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Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


Full Name: Norani Windwalker / Flametender / Waterweaver / Lightning Rider / Pebble
Race: Orkhan
Sex: Female
Height: 6'6
Weight: whatever is appropriate for a bulky ork at 6'6

Birthdate: Searing 9, 102
Birthplace: Ounokt Nora

Profession: Huntress
Housing: Hut in the Expedition in South Ecith
Partners: Best friend and travel companion, Yeva Bleu

Titles: Sky Dragoon Recruit Norani, Cerulean Squad, Ruby Platoon, Ci'uvan Company, Drought Battalion, Orchid Brigade, Air Corps of the Shield 3rd Army of Central Ecith
Factions: Strength Track of Ecith

Fluencies: Ecitharese, Common
Conversationals: Acherani (1 season + 10 Lores)
Ineptitudes: None


Norani stands on the average end of height for Ecithian Ork women, strong in body as all Ecithians are. Her skin is a mix of the color of "moss on the loamy eastern side of lake Nora" and is her namesake. She wears the hides and fur of the animals native to Ecith, and has begun her Vo'uveh.

On her back, are two Runes of Magic; Animus and Summoning. The Rune of Summoning is in the center, a great tree that grows from lower back, branching out across her shoulder blades. Each of her bonded summons appears in the branches in some fashion. Her animus rune fills in the space around the trunk of the tree, the creatures she's bonded with roaming about the grassy plain. On her front, her Rune of Elementalism is a swirling of the four elements, splashing across her chest, and plunging down between her breasts, disappearing around her waistline. Over her heart, she has a vibrant and moving tattoo of a lotus in fiery colors, given to her by a Seer as a bond with her best friend, Yeva Bleu. Finally she has the beginning of swirls of Ecithian tattoo script spiraling down her left arm, her Ecithian Citizenship markings.


Norani is young, bold, and adventurous. She's very outspoken and curious, and cannot by any means sit still. She's deeply passionate in all aspects of her life, and headstrong in her youthful beliefs. She enjoys pushing herself, and others, to be her best self and find all of the enjoyment in life.

However, after she discovered her family's deception in Searing, 122, Norani has become a lot more withdrawn, prone to emotional extremes and outbursts. She struggles to connect socially, is distrusting both of herself and others.


Norani was raised in the village of Ounokt Nora on Lake Nora in the southern edges of North Ecith. Her village is roughly two-hundred strong, and all of them helped to raise her, as they do for all of their children. She was taught the history of both her village and of Ecith, was taught the religions of the land and she, like most from her village, follows the Old Ways, honoring the Land, Sky, and Seas. She acknowledges the presence of the Dragon Era as well as the Triumvirate in her beliefs as well, but they do not take precedence over the Old Ways.

She lived a happy and healthy childhood, playing games that would teach her important skills for survival, allowed to explore in the creation of art, and otherwise allowed to be a child. Upon coming of age, she has joined the Ecithian Shield, joining the tribal battalions that fight against the Primals that walk over Ecith.

Post Creation History

Glade, 122

Norani was newly joined into the military. She learned how to fly upon the back of her Ci'uvan companion, Ruvaf. She traveled with her military contingent to the capital of Drathera where she met Yeva Bleu. This kicked off a quick and easy friendship, leading to Yeva traveling back to Norani's home village with the contingent.

Searing, 122

Searing started as a comfortable season for Norani. She spent her days training with military compatriots and spending time with Yeva. However, during an initiation into Summoning, Norani learned that she used to have a childhood best friend named Juno. However, Juno had been taken by the Unknown and Norani had no memories of her. With the discovery of this information, Norani realized her family would have known of Juno, and had been keeping her existence hidden from her. This led to conflict, breaking Norani's heart and leading to her isolating heavily and feeling as though she had no family any longer. Yeva provided comfort and friendship during this terribly difficult time.

Ash 122

Norani and Yeva left Ecith to join the Expedition aboard the Duck. The journey itself was strange for Norani, meeting so many new people while still dealing with the harsh emotional turmoil she was in. Upon arriving at the expedition location, Norani and Yeva built a shared hut and began trying to adapt to their new world.

However, on Ash 65, Yeva disappeared from Norani's world, as did the sun behind the eclipse. This left Norani entirely distraught, another major part of her world taken from her, shattering an already fragile heart. There was no trail to find, no clues to where Yeva had gone. She was simply vanished. All that was left were the nightmares that visited Norani every night as she slept.

