
From Ransera Wiki


Population ~500,000
Traits Horns, Shifting Eye Color, Aether Siphon
Homeland None.
Leader None.
Art Forthcoming...

Fast Facts

Height: Varies. See below.

Weight: Varies. See below.

Lifespan: Adult (18 years), Elder (135 years), Deathly (150 years)

Notable Features: Horns, Shifting eye color

Player Restrictions: Cannot bear Cardinal Runes of Magic.

Racial Ability- Aether Siphon- Holding true to the promise made, Akrivar bestowed upon the ancient followers of Ilixidor the power they needed to ascend to heights like never before. This gift however, came at a price. Some would say that it was worth it. Others would disagree. Whatever their stance on the issue, Lysanrin across the world all bear the gift created from the bargain that Ilixidor made with the Mistlord of Tyranny and Oaths.


“None rose so high and none have fallen as far.”

Ilixidor betrayed the Hytori. He consorted with powers so dark that the mortal world rejected him soundly. In his quest for power however, he made a bargain with the Burning King, Akrivar, the Mistlord of Tyranny and Oaths. While the nature of this bargain has been lost to the ages, likely never to be fulfilled with the destruction of Ilixidor himself, in its wake were created a people who have been both glorious and damned ever since. Such is the legacy of the Children of Ash and Ember.

In the aftermath of the Kinslayer War and in the fallout of the War between Light and Dark that ushered in the Day of Mourning, the Lysanrin found themselves adrift in a world that wanted nothing to do with them. They were the Mist-touched. The Sin Walkers. And so they drifted, migrating from their once ancestral lands of Sol’Valen to find a home that would either accept them or to build a home of their own. They wandered from place to place, seeking somewhere to call their own but none would accept them. It seemed that even the land itself turned its back upon a people who were once so gifted with the Dragon Gods blessings but who had scorned them in favor of greed, avarice and power. Among them arose three distinct factions of people, leading to a division of beliefs on what the journey of a Lysanrin should be in the world of Ransera.

The Archons

The leaders of their people, these individuals were considered the Lysanrin responsible for shaping the destiny of a forsaken race, holding them together in a world driven to break them apart. It is these Lysanrin that stand out most to those who formed the foundations of their culture, helping them to forge a path into the unknown and survive.

Aritraea the Ashborne, Archon of Mercy

Aritraea was never a strong supporter of the ways of Ilixidor. She followed him to protect her family. She wanted to believe that he truly had been seeking a way to restore the ancient glory of the Hytori elves of old. When he plunged further and further into madness, she tried to abandon him and his pursuits. She never got the chance. The family she loved and fought so hard to protect, was lost. Killed in the War between Light and Dark. She and all who pledged themselves to Ilixidor’s madness, were transformed into beings that were unrecognizable. In her grief and anger, Aritraea pleaded with the gods for mercy. She was shown a small kindness that helped shape the way forward. Keela, Goddess of Wisdom, comforted her in her hour of grief and from that encounter, Aritraea swore to make amends for the wrongs that had been committed both to her people and by them. Upon her skin she painted the ashes of those who had fallen and henceforth, she and those who followed her became known as the Ashborne. Aritraea was known to be a wise woman who taught those who followed her to act with compassion, to learn from the folly of their past and to seek redemption for the pain and suffering that had been brought into the world because of their actions.

Nikovae the Bloodborne, Archon of Wrath

Nikovae believed that Ilixidor led the way to a new life. He believed that by aligning with Shaeoth, the elves might reclaim the world that had been made for them. He believed that what they were doing was for the good of all Ransera. His beliefs were betrayed and like all the others, he was cast aside by Ilixidor’s madness. In the aftermath of the Day of Mourning, Nikovae let forth a wail of sorrow and loss. The world he had known was gone forever. The people he sought to unite under the banner of Boundless Glory were no more. So if he could not reclaim the people he had lost, he would viciously defend the people they had become. Nikovae drew the attention of none other than Yggrakas, the Mistlord of Wrath and Destruction himself. Nikovae became the fiercest warrior of the Lysanrin people, bathing himself in the blood of their enemies. So it was that he and his followers became known as the Bloodborne.

