Buried in the Shadows

Æros & Khyan continue their treasure hunt

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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"Buried in the Shadows"
27 Frost 122
Continued from Blind Sight
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Khyan took a deep breath, exhaling through his nose- the semblance of a sigh. By nature he was not a particularly adventurous sort, far preferring the spending of treasure to its acquisition. Such was why he'd never followed through on his erstwhile goals of Vigilhood. He'd done the training to get him in the door, and certainly had enough in the way of natural talent, to say nothing of his connections... But the prospect of spending his life risking it? Only now that his life was valued less in the eyes of the culture did he deem it expendable enough to embark on exploits such as this.

"I know the basics, though Hilana's particular set of skills would be useful about now..." It wasn't the first time on the trip that they'd have benefitted from the Vastiana's knowledge and perennial preparedness. They were on her turf this far from the city, and both of them pampered enough to be ignorant to many of the more practical concerns and considerations she took into account. Such as first aid.

Their situation was what it was, however, and so Khyan led Æros back out through the mouth of the cave- offering what support might be necessary. He found a bowl of water that appeared to have been boiled and abandoned still hanging over the ashes of a former fire. Thankfully it was covered, and so the Sceptre of Aværys that hung ever overhead hadn't claimed the moisture to saturate the arid air. He cleaned the black tar from about the wound with a rag wetted in the bowl, and used strips of fabric torn from one of their tends to bind the gash.

Once the wound was treated to the best of Khyan's limited knowledge, he would suggest they rest, hydrate and avail themselves of some of the food they'd packed. There was shade to be found in the campsite and, though he hadn't lost blood, the exertion of the battle did leave Khyan tired.

"We can rest for as long as you need." Khyan offered, Sembling that Æros was properly exhausted. There was really no rush to delve further into the cave, as far as Khyan was concerned, but he had no senatorial duties back in the city. Still, a bit of a rest might give Æros time to reconsider the risk of spelunking farther into a mysterious cave of indefinite breadth that bore such potent dangers as a Mistspawned demon so near to its mouth.
Last edited by Khyan Nykara on Wed Apr 12, 2023 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 438
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Though Æros was, by no one's account, a warrior, there was an undeniable thrill to violence, he would, at least, have to admit. Even though in the moment, strike for strike, there was undeniable terror, the patrician had made it out the other end of so strange an encounter intact– for the most part, at least. He bled, but all of his limbs worked and all of his organs remained untouched. And thus to his standards, he was fine. Given his Fæ ancestry, and his access to Necromantic care in the city, he was unconcerned. From this particular wound, he would heal just fine...though if there were unforeseen impacts of mistborn magic, such things would have to be dealt with as they made themselves apparent.

However, none of that meant it felt at all pleasant. Movement of the affected musculature would cause him to wince, and he bore a grimace for most of the time that Khyan spent treating him. There’s times and places where pain wasn’t entirely unwelcome, but this, unfortunately, was no such thing. The starlit senator, learned as he was, wasn’t incredibly well versed in medicinal matters, either. As such, he wasn’t entirely much help in terms of his own care, but he did parrot some things he’d learned from Hilana onto Khyan whenever such information would float to mind, if applicable. He was able to point out some medicinal plants that the Vastians had left behind; he’d recognized them from both Sweet Remedies, the shop itself, and the greenhouse when he’d visited that. Though she wasn’t here, at least what knowledge Hilana imparted onto him was of some assistance; his memory, if nothing else, was solid.

“Aye…rest is a good idea, regardless of whether our next move is to head out or to delve back in.” Æros paused for a moment, making himself as comfortable as one could given both his injuries and what accoutrements the little encampment held. "...though even if we do end up leaving, 'twould serve us best to at least search the area 'round the corpse of the thing for anything of value. I saw the glint of dragonshards in the darkness, I think...unless my eyes were playing tricks on me."

After a moment, Æros spoke up again. “Say, you don’t, perchance, have any geographical knowledge of the area, do you?” From his tone, this question was half a joke– because why the hell would he? They were borderline in the middle of nowhere. “I only ask to see if you could hazard a guess as to how deep that cave system goes. I’ve heard some are rather shallow…but then, if it dips down, it could end up being truly labyrinthine, no? For all we know, it could lead into depths not too dissimilar to our Umbrium.” Doubtful, that last bit, but not impossible.