Frost 122

After nearly an entire season of scouring the jungle, trying to find any clue as to Yeva's disappearance, Norani noticed the Tree of the East. She flew to it with Ruvaf, and has now undertaken a great quest to free Ghoron, the Last Titan, the elements that are trapped with him, and the missing seasons. She does this to bring balance back to the elements and the world and hopes it will aid her in finding where Yeva has disappeared to.

Last edited by Norani on Tue May 14, 2024 1:19 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 1014
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Posts: 233
Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:47 am
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Elementalism 215/250 Master of the Second Order
Animus 80/100 Expert
Mount (Ci'uvan) 25/100 Apprentice
Bodybuilding 25/100 Apprentice
Ranged: Throwing Chakram 25/100 Apprentice
One-Handed: Melee Chakrams 25/100 Apprentice
Unarmed: Old Orkhan 25/100Apprentice
Survival 26/100 Apprentice
Two-Handed: Great Chakram 25/100 Apprentice
Running 25/100 Apprentice
Swimming 25/100 Apprentice
Meditation 25/100Apprentice
Resistance 25/100 Apprentice
Acrobatics 25/100 Apprentice
Detection 25/100 Apprentice
Tactics 25/100 Apprentice
Flying (Elementalist) 25/100 Apprentice
Hunting 25/100Apprentice
Stealth 25/100Apprentice
Climbing 25/100 Apprentice
Animal Training 25/100 Apprentice
Tracking 25/100 Apprentice
Leadership 25/100 Apprentice
Medicine 25/100 Apprentice
Necromancy 25/100Apprentice
Trap Making 25/100 Apprentice
Navigation 25/100Apprentice
Cooking 25/100 Apprentice
Storytelling 25/100 Apprentice
Sculpting 23/100Novice
Drawing 0/100Novice
Writing 0/100Novice
Exp Ledger

