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Hilana Chenzira

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:01 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana - Chenzira

Full Name: Matsi Chenzira Hilana
Race: Human - Vastian
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 lbs

Birthdate: Ash 61, Year 100
Birthplace: Atraxian Desert

Profession: Herbalist/Botanist
Housing: 2-Bedroom Apartment in the Antiquine District, Solunarium Proper
Partners: None

Titles: None
Factions: House Phaedryn

Fluencies: Common, Vastian
Conversationals: Vallenor
Ineptitudes: None


Perhaps on the lighter side for a Vastian, Hilana stands 5'10" tall, with dark brown eyes and long, jet black hair. Despite the deceivingly wavy top layer, it is quite thick and curly. Her hair is generally worn up in a bun or tied up, or wrapped with a colourful scarf. She has many piercings in both ears, from the lobe to the cartilage, sporting a mixture of small rings and studs in them. She has a tendency to dress comfortably in brightly coloured clothes, from saris to skirts to pants to vests. She has an outline of a sun on her right palm that seems to be made of molten gold.


The baby of the family, Hilana was essentially allowed to run wild after her mother passed away. Raised mostly by her childless aunt and other relatives, she was an utter brat growing up, desperate to get attention from her older siblings and her father. Despite all odds, she has matured into a hard-working, headstrong young woman who puts a lot of emphasis on her chosen family, her animals, and her people, caring very much for all three. While she can still be very much the hell-raiser, Hilana, for the most part, is rather calm and relaxed in her demeanour. She finds joy in the simple things - a sunset, a bird in flight, brushing her camel, letting a snake climb on her, inhaling the fragrances of fresh tea and herbs... She can be creative, and enjoys what outlets she can - dancing, baking, cooking... she likes it all. She is proud of her people and their culture, but she can be stubborn to a fault.

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Hilana is the daughter of a wealthy Vastian merchant, Lebaoth, and his wife, Maruth. Originally nomads, traveling along the River Vasta and building up the business, the family settled in Tertium after tragedy struck. Just after Hilana’s second birthday, her mother passed in childbirth while the family was traveling between settlements. Maruth’s sister, Sarala, who had never been married because of her barren state, was taken in by Lebaoth to help care for the children - Namah, Marah, Athalia, and Hilana... four girls. There had been a son between Athalia and Hilana, Yael, but he died in infancy, shortly before Hilana was born. Lebaoth moved his family to Tertium, and focused on growing his business while employing others to take over the traveling aspects.

Hilana, being the youngest, was a spoiled child. Wild and uncontrollable, Sarala did her best with her youngest niece, but Hilana was so difficult that it was easier to just throw her at the mercy of the older children herding and guarding livestock. It was hardly appropriate, but outside of the demanding expectations and standards of her father, Hilana learned plenty, especially about the flora and fauna of the world around them. This way, Sarala could focus more of her attention on the other girls, as Lebaoth was inattentive to his youngest at best. This worked off at least some of the girl's energy and made her relatively useful. But even still, Hilana managed to get into perhaps far too much mischief in her quest for attention and to a small degree, approval. Being the youngest wasn't easy, after all, especially when you had three older sisters... Namah, the eldest, was the apple of her father's eye, and gentle and proper Marah and Athalia were nearly as perfect. But Hilana... Hilana was the one who stole their mother's veil that Namah was supposed to wear for her betrothal, and rode away with it on her camel. That veil was never the same... nor has it ever smelled the same. It is doubtful that Namah, nor the middle two sisters, ever forgave her. But at the time, that hardly mattered to Hilana - because she had the veil that she wanted to wear.

