of the day to day of her life. Naila cannot post any close friends, but those who have known her say she is easy to get along with, almost carefree, though there is something about her that is just a little off. She speaks with authority, even when she does not intend to, and at times there is a hard edge to her words that is just slightly disconcerting to those around her.

Naila works to maintain an air of indifference and aloofness to what goes on around her, but she cares deeply and pays attention to things others might dismiss. Despite her harsh life, she has a soft spot for little animals, as well as children.

Brief Bio
Naila came to Kalzasi looking for her little sister who was kidnapped some year before from Silfanore. Over the years she has had to struggle and learn many new skills, and all of her efforts have to lead her to Kalzasi where she has been told the trader last sold her sibling. As is often the case, while casing the Midden Naila ran into a man named Fletcher, who offered her a deal to supply her information if she ran a few errands for her. The arrangements worked out well at first until a particular incident lead to Naila being infected with a slow-acting poison that would eventually kill her. Fortunately, or perhaps, unfortunately, Fletcher just happened to know someone who might be able to help save Naila's life, if for a price. To Naila, any price was worth paying, and so she agreed to meet with this Lyra in the hopes that her life could be spared and her sister found.

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Skill Point Ledger
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Lyra's Vessel
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Mesmer Quirks
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Naila's Aidolon

Current Classification: Lesser Spirit


Sphere of Influence: Decay / Unraveling


Queth'vex, or Vex as Naila calls him, was contracted as an Aidolon by Naila in Frost, 120 AS. Originally the woman had taken the rune of Summoning to have access to several useful 'helper' spirits that she had seen others use in her line of work. Nature Spirits in particular were very adept at surveillance, going unnoticed most of the time, and an infernal or two from time to time could make quick work of pesky things like locks or doors. Because of this Naila never intended to Specialize, yet Lyra's influence over her mind and soul has changed a number of things about Naila, and she continues to do more and more she had never considered before.

When she started the process of Spherebinding she originally attempted to bind a nature spirit as her Aidolon, yet when she reached out and called its name it was not the little wind spirit that appeared, but the impossibly tall and lanky form of Queth'vex. He had apparently been drawn to Naila due to her 'deteriorating nature', whatever that meant. He found her current situation, bound as a vessel to another soul fascinating, and wished to study them. Lyra in particular seemed to hold his interest, and she, in turn, seemed intrigued as well. Naila would never have chosen the Eldritch for herself, and she found Vex and others of his kind unnerving. Still, perhaps Lyra's influence was affecting her, as Naila had to admit she had her own morbid curiosity for what this creature was and what it could do.

Queth'vex, like others of his kind, is an odd sort. When asked he said he was 'a creature of the unmaking', which seemed to Naila to translate to he liked to make things fall apart. He is tall, nearly 8 feet with long arms and limbs that seemed to be in various states of unraveling themselves. As a spirit, he always seems curious about other living things, especially with what happens to them after they pass away. His temperament can be considered mild, nonconfrontational, and curious, though Naila has found he watches her when he doesn't know she is looking.


Decay/Unmaking - As the name suggests, Vex is able to make things that he touches rapidly decay or fall apart. He dislikes the term 'decay' though and claims his ability is simply unraveling what mortals think the reality is. The process itself is normally slow, taking several minutes to several hours depending on the substance, its current state, and the amount of aether supplied for the ability. Vex has a habit of unmaking things at random times, particularly one of Naila's favorite daggers on no less than 2 separate occasions.

Incorporeal - Vex says that this ability is the same as his first, yet Naila is not able to comprehend his meaning so she chooses to classify them as separate. As a spirit Vex is able to, in his words, unmake himself in the physical world. What that translates to is the spirit being able to shift from a physical to an ethereal shape. While ethereal he can pass through solid objects and is invisible, though he also cannot interact with the world. Normally Vex remains in this incorporeal state unless directly told to show himself, or when he wishes to unmake something to 'study' it.