CS Approval (Mayhem) +15 = 15
Mount (Ci'uvan) -15 = 0
The First Bite +8 = 8
The First Fall +8 = 16
The First Flight +8 = 24
Mount (Ci'uvan) -10 = 14
Website Update 6/16/22 +50 = 64
Animus -20 = 44
Bodybuilding -15 = 29
Ranged: Throwing Chakram -5 = 24
One Handed: Melee Chakram -5 = 19
Two Handed: Great Chakram -5 = 14
Unarmed Combat: Old Orkhan -14 = 0
A New City with New Faces +10 = 10
Bodybuilding -5 = 5
Unarmed Combat: Old Orkhan -5 = 0
Ransera Birthday +50 = 50
Elementalism -20 = 30
Ranged: Throwing Chakram -15 = 15
One-Handed: Melee Chakrams -15 = 0
The Bees are Coming +10 = 10
Two-Handed: Great Chakram -10 = 0
Viridian and Scarlet +10 = 10
Two-Handed Great Chakram -5 = 5
Running -5 = 0
A New Adventure, Together +10 = 10
Running -10 = 0
Supply Run +15 = 15
Summoning - 15 = 0
Retroactive Moderator Thread Rewards +72 = 72
Animus -25 = 47
Elementalism -25 = 22
Unarmed -1 = 21
Survival -21 = 0
Chasing Lightning Part 1 +8 Elementalism
Chasing Lightning Part 2 +8 Elementalism
Ghost Stories +10
Running -5 = 5
Swimming -5 = 0
Here We Stand, Worlds Apart +8 = 8
Swimming -8 = 0
Awakening - Moderator +10 Elementalism
Uninvited Attention - Moderator +6 Elementalism
Gettin' Outta Dodge +10 = 10
Swimming -7 = 3
Resistance -3 = 0
Just Swimming - Moderator +6 Elementalism
The Fool - Moderator +2 Elementalism
Welcome to the Jungle - Moderator +2 Elementalism
Delirious - Moderator +8 Elementalism
The World Has Gone Cold +15 Animus
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone +15 Animus
It Means No Worries +10 Elementalism
One Day I'll Know How Far I'll Go +10 Elementalism
The Commune of Water +10 = 10
Animal Training -10 = 0
Zabwe Dap Dooby Doo +8 Elementalism
The Bare Necessities +10 Elementalism
Love is an Open Door +10 Elementalism
Thunderstruck +10 Elementalism
Multifaceted - Moderator +18 Elementalism
Hilana of the Void - Moderator +14 Elementalism
Khyan of the Void - Moderator +2 Meditation
Meeting the Masters - Moderator +6 Meditation
Retroactive Moderator Thread Rewards Part 2 +70 = 70
Meditation -17 = 53
Summoning -35 = 18
Resistance -18 = 0
You Have My Sword... +10 = 10
Resistance -4 =6
Acrobatics -6 = 0
The Beetle Man Cometh - Moderator +4 Acrobatics
The Start of Something New - Moderator +2 Acrobatics
Boredom and Mischief - Moderator +8 Acrobatics
We All Just Need a Little Push - Moderator +6 Detection
Morning Light - Moderator +4 Detection
The Second Day +10 Detection
Monkey Business +10 Tactics
The Place Where Lost Things Go +15 Tactics
A Lotus and a Hummingbird +10 Flying (Elementalist)
Encountering an Ork and Some Ants +10 Flying (Elementalist)
Breakfast +5 Flying (Elementalist), +3 Hunting
Why the Wind Blows I +8 Hunting
Why the Wind Blows II +8 Hunting
Primal Solutions II - Moderator +1 Hunting, +5 Stealth
Dark Diplomacy - Moderator +6 Stealth
The Coronation - Moderator +4 Stealth
A Chance of Cold - Moderator +2 Stealth
Nano 2023 EXP Reward +3 Stealth, +17 Climbing
An Encounter of the Unknown Kind +2 Climbing
Don't Take the Girl +1 Climbing, +9 Animal Training
Drop Off +6 Animal Training, +4 Tracking
Who Will Stop the Rain? +10 Tracking
Studying Abroad +6 Tracking, +4 Leadership
Where There Is Hope - Moderator +2 Leadership
The Growing Storm +15 Leadership
Thunder Road +4 Leadership, +6 Medicine
Who We Were - Moderator +19 Medicine, +7 Trap Making
Trial By Fire +20 Necromancy
Three Days Left +10 Trap Making
The Loneliness of Dusk - Moderator +3 Trap Making, +7 Cooking
One of Us - Moderator +8 Cooking
Eye of the Storm +25 Navigation, +5 Cooking
Go and Tell It to the Mountain +10 Storytelling, +5 Cooking
Gamble in the Commonwealth - Moderator +2 Storytelling
Across the Great Blue - Moderator +6 Storytelling
A Sky Asunder - Moderator +2 Storytelling, +18 Sculpting
To Gather Moss Upon a Rolling Stone +15 Elementalism
Last edited by Norani on Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:13 pm, edited 25 times in total. word count: 767
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Last edited by Norani on Tue May 09, 2023 7:24 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 582
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Posts: 233
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Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel
1 Set of Leather Armor
2 Melee Chakrams (Small)

A simple hut in the tree village of Ounokt Nora

Starting +300 = 300
Chakram x2 -20 = 280
Great Chakram -80 = 200
Nano conversion +20 = 220
Last edited by Norani on Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 138
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Posts: 233
Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:47 am
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Character Secrets:



Rune - On her front, her Rune of Elementalism is a swirling of the four elements, splashing across her chest, and plunging down between her breasts, disappearing around her waistline.

Wind - Earned at Journeyman
Water - Awarded here viewtopic.php?t=4374
Lightning - Awarded here viewtopic.php?t=4481

Elements Unlocked
Shadow - Locked
Light - Locked
Wood - Locked
Metal - Locked
Elemental Aether - Locked

Para-Elements Learned
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Rune - On her back, are two Runes of Magic; Animus and Summoning. The Rune of Summoning is in the center, a great tree that grows from lower back, branching out across her shoulder blades. Each of her bonded summons appears in the branches in some fashion. Her animus rune fills in the space around the trunk of the tree, the creatures she's bonded with roaming about the grassy plain.

Additionally, with her first form being a giraffe, she has the long tongue of a giraffe in her base Orkhan form as a result of being initiated.

Current Forms

1. Giraffe - Initiation
2. Nomura Jellyfish -
3. Glorbp Glorbp, phycaal water spirit - viewtopic.php?t=4374
4. Zzzik, phycaal lightning spirit - viewtopic.php?t=4481


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Rune On her back, are two Runes of Magic; Animus and Summoning. The Rune of Summoning is in the center, a great tree that grows from lower back, branching out across her shoulder blades. Each of her bonded summons appears in the branches in some fashion.
Acquired here:

Sphere: Wild

Aidolon: Vaka, the raptor of Shadow, acquired here


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word count: 2051
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