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Dreyfus Monteliyet

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:29 pm
by Dreyfus
"If I must, I will drown this world in blood."
Given Name: Dreyfus{Dray - Fuss} Monteliyet{Mon - Till - Lee - Yay}
Race: Vampyre {Formerly Human}
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 200lbs

Birthdate: 25th of Frost, Year 92, Age of Steel
Birthplace: The West End of Zaichaer

Profession: ??? {Formerly Heir of the House Monteliyet, Mage Hunter/Investigator/Criminal Regulator}

  • Formerly Lord Montileyet, The Wolf of Shadows, Scarlet Beast

Factions Formerly Order of Reconciliation

Enemies Anti-magic sympathizers, Vampyre Hunters

Partners{Formerly Thysbae {work related}}
Sexuality: Bisexual Polyamory

Languages Fluent: Common, Silandris
I'm A Complex Individual
  • Things I Like:
    Deadly Creatures| Magic| Training| Meeting new people| Indulging in Life's pleasures| Adventuring| Testing his limits
  • What Pisses Me Off:
    Vampyre Hunters| Narrow-minded people| Threats to his ambitions| Braggarts/Pompous Individuals| Anti-magic sentiments
  • My Merits:
    Loyal| Charismatic| Open-Minded| Perceptive
  • My Flaws:
    Carefree| Manipulative| Vindictive, Obsessive

Dreyfus is a placid and calculating man who is always thinking one step ahead. He often states that every turn in battle is a part of his effortless planning. He speaks in a polite and proper manner at all times, albeit terrifyingly so when he is reprimanding others or berating those who warrant such ire from him.

Though his intentions are oftentimes questioned, he is indeed loyal to Zaichaer as he admires its ingenuity & progress in putting its ambitions first. As an heir to his family name, he tends to have a passive-aggressive approach to most social and political scenarios. He is known to be the observer of a room, never standing out as he wishes to see and mental note all before him. He handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with controlled ease. In most cases, even genuine surprise and happiness, his reactions to such stimuli are subdued. His conduct tends to be very business-like, however, he isn't incapable of a bit of humor, good-natured and not. Despite appearing detached and cold, he cares deeply for the lives entrusted to him. He is very inquisitive, has been since he was a child, and has carried this trait with him into adulthood.

Dreyfus is an intelligent individual who is always calm, carrying an air of sophistication, and slightly arrogant due to his aristocratic military upbringing. Despite his aloof and stoic disposition, Dreyfus holds a level of charisma that makes others who meet him wish to learn more about him and the allure of what makes him tick. Another facet of the man is that he strives to be the epitome of "Actions speak louder than words" as he finds that the works and deeds of a man speak innumerable volumes to one's character, finding words to be meaningless.

Update: After becoming a Vampyre
  • Dante is uninhibited, and carefree in his indulgences as well as in life in all its wonders and glory. Dante mostly retains his calculating, cunning and shrewd nature as he did when he w. He is able to carefully look past his feelings and see the real situation at hand, which has been demonstrated on more than one occasion. He is extremely insightful and able to quickly recognize the patterns and mistakes that others seem to make, which gives him an edge.

    Still a calm and collected individual, Dante handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with controlled ease. In most cases, even with genuine surprise and happiness, his reactions to stimuli are subdued. He normally conducts himself in a very business-like manner, however, he isn't incapable of a bit of humor, good-natured and not. Despite appearing flippant and carefree, he cares deeply for the lives entrusted to him.

In the Eyes of the Beholder
  • Dreyfus has been blessed with a mesomorphic body thanks to his father's genetics, allowing him to pack on muscle and size rather easily. Dreyfus has a rather imposing figure, and is rather built and is said to be admired for the masculine curves from his pronounced chest to his round glutes that can be seen through his clothing.

    He has smooth sun-kissed skin, given having very few blemishes. He has long tresses of golden blonde hair that reach the small of his back, styled differently given the day, as it compliments his facial structure, though he is known to trim it when it gets too long. He has full, even eyebrows that sit above crystal blue eyes that catch the stare of many that look upon him. He has a smooth straight nose that fits into his symmetrical face topped off with a strong jawline.

    His physique is built to perfection for someone of his body frame. He has broad shoulders that accentuate his large well-built chest. His legs and butt are well built as well which also accentuates his small waist, but has been strengthened during his years of training and hunting mages, giving a well-defined eight-pack & obliques. He has made an effort to keep his body in excellent condition and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

    • Update: After becoming a Vampyre
      Still retaining his mesomorphic body type, thanks to his vampyre biological makeup, it still allows him to pack on muscle and size rather easily. Dreyfus now has a rather imposing figure. He is rather built and is said to embody what masculinity is supposed to look like.

