Kala Mizal Leukos

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Kala Leukos
Posts: 637
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:21 pm
Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=933
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=934

K a l a

Name: Kala Mizal Leukos
Player: Antinoös/Hekatos
Race: Firstborn Avialae (Human)/Arisen Moritasi
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5'3" (1.6 m)
Weight: 108 lb (49 kg)

Birthdate: 15 Searing 102
Birthplace: Starfall, Karnor

Profession: Noble; Politician
Housing: Suite of Rooms, Cintamani Pavilion
Partners: Corebonded to her twin; common bonds with the Silver Wings; light bond with Marda Ahtivin

Titles: Lady; Vice-Minister of Finance
Factions: House Leukos; Great House Briathos

Fluencies: Synnekar; Common
Conversationals: Kathalan
Ineptitudes: Draconic; Mythrasi; Vallenor; Vastian


Perhaps due to being a multiple birth, Kala is the smallest member of her immediate family. Short, slender, and fair, with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair, she can transform from one moment to the next depending on her moods, which are changeable. She frequently paints herself and adorns herself with whatever catches her fancy, from the old, tribal styles of the Mountain to the just-breaking trends of Kalzasi fashion to whatever she decides she likes at any given moment. For as long as she can remember, she has collected feathers fallen from her father, her brother, and her twin, frequently working them into her hair, her jewelry, and her clothes as though to remind people that she is Avialae whether she has wings or not.

As of Searing 122, Garel of Atoria "completed" her and the phantom limbs she felt became true wings. The feathers are white with a pale gold patina, but defy categorization or comparison to one bird. She has become rather adept at pulling them in and hiding them until she was ready to acknowledge them publicly and share her tale of the hidden island.

Rune of Elementalism: Right arm, near wrist.
Rune of Negation: Left arm, near elbow.
Rune of Semblance: Left arm, near wrist.


Kala feels things deeply and among her family, at least, she expresses things immediately—rages, glee, sorrow, etc. She has never hidden her adamantine will from them. Perhaps that is due to the corebond she was born with, having a natural follower following her into the world. Perhaps because she is much better behaved in public, her family—except for her twin—have little patience for the negative aspects of her mercurial nature. Kaus' patience for her is endless. With her mother's variable health and her father's untimely death, the larger household in Starfall and the people in the realm have always given her great leeway. And yet she resents pity.

Among her people, she has gone to great lengths to shine as brightly as any Skyborn man. Her people find her inquisitiveness charming, her sincere curiosity as to the lives of those her mother rules a good sign of proper education. Their Little Star or Little Sister is welcome anywhere.

In Kalzasi, people find her strange. Many attribute it to her remote upbringing. Her wit is not loud but her intelligence and perspective are offered to those who take the time to get to know her.

Since her ascension, she has become more introverted and thoughtful as she tries to understand what she is and how she fits into the world, not wanting to make great mistakes with the great power that has been given to her. Though she be but small, she walks on eggshells like a giant around fragile things.


The twins were a miracle although their live birth almost killed their mother. All the same, it left her with chronic health issues, but not enough to slow her down. The heir, Aquilios, was seven at this time, old enough to remember and old enough to resent how his mother had nearly been taken from him by the squalling girl child and the calmer boy who followed her into the world. Their father was relieved, to say the least.

When mother and children were well enough to travel, the children were blessed at the Starfall and then taken to Kalzasi to be blessed properly in the temple. This visit was brief, though Lady Akshara spent some time with the healers of Great House Ahtivan, where a priestess affirmed what Akshara already suspected: the twins were core-bonded. Lord Vatar, whose house of origin owed loyalty to House Senue, paid his respects where appropriate to maintain good relations inasmuch as any relations were maintained. He had "gone native" on the Mountain, but he had been the youngest son of his line, not destined to inherit and always a bit of an odd duck. Strangely, he made a good impression on the Shokaze before the family went home.

