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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:46 pm
by Hector




13th Solace, Glade, 102 AoS

Rune Magic:
Summoning, Summoner
Vitalis, Vampyre
Animus, Animist
Entropy, Chaonite


Family home along east river bank, Zaichaer
Apartment in Southern Gel'Grandel


The Kindred
The Cult of Mending

Vallenor, Common
Mythrasi, Kathalan
Ineptitude: -

Enemies: -


Hector is a man possessing soft, rather delicate features often adorned with expressions both demure and dreamlike. His angular bone structure, clear complexion and youthful radiance grant his face an elegant balance between masculine and feminine, though with how he styles and carries himself, most looking at his visage alone would likely assume more feminine than not.

Beyond his striking beauty, the next thing one would notice is the strange, almost aetherial coloration of his hair and eyes. In contrast to his long, elven ears and pale yet honeyed skin indicating his status as Hytori, the man's hair is a soft, silken lavender and his eyes are a misty, glowing hue of the same color.

Tall to humans and short for his race, the elf is lithe, possessing a frame adorned with strong yet lean musculature. Oftentimes his posture and sweet face make him look rather unintimidating, but his status as Vitalitasi has infused him with a supernatural edge in terms of physical fortitude and strength.


Likes: Botanicals, Tea, Blood, Biology, Magic, Art, Night Skies, Medicine
Dislikes: Humidity, Bright Lights, Loud Sounds, Intense Heat, The Unclean
Attributes: Whimsical, Sleepy, Capricious, Sadistic, Oblivious, Perfectionist, Bloodthirsty, Unstable, Curious, Inquisitive, Idiot Savant, Judgemental

To strangers, Hector will come off as a man of whimsy with his head in the clouds. His sleepy, almost spaced out demeanor combined with his soft appearance make him rather disarming to those he meets. His focus will either be scattered all over the place or extremely precise and there is usually very little in between. As a result, if somebody does not interest him, it will be difficult to both get and maintain his attention.

If he does give somebody his attention, his surface level personality is really quite sweet. He comes across as warm and friendly, if a little bit spacey or not all there. Some might mistake this as him being slow in thought, though this is not so. Rather, the case is actually the opposite: his head is a rapidly shifting and quite messy amalgam of words, images, sounds and other thought manifestations to such a degree that it is often both distracting and overwhelming.

Much of his attitude regarding Zaichaer and its downfall shifted when he traded his memories away for a gift from Lyra. Though he remembers the trauma of its fall, the sense of loss, of grief, is gone as his sentimental ties were effectively evaporated.

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Born to apothecary parents in Zaichaer, on the surface, the merchant class boy's origins are not that interesting….until you dig deeper. While the family business is legitimate, mother, father and son are all members of both the Kindred as well as the Cult of Mending. Their being part of a coven is public knowledge but their membership to the latter is a very well kept secret.

Hector was a bright and bubbly child that took to magic quite well. Initially, he was rather content as a little boy with the very basics of Summoning in addition to that which his parents taught him about botany, medicine and biology. He was very well cared for and happy like this for most of his youth. As time went on, however, he found more interest in his faith, and, in particular, members thereof that possessed a rather peculiar magic.

Hector loved when his parents taught him about biology, whether it be in regards to men or animals, he gave these studies his full attention. The young boy found himself thoroughly fascinated by the flesh and blood machinations of life and death. Naturally, once he saw the Vitalis rune at work, he became enamored with it, too. As he neared his teen years, he was often found tailing the cult's Vitalitasi, searching for both theoretical knowledge and practical demonstrations.

Out of a comorbid desire to both display his eventual worthiness of the mark and endear himself to the mages, he would often offer up his own body to them as something of a test dummy for their magic. Some outright refused to do this because he was a child, but the morality of the vampyres varied rather heavily. His parents okayed this questionable course of action because they were blinded by their faith, but also, in part, because many of the mages lied about the extent of their cruelty. Hector himself thought that whatever they were doing was necessary or that if he complained, they wouldn't teach him anymore. As a result, he took everything they did and said nothing.

During the summer of his sixteenth year, his favorite of these myriad mentor figures came to him with an offer on behalf of the cult. Finally, the boy would be gifted that which he had coveted for most of his short life: the rune of Vitalis.

For more about his initiation, click here.

For as much as his knowledge and trauma at the hands of the Vitalitasi had taught him, nothing before this was quite like the rune's initiation process. Everything from his body to his mind had been thoroughly rattled; he wasn't quite sure if everything had been properly put back into place in the aftermath, but not only was there no going back, Hector also didn't care. He got what he wanted and he was ever so excited to begin practicing with his new rune.

Over the next four years as his young adulthood began, the results of being a magical experiment, his initiation, and his innate fascination with blood and bone solidified into tastes and hobbies one could only describe as morally grey at best. His personality had also unraveled further and the young man was distinctly more chaotic in nature than he had been in the past. In addition, he had begun consorting with a strange, eldritch spirit whose whispers were utterly enthralling– he intended to make this otherworldly entity his Aidolon. Most recently, he's taken up necromancy.