      His skin is smooth, given very few blemishes, and his complexion is flawless porcelain since becoming a vampyre. As if blood has flooded every hair follicle on his head, his hair now sports an auburn reddish naturally curly look, which is his signature hairstyle, as it compliments his new facial structure. He has full, even eyebrows that sit above crystal greyish blue eyes that can steal the breath of many that look upon him. He has a smooth straight nose that fits into his symmetrical face topped off with a strong jawline.

      His physique is built to perfection. He has broad shoulders that accentuate his large well-built chest. His legs and butt are well built as well which also accentuates his small waist, but has been strengthened, giving a well-defined eight-pack & obliques. He has made an effort to keep his body in excellent condition and aesthetically pleasing body.

      A fine specimen of masculine beauty, this is often the phrase used to describe Ambrose by those fortunate enough to be graced with seeing him in the form-fitting attire he is now accustomed to wearing. Dreyfus maintains a sort of sensuality with his figure as it has helped him garner information from those enthralled by him without having to use his "unique" talents.

      He has also gone through many faces since his transformation into a Vampyre and has opted to return to his original face.

      Rune Magics

      Rune of Vitalis - Master
      • The Rune of Vitalis sits on his chest, just above his Kinetic Rune. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting blood red, charcoal grey, and lavender.

      Rune of Kinetics - Master
      • The Rune of Kinetics sits on his chest, just below his Vitalis Rune. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting silver & blood red

      Rune of Negation - Journeyman
      • The Rune of Negation sits on his abdominals. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting grey & crimson red

      Rune of Animus - Novice
      • The Rune of Animus sits on his back. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting purple & blood red

      Rune of Summoning - Unskilled
      • The Rune of Summoning sits on Dreyfus' Navel. It glows with a subtle light, its hues shifting from smoky scarlet & black

      Once Upon A Time

      Dreyfus came into the world knowing death firsthand. His mother, a Vigilant of the Order of Reconciliation and a powerful and talented mage of the state, had been traveling between Zaichaer and Kathiid. She was returning to Zaichaer after visiting her family's physician in Kathiid as she was 7 months with child, not knowing that danger loomed in the distance. Her carriage was assailed by mages, angry with the oppression Zaichaer had placed on them and their kind, and was looking to exact revenge on anyone connected to the High City.

      The armed escort, a squad 30 deep, was no match for what awaited them. Among the assaulting mages was one that seemed to be on something, his movements and demeanor far more agitated than the rest. His mother's escort did what they could but her carriage was hit by a powerful blast of elemental energy, injuring her gravely.

      Her personal guard took her away from the scene and fled, the escort buying them time to escape. Though they were able to flee, his mother was losing the battle with life minute by minute. Her life was fading quickly and knowing this she had only one request from him. "You must save my baby". she pleaded, seeing the protest in her subordinate's eyes. As she argued with him she could see a figure looming in the distance, and urged him to hurry, placing a word around them.

      Under the assault of the mage, however, it proved too much for her to handle as her shield broke under the pressure. Her guard rose to protect his mistress, fighting valiantly in defense of her. Sadly, however, it was for naught as he like her escort detail was slaughtered. She watched as shadowy figures loomed over her. One figure held their hand to the pregnant woman's belly, searing pain shooting through them.

      It was clear they were intent on torturing her and her unborn son before ending their lives. The mage inflicting the pain upon her was an afflictionist, but like the Elementalist, she too was not normal, seeming to be high on a sort of drug. Looking at them all, she noticed they all had glowing veins of the sort. The Afflictionist seemed delighted as she spoke unfamiliar words, Dreyfus' mother believing the woman to have cursed her child.

      The pregnant woman endured hours of ruthless torture, the life of both her and her son looking bleaker by the second. Just when she was ready to give up hope, her husband came to her rescue, an entourage of Reconciliators at his back. In a matter of moments, the mages were vanquished, and the drugged-up ones who weren't killed fled the scene, leaving the dying woman behind. In her husband's arms, she knew her life was at an end, but there was still hope for the baby. Urging him, her dying wish was that he cut their baby from her stomach so that he didn't die along with her. With tearful eyes he obliged.

      It is said that when Dreyfus was taken from his mother's lifeless body, a scar was seen on the infant's chest, one that glowed with an eerie light to it, one shown with a blood-red hue to it. Being the only child of the Monteliyet family, Dreyfus grew up wanting for nothing, spoiled and coddled on by a father who saw him as the best dying gift his dear wife could give him. His family was among the military echelon, a family specialized in information.