Aquilios' resentment was a slow-burning thing. Initially, he shook it off, reassured that he would not be left motherless as a fledgling lad. But whenever their mother's health took a turn for the worse, it would flare up again. He didn't hate his siblings. Kaus was too good-natured to hate and Kala too envious to do aught but pity. She grew up with a chip on her shoulder. The men in her family had wings. The women—well, her mother ruled, but she was always delicate. Kala did not know her before the miracle of her birth had taken its toll. She resisted being treated as lesser than her brothers. In truth, her sight was rarely clear when it came to such things. She was cherished by her family and her people; there was simply an affront that had seemed inborn. She should have had wings.

Likely due to the twin birth, it became apparent that Kaus was going to be small for an Avialae man. This didn't seem to bother him, perhaps because he was smaller than his father and his brother anyway. He seemed to be good at everything he put his hand to, though Kala was the driven one. She learned to fight, to dance, to figure, to read, and all just the same as he did, albeit with her usual fervor.

When they were ten, their father was called to fight for the Shokaze. He did not return. Akshara became more reserved, Aquilios more aloof. Their house was not without love and warmth, but things had changed forever. The twins, as always, had each other.

They learned, they trained, they made magic, and they grew to be better able to help their brother when his time came to shepherd the people of the Mountain. Kaus seemed to top out at a mere six feet, though his sister was much smaller. Aquilios called Kaus the Dwarf Star when playful, the Dog Star when mean. If he followed his sister and bondmate around like a dog, well, it was proof he was loyal.

When they turned eighteen, plans were set into motion to travel to Kalzasi. Kaus would have to perform his Warren March. What was as yet unknown: Kala planned to perform her own, wings or no.
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Kala Leukos
Posts: 637
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:21 pm
Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=933
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=934

S k i l l s

SkillSkill LevelProficiencyLores
Mercantilism: Finance100/100MasterMax
Arcana: Semblance100/100MasterMax
Arcana: Elementalism100/100MasterMax
Arcana: Scrivening100/100MasterMax
Arcana: Necromancy80/100ExpertMax
Combat: Blades80/100ExpertMax
Charisma: Politics92/100Expert29
Artistry: Dancing55/100Journeyman20
Combat: Polearms50/100Journeyman20
Charisma: Etiquette60/100Journeyman39
Intelligence: Linguistics60/100Journeyman36
Arcana: Religion50/100Journeyman24
Perception: Perception33/100Journeyman33
Biology: Surgery40/100Apprentice43
Biology: Medicine40/100ApprenticeMax
Endurance: Flight45/100Apprentice13
Arcana: Alchemy28/100Apprentice16
Combat: Archery25/100Apprentice18
Arcana: Negation30/100Apprentice10
Arcana: Meditation29/100Apprentice19
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Elementalism: Stellaris

Ash 124
DateThreadPoints AwardedCollaborators
11 Ash 124First Star I See Tonight, i.+10Freya
12 Ash 124First Star I See Tonight, ii.+0Freya
14 Ash 124A Wish and a Promise+0Freya
45 Ash 124Everything Blooms in Its Own Time+0Hilana, Pharaoh
Searing 124
DateThreadPoints AwardedCollaborators
90 Searing 124Sowing Season+15Pharaoh
Glade 124
DateThreadPoints AwardedCollaborators
1 Glade 124New Year's in the Valley+10Torin
1 Glade 124A Brother's Plea+0Stefan
2 Glade 124Raiment of the Stars+10Torin
8 Glade 124A Mysterious Gift+0???
9 Glade 124Justice Is Blind+0Aegis
57 Glade 124Dragons of a Scale+15Akantha
Frost 123
DateThreadPoints AwardedCollaborators
13 Frost 123A Visit Returned+10Raithen
Frost 123A Dream of Spring+12Rune
Frost 123In the Time of Your Life/The High Cost of Living+0Solo
Ash 123
DateThreadPoints AwardedCollaborators
1 Ash 123A Tower for Learning, ii.+0Paragon
10 Ash 123Well Met by Starlight+10Freya
20 Ash 123Northern Skies+10Axel
40 Ash 123Reaching for Farther Stars+15Pharaoh
42 Ash 123Noble Advice+10Torin
Searing 123
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Glade 123
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Frost 122
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Ash 122
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Searing 122
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Glade 122
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Frost 121
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Ash 121
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Searing 121
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Glade 121
On hiatus.