Kaitos the Stormborne, Archon of Defiance

Kaitos saw Ilixidor’s failure as an opportunity for success. Of all those who had been transformed into the Lysanrin, it was Kaitos who stared boldly into the unknown and forged ahead without fear. It was Kaitos who explored the depths of their new gift of Aether Siphon. It was Kaitos who led the way into Turoth, there on the shores of the Razorwave Ocean and there built a city that would profess the defiance that burned brightly in the souls of every newborn Lysanrin. Kaitos rejected the dominion of the gods, believing them to have forsaken mortals to cruel fates for their own selfish interests. The man stared into the eye every storm he faced and dared it to stand in his way. For this reason, he was known as the Stormborne and so too were his followers.

The Age of Conquest

The Lysanrin found their home. They made it themselves. Guided by the Archons, the Lysanrin founded a city on the shores of the Razorwave Ocean. They named it Lys and it was where they carved out a place to call their own. But it would not be long before others sought to burn Lys to the ground and visit vengeance upon the Lysanrin for wrongs real or imagined. For there could be no mistaking the origins of the Children of Ash and Ember, theirs was a dark beginning. The atrocities committed along the road to becoming who and what they were had not been forgotten in the years that followed their sojourn. But the Lysanrin were far from numerous and their enemies were many. To that end, they turned to the genius of Kaitos who began exploring the depths of their newfound gift. It was Kaitos who discovered their racial inability to use the power of Rune Magic and it was the same who paved the way for others to witness the power of the Siphon gift they had been granted in turn.

The Lysanrin faced many trials and enemies but managed to overcome them and were stronger for it. Kaitos quickly established himself as the most formidable of the three Archons. He took up traveled to the lands of Auris and there, he learned from the Siltori in the ways of World Magic where he quickly took to the school of Artificing. The subject of automata fascinated him to no end and the abilities of the Lysanrin could be employed in the creation of such machines in unique ways. He returned to Lys and once there, took the helm of leadership once more. He shared what he had learned with his counterparts. Aritraea took to the arts of Necromancy. Nikovae took to the arts of Runeforging, both of them using their accomplishments as formidable mages who once followed Ilixidor to adapt to the ways of their new World Magic schools. Kaitos, meanwhile, began pushing the boundaries of everything he learned in the field of Artificing.

Though they faced many obstacles, the Lysanrin managed to survive them. Between constantly having to defend their home from siege and push back those who wanted to destroy them, this forced the Lysanrin to either conquer or be conquered.

They chose the former.

To assist them in their march across the realms, Kaitos, Aritraea and Nikovae combined their efforts to manufacture mechanical soldiers capable of defending their people. And so began the conquest of Turoth. With every defeat, the Lysanrin returned and claimed victory, expanding their reach and increasing the power and ingenuity of their mechanical soldiers. They forced those they conquered to build roads, working to harvest more minerals and resources that enabled them to create more automata in their expanding kingdom.

Soon, the mechanical soldiers were joined with other revolutionary forms of artificed engineering. In but a single generation, the Lysanrin went from a people fighting for their survival, to conquerors. Kingdoms toppled before both their soldiers and their machines until they stood before the gates of Sol’Valen and once again were faced with the conflicts of old. Sol’Valen fell and the Court of Princes swore fealty to the burgeoning Kingdom of Lys, or what had come to be known as the Clockwork Empire.

While the Kingdom of Lys managed to unify the region of Turoth and extended even into the region of eastern Ailizane, they never managed to conquer the entirety of the mainland Ranseran continent.

The Age of Clockwork

Lys became the center of civilization in Ransera. It was a golden age for the Lysanrin. They had gone from a forsaken people, scorned for their involvement with Ilixidor and Shaeoth’s madness, to the rulers of the known world. But therein lay their troubles. It was not long into the Age of Clockwork that a schism began to form. By this era, only Kaitos remained of the original three Archons that had led the Lysanrin into the forefront of the ages. Aritraea, seeing the path that Kaitos was on, warned against his ambitions and in so departed the Kingdom of Lys with those most loyal to her. Nikovae, had long ago fallen in battle and had been entombed along with some of his greatest runeforged artifacts.