      Having several networks of informants Dreyfus came to learn that the family was known as the "Wolves of Secrets". He soon grew to become an inquisitive and discerning mind, always seeing through to the tiny details. When he became old enough, he put that mind of his to great use, joining the Order of Reconciliation. He felt it was the least he could do to honor the memory of his mother. His father vehemently objected, but Dreyfus' mind could not be swayed.

      Seeing that his son would not change his mind on the matter, Dreyfus' father initiated him into both Kinetics & Summoning acquiring the respective permits for them after his recovery of the threshold sickness. Upon joining the Order, he was given the rune Negation, one he was proud to wield in memory of his mother.

      It was during this time he came to learn of the after-effect of his mother's death and his own birth. Whenever magic was around he found himself wracked with pain in the chest, the scar glowing bright, blood flowing from his eyes. He learned to use this unique affliction of his to hunt and track rogue mages.

      When not doing work for the order or hunting mages, he was helping with the side business of the family. As the family moniker suggests, the Wolves of Secrets, they also the Fangs of the Underworld. Dreyfus quickly became accustomed to working in the shadows of the criminal world, regulating those of Naferious means of business. This is where Dreyfus shined, dining the persona of the Scarlet Beast, a figure he uses to strike fear into the hearts of criminals.

      Update: After becoming a Vampyre
      A lot was revealed to him the last time he encountered his Aunt, Venetia Childs, the infamous "Red Witch, Demon Mage and scourge of Zaichaer." The implication is that the order had something to do with his mother's untimely end. It was also revealed that his curse, something he had dealt with his entire life, was in fact his aunt's attempt of saving him and his mother, by initiating them into Vitalis.

      With his last encounter with her, he was initiated into the lost and forbidden magic, and upon it being successful, was reborn anew as a Vampyre. With a new lease on life, he now has a fresh start to make his own way, and navigate his life now as a being beyond the realm of both life and death. His first stop is Kalzasi, to build his strength and bolster himself in the way of his new capabilities and powers under a more fitting name, Dante Vanhelsing.


Re: Dante Vanhelsing

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:17 pm
by Dreyfus

Living as a Vitalitasi:
  • Vitalitasi, vampyres, are no longer completely among the living nor are they completely among the dead either. The Mistlord Lyren has touched the power of Vitalis and has ushered it into the realm of Undeath. Upon being reborn, as their bodies are being reforged in the fires of the power now in their grasp, the vampyre experiences heightened senses, increased strength and stamina, and higher reflexes that are above that of the average member of their race. They become naturally resilient to disease as the Rune of Vitalis constantly works to expunge their bodies of impurities in an effort to feed on the purest expression of vitality as possible. As a consequence of this, vampyres that are healthy and well-fed appear invigorated with vitality. Their bodies are made hale and hearty. They often appear youthful. A Vitalitasi is functionally gifted with eternal life. So long as they continue to feed, their bodies will continue to be sustained.

    Because of this, cutting off a vampyre from the rune of Vitalis can be utterly devastating for their physiology. The rune is no longer sustaining them thus they can once again experience the weaknesses of mortality which can be a shocking experience. A vampyre severed from the power of their rune will experience a decline in their health, vitality, and even their sanity as the power that had been sustaining them is gone. Vitalitasi are thus extremely wary of powers that work to sever the functionality of magic for without it, they are effectively faced with the prospect of death and madness.
A Touch of the Aetherium:
  • In the case of Dreyfus, who crossed the boundary and had only the barest touch of the Aetherium in all of its infinite glory, his aura will be more potent sure. His magic likely manifests as more raw and he is now likely a bit more sensitive to the manifestation of aethereal occurrences (i.e. magic) in general.