Upon consideration of that, it might be a better idea for them to leave and return another time, with superior preparations, skills, the like. And yet, one could make an argument that that would be unnecessary and forward progress was doable as they were. A tough choice.
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 655

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Khyan Nykara
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Khyan was relieved to have, at the very least, a respite from the day's doughty adventures, whilst Æros rested.

"Voidrillium, aye..." Khyan knitted his brow. He'd broached this very matter moments earlier, which made him concerned that Æros might have lost enough blood to addle his mind. Or, perhaps worse, some of the voidrillium that bonded the disparate limbs and organs of the creature together had invaded the half-elf's bloodstream to ply its chaotic wonts in Æros' mind. In the clear light of day and through the scrying eye of Semblance, Khyan knew that the tentacle that skewered his lover was composed of the very same mercurial element.

With the makeshift bandages secured, Khyan patted Æros on the arm and stood to browse the camp for more useful supplies- Namely wine- as the other man made inquiries.

"Certainly not." Khyan replied, sounding almost offended. "I've seen the topography at a great distance during my flights, but with all the wild wyverns that haunt these skies and their basilisk counterparts on the sands, I was never drawn to render a closer inspection. I certainly don't know aught about cave systems or any such thing..." He wasn't sure whether he ought to be awed or mortified at the notion that this cave might lead to chambers as cavernous as their own Umbrium. Whatever the case, he certainly couldn't dismiss the possibility outright. The Umbrium had housed a civilisation long before the Vastians ever unearthed its ruins, and perhaps their realm spread beyond what was publicly known.

"That would be an impressive discovery, if so..." He had to admit, though he shuddered to think what might lurk in such depths. Surely such a vasty place would not be without life, and there was no telling how deep the rot they'd seen at the mouth of the cave crept.

"Ah." He drew the cork he'd pulled from a clay vessel away from his nose, smiling. "I've found wine!" His own store of travel spirits had been on the wane for hours.
word count: 348
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The presence of Voidrillium resulted in a mix of emotions. Æros was fascinated by the stuff, truthfully, so being able to spelunk for a bit of it himself certainly piqued his interest. Voidrillium was far from common, and on top of that, rather dangerous, so even for people of wealth, getting their hands on it was a precarious affair, regulated as the rare sales thereof were.

As such, in many ways, this scenario delighted him, but in others? There was some cause for concern. The creature they had fought had been living amongst these dragonshards, and was born of the very chaos which composed them; it had also struck him. The lingering paranoia about potential after-effects wouldn't be easy to shirk. But oh well, hm? His arcane interests overruled concerns for his own safety, uneasy as the thought was; therefore, even if he bore any side effects that would last, he would still be plenty pleased with this venture.

Once he was triaged to the best of their fledgling abilities and with what supplies they could dig up, Khyan moved away to further scavenge amongst the goods of the camp. For wine, Æros guessed, though was it really a guess when he could check the answer through the boy's Symphony?

Khyan's response to his query was expected. It was a bit of a reach to ask, yes, but it's always worth asking on the off-chance Khyan had heard something in passing, or, perhaps, had a secret stint as a spelunker, miniscule as the chance of that was. Æros chuckled at the theatrics in the other's answer, "...I figured as much; you've as little experience doing, ah…" he gestured vaguely, "...this…as I do."

"Yeah, it would be, wouldn't it?" Æros replied regarding what else may lie within the cavern. "Doubtful as that is, one cannot dismiss the possibility and…I am an endlessly curious sort." He did, deep down, hope this would not lead to an untimely demise.

It was hard to resist his curiosity even though he did, ultimately, fear death, even if some rather impulsive choices may belie that. For as reckless as he was, he quite fancied being alive, even if only for the selfish ambitions of amassing large amounts of arcane prowess and living long enough to invoke it. Of course, he'd never have 'enough' magical might, per se, but he did need far more than he happened to have before he took on some of his loftier ambitions. And, that being the case, his risk-taking behavior has been oriented in that direction.

The pointed ears of the starlit elf perked at the mention of Khyan's search bearing fruit. Though he'd weaned himself off most of the physical dependencies of his addictions and had willfully allowed other Mesmers, much to the pain of his pride, to break the psychological ones, he was…far from fully sober. Spirits had strange effects on him in addition to being creature comforts, and some of those effects he considered boons. Plus, in this scenario, it'd dull the physical pain that yet lingered.

