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Godmarks. Divine Brands. Gnosis. Their names are many and they have been recognized throughout history as being a symbol of powers both beautiful and terrifying. Whatever their origins, the instruments of divine power for Demigods are known as Emblems. In some regards, an Emblem functions much like that of a Rune of Magic, the distinction being that the powers of an Emblem are not something that the individual learns. Rather, the abilities of an Emblem are granted to the individual based upon their favor with the demigod who granted it to them. The individual is granted the power and the knowledge of how to use it directly from the demigod from whom the gift extends.

Emblems are the exclusive tools of demigods and are not utilized by higher powers. This is due to the fact that demigods are more closely tied to the active worship and reverence from their followers than are higher deities. As a result, it behooves demigods to provide avenues through which their faithful can demonstrate that faith and as a result, spread it to others. Emblems are in many ways a pact made between the demigod and the follower who has demonstrated true faith. The mere act of using an Emblem is an act that requires true faith and believe in the demigod responsible for it. This in turn sees a growth in the demigod’s power and influence by virtue of this demonstration.

Why Demigods Matter

The higher gods of Ransera are forbidden from interfering directly in the conflicts of mortals. Eikaen, King of the Gods both Dragon and Mistlord, has barred such involvement following terrible events in Ransera’s far flung past. In the current era, a deity must have a vested interest in the events playing out in the mortal realm in order to intercede, meaning an aspect of their Divine Portfolio must be at play. This bars higher deities from acting on a whim outside their designated sphere of influence. Demigods, however, face no such restriction. As beings that are partly mortal and party divine, they walk the line between the two. As a result, demigods that have awoken to their divinity are often approached by higher deities in an effort to sway the fledgling divines toward their causes. This in turn serves the higher gods well as those who follow the demigod can in turn be persuaded to serve their own interests as well. Given this unique position, demigods have often served as prominent figures in the pantheons spread across Ransera acting as a bridge between mortals and higher powers.

When it comes to the daily lives of mortals, it is not uncommon for demigods to be revered as figures more readily approachable to the people of Ransera. Were it not for the involvement of Nazam, mnemonosyte dragonshards would never have manifested and thus a whole method of chronicling history and information would have been lost to the world. If not for Avenna, commerce and trade would not have become such an easy possibility between the many regions of Ransera. If not for Galetira, the gifts of Foresight would not exist and thus the many events of the world, great and terrible would not have been prophesied. Without the intervention of Raxen, the Orkhan might have perished in the great wilds of their imposing continent. If not for the presence of Ioniri and her gift of Mendicus, great and terrible plagues would have ravaged the world in the aftermath of the Sundering.

Demigods have immense impact on the world around them both through sheer proximity and through the use of their Emblems which are gifted to followers. As a result, there is a vested interest by the higher powers of Ransera to either ensure the success of a demigod or to engineer their downfall as they present an obstacle for others divine agendas.

Emblems, At a Glance

It takes more than mere acknowledgement of a demigod to earn one of their Emblems. True faith and devotion is what is required for a demigod to grant an individual the gift of their Emblem. For it is only through true heartfelt devotion that the powers of an Emblem can manifest. The individual must believe that the gifts of their demigod are possible in order for them to work properly, a lack of faith will mean that the power itself will be lacking.

  • Emblems are permanent. Only the demigod who granted it may remove it.
  • The demigod must physically touch the individual to receive the Emblem in order to mark that follower as their own.
  • If the demigod perishes, all those bearing their Emblem lose the gifts linked to them.
  • The marked follower will always have a sense of their demigod’s presence and will always know when they are near. Conversely, a demigod is always capable of locating one of their marked followers, no matter their location in the world.
  • Through the Emblem, the follower will always be able to glean a sense of their demigod’s pleasure or displeasure at a particular act related to their sphere of influence.
  • Individuals bearing the Emblem of the same demigod will instantly be able to recognize one another regardless of whether or not the Emblem is visible.

Emblem Tiers, What They Represent

To gain an Emblem is to gain the favor and attention of a demigod, who while being a lesser divine power, is no less a god in their own right. The gaining of an Emblem, of the loss of one, is a signifier of the relationship between the demigod and their follower and the depth to which the individual understands both their faith and its relationship to them.

Acolyte- Upon receiving the first Emblem, the individual has essentially gained the demigod’s attention. They have displayed themselves to be in possession of some unique quality that sets them apart from the everyday person. The individual shows promise and potential in being able to enact the aspects of the demigod’s divine portfolio in the world. These individuals are not necessarily avid and devout followers of that demigod but they have the potential to become one.