☬ Apprentice - Red Like Rose Petals
  • {Cosmetic}
    - At his first awakening, Dante finds himself fixated on the color red, becoming enamored by the color in all its forms and variations. His eyes also change, becoming unsettling crimson with orange accents and a glow. These eyes give him the trait to see blood vessels in low light or dark areas, acting similar to night vision.
☬ Journeyman - Rose of Memories
  • {Psychomentry, Crystallize}
    - Memories are timeless, but the memories gleaned from those drained of their blood through Psychomentry fade after a while. The Rose of Memories acts as a way to prolong this. When Psychomentry is used after draining a victim Dante experiences their memory as if witnessing it himself. Dante is able to walk through the memory as if he was there when it happened, taking in the details of whatever memory he chooses. When the memory has finished, Dante will find that the memory has coalesced into a rose of crystallized blood through the use of Crystallize. This allows the vampyre to preserve the memory until he has need of it again. When in need of sharing information from the memory, Dante simply charges it with his own aether causing it to shatter into glittering dust that, once inhaled will allow those who breathe in that crystal dust to experience that memory as he did.
☬ Expert - Seeds of Power
  • {Crystallize, Brand}
    - Inscribing brands onto a target or individual can be tedious work for the vampyre, and being that this manifestation emulates roses it is not surprising for this quirk to appear in this way to help ease that tedium. By fashioning a seed of crystallized blood filled with his essence and vitale, Dante can implant that seed into an individual/victim allowing him to allow Brands to "Bloom". The Brand, when activated, blossoms into a crystal rose with the Brand burning in the center of it. This crystal rose also acts as an anchor for a total of two more Brands to "bloom" off of the rose as well.
☬ Master #1 - Set My Blood Aflame
  • {Combust, Thaumaturgy, Hemocraft}
    - Anger is an emotion that fuels him, drives him even, anger for his past, the treatment of his fellow mages, and those who hate magic. This anger burns so hotly, that one could say it boils his blood. As a master of Vitalis, Dante's blood takes a drastic transformation. Now whenever manipulating his own blood it ignites into bloodfire. This flaming blood takes on a red-violet hue when exposed to the air and burns with the highest level of searing pain to those that are caught in it. The flaming quality applies itself to all of the blood mage's abilities that manipulate and call for the use of blood. At master blood that he siphons and uses from other sources also takes on this quality once met by his aether and essence.
☬ Master #2 - Bloody Bloom
  • {Psychomentry, Vicissitude, Bloodseed}
    - When Bloodseed is invoked, Dante's new body is changed in a unique way. As the body grows through the process, memories from the heart used to act as the source for said seed seeps into the new body. It could be a change in facial structure, eye color, or hair color, and with vicissitudes, depending on his knowledge of the opposite gender or even another race, the new body could shift towards that. Mental traits can also happen to trickle down into the new body. Once the blood seed is set, Dante must plant the seed somewhere safe, beneath the earth, preferably a garden. As the bloodseed grows, a large rose bulb begins to grow until the body is fully developed, the rose bulb glowing blood red as the body awaits for the soul to occupy it. When Dante's soul does arrive, the giant rose bulb will bloom causing the new body to blossom from it. If he has an innate knowledge of the anatomy of another race or gender, he can effectively bloom into a woman or a different race.








  • Transformed back into his Original Face when he arrived in the Solunarium.

Dante Vanhelsing

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 6:14 pm
by Dreyfus
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
SkillSkill Level
Unarmed Combat(50/100)
SkillSkill Level
Saved XP
Saved CategoryXP Amount
Saved XP0
Saved Magic XP0
Saved Vitalis XP0
Saved Kinetics XP0
Saved Animus XP0
Saved Negation XP0
Saved Summoning XP0
ThreadPoints AwardedRunning Total
Skill Reallocation+4450
Care for a Drink+1010
Hunting Fire With Fire+414
Of Monteliyets and Farraways+418
Wolves Under the Moonlight+100
The Place Where It All Began+1028
Living on a Prayer+836
Cut A New Path+100
Saved XP-351
Midnight Musing+1010
Steamy Situations+1020
Uninvited Attention+1535
Saved XP-350
Solidarity in Chaos+45
Solidarity: Outside the Hobbled Gobbler+49
Moving Mountains Around+100
A New Arrival+100
Lost It to Trying+100
Come, Little Children+1010
Returning to the End+819
Problems & Solutions+827
We All Just Need A Little Push+120
Care for a Bite?+120
An Enthusiastic Stroll+1010
Planting Bloody Seeds 1+818
Planting Bloody Seeds 2+826
Inquisitive Inquiries Consequence-4216
Taking What's Due 1+816
Visiting the dangerous city+1016
What Was Lost and What Can Be Found+1531
The Birth of Something New+1041
The Coronation of a King+1555
Saved XP+550
Skill Reallocation: 445
  • Vitalis - 100
    Sculpting - 75
    Kinetics - 50
    Blades - 50
    Etiquette - 50
    Negation - 25
    Unarmed Combat - 25
    Gunslinging - 25
    Leadership - 25
    Investigation - 25
    Bodybuilding - 5
    Resistance - 5
    Spycraft - 5
    Research - 5
    Torture - 5
    Tactics - 5
    Acrobatics - 5
    Stealth - 5
    Psychology - 5
    Deception - 5
    Politics - 5
    Intimidation - 5
    Negotiation - 5
    Animus - 5