"Blessed be that you managed to find something," Æros remarked as he stood to approach where Khyan found the wine. Regardless of the quality of its composition, wine was wine, and the patrician was happy to help himself to it.

After a moment, it occurred to him that Khyan’s mastery over Semblance could help assuage– or confirm– his worries regarding if he’d been tainted by chaos magic. "Do you see anything anomalous beyond torn flesh with your Sembler's eye, love? I can't really…look at myself that easily out here, given the location of the wound."
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 747

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Khyan Nykara
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"I daresay less experience..." Khyan countered over his shoulder because, on top of being inexperienced he was also disinclined toward this sort of pursuit. As much as he enjoyed treasure, he preferred to purchase it or, better yet, be gifted with it. He certainly didn't go out of his way and put himself in danger in pursuit of it. But the furtive urgings of Æros' Craft were more than enough to mitigate his usual concerns for his personal safety. Besides, his life was literally of less worth than it had been at the best of times.

Khyan offered his fermented quarry to his dominus before partaking himself, but when he did it was with relish. Even with the easing of Mesmer upon his mind, his body still knew it had been tensed by the intense and sudden trauma of a life-threatening battle. That tension lingered in his muscles and even the mere taste of wine was a start toward assuaging it. After a few gulps were downed, he wiped his lips with his bare wrist and glanced to Æros' wound.

His eyes narrowed as the subtle clouding effect passed over them, turning dark brown to light grey. It was hard to focus, which is why he knew what it was all the same.

"There are traces of the Voidrillium lodged there... It hasn't gotten into your bloodstream, but it's peppering the wound." He grimaced, pondering what to do.

"I can try to get it out, but I don't know a means that wouldn't be very painful... basically digging and scraping it out of your open wound, which... Yeah, I'd prefer not to do. Can you think of any alternatives? I'll be able to tell when it's all gone, I just... Don't have a better way of cleaning it from the wound."
word count: 311
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Khyan’s suggestion that he, perhaps, had less experience than Æros in this regard made the half-Fæ laugh, though briefly. Æros himself had been just as sequestered within the city as the other, but what was likely true was that he had far more of an innate desire to do this than Khyan. He’d found this whole experience to be exhilarating and could tell that, on his own, his lover did not agree; to mitigate this slightly, he did cheat a little by spinning the other’s emotions a bit more positively through Mesmer.

Æros found himself feeling quite a bit better once the effects of the found alcohol started to make manifest; while it’s hard to outright ignore physical pain, the drink does, certainly, make doing so far easier. And though he did note the expected increase in mental alacrity as well, Khyan’s answer to his query regarding his injury would cause him to take pause when he considered what to do regarding moving forward.

Turning to face his lover, Æros opened his mouth to speak, but then, at first, said nothing, brow furrowed. “Is that so?” He almost sounded musing, surprised, in a way, though he had no reason to be. It was more that this information was concerning on several levels.

Given the nature of Voidrillium, asking Khyan to try and extract the shards would be a really bad idea for innumerable reasons. Then there was the fact that, in this scenario, the increased regenerative rate of having Fæ blood was a double edged sword. The longer they stayed out, the more his body would heal around the shards, and why carrying around Voidrillium shards in one’s flesh would be a terrible idea needs no explanation.

“Faex…” the half-blood swore under his breath. “I don’t know if, ah…I don’t think there’s anything we can, or, well, should…do out here.” He sighed, biting the inside of his lip, clearly conflicted.

“I think we should gather what we can of the Voidrillium near the cave’s mouth and then…for now, advancing would be a poor choice. The longer we’re out the harder the shards will be to pull out of me.” The ideal choice would be to leave immediately but Æros was not about to abandon what quarry they’d be able to collect.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 519

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Khyan Nykara
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"Hm..." It seemed some of Khyan's trepidation was rubbing off on Æros which, under other circumstances might have pleased or at least comforted him, but as things stood such was not the case. He pursed his lips and pondered their options as Æros seemed to resign himself to inaction. After a moment's thought, a notion did occur to him. Not anything that would solve their problem instantaneously, but one which might at least expedite their slog toward resolution.

"You're half Re'hyæan... I know you aren't, on an emotional level, close to your mother, but... Well, is your Elven side strong enough for you to commune with her as a full-blooded Child of Re'ha might?"

Unsurprisingly given the tension between them, Æros had never made mention of the Re'hæan racial trait that rose in their blood when two of their number reached the heights of apotheosis. He'd never thought to inquire before, as there'd never been a pressing reason to reach his elven mum. And there was certainly rarely anything akin to a desire to do so.