Frost 120
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Ash 120 Awards Breakdown
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Last edited by Kala Leukos on Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:52 am, edited 176 times in total. word count: 1675
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Kala Leukos
Posts: 637
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:21 pm
Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=933
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=934

K n o w l e d g e

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Last edited by Kala Leukos on Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:36 pm, edited 57 times in total. word count: 2484
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Kala Leukos
Posts: 637
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:21 pm
Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=933
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=934

I n v e n t o r y

  1. Nobility Starting Package: Set of Fine Clothing; Signet Ring; Waterskin; Backpack; Set of Toiletries; 10 days of rations; Set of Eating Utensils; Flint & Steel
  2. Daggers (2)
  3. Shoddy Makeshift Tail (The Education of Kala Leukos, iv: Birds of a Feather)
  4. Amulet of the Stormspeaker (One by One)
  5. Ivory Dagger (A Dagger of Ivory)
  6. Ivory Bowl (A Bowl of Ivory)
  7. Soul Totem (A Stone of Soul)
  8. Ivory Chalice (A Chalice of Ivory)
  9. Illumite Soul Totem description
  10. Book of Necromancy (Black Sun Rising)
  11. (1) Supreme Illumite, (1) Supreme Mnemonosyte, (1) Supreme Sanguinyte
  12. (1) Grand Aetherite (A Gift for the Lady Kala)
  13. (2) Raiment Gauntlets (Raiment of the Stars)


A suite of rooms in the family manor: Cintamani Pavilion.

  1. Starting Gold: 500 gp
  2. -4 gp for Daggers (2)
  3. Ash 120: 7 * 91 - 175 = +462 gp
  4. Frost 120: 7 * 91 - 175 = +462 gp
  5. Glade 121. On hiatus.
  6. Searing 121: 7(.01) * 91 - 175 = +462.07 gp
  7. -168 gp for Ivory Dagger and Ivory Bowl
  8. -85 gp for average aetherite dragonshard (used for Soul Totem)
  9. -400 gp for Ivory Chalice
  10. Ash 121: +799.61
  11. Frost 121: +1,793.33
  12. 6/16/22 Website Update: +1,000 gp
  13. +25,000 gp (Black Sun Rising)

Current Total: 29,822.01 gp
Last edited by Kala Leukos on Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 487
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

User avatar
Kala Leukos
Posts: 637
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2020 8:21 pm
Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=933
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=934

C o m p a n i o n s


"Mother cannot guide you
Now you're on your own
Only me beside you
Still, you're not alone
No one is alone
Truly, no one is alone

Kaus Siv Leukos


Composition: PoetryMaster

Name: Kaus Siv Leukos
Race: Avialae
Birthdate: 15 Searing 102
Birthplace: Starfall, Karnor
Title: Lord

Biography: Kaus followed his twin into the world already corebonded to her. If the priests of Ahtivan thought it a good omen, it was certainly out of the ordinary. He grew into manhood following his sister's lead. She has all the drive; he has the ability to keep her on track and to prevent her from spiraling out of control. It is almost impossible not to like Kaus. He is a good person, loyal and dutiful. He's generally smiling whether enjoying the wind in his wings, the shudder of steel in his hands, the rush of arcana, or any odd thing that catches his fancy.

Due to the perilous multiple birth, he has always been on the small side for Avialae and his family. Of course, that still makes him tall for a human. Thus, in combat, he aims for quickness and dextrous flying rather than brute force.

His current goals are to complete his Warren March and join the Sky Guard.

Frost 122 — Given the importance and vulnerability of his sister, his own plans have narrowed down to accompanying and protecting her.


Bracelet of the Stormrider — (One by One)

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word count: 349
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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