Care for a Drink: 10
  • Saved XP - 10

Hunting Fire With Fire: 4
  • Saved XP - 4

Of Monteliyets and Farraways: 4
  • Saved XP - 4

Wolves Under the Moonlight: 10
  • Kinetics - 10

The Place Where it All Began: 10
  • Saved XP - 10

Living on a Prayer: 8
  • Saved XP - 8

Cut A New Path: 10
  • Kinetics - 10

Saved XPr: 35
  • Leadership - 25
    Stealth -10

Midnight Musing: 10
  • Saved XP - 10

Steamy Situation: 10
  • Saved XP - 10

Uninvited Attention: 15
  • Kinetics - 15

Saved XPr: 35
  • Unarmed Combat - 25
    Stealth -10

Solidarity in Chaos: 4
  • Saved XP - 4

Solidarity: Outside the Hobbled Gobbler: 4
  • Saved XP - 4

Moving Mountains Around: 10
  • Kinetics - 10

A New Arrival: 10
  • Negation - 10

Lost It to Trying: 10
  • Negation - 10

Come, Little Children: 10
Saved XP - 10
Returning to the End: 8
Kinetics - 8
Problems & Solutions: 8
Saved XP - 8
We All Just Need A Little Push: 12
Investigation - 12
Saved XP: 27
Investigation - 27
Care for a Bite?: 12
Negation - 12
An Enthusiastic Stroll: 10
Saved XP - 10
Planting Bloody Seeds 1: 8
Saved XP - 8
Planting Bloody Seeds 2: 8
Saved XP - 8
Inquisitive Inquiries Consequence: 42
Subtraction of 42XP
Taking What's Due 1: 8
Leadership - 8
Visiting the dangerous city: 10
Kinetics - 10
What Was Lost and What Can Be Found: 15
Saved XP - 15
The Birth of Something New: 10
Saved XP - 10
The Coronation of a King: 15
Saved XP - 15
Saved XP: 55
Intimidation - 30
Negotiation - 20
Bodybuilding - 5

Re: Dante Vanhelsing

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:30 pm
by Dreyfus

Zaichaer's Golden Boy, Brenner
Brenner: Is aware of the tension in the city
Brenner: Rather young for an Air Commander
Brenner: Doesn't see the value in magic
Brenner: May prove useful in the future
Brenner: Is devoted to the state
Brenner: Speaks to me as if I’m an oddity
Brenner: Likes Gelerian Schnapps

First Impression:
  • A man that was both an annoyance and respectable individual for the Vampyre while alive. He always had a way of getting under Dreyfus's skin but meant no genuine harm to the Vampyre back then. May he find peace in his eternal rest, a true son of Zaichaer.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding

The Forlorned Girl, Jane
Jane: Is a Farraway

First Impression:
  • A shy and reserved woman at first glance, Dreyfus could easily see that he made her uncomfortable given the bad blood between their families, however, he was willing to extend an olive branch to her. He was surprised she accepted it and wanted to mend the bridge between their families.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding

The Demigod of Justice, Talon
Talon: Is Prince of Kalzasi
Talon: Knows nothing of Zaichaer's ways
Talon: Believes good intentions can change old-way views
Talon: Is noble but naive
Talon: Is more than meets the eye
Talon: Has gained my interest

First Impression:
  • Niave. Upon meeting the Prince of Kalzasi and given their exchange on the topic of Politics, Dreyfus viewed him as a naive idealist who wanted to change a city that was engrained in such rigid dogma. Since then an admiration if not infatuation with the prince has developed. Given his current status as a vampyre however, nothing may come of it and Dreyfus sees the inevitable clash of ideals between them in the future.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding

The Wolf of Kalzasi, Rickter
Rickter: Doesn’t like me all too well
Rickter: Disagrees with my methods
Rickter: Assaulted an officer(me!)
Rickter: The quiet and brooding type
Rickter: Doesn’t know how to control his emotions
Rickter: I owe him a punch to the face next time we meet

First Impression:
  • For some reason or another, he cant quite recall how he met this person or who they are to him. How strange?

