Ivar Shipper

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Ivar Shipper

Full Name: Ivar Shipper
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 pounds

Birthdate: 103, 48th of Searing
Birthplace: Kalzasi

Profession: World Mage (primary) Information Broker (secondary)
Housing: Just a standard house in Kalzasi with a magic lab added onto it
Partners: Wife: Flora (NPC)

Titles: none
Factions: Circle of Spells

Fluencies: Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None

Ivar has a swimmer's build and is 5' 10" tall. He's 190 pounds. He has black hair at medium length. He sometimes wears glasses; his vision is just fine but sometimes he feels like they make his head hurt a little less. If unwashed his nose gets dotted with blackheads but otherwise his complexion is clear. His eyes are light brown.

Ivar has a brand on his arm from here described below:

[the brand] would be strange but not painful; Ivar’s muscle tissue would uniformly increase in both density and elasticity. The change was fundamental to the tissue itself; he’ll still gain and lose muscle from activity like normal, but no matter the case, he’ll be about 1.5x stronger than he otherwise would’ve been without receiving this alteration.

Ivar has a backstabbing personality. He's a shopkeeper with ambitions of starting his own business someday. He has a generally negative attitude about the company he keeps and only puts up with people so he can make good use of them. Ivar isn't shy about being cold and heartless. Ivar's alignment would be lawful evil. Despite all his negative traits he is dependable and he cares about doing the right thing to get a business to succeed, even if it ultimately hurts him. He has an unhealthy obsession with women and their appearances. He has to fight the urge not to use his money at brothels.

Ivar did not show much interest in personal magic until he turned his late teens. He values his life quite highly and doesn't think his life is bad enough to risk everything on getting a few measly powers. He was woefully ignorant when it comes to how strong personal magic can be. He has an appreciation for world magic so he decided to join the college of entropy at the circle of spells. He hated that he had to learn traversion but it was what he had to do, so he learned it. He enjoys scrivening as he thinks it's very versatile. He learned both of those when he was 18. He has not made a whole lot of progress since then since it took him a lot of time to make progress.


Ivar was born and raised in Kalzasi. His father managed a small logistics business that dealt with moving products into and out of the cityIt was good money and Ivar helped him out. His mother died in childbirth so he never got to know her. Ivar had made plenty of business friends throughout the years and was eventually able to start his own logistics business which failed spectacularly. His father refused to front him enough money to start a second business so Ivar has been working as an information broker for the time being while he saves up enough and works on a revised business plan. He wants to earn an honest living, but in the past couple years he has learned that an honest living doesn't always pay well. He often makes money passing on information about his business contacts to people willing to pay him. He spends a lot of time in seedy places to meet with clients.

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SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Bodybuilding 8/100 Novice
Business 24/100 Novice
Detection 13/100 Novice
Forgery 28/100 Novice
Investigation 20/100 Novice
Meditation 45/100 Apprentice
Traversion 92/100 Expert
Scrivening 89/100 Expert
Spycraft 54/100 Journeyman
Stealth 20/100 Novice
Summoning 8/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Human bonus+100 10
Forgery0-10 0
Scrivening 101+8 scrivening-8 scrivening 0
opportunity+8 scrivening-8 scrivening 0
the target+4 +4 Traversion-4 traversion -4stealth0
learning hitch in class+8 traversion-8 traversion0
mastering the hitch+8 traversion-8 traversion0
Character creation bonus+150 15
Stealth0-15 0
Dissipation+10-9 business -1 stealth0
Mistakes happen once or twice+8 scrivening-8 scrivening 0
the essay is the hardest part+8 traversion-8 traversion0
summer begins with pity+8 traversion-8 traversion0
nothing like a good vault+8 traversion-8 traversion0
eavesdropping on some classmates+8-8 meditation0
hop skip and a jump+10 traversion-10 traversion0
hello there fellow students+5 scrivening +5-5 scrivening -5meditation0
love note assignment+8 scrivening-8 scrivening0
the stone that changes emotions+8-8 meditation0
a repeat customer for scrolls+8 scrivening-8 scrivening0
the day of scrollcrafting+8 scrivening-8 scrivening0
looking into the mirror+8 traversion-8 traversion0
rumors of undead+10-10 spycraft0
stop a mugging+8-8 spycraft0
the next phase+5 traversion +3-5 traversion -3 Detection0
slime time+8-8 spycraft0
making contacts+8-8 bodybuilding0
Scrivened blade time+5 scrivening +3-5 scrivening -3 spycraft0
out of the sky+8-8 meditation0
Permanence+8 scrivening-8 scrivening 0
What lurks beneath+10 traversion-10 traversion0
tough conversations to be had+8-8 meditation0
Working in Searing+8 scrivening-8 scrivening 0
exploding metal bits+8-8 meditation0
of flesh most foul+8-8 forgery0
defying gravity+10-10 detection0
summoner is born+8-8 summoning0
blood bond contract+808
memories at the courtyard+8016
fantasies 1+8032
fantasies 2+8040
fantasies 3+8048
fantasies 4+8056
fantasies 5+8064
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Lores? what lores?