Many paths stretch long before the young vampyre. Where will his story take him?





A symbol meaning ascension, eternity and infinity. His parents thought it fitting; perhaps prophetic?
Located on his throat, roughly a half inch above the divot atop his sternum.
Given to him by his parents in his youth.




A rune meaning transformation. Inscribed on his skin, it appears as if strips of flesh were peeled away to make it, yet it does not bleed and never quite heals.
Located atop his celiac plexus.
Given to him by his mentor in the Cult of Mending, Vergil.




A rune meaning amalgamation. On his skin, it looks like black inkwork.
Located on his left palm. Further totems will cause it to snake up that arm as it grows.
Given to him by a fellow Inquisitor-to-be, Carmina.




On his skin, it appears to be drawn with ink as black as night, though it waxes chromatic when hit with light.
Located on the back of his right hand.
Given to him by mysterious circumstances within a westward tower.


Re: Hector (WIP)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:49 pm
by Hector
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Re: Hector (WIP)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:54 pm
by Hector




Motif: Mistbreaker
The Kindred

The Old Ways live through the traditions of the Kindred. These witches commune with the spirits of Nature and form pacts with them that allow them to traverse the wilds unhindered. The witches of the Kindred form bonds with the natural world through their union with the spirits to such a degree that they often whisper to the elemental and wild spirits more frequently than they do people. The spirits speak to them and will engage with a Kindred witch far more readily than even some elementalists. It is through the efforts of the Kindred witches that the lands around Zaichaer were originally cleansed. Their bond with the wild spirits of nature helped them to banish the Dread Mists and the horrifying, twisted creatures that came about as a result of them. Unfortunately, this bond also made them the most vulnerable to being corrupted by that which they beat back so relentlessly. Such is the price they pay.



Motif: Harbinger of Pain

Hector sees beauty in the grotesque, pleasure in pain. While Vitalis gives him a colorful array of spells to cause both agony and ecstasy, the vampyre’s focus on increasing stimulation led him down a path that involved heightening the sensation of pain on both others and himself. These quirks are all about enhancing reaction and granting him flexible tools to facilitate all manner of activities in the pursuit thereof.

Warm Red: (affecting Vitalis skills: ‘Corrosion’) Apprentice
Hector’s corrosion causes more suffering than it does physical harm. If it is corrosive, it contains an additional chemical that, when in contact with living flesh, heightens their perception of pain in the area affected. If it is used to sicken another, it will always include the side effect of muscle and joint pain regardless of anything else.

The strength of the acids created by Hector’s corrosion are significantly weaker than that of a standard vampyre– the point is to enhance suffering, not burn away the very nerves one needs to cause it.

Blooming Agony: (affecting Vitalis skill: ‘Inflame’) Journeyman
When Hector casts Inflame on somebody, the spell infuses within the target a hormone-altering effect borrowed from Pheromancy. In this case, it will block the body’s ability to release endorphins entirely for any reason. It will also stop the body from releasing adrenaline in response to the pain and damage caused by Inflame, although other stimuli may result in the chemical’s release instead. Both hormonal effects last roughly ten minutes.

This enhanced version of Inflame costs about 1.25x as much ether as Inflame would to cast normally.

Fever Rune: (utilizing properties of Vitalis skill: 'Brand’) Expert
Utilizing whatever spilt blood is available, Hector may draw a specific ritual symbol on the ground either manually or with Thaumaturgy, then imbue it with additional ether to activate. The symbol will function the exact same regardless of size. If one is to stand upon or exist above this symbol, all stimulation received by the body will be heightened by roughly double. In addition, the body will regenerate blood roughly five times as fast as it normally would.

While affected by the symbol, one's heart rate and internal body temperature will increase, but not to a dangerous degree. The symbol's magical effects persist for seventy-two hours or until wicked away by the one who drew it. The symbol will affect targets within its radius and up to fifteen feet above it.

Schadenfreude: (utilizing properties of Vitalis skill: ‘Harvest’) Master
A master of pain, Hector can now siphon the suffering of others to generate ether. Once created, he must absorb it into himself. The excess ether will then function as normal, able to be wielded as he sees fit. The amount of pain scales the amount of ether generated.

Hector's own pain cannot be used for this purpose. Suffusing oneself in ether created by pain grants a feeling of euphoria within the casting mage and may result in addiction, though not dependence.

Metallurgy: (utilizing properties of Vitalis skills: ‘Thaumaturgy, Hemocraft, Vicissitude’) Master
Now wielding Vitalis with consummate skill, Hector developed a fascination with manipulating the metal within blood. Despite the objectively tiny amount of iron contained therein, Hector can now specifically hone in on even the smallest quantities to create something entirely new.

To start, he can multiply the amount of iron within blood. When this is done, the iron is altered by the rune, absorbing portions of the blood from which it was housed. As a result, hemocrafted iron is more akin to the properties of carbon steel as opposed to regular iron. This is done utilizing the same fundamental properties Hemocraft does to infuse blood into vitale and those that Vicissitude does to create new flesh, bone, etc. The base form of this blood-iron is always liquid.