Many would say that Kaitos became just as mad and deranged as the man he swore was a failure. Kaitos surpassed the master he once followed in ways that perhaps not even he ever would have dreamed of. But as he grew ever and ever closer to the limits of what he was capable of, he became increasingly frustrated with the boundaries placed upon him as a mortal. He grew to resent the transformation he had suffered at the hands of Akrivar, a choice that was forced upon him. He grew to resent the other gods, whether Dragon God or Mistlord. So he explored more and more ways to destroy the barriers put in place to limit him. As his quest for power grew so too did he push the limits of the Clockwork Empire.

Until eventually he was provided the key to every ambition he had formulated; a Heartstone. Believed to be a raw fragment of the Aetherium itself, it was the catalyst that set in motion the end of an era and what would come to define the Lysanrin people in the generations that followed.

Kaitos declared war on the world. He declared war on the gods.

He built the Godspire.

And in what some call an act of arrogance or perhaps an act of desperation, he unleashed the Sundering of the World.

Age of Sundering

The Golden Age of the Lysanrin was over. Daegos Kaitel, capital of the Clockwork Empire, was decimated. The ancient city of Lys, was lost to the tides. Centuries of civilization was erased in moments. Scores of Lysanrin died in the fallout as raw aether flooded their bodies, transforming men, women, and children into hideous monsters or killing them outright. The world entered a dark age and at every turn, those Lysanrin that survived, were persecuted. Blamed for the destruction of the Old World, Lysanrin became the outlet of fears, worries, and rage across the world. They were hunted. They were slaughtered. They were enslaved. The population of Lysanrin became the target of so much fury that they had nowhere to turn. It would be generations before that fury dimmed to simply shunning them from most of civilization until many were forced to abandon any hope that they could survive.

Then came the Dawnmartyrs. As the Age of Sundering marched onward, the Order of the Dawnmartyr began to make a name for itself. As time passed, some Lysanrin were drawn to the Order in the hopes that they could find a path toward redemption. Given their unique circumstance of being unable to bear a rune of magic, these aspirants were approached differently than other members of the Order. Those that managed to prove themselves and join, became warriors just as fiercely skilled and capable as other members of their Order. It was through their actions and association with the Dawnmartyrs that the Lysanrin managed to stave off complete extinction and show the world that they were not a race doomed to wickedness. While not forgiven, through these displays of heroism and selflessness, the Lysanrin went from openly persecuted in nearly all corners of the world, to being tolerated in most.

But just as there were those who donned the armor of the Dawnmartyrs, there were those who entered the fold of the Cult of Mending, whether willingly or by force. Thus, the dichotomy of accepting that the Lysanrin can be an individual people while also remaining skeptical of them, remains to this day.

Age of Steel

Following the War of Souls and the defeat of the Graveplague unleashed by the Cult of Mending, many Lysanrin that were left migrated to different parts of the world. It became increasingly difficult for them to congregate in any one community without drawing scrutiny. In the present day, the Lysanrin are a people with no banner and no single home to call their own. They wander or strike up a life for themselves where they can. Some places are more tolerant of them than others. Some do not suffer a Lysanrin to live. It is a dangerous life that the Lysanrin lead, for they carry with them the legacy of a people who were hated, envied and then hated again.


Lysanrin carry with them the distinct trace of their once glorious elven heritage. A touch of elven majesty still brushes upon their features but any true resemblance to elves has long since faded. All Lysanrin are born with horns that progressively grow as they mature. The shape and size of these horns varies with the individual but most families tend to share similar horn types. Lysanrin are divided into three subgroups. All Lysanrin experience the phenomenon of their eye color shifting with their moods.


The Ashborne Lysanrin have skin tones that are typically either a pale white, grey or dark ebony black. Hair is usually a midnight black, grey or white. Eye colors for Ashborne are typically very light blue in their neutral state. This can go from light blue to bone white to dark indigo to a near black depending on their mood. Ashborne tend to be leaner with more slender builds. Of the Lysanrin, they are considered the most aethereal and other. This had led to the practice of many young Ashborne Lysanrin being abducted and forced into slavery for their exotic appeal. They have heights that are comparable to Humans with most rarely exceeding 6’2.