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding

Elf of Mystery, Lyra
Lyra: Is an intriguing woman
Lyra: Proficient in Magic
Lyra: Isn't disturbed seeing me drink someone's blood
Lyra: Is rather amicable
Lyra: Not your typical elf
Lyra: Has weird blood
Lyra: Knows I'm not human or of any mortal race

First Impression:
  • A woman of intrgue and beauty, Dreyufs found mutual partnership in her. He brings her bodies and she gives him coin. He finds her odd nature and state of being fascinating.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding

Bundle of Curiosity, Hilana
Hilana: Is Vastian
Hilana: Is quite the curious young woman
Hilana: Has lived in the Solunarium all her life
Hilana: Finds magic fascinating
Hilana: Is interested with the outside world
Hilana: Is a human I dont mind their company
Hilana: Is a gentle and kind soul
Hilana: A very informative person

First Impression:
  • A woman of boundless curiosity and questions. What started as just a means to gain information became something that the vamyre has found to restore a small semblance of hope in humanity again.

Character Standing & Influence:
  • CategoryInfluenceStanding

Re: Draigomir Monteliyet

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 10:51 am
by Dreyfus


Motif - The Bloodfire Rose

  • Roses are something that Dreyfus has been fond of ever since he could remember, as they were his mother's favorite flower. As such the Rune of Vitalis manifests quirks as Dreyfus progresses within the magic that emulates this plant and exemplifies the beauty and deadly capabilities of a rose and Dreyfus' passion that burns like a fire in his blood blossoming him into a vampyre of elegance and awe-inspiring dread, as the Bloodfire Rose.


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Motif - The Controller

  • The Rune of Kinetics that resides on Dreyfus intermingles with his soul in a domineering way. It causes him to revel in controlling any and all things that enter the domain of his magic. This allows Dreyfus to have constant control over the shifting flux around them. As it grows with Dreyfus the two become what he feels to be a "controller", a surveyor of the flux in order to dominate the ebb and flow of the aether around him, akin to a spider dominating all within his web.


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Motif - Alpha Beast

  • TBA


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Motif - The Unyielding Force

  • TBA


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Motif - The Blood Fire Hellion
  • With the Rune of Summoning inscribed on him, Dante will start to shift to becoming a demon that haunts the nightmares of those that cross him, the personification of all they fear made flesh - the Blood Fire Hellion.


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Summoned Spirits

  • Blutsauger
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Aidolon - ???



Re: Dreyfus Monteliyet

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:43 am
by Dreyfus
1.Noble Combatant Variant

Basic Items


1 Fine Cloak
1 Pair of Black Leather Boots
1 Waterskin
1 A backpack that contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries
- 10 days of rations
- 1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
- Flint & Steel


Shadow Fang - LOST

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Mage Piercer - LOST

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Beocassir - LOST

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Solunarium Longsword


Blood Thorn & Scarlet Edge - Approval Link

☬ Blood Thorn & Scarlet Edge, the Roses of Slaughter ☬

Brief Notes on the Creation:
  • - The blades are made of an unknown metal and are surprisingly durable
    - the Longsword{Blood Thorn} is 6ft in length {5ft blade, 1ft hilt}, the Shortsword{Scarlet Edge} is 4ft in length {3ft blade, 1ft hilt}
    - Is rumored to be possessed by the spirit of the previous owner
    - Has a groove going down the center of the blades

History/Origin Story:
  • Not many know the true origins of this blade, but many suspect the worst. Some say it was a gift to Saranthis from an archdemon. Others believe a crazy weaponsmith forged the blade and cursed it. Many others think that the longsword is haunted, possessed by a spirit of destruction. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain. The blades change whosoever wields them in ways unimaginable. It is said that the sword will call out to those aligned with its twisted desires, granted if the rumors of something otherworldly residing in the sword are true. It takes a total of 4 hours for a single charge to be regained.

Powers/Abilities/Effects: Total Charges = 7
{Blood Petal Dance} - 3 Charges:
  • When aether is funneled into the weapon, the blade of the Blood Thorn flares up an eerie blood red as it turns into condensed blood before the blade separates into hundreds of scarlet rose petals, which then fly away from the hilt, leaving only the sword's handle in the wielder's hand. By swinging the hilt, the wielder is able to direct the petal fragments at will, allowing them to shred opponents at a distance and break through most defenses as the petals are razor-sharp fragments of blood. This power has an effective reach within a 90ft radius of the wielder and is effective for crowd-controlling groups of enemies or keeping distance between the wielder and their opponent.

{Vines of Life} - 1 Charges:
  • Requiring that the wielder channel their aether into the hilt of Scarlet Edge for a short period of time, the shortsword flares up and transforms into a number of glowing crimson thorned vines{Seven in total}. These vines move to grapple with and ensnare an opponent or victims. Once the opponent is sufficiently subdued the vines begin to grow energy buds that are being filled with the opponent's blood. The roses that are budding on these vines actually use it as a form of power source, siphoning the life energy from the opponent in order to fuel their growth. When the roses bloom the collected blood and life force that was taken either seriously incapacitate them or kills them in the amount lost. By chewing on the petals of the bloomed roses one's wounds are healed and their strength is revitalized.