"Perhaps you can reach out for her to send help... On wyvern back, or... I don't know if a Traverser would be able to find us, unless they could Semble us out all this way..." He trailed off. He was realising in this moment how little he really knew of the other man's mother. He knew that some Re'hyæan Traverses could weave the slipstream directly to their kin via the same means they communed with them- Perhaps Æros' mum was a Traverser herself.

"I know it's neither an idea nor a probably option, but... It just occurred to me." He shrugged, cringing apologetically for even broaching the matter. It still might have been an estimable alternative to madness, mutation or whatever the voidriullium might yield if left unchecked.
word count: 321
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Khyan’s suggestion evoked immediate tension in Æros’ posture; he would almost appear to freeze in place, if only for a moment, because a moment later, his face twisted into an expression of, at first, disgust, and then anger, and then he laughed; the suggestion was, to him, patently absurd…at first.

“Oh,” he could not stop himself from laughing, though such laughter held palpable venom, “...that’s technically an option, but I’d–” what he wanted to say was that he’d sooner bleed to death in the sands, but…would he really? And who would such stubborn pettiness benefit?

Such a course of action would leave his house abruptly without a head and end his story before he could weave it into the legacy he very much wanted it to be. An astronomically stupid choice, that would be. But with matters of the heart, where is rationality?

He stuttered, “...she’d–” what he wanted to say was that she’d laugh at him, and then do nothing, saying his problems were his to solve and ultimately leave him to suffer; as such, that choice would only result in him embarrassing himself.

However, given his current status, it would take an absolutely unquantifiable amount of temerity on her end to leave him out to languish in the sands, especially if he had asked her directly for assistance. And, though he wasn’t quite aware of this, and she’d likely never admit it, despite their acrimonious relationship, she would never let him die if she could help it; he was the only thing she really had left of his father. So, in a pinch? She was, in fact, a viable option.

Looking to the sky, he closed his eyes and let his shoulders fall slack, sighing. “I have been cursed with that ability, yes. To that end, he did not sound whatsoever pleased.

“...but I usually do my level best to ignore her voice, grating as it is, and I cannot recall the last time I’ve deigned to speak to her that way.” He grit his teeth; every word tasted bitter.

There wasn’t a proper way to silence it, so to speak, but he could heavily modulate his Symphony when she tried in a way that allowed him to distract himself, or rapidly cycle out whatever emotions her words wrought– and it’d been a very long time since he’d responded. He’d considered the dead silence since he’d gained his new status as a rather beautiful blessing as well, so the idea of it being he who breaks it filled him with vitriol on top of everything else.

“...but surely, that’s not necessary right at this moment, no?” He sounded uncomfortable.

“It’s…not that urgent; it…can’t be, ah…because we aren’t…we aren’t done yet; we’ve yet to gather anything to bring back, and…and I feel fine! Æros was rambling now, trying to reach for any excuse not to do that. He sounded a touch childish.

Suppressing his own panic, he further admitted, “...she bears three runes, one of which is Traversion, though, yes.”

And there, he gave the bare minimum information, not wanting to paint the woman as the very competent spellweaver that she genuinely was. Arcane prowess was not a trait completely unique to his father’s side, either, for that matter. His entire house, like many Solunarian nobility, very deliberately bred together those who possessed marked magical talent. His mother being some few generations down of doing this repeatedly had her born with many gifts of her own.
- - -

"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 726

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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Khyan Nykara
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Æros' Aura waxed kaleidoscopic at Khyan's less than innocent suggestion. He knew it had been loaded when he gave it voice... had disclaimed it as best he could think to in the moment, but it proved to be even more loaded than he anticipated.

Khyan thought it wise to sort of let the feelings run their course without further comment. There was silence, laughter, half-completed utterances, lengthier pauses... There was denial, bargaining, and so much more before he seemed to address the practicality of it.

"We... don't know the true nature of what entered your bloodstream. Perhaps I am being overly cautious, but there could be a corruption... it might spread if left unchecked. I know you're keen to delve deeper and... Well, you know that I'm not naturally inclined toward that. While I appreciate your arcane soothing to my emotions, my pragmatic mind is telling me we should cut our losses and tend to your wound more properly. And in haste." The Vastian glanced to the mouth of the cave.