The Bloodborne Lysanrin have rich red to even wine colored skin tones and are by far the most populous of the Lysanrin that remain in the world. Some attribute this to their more robust builds and having a knack for taking up more martial tasks in life. Their striking skin and more infernal appearance immediately makes them stand out in a crowd, often forcing young Bloodborne Lysanrin to adopt a survival of the fittest mentality early in life. Hair color for Bloodborne ranges from black, red, auburn, to richer shades of brown. Their eyes are often red, amber or brown in color, growing darker or lighter depending on their moods. Bloodborne are the most physically imposing of the Lysanrin and while sharing heights that are comparable to humans, with the tallest seldom going over 6’4, they tend to have more muscular builds.


The rarest of the Lysanrin, they have been hunted viciously because of their close association to Kaitos Diraegon, the one whose image they reflect. With skin that can range from pale alabaster to varying shades of blue, the Stormborne possess a look that makes them as aethereal as their Ashborne cousins while also possessing some of the sturdiness of the Bloodborne. Hair color for the Stormborne ranges from dark black, to blue, or even white. Eyes for Stormborne tend to be a light grey in their neutral state, this can then darken to black or even go completely white depending on their mood. Their height tends to be comparable to most average humans. They are not as slender as the Ashborne but nor do they tend to be as robust as the Bloodborne.

Aether Siphon Racial Ability

Functionally, Aether Siphon acts similar to an inherent form of Personal Magic that all Lysanrin are born with. Their desire to pursue mastery over this inborn power is dependent upon the individual. It is a journey that each Lysanrin makes personally. Some eschew it. Some embrace it. Genetically, half-blood Lysanrin will be born with the Aether Siphon ability and thus are also incapable of bearing a Rune of Magic. As the blood of the Lysanrin dilutes, the likelihood that this ability will be passed on lessens until it does not manifest at all.

Lysanrin characters may add the “Aether Siphon” skill to their skill roster. They may elect to put experience points into this ability or decline from doing so at start. Following creation, a Lysanrin must specifically request XP for the Aether Siphon skill when making review requests. Regardless, the natural ability to enact this power exists within them if they ever choose to utilize it. The use of any power above Novice assumes that the Lysanrin has absorbed enough raw aether to enact that power. Attempting to use these powers without first absorbing aether from an external source draws from the Lysanrin’s own vitality, their Lifeforce. This will have an adverse effect on the Lysanrin’s health, starting first with muscle cramps, aches, tremors, and progressively getting worse until they succumb to fevers and other manifestations of sickness up to and including organ failure and death. Sources of raw aether are any form of magical manifestation or font of magical power (i.e. a dragonshard, the spell of a mage, an artifact).

Aether Siphon must be used to draw from an active source of raw aetheric energy. A Lysanrin cannot simply walk up to a mage who is not manifesting their aether and suddenly drain them to the dregs. When that mage begins channeling aether to enact their magic however, the Lysanrin can then step in to use Aether Siphon.

Aether Poisoning

The aether that the Lysanrin is storing is not naturally their own. As a result, housing aether in their bodies in this manner will eventually take a toll on their bodies. Lysanrin who both store and use the abilities of Aether Siphoning must eventually rest or fall ill. Illness presents as flu-like symptoms at first. The worse it gets, the worse the symptoms gets until one is afflicted with terrible fevers, debilitating pain, and even organ failure. The general rule of thumb is that for every hour that a Lysanrin stores aether in their bodies, they should take two hours of rest. The same general rule applies on a lesser scale, use for two minutes, take four minutes of rest. Provided the Lysanrin monitors their use and their reserves, they can recover in due time. Lysanrin who utilize the power of Sustain can extend this period but eventually it will take its toll.

Spell Effect

For the purposes of the Aether Siphon ability, a Spell Effect is a manifestation of magic directed at a Lysanrin that is designed to impose that ability upon them. For example, a Mesmer intruding upon a Lysanrin’s mind is considered a Spell Effect. A Reaver using their Pact Weapon against them in close quarters combat, is not considered a Spell Effect. The Reaver is channeling their aether into sustaining the manifestation of their weapon, not to directly impose an effect on the Lysanrin. However, enacting a Varnished ability against a Lysanrin would be considered a Spell Effect that they could then Siphon.

Powers and Abilities

Aether Sense- Acquired at Novice. Lysanrin are naturally able to view the structure of magic that they come into contact with. That does not mean they are naturally able to understand what they behold, but they are capable of seeing the aethereal unaided. Unlike Semblance, the aetheric vision granted to Lysanrin is mechanical in nature only. They can see how the aether flows or perhaps observe how a mage manipulates it, that does not impart to them the knowledge of what they are seeing or how to do it intrinsically. They would require a frame of reference or formal teaching in order to draw comparisons.