{Amplify} - 3 Charges:
  • The final ability of this artefact is to take the aether/spells of the wielder and amplify it through the blades themselves. The aether/spells of the wielder become twice as strong and effective this way, but cost twice the amount of aether to wield. By doing this the weapon is empowered by said spells and utilizes them with ease. This is noted by the miasma that coats the blade. In the sword's wake, or an area about a couple of feet of radius, bears the magic of whatever spell is infusing the blades at a given moment while they are being swung. This makes it easier to land glancing hits that bear a vestige of the spell's power.


1 Set of Fine Casual Clothing - LOST

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Crimson Beast - LOST

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Scarlet Shadow


Treasures & Artifacts

Monteliyet Signet Ring - LOST

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Mother's Abjinurium Pendant - LOST

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  • Image
  • 1 of Average Quality
  • 9 of Minor Quality

Featherlight Bag

  • The magic upon this bag is passive. Enchanted through the use of Traversal magic. The bag contains a liminal space that is self-contained. The opening of the bag has a diameter of 24 in., provided an object can be placed within the bag through that space, it will fit inside of it. The bag can carry up to 600 lbs. (272 kg) of material. No matter how full the bag becomes, it will never weigh more than 2 lbs. (1 kg). The bag is proofed against the natural elements and resistant to tearing, however if the bag is breached, then the enchantment upon it is completely destroyed and all items inside of it spill out of the bag into the material realm. Withdrawing an item from the bag merely requires that the wearer think of the object and it will come to the user’s hand if it can be found within the bag itself. If no such object is in the bag, it will not come to the user’s hand.


Starting Gold +300 GP 300 GP
Glade Wages +819 GP 1,119 GP
Gift from Venetia +1,500 GP 2,619 GP
Website Update 6/16/22 +1,000 GP 3,619 GP
Scarlet Shadow Armor {Battle Robe} -2,500 GP 1,119 GP
Solunarium Longsword -75 GP 1,044 GP

Re: Ambrose Vanhelsing

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 12:22 am
by Dreyfus
Memory Threads
A New Arrival 19th of Frost 120 Collab Graded
Lost It to Trying X of Frost 120 Collab Graded
Come, Little Children 00th of Frost 120 Collab Graded
Year 121


Crimes of Sedition 8th Event/Prompt Graded
Clash of Wills 4th Collab Graded
Seeing Through Zaichaerian Eyes 72nd Collab Graded
Diplomatic Envoy 70th Open/Collab Graded


The Riverland Festival Gala Ⅰ 15th Open/Collab Graded
The Riverland Festival Gala Ⅱ 15th Open/Collab Graded
Gatekeepers 21st Collab Graded
A Wolf in the Windworks ??? Collab Graded
Debut 82nd Collab Graded
Hunting Fire with Fire 50th Collab Graded
Joint Endeavors 65th Collab Graded
A Question of Honor ??? Collab Graded
Throwing Your Weight Around 34th Collab Graded


Midnight Musing 17th AF/Collab Graded
The Throne 63rd Open/Collab Graded
Crimes of Venetia Childs 7th Solo Graded
Awakening the Beast 1st Solo Graded
Of Monteliyets and Farraways 6th Collab Graded
Retribution and Reconciliation 34th Open/Collab Graded
You Are Formerly Invited 2nd Collab Graded
Parties and Politics 4th Collab Graded
Making a Bloody Entrance 11th Solo Graded
The Final Goodbye 16th Solo Graded


My Soul For a Weapon 2nd Collab Ongoing
A Risky Encounter 20th Collab Graded
Year 122


The Place Where it All Began 2nd Collab Graded
The Power In My Blood 1 17th Solo Graded
The Power In My Blood 2 17th Solo Graded
The Power In My Blood 3 19th Solo Graded
The Power In My Blood 4 23rd Solo Graded
The Power In My Blood 5 25th Solo Graded
The Power In My Blood 6 25th Solo Graded
The Power In My Blood 7 25th Solo Graded
Wolves Under The Moonlight 9th Collab Graded
Dancing of Wolves 9th Collab Graded