Much to her family's shock and relief, Hilana settled down in her own time - not because of anything they did, but because she decided to. Whether it was because the wild hairs got smoothed out or just hidden away, Lebaoth didn't know. But there was much praise, prayers, and thanks to Avaerys and Varvara that the wild child seemed a little more tractable and just a little more biddable. He could set about to arranging a marriage between his youngest daughter who showed promise and skill as a herbalist, and with Ahroan, the head of another merchant family of Tertium, a match was found. After plenty of back-and-forth discussions, a match was made between Hilana and Ahroan's middle son, Salin. But before the betrothal was officially announced, Lebaoth broke it off as information came to light about Ahroan's business deals and trading with the Ecithian Commonwealth. After that, he decided to take the advice of one of his aunts, and sent Hilana off to Solunarium to continue her education of botany and medicine. Not because of a lack of suitable instructors and mentors, but to ensure there could be no visible ties between his own family and business and the downfall of Ahroan's.

Not at all fazed, Hilana made her way to Solunarium, ready to make the most of it.

Re: Hilana

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:01 pm
by Hilana Chenzira
TreeSkillSkill LevelProficiency
StrengthClimbing 30/100 Apprentice
EnduranceResistance 100/100 Master
EnduranceRiding 100/100 Master
EnduranceSurvival 64/100 Journeyman
DexterityAcrobatics 25/100 Apprentice
PerceptionDetection 80/100 Expert
PerceptionNavigation 85/100 Expert
PerceptionTracking 60/100 Journeyman
CharismaPersuasion 60/100 Journeyman
CharismaNegotiation 60/100 Journeyman
CharismaSeduction 10/100 Novice
CombatOne-Handed 45/100 Apprentice
CombatRanged 25/100 Apprentice
CombatUnarmed 25/100 Apprentice
ArcanaAlchemy 50/100 Journeyman
ArcanaElementalism 100/100 Master
ArcanaMeditation 60/100 Journeyman
ArcanaSemblance 73/100 Journeyman
ArcanaScrivening 40/100 Apprentice
ArtistryDancing 10/100 Novice
BiologyAnimal Handling 85/100 Expert
BiologyBotany 100/100 Master
BiologyEcology 25/100 Apprentice
BiologyMedicine 100/100 Master
BiologySurgery 65/100 Journeyman
BiologyZoology 25/100 Apprentice
CraftSculpting 10/100 Novice
MercantilismBaking 16/100 Novice
MercantilismCooking 20/100 Novice
MercantilismPoisons 65/100 Journeyman

ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Points +100 -100 100
CS Approval +15 -15 115
Anniversary 2022 +30 -30 145
Making the Most of It +8-8 153
Making the Most of It II +8-8 161
Making the Most of It III +8-8 169
Making the Most of It IV +8-8 177
Introductions and Concoctions +10-10 187
Just Mossin' Around +10-10 197
Non Nobis Solum Nati Sumus +10-10 207
The Great Tortoise Festival +8-8 215
The Great Tortoise Festival II +12-12 227
No Success Without Sacrifice +8-8 235
No Success Without Sacrifice II +8-8 243
No Success Without Sacrifice III +8-8 251
NaNoWriMo 2022 Reward+140-140 391
Parting the Veil +8-8 399
Parting the Veil II+8-8 407
Parting the Veil III+8-8 415
Arts and Curiosities+10-10425
Lights in the Darkness+10-10435
Lights in the Darkness II+10-10445
Lost and Found+10-10455
Lost and Found II+10-10465
Reunion II+10-10485
The Vasta's Bounties+10-10495
Energy and Elements+10-10505
Mists in the Desert+15-15520
"He of the Sceptre..."+15-15550
"...She of the Scourge"+15-15565
Dressed to Suppress+15-15580
Glitter & Gold+10-10590
Just Mossin' Around II+10-10600
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Sunshine?+10-10610
Ides of Wither+15-15625
Ides of Wither [Bonus: Rolled 14]+14-14639
Unending Light and Encroaching Shadows+12-12651
Sharp Enough to Get the Point+10-10661
Elements and Aptitudes+10-10671
Touch the Sky+8-8679
Picnic in the Gardens+10-10689
In the Steps of the Ancients+8-8697
Crystal Clear+8-8705
Crystal Clear II+8-8713
A Game of Wits+8-8721
Always Time For Tea+10-10731
A Shot of Adrenaline+8-8739
A Shot of Adrenaline II+8-8747
Underneath the Star's Light+10-10757
Good Advice is Beyond All Price+10-10767
Hustles and Bustles of Glade+10-10777
Exploring in the Sands+8-8785
Care for a Drink?+10-10795
Meeting by the River+10-10805
Silence is Golden (Even if Shouting is Fun)+10-10815
Gaining Insight +10-10825
What's White, Sticky, and Delicious?+10-10835
Pondering Purchases of Particularly Pleasing Pythons+10-10845
Mixing It Up+12-12857
Drawn to the Light+10-10867
Explosive Catalysts+10-10877
Better Shape Up+10-10887
Finding Your Zen+10-10912
Unending Light and Encroaching Shadows II+10-10922
Lest the Darkness Breach+15-15937
Hilana of the Void+15-15952
Nothing Like A Bit of Violence Between Friends+10-10982
Friends and Alliances+10-10992
Multifaceted II+27-271,019
Gaining Understanding+10-101,029
A Star To Guide Him Home+10-101,049
On All Fours+10-101,059
Some (Plants) Like It Hot+10-101,069
Continuing Their Research+10-101,079
A First Time for Everything+10-101,089
Ambulate Mecum+15-151,104
Into the Den of Snakes+10-101,114
A First Time for Everything ii+10-101,124
Dance, Dance, Dance+10-101,134
NaNo Reward, 2023+100-1001,234
Care for a Bite?+10-101,244
Learning From the River+10-101,254
Multifaceted III+10-101,264
Keeping Counsel+8-81,272
A Shared Feast+10-101,282
A Different Kind of Practice+10-101,292
No Man Loves the Bearer of Bad Tidings+10-101,302
Hear Me Out!+20-201,322
Heart to Heart+8-81,330
The Rush of Wind, Wings, and Adrenaline +8-81,338
The Rush of Wind, Wings, and Adrenaline [Part II]+8-81,346
The Rush of Wind, Wings, and Adrenaline [Part III]+8-81,354
Common Ground and Common Bonds +10-101,364
A Chance of Cold +15-151,379
A Labour of Love +8-81,387
A Labour of Love II+8-81,395
Illuminating the Path+10-101,405
Emblems and Patouda+10-101,415
Rolling Out the Red Carpet+10-101,440
Up Close and Personal+8-81,448
Semper Ancilla Sponsae+10-101,458
A Certainty of Cold+15-151,473
Sweet and Sticky... Syrups, Of Course!+10-101,483
Fresh Eyes and Fresh Air+10-101,493
The Universal Language+10-101,503
Mascerata Regia+20-201,523
Enemy in the Midst+8-81,531
Pick Your Poison+10-101,541
Munda Cor+10-101,551
Safe Return+8-81,577
Safe Return II+12-121,589
Stable Conjunctions+10-101,599
Word From the North+12-121,611

Re: Hilana

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:02 pm
by Hilana Chenzira


Cardinal Runes
Hilana was gifted her Rune of Elementalism by His Divine Radiance, Avaerys Imperator I, Rex Regum Incomparablis, on Ash 60, Year 122 at Mount Kaladon.

Her Rune is located on the palm of her right hand, resembles an ornate, floral sun that seems to be made of molten gold.

While considered a Master, she has yet to choose, or be chosen, by an Arche Element.

Hilana has successfully attuned to the Element of Shadow as of Glade 25, Year 123.

Hilana has successfully attuned to the Element of Light as of Searing 32, Year 123.


Hilana received her Rune of Semblance from Endymion Len’Sælyan Æros on Frost 70, Year 122.

Her Rune, in the shape of a begonia, is located on her scalp, hidden beneath her hair.