Siphon- Acquired at Novice. Lysanrin can absorb the aether of any raw magical substance they come into contact with. This includes the spells of mages directed at them. They are capable of taking it into their bodies at will. Their ability to do so safely is determined by the level of mastery at which they function with the Aether Siphon ability as a whole. The Lysanrin must be in physical contact with that which they are attempting to siphon. Lysanrin are able to store this energy for a period of time before needing to discharge it or else face consequences.

Discharge- Acquired at Novice. Lysanrin can expel the aether that they have absorbed into raw magical energy. This energy is explosive and destructive in nature with electrical properties that can shock those who come into contact with it.

Sustain- Acquired at Apprentice. Lysanrin can use some of the magical power they absorb and funnel it into metabolized energy. This can enable them to go periods without food, water, and even rest. This is not a permanent substitute for actual food, water and rest but it can lengthen the periods of time between the need for those things.

Catalyze- Acquired at Apprentice. At will, a Lysanrin can add the aether that they have absorbed into the weave of a magical activity that they can encounter. Normally, a mage must bear a Cardinal Rune of Magic in order to perform this feat and typically, it must be of the same rune they are attempting to join. Lysanrin do not face this limitation. Those that do must be cautious, for once they have finished burning through the magical aether they have absorbed, they will begin burning their own stores of natural vitality.

Rebound- Acquired at Journeyman. Lysanrin can take into themselves a magical effect directed at them. Normally, they are only then able to discharge the absorbed aether as raw magical energy. Lysanrin skilled in the use of their siphoning powers can instead reflect the exact same form of energy that had been directed at them. This must be done immediately after absorbing it and once discharged, cannot be repeated unless they perform another Rebound of another spell that has been directed at them. For example, a Lysanrin who absorbs the fireball of an Elementalist can then manifest a fireball of the exact same magnitude back at the caster. Once released, they can only manifest another fireball if they absorb one first.

Fortify- Acquired at Journeyman. Lysanrin can manifest the aether that they have absorbed into a barrier that protects them from harm. The barrier cannot be specifically tasked like the wards of a Negation mage but it can provide defense against physical blows or magical assault for a short duration. The shield must be actively sustained by the Lysanrin. Once that sustainment stops, the barrier dissipates after a few moments. The barrier can be projected and molded to take different shapes.

Transmute- Acquired at Journeyman. Instead of releasing random discharges of raw magical energy, the Lysanrin can now control the flow of the aether that they release. Instead of random bursts, they can now consciously control how these manifestations of raw aether take shape. This can be as bolts, a steady stream of raw aetheric power meant to blast an opponent, or even crystallized aetherite that they then hurl at enemies or save up to serve as batteries for later use. The form is dependent upon the intent of the Lysanrin.

Disjunction- Acquired at Expert. Lysanrin who come into contact with a magical force can, instead of absorbing the raw magical energy, disrupt what they come into contact with. They must expend aether that they have absorbed or draw from their own vitality in order to perform this ability. Furthermore, the Lysanrin must come into direct physical contact with the source of that which they are disrupting and must maintain that contact in order to continue said disruption. It should be noted that disrupting something is not the same as negating or nullifying something. Lysanrin should be cautious as disrupting the natural flow of a magical force can sometimes cause more harm than what that force alone was capable of.

Dreadstorm- Acquired at Master. This singular ability is both a reason why Lysanrin are feared and why they are hunted. A master of the Aether Siphon gift has the power to summon the Dread Mists. This terrifying ability grows proportionate to the length of time the summoning is sustained. While calling forth Category One mists is easy, Category Two is taxing and a Lysanrin attempting to summon Category Three is surely inviting doom upon themselves and those around them.