Mari Fel


Name: Mari Fel
Race: Orkan
Age: 40
Height: 6'1

Occupation: Lab Manager
NPC Type: Personal (Restricted to Hidden Lab)
Influence: 4

Brief Bio
Mari is a Savant from the Circle of Spells, and her family has long had connections with House Briathos. Because of this, she was the ideal candidate for a special assignment for the Iron Queen. Though she is skilled enough in magic, her true talents have always lay in the organization and management of larger labs and projects. This has made her an invaluable asset, and perhaps one of the few that Sahfri could truly trust. Mari herself knows of the true nature of what they are doing in the Hidden Lab, and who the woman she is 'assisting' truly is. On the surface she handles the day-to-day operations of the lab while Lyra is away, ensuring supplies are delivered and special requests are made. She also directly reports to Sahfri anything and everything she sees and overhears. Mari is not a fool though, and she suspects that the woman Lyra knows full well what she is up to.

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Lucious Nimera


Name: Lucious Nimera
Race: Half-Moratallen
Age: 37
Height: 7'6

Occupation: Necromancer/Anatomy Expert
NPC Type: Personal (Restricted to Hidden Lab)
Influence: 4

Brief Bio
The Nimera family is an old family, absolutely loyal to House Briathos with many of its members going on to join the Circle of Spells. Lucious was no different. From a young age, he was considered talented, and excelled not just academically but also physically. Perhaps due in part to his parentage Lucious has always had a propensity for the anatomy of creatures. He was often used to gather supplies from the Warrens, where he specialized in hunting creatures of a magical nature. When word came down that the Iron Queen herself had a task for him, Lucious agreed before learning the full extent of what was expected. Now he has been tasked to aid the one known as Lyra in her projects, though he does not know the details of what it is she is working on exactly. In any event, he has been told to keep an eye on Lyra for anything she requires, and if something were to go awry in the lab to simply... make it go away.

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Annabell Livingston


Name: Anabell Livingston
Race: Human
Age: 73
Height: 5'5

Occupation: Alchemist/Artificer
NPC Type: Personal (Restricted to Hidden Lab)
Influence: 4

Brief Bio
Annabell has worked with Sahfri and her family for many, many years. She never took a husband for herself and had no children of her own either. Instead, she devoted most of her time to helping raise and training the next generations of Hosue Briathos year after year. When Sahfri called on her for a personal project Annabell could not have been more delighted. Her role? Provide her expertise in artificing and alchemy to a woman named Lyra. It seemed simple, and she was beginning to get too old to deal with the children these days, so she accepted. Oh, Sahfri thought she was quite discrete, but old Annabell has been around for a long time. She knew this was not simply a request for a caretaker. She knew she was there for a particular reason. It was perhaps something better suited for a younger woman, but what was an old sage to do?

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NPC Ledger

250 XP + 300 XP = 550
-250 Starting Points (approved)
-26 Masquerade
-26 Unarmed
-6 Daggers
-27 Summoning
-60 Acting
-75 Actobatics
-80 Stealth
Sum = 0 XP

Last edited by Lyra on Sun Nov 07, 2021 12:23 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 2673
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AoD Can you dance without a soul? I Solo Graded
AoD Can you dance without a soul? II Solo Graded
AoD Can you dance without a soul? III Solo Graded
AoW hope for the hopeless Talon In Progress

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Frost, 120 AV
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Glade, 121 AS
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Searing, 121 AS
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Ash, 121 AS
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Frost, 121 AS
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Glade, 122 AS
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Last edited by Lyra on Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:33 pm, edited 29 times in total. word count: 1708
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Temple of the Ephemeral

Lyra's Manor

Built alongside Lake Udori, the Temple of the Ephemeral is a haunting reminder of things long past and perhaps yet to come. With a single ground floor, and several underground levels, the estate is a contrasting figure to the colorful arches known to populate Adira’s promenade. The darker palette of the sloping roofs and outer walls leave a lingering sense of unease that can’t quite be placed. The land for which it sits is marked by an abundance of wisteria trees. The flowers hang like a burial shroud, hiding the path beyond fragrant heady scents. As one wades further into the veil of purple blossoms, they are met with an open courtyard for reception, the grand arches of the entryway carved by spiraling scaled creatures with glittering eyes that seem to question why you are there.

The single floor open to visitors has a layout one would say resembles a beetle, a symbol of immortality to oppose the fleeting nature hinted in its name. To the right of the open courtyard is a sitting room, its interior decorated in fine works of art and plush chairs where guests can relax and enjoy the view of the gardens. Directly opposite is a powder room for guests, a private building that is almost hidden in the architecture of the courtyard wall. At the back of this courtyard large doors open into a spacious ballroom with dark marbled floor which reflects the light of dozens of flameless magical lanterns inset into the walls and ceiling.