Secondarily, he can wield the blood-iron remotely as he would blood using Thaumaturgy. Third, he can reshape blood-iron as he sees fit, including the ability to shift it between liquid and solid states.

All manipulations of blood-iron costs ether, including its creation, similar to what it would cost for manipulation of equivalent amounts of blood. Only iron sufficiently suffused in living blood can be used, meaning that standard scraps of iron are not a viable resource.



Motif: Skinwalker

After his identity crisis as a result of Zaichaer’s destruction, Hector never really recovered a true sense of self. When he gained his animus rune, his curiosity about what it would be like to walk and live as another sparked a reaction within it. So began his journey to mastering the art of stealing another mortal’s identity– down to every little detail aside from a perfect copy of their soul. A vampyre’s use for multiple identities are plentiful and vary heavily in nature; however, Hector uses these newfound skills for fun and mischief more often than not.

As a note, beyond the single animal taken at his initiation, Hector can no longer take on animal totems, only mortal ones.

Thief of Voices: (affecting Animus skill: ‘Echolalia’) Apprentice
To put it simply, this quirk allows for the mage to perfectly mimic the voice of another person. To do this, one must create a Totem using a piece of their target’s biology; this includes anything from hair to blood.

A mage may maintain 3 (Apprentice), 6 (Journeyman), 9 (Expert), ∞ (Master) vocal blueprints.

Thief of Faces: (affecting Animus skill: ‘Mimicry’) Journeyman
The mage may perfectly copy the face of another person. To do this, one must create a Totem using a piece of their target’s biology; this includes anything from hair to blood.

The Totem here is separate from all other spell’s totems and exclusively grants access to an individual's face and nothing else. A mage may maintain 2 (Journeyman), 5 (Expert), 10 (Master) facial blueprints.

Thief of Bodies: (affecting Animus skill: 'Doppelganger’) Expert
The mage may superficially copy the body of another person. To do this, one must create a Totem using a piece of their target’s biology; this includes anything from hair to blood. This superficial copy merely shares the shape of their target— it will maintain the caster’s scent, blood type, fingerprints, etc.

The Totem here is separate from all other spell’s totems and exclusively grants access to an individual's body shape and nothing else. A mage may maintain 5 (Expert), 10 (Master) bodily blueprints.

Thief of Souls: (affecting Animus skill: ‘Doppelganger’) Master
The mage has perfected their ability to copy another. At this stage, the mage may steal the entire identity, down to a biochemical level, of another person. Their aetheric signature and overall soul will also, on the surface, mimic the other person’s. However, in order to do this, that person must be dead. If the person has Personal magic and Hector also has the same rune, he will be able to easily adapt and cast as they did, but he must at a minimum, have the rune.

Psychologically, walking in the skin of many will cause the mage to be unable to identify fully with any of their faces and may cause them to gradually lose their attachment to their ‘base’ form even if they continue to use it as their primary identity. A mage may maintain 3 blueprints. The entire corpse of the deceased is used as a Totem for this purpose.

Thief of Memories: (affecting Animus Concept: ‘Totem, Doppelganger’) Master
Once attaining master, any person absorbed into his rune via Thief of Souls also has their memories and a rough blueprint of their behavior and mannerisms stolen alongside the body itself. This allows Hector to more seamlessly adapt into his new shapes if he so desires. Blueprint count is synced to Thief of Souls, as these two quirks function in tandem.

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NPCs & Aidolon can be found within his plot notes.
Off Topic
I, the author, also write Æros and Jae-Seong.


Re: Hector (WIP)

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:02 pm
by Hector
Hector's Inventory
1 Set(s) of Clothing befitting your Class (Merchant)
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1. Basic (SP)
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2. Tools
1. Toolkit, Herbalist/Botanist
2. Full set of Necromancy tools

4. Magical Items
1. Fine, silver, greater Sanguinyte pendant
2. Fine, silver, greater Lunicite gauntlet

5. General Items

Vergil's Inventory
1 Set(s) of Clothing befitting your Class (Merchant)
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1. Basic (SP)
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2. Medical Items
1. Toolkit, Surgeon’s
2. Full set of Necromancy tools

1. Steel Polearm

4. Magical Items
1. Fine, silver, greater Sanguinyte pendant
2. Fine, rose gold, lesser pesticyte bracelet
3. Fine, silver, greater Lunicite gauntlet
4. Chaos Spike
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5. General Items
1. Featherlight bag
2. Studded leather armor, night

*All items in both inventories, aside from worn items, are stored in Vergil's Featherlight bag; Hector is irresponsible. Exceptions being made when the two are separated.

n/a for now...

Family Home: 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom Home. His personal chambers are a single room on the upper floor but he has free reign of the entire house.
May have been destroyed.

Apartment: A small apartment on the south side of Gel'Grandel.