Tiers of Mastery

Novice (1-24)

Few Lysanrin ever venture beyond being mere dabblers in the power that flows through their veins. Entire armies have dedicated themselves to wiping out the Lysanrin as a people. The Children of Ash have spent centuries distancing themselves from the stigma that their people carry, there are not many who wish to venture away from that careful facade or perception. For those who only dabble in the use of Aether Siphon, they can safely absorb the raw aether of magical sources that are minor in scope. This includes Lesser and Minor dragonshards and the spell effects of a Novice level mage. At most, a Lysanrin at this level of mastery can safely store the equivalent of perhaps 3-4 Lesser or Minor dragonshards and 3 spell effects directed at them by a Novice mage. They can retain this absorbed aether for up to 24 hours before needing to discharge it or suffer adverse effects.

Apprentice (25-49)

Stepping away from the majority of their people, the Lysanrin who has adopted to hone the power and gifts given to them by the Burning King become both a figure of intrigue and a target for those wishing to snuff out a Lysanrin threat. The Lysanrin gain the ability to Sustain themselves with nothing but raw aether, metabolizing it to benefit from the same nutritional effects as one would get from having a meal. This is not a permanent sustainment however, a Lysanrin at this level can only stave off the need for actual rest and nutrition for a total of 48 hours before their bodies begin to succumb to aether poisoning. The Lysanrin gains the ability to Catalyze the aether that they have stored. This extraordinary ability makes a group of Lysanrin particularly dangerous but it also makes them favorites as slaves on magical black markets. Lysanrin at this level can comfortably store the equivalent of a combination of 8 Lesser or Minor dragonshards, 4 Average dragonshards, up to 6 spell effects from a Novice mage or up to 3 spell effects from an Apprentice mage. Lysanrin at this tier can comfortably store these energies for up to 72 hours before suffering ill effects.

Journeyman (50-74)

Rare is the Lysanrin that makes it to this tier of mastery in the power that dwells inside of them. Even rarer is the Lysanrin that is allowed to live to this stage in their lives. The amount of fear that follows a Lysanrin who displays abilities of this tier is enough to make them a pariah, if not the target of very concentrated efforts to kill or contain them. These Lysanrin, in choosing to embrace their power, have chosen to live rather solitary lives as even their own kind move to shun them. At this tier, the Lysanrin has unlocked truly incredible abilities as they are able to Fortify themselves, building shields from raw aether. While not as versatile or powerful as that of a Negation mage’s wards, they can mean the difference between life and death for a Lysanrin on the run. Additionally, they have gained the power to Rebound spell effects sent their way back at their caster or in another direction if they so choose, provided the spell effect is not more powerful than them. Finally, the Lysanrin gains the ability to Transmute the aether that they have absorbed. They are capable of using Sustain to extend themselves for up to 72 hours. Lysanrin at this tier can comfortably absorb the energy from a combination of 15 Lesser or Minor dragonshards, 8 Average dragonshards, up to 7 spell effects from a Novice mage, 5 spell effects from an Apprentice mage or 2 spell effects from a Journeyman mage. They can store these energies for up to 7 days before they begin to take a toll on their bodies.

Expert (75-99)

If they have managed to survive long enough to make it to this tier, a Lysanrin of this caliber is the terror of any mage they come across. Capable of enacting the power of Disjunction, they can single-handedly disrupt the power of any magic they come across, provided it is not more powerful than they are. Even then, they are still capable of disrupting some of that power’s flow before being overwhelmed. They are able to use Sustain to extend themselves for up to 7 days. Lysanrin at this tier can comfortably absorb the energy from a combination of 20 Lesser or Minor dragonshards, 12 Average dragonshards, 1 Greater dragonshard, up to 10 spell effects from a Novice mage, 8 spell effects from an Apprentice mage, 4 spell effects from a Journeyman mage or 1 spell effect from an Expert mage. They can store these energies for up to 14 days before they begin to take a toll on their bodies.

Master (100)