"What if..." His eyes darted back to meet those of his amatus, "What if this is how that thing became what it is? Maybe it was a person, or... people that got touched by the Void and it warped them into that abomination." He literally shuddered at the thought.

"You are the master. I'll not tell you how to proceed, nor can I overpower your will if you've a mind to do something. All I can do is offer my unsolicited advice, and that is to tend to the unknown in your body before risking the unknown in that cave." And with that Khyan shrugged, and took a long swig from the mouth of his recently discovered flagon.
word count: 296
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In short order, Æros was full well aware that his reaction was…quite a bit of a whirlwind regarding his emotions, and that this was because he refused to actually sort through them, suppression being his preference. Khyan’s temporary silence as his emotions rapidly shifted highlighted this realization, painful as such a thing was. Now was a really unfortunate time to try and face these things, though, wasn’t it?

But then when Khyan did deign to speak, the boy’s words bristled him once again. He was right, of course; having Voidrillium embedded in one’s skin as he did was not exactly the most pleasant of portents. That dragonshard was chaos by very nature, and the longer they dallied here, the greater the chance of an ill reaction occurring. And given what he knew about chaos magic, dreadmists, so forth, it certainly wasn’t out of the question that a person being heavily corrupted by the Voidrillium within the cave was the origin of the creature they’d fought.

Æros took a deep breath and crossed his arms. The gesture was done without thinking, causing him to wince at the pain the movement caused. His gaze shifted from the cave’s mouth and back onto Khyan.

“You are correct, much as I am loath to admit the depths of the danger I’ve put myself in.” Given how he sounded moments ago, his voice was strangely flat. For as emotional as he could be, he happily crutched on his magic as a stabilizer whenever he became self-aware of his own irrationality.

“We’ll pull out for now…I do intend to come back, but next time we’ll prepare better.” At first he did sound rather defeated, though his intent was quite firm.

He continued, “...and since I’d rather not morph into a hideous abomination…I’ll…ask mother to come fetch us,” he said this with ample disgust, the last part sounding as if he was mocking himself.

It had been quite some time since he’d navigated the ætheric pathway in his head that allowed him to speak to his mother remotely, but with a bit of focus, ‘I come to you not with a request but a demand; I need to return to the city right away. Given your…talents, I expect weaving through the slipspace to find me won’t be hard, will it? It won’t take but a few minutes of your time, mother dear.’

At first, silence.

On the other end, his mother wasn’t particularly busy, but hearing her son’s voice was certainly a surprise. For a moment, she thought his words were naught more than an illusion. There were…so many things she wanted to say. And though it angered her greatly he was essentially pulling rank to ask for this favor, what could she do? Denying his demands now was not really an option…and she was, admittedly, curious as to what her fool of a son had gotten himself into.

Well practiced in controlling her own emotions when necessary, her response was simple: ‘Of course– give me but only a moment to find you.’ Her words, however, were saccharine, sarcastic, and sharp.

Given that Æros was not a full blooded elf, their connection was a bit weaker than what it ought to be, though it was present enough for function. After a moment in a meditative state, she succeeded in mapping out where her boy was– apparently in the middle of the Atraxian Expanse. Baffling behavior, she thought! Without comment, however, she would Vault through the slipspace and appear before both Æros and Khyan.

The woman was a tall, pale moonborn, countenance inquisitive yet cold. The resemblance between her and Æros was immediately evident, his face being very much a masculine mirror of her more feminine features. She looked imposing; dressed in an elegant gown of exquisite craftsmanship, her appearance being further enhanced by runeforged enchantments that made the inky darkness of what fabrics wore appear to possess all the depth and dimension of the night sky. Many within Æros' house dressed celestial; his own appearance was a lucky coincidence in how well it 'fit.' She even unconsciously mirrored Æros’ stance; confident posture with arms crossed. The two of them were actually very similar people, just…the arrogance and desire for control created immense conflict as such things are wont to do…but getting either to admit their similarities? Why, the sky would fall before that.

She blinked, bewildered by her newfound surroundings for a moment. Eyeing his wound and gathering herself, she smiled placidly, though the expression was a hollow one, judgment in the depths of her eyes. “Might I suggest I provide you with a portal to a healer rather than home, hm?”
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"Vallenor Tongue/Speech"
"Vastien Tongue/Speech"
"Valasren Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 923

Say goodnight, to the weakness that you hide behind
Leaving the lies, leaving the fear inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you

Soul laid bare,
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