Race List

From Ransera Wiki
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Here is compiled a list of the playable races available to registered users in Ransera.


 Avialae: A race of winged warriors brought into the world through war and determined to find their rightful place in it.


 Awoken: A race of constructs given life by the primordial forces unleashed by the Sundering of the world.


 Dratori: A race of elves with a bloody history. They pride themselves on inner balance and pursuits that lead toward a chosen enlightenment. They are noted for their passionate nature and disciplined focus.


 Druskai: A nautical race born of the will of a wrathful God. Divided and set adrift, tied to two uneven corners of the world and eternally at war, the Druskai are the terror of the world's seas.
Fae'ethalan: A displaced people who have grown to make Ransera their home. They are touched by the power of the Everwilds, a realm of unrestrained wilderness and majesty. While the roads back to their home realm have long since closed, they remain a reflection of that wild place.


 Human: The dominant race of Ransera. Humanity is responsible for shaping much of the world's recent and some of its ancient history. For better or worse, the world would not be the place it is today without them.


 Hytori: The First People of Ransera carry the burden of being both its most ancient culture and its proudest. A people marked by the triumphs and failures of their long and storied history, the high elves of Sol'Valen are an unyielding people that believe wholeheartedly that their destiny is their own.

 Goblinoid: A race that should not have been, born of slavery yet tenacious enough to win their freedom. Goblinoids and their various tribes and clans can be found throughout Ransera. As a race they are cunning and adaptive, yet the way they tread the line between the civilized world and monsters makes some in Ransera question whether or not they should exist. 
 Lysanrin: Many are the tragedies that have been faced by the Children of Ash and Ember. Few are the races that have risen to such heights. None have fallen so far. To live as a Lysanrin is to roll the dice and gamble with life itself. Survive and be hunted or succumb to the fear and hatred that follow Lysanrin wherever they go.
 Moratallen: The half-giants of Ransera are a people who have faced much in their history. From sacrificing their place as lords of the elemental chaos to being scattered across the lands, the Moratallen are a storied people as old as the bones of the earth itself.
 Orkhan: The proud and noble Orks, called the Dragonkin, are a people devoted to traditions based upon honor as well as survival. The undisputed masters of the lands of Ecith, their way of life has fostered a people with a resilient spirit and an unwavering commitment to overcoming any obstacle.


 Rathari: The beastfolk of Ransera live a life between finding a balance with their inner beast or casting off the bonds of civilization and embracing the wilds. 


 Siltori: A people who are often misunderstood because of their close association with the eldritch Mistlords. Despite adversity, they are proud, independent and have an unshakable belief in their own destinies. To be a Silver Elf is to either rise to the occasion or to be cast upon the rocks of failure.