A Lysanrin of this caliber is either a bane to their people or could potentially be a messiah that can lead them to untold height like in days of old. There is a strong likelihood that a Lysanrin who has managed to reach this tier of power has drawn unwanted attention. There will undoubtedly be mages, hunters, and perhaps even other powers that will go out of their way to find a Lysanrin of this tier and either enslave, kill or contain them. It is a difficult life that a Lysanrin of this nature has chosen, one that will either take them to incredible places or a terrible end. At this tier, the Lysanrin can unleash the single most terrifying power that any Lysanrin can wield, and the reason their people are shunned in most places; the Mists. A master of Aether Siphon can unleash the energy that they have absorbed and in so doing, summon the Dread Mists. A Lysanrin at this tier can absorb the energy from any combination of up to 30 Lesser or Minor dragonshards, 16 Average dragonshards, 2 Greater dragonshards or 1 Superior dragonshard. They can absorb a combination of up to 12 spell effects from a Novice mage, 10 spell effects from an Apprentice mage, 8 spell effects from a Journeyman mage, 3 spell effects from an Expert mage or 2 spell effects from a Master mage. They can Sustain themselves for up to 14 days before they require actual food, water and rest, provided they have enough aether absorbed to last that long. They can comfortably store raw magical energy for up to 30 days before it takes a toll upon their bodies.


Lysanrin are immensely diverse in their mentality but the underlying theme is that they tend to be outsiders. It is rare for a Lysanrin to ever feel as though they truly fit into a community that is not of their own people. Such significant groupings of Lysanrin are uncommon due to the propensity for them to draw heavy scrutiny given the history associated with them. To be a Lysanrin is to be Other. This often fosters in them a strong sense of independence and an aversion to being tied to all but those whom they would trust with their lives, which number in painfully miniscule amounts in most cases.


Once, the Kingdom of Lys was the envy of all the world. The Clockwork Empire commanded the respect of all the world’s nations, forged the way for an era of golden expansion, exploration and scientific marvels. Once, the Lysanrin had a culture and home they could truly call their own. It had been hard won but it was theirs.

No more.

Gone are the shining cities of science and magic. Gone are the legions of clockwork soldiers that once obeyed their commands. Lysanrin are no longer the envy of the world and in truth, the vast majority of the culture they cultivated in ancient Lys has been lost to history. This is in part due to the utter annihilation of their cultural epicenters and also due to the very real genocide they faced in the aftermath of the Sundering. Crusades have been launched with the expressed purpose of exterminating Lysanrin history and culture. While such things are not openly performed in the present era, during the Age of Sundering, this was rampant and it was successful.

The Lysanrin in the current era are a people with no identity. They live in very small communities in those places that will tolerate their presence or as wanderers. The one hope they had of perhaps reclaiming some of who they were, with many flocking to the Order of the Dawnmartyr in the hopes of escaping persecution, was destroyed along with the Citadel of Light. Some wonder if this is the reason the Citadel was besieged by the Imperium. It remains mere speculation but there were those who were quick to point to it as a reason to blame Lysanrin, yet again, for a terrible tragedy that befell the world.


Most Lysanrin are not particularly religious. Most believe that the gods have forsaken them. Others turn to faith as their only means of living. The shelter offered by a Temple of either a Dragon God or the shrine of a Mistlord may yet be their only means of avoiding an otherwise hard life. It is not uncommon for Lysanrin to take up lives of isolation either in an abbey or far flung temples, away from centers of civilization in order to live quietly and with some semblance of peace. Those who eschew the gods, tend to be believers in themselves and in some cases are followers of some of the ideals of New Atheism.

Reproduction, Aging, Death

Love is rare for a Lysanrin. Especially outside of their race. When they find it, if they find it, most Lysanrin guard it with a ferocity that might give even a dragon pause for thought. Lysanrin tend to fall in one of two directions. This depends largely on how they are raised. For those Lysanrin who believe love and emotional bonds to be a burden but who happen to give rise to children, sometimes they raise them just enough to keep them alive, other times those children are left to fend for themselves. Those Lysanrin who make the commitment to form a family, tend to be exceptionally devoted parents who watch over and guard their loved ones with all they are and have. As such, the subject of reproduction, their approach to aging and how they view death is dependent upon the individual one is dealing with.


Once, the Lysanrin shared a language. It was said to be something dark but beautiful to hear. Through careful eradication, there are exceptionally few Lysanrin who still speak it and in most instances, it is spoken with only fragments of understanding leading to a bastardization of the language as a whole. This language was known as Akiroth, named in honor of the Mistlord responsible for the creation of their race. In ancient Lys, and indeed in the inner regions of the Clockwork Empire, Akiroth was considered the language of the nobility. In the present era, perhaps only a handful of scholars in the world can speak it with any semblance of fluency and even fewer can read or write it.

In the current era, nearly all Lysanrin either speak Common or the language endemic to the area.