Solidarity in Chaos 34th Collab Graded
Solidarity: Outside the Hobbled Gobbler 34th Collab Graded
Swan Song 34th Collab Graded
Cut A New Path 36th Collab Graded
Meeting at the Airship 49th Collab Graded
In For The Kill 3rd Collab Graded
Steamy Situations 54th Collab Graded
Living On a Prayer 48th Collab Graded


An Enthusiastic Stroll ??? Collab Graded/td]
Moving Mountains Around 43rd Collab Graded
Care for a Drink? 23rd Collab Graded
Care for a Bite? 23rd Collab Graded
Inquisitive Inquires 23rd Mod Graded
Uninvited Attention 72nd Mod Graded
Year 123


We All Just Need a Little Push 6th Mod Graded
Problems & Solutions 52nd Solo Graded
Returning to the End 52nd Solo Graded
What Was Lost and What Can Be Found 54th Mod Graded
Visiting the Dangerous City 53rd Collab Graded


The Coronation of a King 1st Collab/Mod Incomplete
Taking What's Due Ⅰ 7th Solo Graded
Planting Bloody Seeds Ⅰ 3rd Solo Graded
Planting Bloody Seeds Ⅱ 4th Solo Graded
Presidium Exploration 35th Collab Incomplete
Birth of Something New 51st Collab Graded


Depletions & Disappearances 3rd Mod Ongoing
The Room Where It Happens 40th Mod/Collab Ongoing
Year 124


Erwecke Das Biest 3rd Solo Incomplete


??? ??? ??? ???

Re: Dante Vanhelsing

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:50 am
by Dreyfus
♅ Blood Droplets



Race: Human
Age: 21
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 155 lbs

Occupation: Assistant, Bodyguard
Relation to PC: Companion, Bodyguard
NPC Type: Companion
Influence: 6

Description: TBA

Unarmed Combat50Journeyman



Race: Siltori/Human
Age: 52
Height: 6" 1'
Weight: 210lbs

Occupation: Assassin/Bounty Hunter
Relation to PC: Mentor
NPC Type: Mentor
Influence: 3

  • Brutal, Decisive, and Unforgiving are just a few words that come to mind when one speaks of Victor Tepish. Victor is remembered by many veterans of the Zaichaer military and even among some of the Kalzasi Military as the "Bloody Executioner". He is a man who has weathered both a harsh life and countless clashes against the toughest scourge of mages and warriors alike. Most of the time, he is apathetic, practical, and most often than not intimidating to those who have yet to get to know him.

    Despite his outwardly harsh demeanor, Dante has stated that behind his uninviting exterior is a fiercely loyal friend and a man of good humor, and someone not indifferent to suffering. He is also very protective of and loyal to those lucky enough to get past his emotional walls and won't hesitate to go to great lengths for those deemed worthy. He can also be kind-hearted and caring to the people he loved.

    Victor is also shown to be extremely adept at soothing intense, and at times bleak, situations and is a man who would much have people throw a punch then draw their steel.

Unarmed CombatExpert


Race: Vampyre (Formerly Siltori)
Age: 112
Height: 6" 2'
Weight: 213lbs

Occupation: Mercenary, Cult Leader
Relation to PC: Soul within Cairn Artefact
NPC Type: Companion?
Influence: 3

  • Saranthis was a mage of exceptional talent, a practitioner of Vitalis, Elementalism, & Reaving. Saranthis was known to be a very loving individual towards the mages of his flock and cared deeply for them. But he is quick to rage, especially when threatened or challenged by non-mages, as he would become extremely violent leaving nothing in his wake alive. While he was known to be wise and benevolent to his following, Saranthis had a darker side - he saw those without magic to be insignificant, less than human, and inferior as he believed mages were the next step in the evolutionary chain.

    His views came from a life of abuse and cruelty at the hands of those who preached antimagic dogma. He has seen firsthand and fervently believes that non-mages hunger for power they cannot control whereas mages sought knowledge to carve out a path to new heights. It is said that Saranthis began his blood cult sometime after meeting the Cult of Mending. He had been crucial in finding those sympathetic to their cause, climbing through the ranks of the cult.

    After proving himself both in the fields of battle, and in the field of society he was granted Vitalis by the Cult of Mending, and some say it was during that initiation, it is said by those close to Saranthis that he spoke of meeting someone, something that spoke to him about the power of blood. It is believed that this alleged encounter was the driving force in his actions.

    His journey to achieve goals only known by him was cut short however as he had his soul snatched from him. This was done during an attempt to form a pact weapon that was enchanted. It was a failure as he bit off more than he could chew, and fearful of what this failure would do to the reputation of the cult, the rumor of him being slain by a member of the cult of mending was what the truth became of his death.