Avowed- A more personal relationship between the demigod and their follower exists at this stage. It is very likely that the demigod has interacted with them on more than one occasion. The two have an understanding of one another that stems from a clear level of trust, respect and in some cases even admiration of their ideals. Generally speaking, receiving a second Emblem from a demigod means that the individual can be assured that the deific power genuinely wants to see them successful in their life’s ambitions, whatever those might be.

Champion- The individual has, for all intents and purposes, become a cleric of the demigod. They have a deep understanding of the demigod’s code of ethics or the lack thereof. They are considered an extension of the demigod’s will and influence and may at times be approached by the demigod to carry out certain missions or agendas that serve their interests. The demigod will, in most instances, act to protect their Champions and it is not uncommon for followers of this tier to have received a gift or two that is more personalized from their chosen demigod.

Herald- Demigods only have one Herald at any given time. This individual is, for lack of a better term, their High Priest or Priestess. They are the highest mortal authority empowered to act in their divine interests. They have a deeply personal relationship with their demigod and in most instances are a living embodiment of their ideals. When a Herald speaks, they speak on behalf of their demigod and do so with the full knowledge that their patron will come to their aide at a moment’s notice if they are able.

Emblem List

Eminence- Gifted by Arcas. The power to be transformed into a paladin of true Justice and Light with the ability to inspire Hope in others. Bearers of the Emblem of Eminence are fierce warriors devoted to causes of Good, Justice and Benevolence. They are rare and few in number due to the strict standards expected of them but woe unto any committed to the causes of evil upon meeting a bearer of this mark. It was lost following the death of Arcas at the hands of Shaeoth but has returned to the world following his rebirth.

Affluency- Gifted by Avenna. Offering insight into the economy of a given area, the gift of Affluency is carried primarily by merchants, business owners and entrepreneurs. Affluency enables an individual to have an uncanny ability to know the economic needs and trends of a particular area. This allows them to make just the right deal, negotiate a key facet of trade or perhaps even discover a new route for commerce entirely.

Defiance - Gifted by Florian. Offering the power to break free from bonds and to bring about upheaval and rebellion in the world around them toward whatever cause drives them, the Marked of Florian bring about radical change wherever they go. For better or worse.

Mendicus- Gifted by Ioniri. One of the most coveted and universally beloved Emblems across Ransera. The gift of Mendicus is the gift of Divine Healing. Marked of Ioniri are capable of miraculous feats of healing through pure faith alone.

Majesty- Gifted by Aværys. Through cunning and grandiose deception as well as the fundamental belief in one's right to rule with absolute power, the gifted gain abilities that make them an unparalleled leader whose will can scarcely be denied.

Supremacy- Gifted by Varvara. Mortals are made to be bent before the will of their betters. The gifted of the Domina are empowered to make slaves of those they come across, that the world be reshaped in the image of grandeur according to their mistress.

Foresight- Gifted by Galetira. The power to see the Past, Present and even the Future. The Emblem of Foresight is a rare but powerful gift. Since its beginning, bearers of Foresight have been oracles consulted in the hopes of guiding others toward prosperity or ruination.

Obtenebration- Gifted by Shaeoth. The power to manipulate shadows, use them as a vector for travel and the ability to instill and know the fears of others. This devastating Emblem was the source of much suffering during the height of the Age of Wonders. It has disappeared following Shaeoth’s death in the aftermath of the slaying of Arcas...or so it is said. See Nyx.

Empathy- Gifted by Syren. The ability to know exactly what is needed in a given situation based on the individual being conversed with. Bearers of Empathy are compelled to fulfil the needs of others and with a touch, can excite the passions of those around them. They gain immediate mastery of a given instrument and are capable of weaving emotions so purely into word or song that it can move others beyond anything ordinary bards could hope for.

Happenstance- Gifted by Vhexur. Life is a game, so why not take advantage of it? The power of Risk and Reward and the ability to tip the scales in one’s favor by inviting chaos into the mix. Users be warned, every use is a gamble that is as likely to help as much as it could hinder a given situation.

Arbitration- Gifted by Raxen. It is impossible to lie to a bearer of the Emblem of Raxen, the demigod of Swords, Truth and Courage. A bearer of this mark will always know when they are being knowingly told a lie. Additionally, Arbitration imbues the user with a considerable edge in swordplay as well as instilling them with the ability to inspire courage in others.