While having no formal instructor, she has been studying from books and her Alchemy Paedagoga, Domina Clelia.

World Magic


Re: Hilana

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:02 pm
by Hilana Chenzira



1. Piebald Riding Camel, Hayima'el
2. Halter and Lead
3. Saddle, Riding
4. Saddle Bags, Large
5. Grooming Kit
6. Cloak
7. Extra-Large Scarf, Dyed
8. Skirt, Dyed
9. Sandals, Leather
10. Shirt
11. Bandana
12. Belt
13. Belt Pouch x 3
14. Cosmetics, Unusual, x 5
15. Rucksack
16. Earrings, 4 Pairs Copper
17. Earrings, 4 Pairs Silver
18. Comprehensive Book on World Magic (Introduction to the different disciplines)
19. 4 Books on Elementalism - Comprehensive Collection
20. Introductory Book on Summoning
21. Python, Tiaz
22. 10 Atraxian Cobras
23. 10 Atraxian Asps
24. 2 Bushmaster Snakes
25. The Mask of Midnight's Mother
26. Bengal Cat, Risdra
27. The Volumen Errantis

The Mask of Midnight's Mother:
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The Volumen Errantis:
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15 Vicus Stellae, Apartment 406
Margaritae Albae, Antiquine District

Hilana rents a two-bedroom apartment in the Antiquine District of the Luxium in Solunarium. While it is clean, it is starting to resemble something of a greenhouse and an apothecary's in the sheer number of potted plants everywhere, of all shapes, sizes, types, and colours. She has a number of glass terrariums containing different snakes in the main room, and the decor is simple, but as colourful as she tends to be.

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Re: Hilana Chenzira

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:37 am
by Hilana Chenzira



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The Season of Searing, Year 122
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The Season of Ash, Year 122

The Season of Frost, Year 122

The Season of Glade, Year 123

The Season of Searing, Year 123

The Season of Ash, Year 123

The Season of Frost, Year 123
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The Season of Glade, Year 124
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The Season of Searing, Year 124
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The Season of Ash, Year 124
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Re: Hilana Chenzira

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:37 am
by Hilana Chenzira

Name: Void Athalia - AKA Yara Yusafiras Athalia “Lia”
Race: Vastian Human
Age: 27
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 pounds

Occupation: Elementalist
Relation to PC: ‘Sister’
NPC type: Companion
Influence: 6


Hilana encountered a Void-shade of her older sister Athalia when she was pulled into a pocket dimension of the Void while she was exploring the Crystal Tree of the North. While she is not her actual older sister, she is a version of her: a version of Athalia that might have been real had their relationship been different. After fighting their way through to get back to Ransera, Hilana fulfilled her promise to bring her with her… and pulled her from the Void.

This version of Athalia was consigned to the Void after the last big blow-out between the sisters when Hilana was 10, 12 years ago. She has been in there since then, and when she felt her sister in the Void, she came to find her and offer her her assistance.

But because of her, Hilana has endeavoured to do better with the rest of her familial relationships. While her family name is technically Chenzira, like her sister, since the actual Athalia does exist she has taken their maternal family name, Yusafiras, to avoid complications.

Note from Aegis:
Void Athalia was taken from the Void and as such, will attract Void Spawn and those marked by Nyx, all of which will be tasked with her return. This attraction can be muted by master level powers but cannot be hidden entirely without grandmaster powers.

On Ash 15, 123, Lia was purified of the Void by Lykos. She is now indistinguishable from any other Vastian woman. She now lives with Hilana in Solunarium, as Lykos-Rickter has returned to his family in Kalzasi.


Elementalism: 100/100, Arche to Fire
Meditation: 75/100
Resistance: 75/100
Detection: 75/100
Tactics: 75/100
Acrobatics: 75/100
Sculpting: 75/100
Scrivening: 50/100
Dance: 50/100
Tailoring: 50/100
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