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General Starter Package
1 Set of Clothing (Cloak or Coat and footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

Scrivening stuff:

Spellwrights Ink (1 vial)
Infused Ink (1 vial)
Sorcerer's Sand (1 pouch)
Dragonshard Stand
Aetherite Lacquer (1 vial)
Novice Scroll Paper (24 sheets)
Apprentice Scroll Paper (25 sheets)
Journeyman Scroll Paper (25 sheets)
Expert Scroll Paper (25 sheets)
Master Scroll Paper (25 sheets)
Scrivener's Quill
Dragonshard Foci
Aura Glass

Hammer + chisel

Construction Stuff:
Home that came with starter pack
Home has a simple magic lab built onto it as an addition

Dawnstone (average)
Auralyth (average)
Greater Illumite x1


Standard home in Kalzasi

1. Starting Gold, +500 gp. 500 gp Total.
2. -4.76gp for scrivening purchases. 495.24 gp remaining
3. -8gp for a simple magic lab. 487.24 gp remaining
4. -3gp here. 474.24gp
5. -6gp Average Dawnstone (uncommon in kalzasi). 468.24gp
6. -1gp Average Auralyth (very common) 467.24gp
7. +1053.5gp Glade wages 1520.74gp
8. -15gp katana. 1505.74gp
9. -1sp hammer and chisel. 1505.73gp
Last edited by Ivar on Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:28 am, edited 16 times in total. word count: 267
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Name: Flora Kim
Race: Human
DoB: 105 Searing 1st
PoB: Kalzasi
Title: None
Seduction: 60
Cosmetology: 60
Acrobatics: 60
Singing: 60
Cooking: 10

Additional Info:

Flora Kim, born on a hot summer day was named after the flowering plants that adorned her parent's humble backyard. As she grew older, her beauty blossomed like the roses her mother tended so carefully, radiating a mesmerizing aura that made her the center of attention wherever she went.

Her mother was a stern and hardy woman, toughened by the trials of life. She never let Flora dream too big, insisting that her daughter's beauty should be coupled with modesty and a dutiful nature. Her father was a tender and kind-hearted man who often clashed with his wife's rigid disposition, but in the end, he usually yielded to her in hopes of maintaining peace in the house.

Their small cottage was separated by a fence from Ivar's childhood residence. Ivar never paid much attention to her because she was just a neighbor girl 10 years younger than him. Flora hated Ivar because he was never that nice to her, if not intentionally rude. Her father worked for Ivar’s father which meant that there was rarely any reason for Ivar to be thought highly of.

When Flora turned 16, life took a sharp, unexpected turn. Both her parents fell into poor health. Her mother was diagnosed with a heart condition. Her father was also diagnosed with some kind of mental problem. This had left Flora to shoulder the burden of their care. Flora’s family fell into poverty and just as Ivar went off to school to become a mage.

Years pass and now Flora is so poor that she is debating having to sell the home. Flora turns to her neighbors for help and Ivar just happens to be visiting his parents on this day. That’s when he gets the idea of supporting her in exchange for her hand in marriage. He hasn’t yet proposed the idea to her though.
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Traversion Quirks
Theme: Aggression - Ivar's traversion magic has grown into a hungry predator, working with Ivar to combat and consume their enemies.

Apprentice: The Maw - Ivar can open a unique type of portal that any may pass through. This is known as the Maw, and can be applied to all Traversion abilities that utilize portals, however, this does require more aether than the traditional abilities require. The Maw is designed so its aether is honed into incredibly small micro portals that lead directly into slipspace. This results in the aether acting similarly to blades and teeth, ripping away unprotected flesh, clothing, aether, etc from any who pass through the Maw. Ivar is immune to these effects.

Journeyman: Predator's Reaction - Ivar can utilize a combined effect of Astral Projection and Blinking, that allows him to Blink an Astral Projection of his body through, giving him a moment to react before his body follows through the Blink. This gives him a split section reaction time, allowing him to reorient his body while in Slipspace, adjusting his movements and attacks as he exits the blink. This ability cannot be canceled, so Ivar's body will always follow the Astral Projection and complete the Blinking process.

Expert: Claws - The inner and outer edges of Ivar's portals maintain the same blade effects as The Maw ability. This is a toggleable ability now, able to be applied to any portals that Ivar utilizes at minimal additional cost. Additional aether may be spent to increase the "sharpness" as well as the inner or outer rotational speeds of the portals.

Master 1: Living Maw - The Maw has come further to life, and can now be moved through space and commanded by Ivar. This is a fairly exhaustive ability, and overuse of it can quickly lead to exhaustion, breaches in Slipspace, etc. All additional Traversion abilities and effects may be applied to the Living Maws.

Master 2: Consume - Ivar can direct a Maw to open into a personal, temporary dimension within the Slipspace. This temporary dimension begins degrading the moment it is created, and will fully degrade within 2 minutes if not kept open by Ivar or an outside force intentionally. Any unprotected matter, aether, etc that are in the dimension when it collapses will be reduced to raw aether, half of which will be absorbed by Ivar himself, the other half lost into Slipspace.
word count: 400
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