A second, internal courtyard borders the ballroom, encircled by guest quarters to the left and Lyra’s greenhouse to the right, with the roof of the master quarter raised high above the others. A mixture of scents wafts from the open greenhouse, like a forest after the rain. Plants of all kinds fill pots along shelves and the floor, and between the green and myriad colors a series of long benches and tables are dotted with tools for herbology as well as those for the making of potions. Larger plants line the back wall either in pots or planted into the sectioned-off patches of dirt that are surrounded by faintly glowing magical scripts. Many plants local to the Astralar mountains and surrounding areas of Kalzasi can be found here, with a few rare or foreign ones separated and enclosed by their own special glyphs to help them grow outside their normal environment.

The guest quarters are well furnished, with three bedrooms and two large bathrooms on either side of the building allowing guests to sleep in comfort and near luxury. The Master quarters opens into a sitting room with 2 plush armchairs and a sofa. Moving straight back one will reach the sprawling and luxurious master bedroom which Lyra keeps closed during the daylight hours. To the left of the entrance is an open office space with a large desk, and to the right is the entrance to the library which takes up the remaining space in the building.

Located in the back corner of the estate, connecting the guest wing with the master wing, there is a walled-off area where a bubbling outdoor hot spring can be found. Magical runes line the edges of the enclosure, and drooping branches of willows overhang and nearly touch the warm waters below. The largest section of the spring is open to guests, and the waters smell of herbs and give a tingling feel when fully submerged. In the back corner nearest the master wing is a 2nd enclosure, this one not open to any but the master herself. The stones of the spring are magically warmed as well, and fresh towels and even refreshments are kept at the ready for any who desire them.

The servant quarters are situated at the back right of the property, and though smaller each of the individual rooms is as comfortable as those found in the guest wing. Servants have access to personal wardrobes, and two small bathrooms are located at either end of the building. Pathways lined by wisteria lead to the Master Wing, the ballroom and the kitchen. The kitchen itself is large, furnished to provide meals for events, and large doors near the back wall lead down into a pantry, as well as an attached wine cellar. Across the estate there are several hidden servant paths and entrances, allowing the workers of Temple of the Ephemeral to pass discreetly while performing their duties so as not to disturb the residents.

Beneath the manor proper, wrapped in numerous glyphs and wards, there is a large, open lab space. The walls and floor are made of smooth stone, and magical lights glow along the walls, ceilings and at various places in the floor itself. Lines of glyphs flow and wrap the area, obscuring the labs presence and containing the magical energies within. The lab is divided into 5 major areas, each isolated by specialized glyphs of Lyra’s own design to keep them segmented from the rest of the lab. One space is dedicated to each of the world magics: Alchemy, Artificing, Necromancy, Runeforging and Scrivening. A smaller section of the lab is dedicated to nonmagical work. The main entrance to the lab is through a door hidden in the master bedroom which opens into a tightly spiraling staircase that leads down into the common area near the north end of the lab. There are two more hidden entrances, one along the banks of lake Udori which is used for shipping supplies into the lab, and another which opens into a hidden exit somewhere on the estate among the trees and plants. Off the side of the main lab space is a large storage area segmented into magical supplies, as well as for a series of large tanks covered in glyphs.

The Temple of the Ephemeral was built to house the ephemeral, and as such during its construction magic was laid into its very foundation. Glyphs are worked into the artistry and engravings of the structure itself, and inset gems are interspersed with smaller stones, soul totems made by Lyra herself over the last year. The air inside of the manor is always a few degrees colder than the outside world, and at night a thin grey mist coats the grounds and weaves between the wisteria trees. Those beings of a spectral nature are able to move more freely within the manor, and Lyrielle herself can exist in her true form while within the confines of the estate without fear of dispersing.

The manor employs a full staff who live and work on the estate. These include the cook Garland, an older half ork with a chipped tusk, Gwen the gardener and potion maker, the two maids Mia and Lia, the head maid Ms. Freeman, and the hytori butler Sal’emir, of Salem as he prefers.
word count: 1155
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